as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 07/23/2018 03:12pm
A bill for an act
relating to education; assigning authority for pupil transportation for certain
homeless students; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2016,
section 120A.20, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 120A.20, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) Notwithstanding
subdivision 1, a district must not deny free admission to a homeless pupil solely because
the district cannot determine that the pupil is a resident of the district.
(b) The school district of residence for a homeless pupil shall be the school district in
which the parent or legal guardian resides, unless: (1) parental rights have been terminated
by court order; (2) the parent or guardian is not living within the state; or (3) the parent or
guardian having legal custody of the child is an inmate of a Minnesota correctional facility
or is a resident of a halfway house under the supervision of the commissioner of corrections.
If any of clauses (1) to (3) apply, the school district of residence shall be the school district
in which the pupil resided when the qualifying event occurred. If no other district of residence
can be established, the school district of residence shall be the school district in which the
pupil currently resides. If there is a dispute between school districts regarding residency,
the district of residence is the district designated by the commissioner of education.
(c) new text begin Except as provided in paragraph (d), new text end the serving district is responsible for transporting
a homeless pupil to and from the pupil's district of residence. The district may transport
from a permanent home in another district but only through the end of the academic school
year. When a pupil is enrolled in a charter school, the district or school that provides
transportation for other pupils enrolled in the charter school is responsible for providing
transportation. When a homeless student with or without an individualized education program
attends a public school other than an independent or special school district or charter school,
the district of residence is responsible for transportation.
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(d) For a homeless pupil with an individualized education plan enrolled in a program
authorized by an intermediate school district, special education cooperative, service
cooperative, or education district, the serving district at the time of the pupil's enrollment
in the program remains responsible for transporting that pupil for the remainder of the school
year, unless the initial serving district and the current serving district mutually agree that
the current serving district is responsible for transporting the homeless pupil.
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This section is effective July 1, 2018.
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