1st Engrossment - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 04/18/2011 12:37pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 04/07/2011 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 04/18/2011 |
A bill for an act
relating to state government; changing a provision in geospatial advisory council
and extending the expiration date; amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, section
16B.99, subdivision 8; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16B.99,
subdivision 9.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16B.99, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
The chief geospatial information
officer must establish a governance structure that includes advisory councils to provide
recommendations for improving the operations and management of geospatial technology
within state government and also on issues of importance to users of geospatial technology
throughout the state.
(a) A statewide geospatial advisory council must advise the Minnesota Geospatial
Information Office regarding the improvement of services statewide through the
coordinated, affordable, reliable, and effective use of geospatial technology. The
commissioner of administration must appoint the members of the council. The members
must represent a cross-section of organizations including counties, cities, universities,
business, nonprofit organizations, federal agencies, new text begin tribal governments, new text end and state agencies.
No more than 20 percent of the members may be employees of a state agency. In addition,
the chief geospatial information officer must be a nonvoting member.
(b) A state government geospatial advisory council must advise the Minnesota
Geospatial Information Office on issues concerning improving state government services
through the coordinated, affordable, reliable, and effective use of geospatial technology.
The commissioner of administration must deleted text begin appoint the members of the council. The
members must representdeleted text end new text begin designatenew text end up to 15 state government agencies and constitutional
offices, including the Office of Enterprise Technology and the Minnesota Geospatial
Information Officenew text begin , to be represented on the councilnew text end . The council must be chaired by the
chief geographic information officer. A representative of the statewide geospatial advisory
council must serve as a nonvoting member.
(c) Members of both the statewide geospatial advisory council and the state
government advisory council must be recommended by a process that ensures that
each member is designated to represent a clearly identified agency or interested party
category deleted text begin and that compliesdeleted text end new text begin . Members of the statewide geospatial advisory council must be
selected in compliancenew text end with the state's open appointment process. new text begin Members of the state
government geospatial advisory council must be appointed by the heads of their respective
agencies or constitutional offices. new text end Members shall serve a term of two years.
(d) The Minnesota Geospatial Information Office must provide administrative
support for both geospatial advisory councils.
(e) This subdivision expires June 30, deleted text begin 2011deleted text end new text begin 2015new text end .
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Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16B.99, subdivision 9,
new text end
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is repealed.
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Sections 1 and 2 are effective June 30, 2011.
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