as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 05/20/2023 03:17pm
A bill for an act
relating to higher education; creating an institutional grant program for realtime
stenographic writer training; requiring reports; appropriating money.
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(a) The commissioner of the Office of
Higher Education must establish a grant program for eligible institutions under Minnesota
Statutes, section 136A.103, to promote the training and job placement of realtime
stenographic writers, including court reporters and closed captioning.
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(b) The grant application must include (1) a description of the training and assistance
to be funded using the grant amount, including how the training and assistance will increase
the number of realtime stenographic writers, and (2) a description of how the eligible
institution intends to continue providing the training and assistance to be funded by the
grant after the end of the grant period. The commissioner may determine additional
application requirements and establish deadlines to which Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14,
including Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386, do not apply.
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(a) The commissioner must award two grants of $300,000
each year beginning the 2024-2025 academic year until the appropriation is expended. One
grantee must be in the seven-county metropolitan area as defined by Minnesota Statutes,
section 473.121, subdivision 2. The other grantee must be outside of the seven-county
metropolitan area.
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(b) The commissioner shall give a priority to eligible institutions that:
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(1) possess the most substantial capability to increase their capacity to train realtime
stenographic writers;
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(2) demonstrate the most promising collaboration with educational institutions, businesses,
labor organizations, or other community groups having the potential to train or provide job
placement assistance to realtime stenographic writers; or
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(3) propose the most promising and innovative approaches for initiating or expanding
training or job placement assistance efforts with respect to realtime stenographic writers.
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(c) The first grants must be awarded for the 2024-2025 academic year.
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(a) If an eligible institution uses any of
the grant money under this section for individual grants or scholarships, the grant or
scholarship must comply with this paragraph. The amount of the grant or scholarship must
be based on the amount of need of the scholarship recipient for financial assistance. To be
eligible to receive a grant or scholarship under this section, a recipient must enter into an
agreement with the enrolling school to be employed as a realtime stenographic writer for
six months for each semester or equivalent in which the person receives a grant or
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(b) The commissioner must establish requirements for employment for recipients of
grants or scholarships under paragraph (a), including requirements for repayment of grant
or scholarship amounts in the event of failure to meet the requirements for employment.
The commissioner may waive, in whole or in part, the requirements for repayment of grant
or scholarship amounts on the basis of economic conditions which may affect the ability of
scholarship recipients to find work as realtime stenographic writers. The requirements and
waivers under this paragraph are not subject to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, including
Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386.
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(a) By January 15 in any fiscal year an eligible institution receives
a grant, the institution must submit a report to the commissioner of the Office of Higher
Education. The report must include:
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(1) an assessment by the institution of the effectiveness of activities carried out using
such funds in increasing the number of realtime stenographic writers; and
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(2) a description of the best practices identified by the eligible institution for increasing
realthe number of individuals who are trained, employed, and retained in employment as
realtime stenographic writers.
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(b) In any year the commissioner of the Office of Higher Education receives a report
under paragraph (a), the commissioner must report to the legislative committees with
jurisdiction over higher education the results of the reports under paragraph (a) and
recommendations for the program.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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$3,150,000 in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner
of the Office of Higher Education for purposes of section 1. This is a onetime appropriation
and is available through June 30, 2029. The commissioner may use up to five percent of
this appropriation for administrative costs.
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