Minnesota Senate









KEY: stricken = old language to be removed
         underscored = new language to be added
Authors and Status

S.R. No. 86, as introduced: 91st Legislative Session (2019-2020) Posted on April 23, 2019

1.1A Senate resolution
1.2commemorating the celebration of Education and Sharing Day, Minnesota.
1.3WHEREAS, excellence in education is vital to the success of our state and in Minnesota we
1.4seek to prepare our students for the future by providing each child and adolescent with a quality
1.5education; and
1.6WHEREAS, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory, dedicated his
1.7life to the betterment of mankind, tirelessly advocating for a better education for all Americans,
1.8and established thousands of educational and humanitarian centers in over 100 countries and in all
1.950 states of the Union; and
1.10WHEREAS, the Rebbe taught that education is not merely the acquisition of knowledge
1.11and preparation for a career, but primarily the building of character, emphasizing the universal
1.12moral and ethical values that are the basis of any peaceful civilized society; and
1.13WHEREAS, the United States Congress has established Education and Sharing Day, USA
1.14as an annual national day to commemorate the Rebbe's achievements and recognize that the lessons
1.15and vision he set forth are relevant to us all today; and
1.16NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it
1.17recognizes the celebration of Education and Sharing Day, Minnesota.
1.18BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an
1.19enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the
1.20Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to Chabad Lubavitch.
Cal R. LudemanSecretary of the Senate Paul E. GazelkaChair, Senate Committee onRules and Administration
Paul T. AndersonState Senator, District 44

Minnesota Senate red diamond image Minnesota Senate Bldg. red diamond image 95 University Avenue W. red diamond image St. Paul, MN 55155