as introduced - 81st Legislature (1999 - 2000) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to appropriations; modifying certain state 1.3 government provisions; amending Minnesota Statutes 1.4 1999 Supplement, section 16A.129, subdivision 3; Laws 1.5 1999, chapter 250, article 1, sections 11 and 14, 1.6 subdivision 3; repealing Laws 1999, chapter 250, 1.7 article 1, section 15, subdivision 4. 1.8 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.9 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, section 1.10 16A.129, subdivision 3, is amended to read: 1.11 Subd. 3. [CASH ADVANCES.] When the operations of any 1.12 nongeneral fund account would be impeded by projected cash 1.13 deficiencies resulting from delays in the receipt of grants, 1.14 dedicated income, or other similar receivables, and when the 1.15 deficiencies would be corrected within the budget period 1.16 involved, the commissioner of finance may use general fund cash 1.17 reserves to meet cash demands. If funds are transferred from 1.18 the general fund to meet cash flow needs, the cash flow 1.19 transfers must be returned to the general fund as soon as 1.20 sufficient cash balances are available in the account to which 1.21 the transfer was made.The fund to which general fund cash was1.22advanced must pay interest on the cash advance at a rate1.23comparable to the rate earned by the state on invested1.24treasurer's cash, as determined monthly by the commissioner. An1.25amount necessary to pay the interest is appropriated from the1.26nongeneral fund to which the cash advance was made.Any 2.1 interest earned on general fund cash flow transfers accrues to 2.2 the general fund and not to the accounts or funds to which the 2.3 transfer was made. The commissioner may advance general fund 2.4 cash reserves to nongeneral fund accounts where the receipts 2.5 from other governmental units cannot be collected within the 2.6 budget period. 2.7 Sec. 2. Laws 1999, chapter 250, article 1, section 11, is 2.8 amended to read: 2.9 Sec. 11. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC 2.10 AND LONG-RANGE PLANNING 6,891,000 4,417,000 2.11 $100,000 the first year is to integrate 2.12 the office's information technology and 2.13 is available until June 30, 2003. The 2.14 director shall report on the progress 2.15 of the unit to the chairs of the 2.16 legislative committees responsible for 2.17 this budget item by January 15, 2000, 2.18 2001, and 2002. 2.19 $1,600,000 the first year is for a 2.20 generic environmental impact statement 2.21 on animal agriculture. 2.22 $200,000 the first year is to perform 2.23 program evaluations of agencies in the 2.24 executive branch. 2.25 The program evaluation division will 2.26 report to the legislature by December 2.27 1, 2000, ways to reduce state 2.28 government expenditures by five to ten 2.29 percent. 2.30 $100,000 the first year is to provide 2.31 administrative support to 2.32 community-based planning efforts. 2.33 $150,000 the first year is for a grant 2.34 of $50,000 to the southwest regional 2.35 development commission for the 2.36 continuation of the pilot program and 2.37 two additional grants of $50,000 each 2.38 to regional development commissions or, 2.39 in regions not served by regional 2.40 development commissions, to regional 2.41 organizations selected by the director 2.42 of strategic and long-range planning, 2.43 to support planning work on behalf of 2.44 local units of government. The 2.45 planning work shall include, but need 2.46 not be limited to: 2.47 (1) development of local zoning 2.48 ordinances; 2.49 (2) land use plans; 2.50 (3) community or economic development 2.51 plans; 2.52 (4) transportation and transit plans; 3.1 (5) solid waste management plans; 3.2 (6) wastewater management plans; 3.3 (7) workforce development plans; 3.4 (8) housing development plans and/or 3.5 market analysis; 3.6 (9) rural health service plans; 3.7 (10) natural resources management 3.8 plans; or 3.9 (11) development of geographical 3.10 information systems database to serve a 3.11 region's needs, including hardware and 3.12 software purchases and related labor 3.13 costs. 3.14 $200,000 the first year is to prepare 3.15 the generic environmental impact 3.16 statement on urban development required 3.17 by section 108. Any unencumbered 3.18 balance remaining in the first year 3.19 does not cancel and is available for 3.20 the second year of the biennium. 3.21 $24,000 the first year is for the 3.22 southwest Minnesota wind monitoring 3.23 project. 3.24 $100,000 the first year is for a grant 3.25 to the city of Mankato to complete the 3.26 Mankato area growth management and 3.27 planning study, phase 2. The 3.28 appropriation is available until June 3.29 30, 2002. The appropriation must be 3.30 matched by an in-kind donation of 3.31 $100,000 in administrative, technical, 3.32 and higher educational internship 3.33 support and supervision. The value of 3.34 the in-kind donations must be 3.35 determined by the commissioner of 3.36 finance. 3.37 The city shall serve as fiscal agent to 3.38 complete the study under the 1997 3.39 regional planning joint powers 3.40 agreement among the cities of Mankato, 3.41 North Mankato, and Eagle Lake; the 3.42 counties of Nicollet and Blue Earth; 3.43 and the towns of Mankato, South Bend, 3.44 Lime, Decoria, and Belgrade, without 3.45 limitation on the rights of the parties 3.46 to that agreement to add or remove 3.47 members. The study is intended as an 3.48 alternative to community-based 3.49 planning. The study is intended to 3.50 develop information and analysis to 3.51 provide guidance on such issues as: 3.52 (1) the development of joint planning 3.53 agreements to implement a unified 3.54 growth management strategy; 3.55 (2) joint service ventures, such as 3.56 planning or zoning administration in 3.57 urban fringe areas; 3.58 (3) orderly growth and annexation 4.1 agreements between cities and 4.2 townships; 4.3 (4) feedlot regulations in urban fringe 4.4 areas and future growth corridors; 4.5 (5) service strategies for unsewered 4.6 subdivisions; 4.7 (6) other joint ventures for city, 4.8 county, and township service delivery 4.9 in fringe areas; 4.10 (7) feasibility of a rural township 4.11 taxing district; and 4.12 (8) alternatives to the current 4.13 community-based planning legislation 4.14 that would add flexibility and improve 4.15 the planning process. 4.16 The city of Mankato shall report the 4.17 results of the study to the legislature 4.18 by January 15, 2002. 4.19 Sec. 3. Laws 1999, chapter 250, article 1, section 14, 4.20 subdivision 3, is amended to read: 4.21 Subd. 3. Information and 4.22 Management Services 4.23 16,643,000 9,932,000 4.24$100,000 the first year is for a grant4.25to the city of Mankato to complete the4.26Mankato area growth management and4.27planning study, phase 2. The4.28appropriation is available until June4.2930, 2002. The appropriation must be4.30matched by an in-kind donation of4.31$100,000 in administrative, technical,4.32and higher educational internship4.33support and supervision. The value of4.34the in-kind donations must be4.35determined by the commissioner of4.36finance.4.37The city shall serve as fiscal agent to4.38complete the study under the 19974.39regional planning joint powers4.40agreement among the cities of Mankato,4.41North Mankato, and Eagle Lake; the4.42counties of Nicollet and Blue Earth;4.43and the towns of Mankato, South Bend,4.44Lime, Decoria, and Belgrade, without4.45limitation on the rights of the parties4.46to that agreement to add or remove4.47members. The study is intended as an4.48alternative to community-based4.49planning. The study is intended to4.50develop information and analysis to4.51provide guidance on such issues as:4.52(1) the development of joint planning4.53agreements to implement a unified4.54growth management strategy;4.55(2) joint service ventures, such as4.56planning or zoning administration in4.57urban fringe areas;5.1(3) orderly growth and annexation5.2agreements between cities and5.3townships;5.4(4) feedlot regulations in urban fringe5.5areas and future growth corridors;5.6(5) service strategies for unsewered5.7subdivisions;5.8(6) other joint ventures for city,5.9county, and township service delivery5.10in fringe areas;5.11(7) feasibility of a rural township5.12taxing district; and5.13(8) alternatives to the current5.14community-based planning legislation5.15that would add flexibility and improve5.16the planning process.5.17The city of Mankato shall report the5.18results of the study to the legislature5.19by January 15, 2002.5.20 $6,839,000 the first year is a one-time 5.21 appropriation to upgrade the human 5.22 resources and payroll system and is 5.23 available until June 30, 2003. The 5.24 commissioner shall report on the 5.25 progress of this project to the chairs 5.26 of the legislative committees 5.27 responsible for this budget item by 5.28 January 15, 2000, 2001, and 2002. 5.29 The commissioner of finance shall work 5.30 with the commissioners of employee 5.31 relations and administration and shall 5.32 develop as part of the human resource 5.33 and payroll systems upgrade, and submit 5.34 to the chairs of the senate 5.35 governmental operations budget division 5.36 and the house state government finance 5.37 committee by January 15, 2000, a 5.38 long-range plan for the statewide 5.39 business systems: human resources, 5.40 payroll, accounting, and procurement. 5.41 The plan must detail each system's 5.42 original development costs, its 5.43 expected life cycle, the estimated cost 5.44 of upgrading software to newer versions 5.45 during its life cycle, its operating 5.46 costs to date, and the factors that are 5.47 expected to drive future operating 5.48 costs within the departments of 5.49 finance, administration, and employee 5.50 relations. The plan must also include 5.51 an evaluation of and recommendations on 5.52 whether, for the statewide business 5.53 systems, the state should use software 5.54 that is developed and maintained in 5.55 house; proprietary software, either 5.56 modified or unmodified; a private 5.57 vendor; or a particular combination of 5.58 these options. 5.59 The commissioner of finance, in 5.60 consultation with senate and house 5.61 fiscal staff and the commissioner of 5.62 administration, shall develop 6.1 recommendations for inclusion in the 6.2 governor's fiscal year 2002-2003 budget 6.3 document on the presentation of 6.4 internal service funds. The 6.5 commissioner of finance shall submit 6.6 the recommendations to the chairs of 6.7 the senate governmental operations 6.8 budget division and the house state 6.9 government finance committee by January 6.10 15, 2000. 6.11 The department shall prepare a separate 6.12 budget book for the biennium beginning 6.13 July 1, 2001, containing all of the 6.14 administration's technology 6.15 initiatives. The book must also 6.16 include a complete inventory of 6.17 state-owned and leased technology, 6.18 along with a projected replacement 6.19 schedule. The inventory must include 6.20 information on how the technology fits 6.21 into the state's master plan. 6.22 Sec. 4. [REPEALER.] 6.23 Laws 1999, chapter 250, article 1, section 15, subdivision 6.24 4, is repealed.