as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 03/13/2018 09:53am
A bill for an act
relating to health; establishing an advisory council on pediatric autoimmune
neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric
acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 144.
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The commissioner of health shall establish
an advisory council on pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with
streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
(PANS) to advise the commissioner regarding research, diagnosis, treatment, and education
relating to PANDAS and PANS.
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(a) The advisory council shall consist of 13 public members
appointed according to paragraph (b) and two members of the legislature appointed according
to paragraph (c).
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(b) The commissioner shall appoint the following public members to the advisory council
in the manner provided in section 15.0597:
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(1) an immunologist who is licensed by the Board of Medical Practice and who has
experience treating PANS with the use of intravenous immunoglobulin;
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(2) a health care provider who is licensed and practicing in Minnesota and who has
experience treating persons with PANS and autism spectrum disorder;
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(3) a representative of a nonprofit PANS advocacy organization;
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(4) a family practice physician who is licensed by the Board of Medical Practice and
practicing in Minnesota and who has experience treating persons with PANS;
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(5) a medical researcher with experience conducting research on PANDAS, PANS,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other neurological disorders;
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(6) a health care provider who is licensed and practicing in Minnesota and who has
expertise in treating patients with eating disorders;
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(7) a representative of a professional organization in Minnesota for school psychologists
or school social workers;
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(8) a child psychiatrist who is licensed by the Board of Medical Practice and practicing
in Minnesota and who has experience treating persons with PANS;
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(9) a pediatrician who is licensed by the Board of Medical Practice and practicing in
Minnesota and who has experience treating persons with PANS;
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(10) a representative of an organization focused on autism spectrum disorder;
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(11) a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with PANS and autism spectrum disorder;
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(12) a social worker licensed by the Board of Social Work and practicing in Minnesota;
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(13) a designee of the commissioner of education with expertise in special education.
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(c) Legislative members shall be appointed to the advisory council as follows:
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(1) the Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and Administration
in the senate shall appoint one member from the senate; and
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(2) the speaker of the house shall appoint one member from the house of representatives.
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(d) The commissioner of health or a designee shall serve as a nonvoting member of the
advisory council.
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Members of the advisory council shall serve for a term of three years
and may be reappointed. Members shall serve until their successors have been appointed.
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The commissioner of health or the commissioner's designee
shall provide meeting space and administrative services for the advisory council.
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Public members of the advisory council shall
not receive compensation but may be reimbursed for allowed actual and necessary expenses
incurred in the performance of the member's duties for the advisory council, in the same
manner and amount as authorized by the commissioner's plan adopted under section 43A.18,
subdivision 2.
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(a) At the advisory council's first meeting, and every two
years thereafter, the members of the advisory council shall elect from among their
membership a chair and a vice-chair, whose duties shall be established by the advisory
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(b) The chair of the advisory council shall fix a time and place for regular meetings. The
advisory council shall meet at least four times each year at the call of the chair or at the
request of a majority of the advisory council's members.
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The advisory council shall:
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(1) advise the commissioner regarding research, diagnosis, treatment, and education
relating to PANDAS and PANS;
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(2) annually develop recommendations on the following issues related to PANDAS and
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(i) practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment;
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(ii) ways to increase clinical awareness and education of PANDAS and PANS among
pediatricians, other physicians, school-based health centers, and providers of mental health
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(iii) outreach to educators and parents to increase awareness of PANDAS and PANS;
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(iv) development of a network of volunteer experts on the diagnosis and treatment of
PANDAS and PANS to assist in education and research; and
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(3) by October 1, 2019, and each October 1 thereafter, complete an annual report with
the advisory council's recommendations on the issues listed in clause (2), and submit the
report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with
jurisdiction over health care and education. The commissioner shall also post a copy of each
annual report on the Department of Health Web site.
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The advisory council expires October 1, 2024.
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The appointing authorities shall appoint the first members of the advisory council on
PANDAS and PANS under Minnesota Statutes, section 144.131, no later than October 1,
2018. The commissioner of health shall convene the first meeting by November 1, 2018,
and the commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall act as chair until the advisory
council elects a chair at its first meeting. Notwithstanding the length of terms specified in
Minnesota Statutes, section 144.131, subdivision 3, at the first meeting of the advisory
council, the chair elected by the members shall determine by lot one-third of the advisory
council members whose terms shall expire on September 30 of the calendar year following
the year of first appointment, one-third of the advisory council members whose terms shall
expire on September 30 of the second calendar year following the year of first appointment,
and the remaining advisory council members whose terms shall expire on September 30 of
the third calendar year following the year of first appointment.
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