as introduced - 84th Legislature (2005 - 2006) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
A bill for an act
relating to transportation; requiring Metropolitan Council to study and report on
feasibility of use of light rail transit in the I-394 corridor; appropriating money.
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The Metropolitan Council shall conduct a study of the feasibility of the use of light
rail transit in the marked Interstate Highway 394 corridor between downtown Minneapolis
and Ridgedale Drive in Minnetonka, with the alternative of extending to Wayzata. The
Metropolitan Council may hire a consultant to assist in the study and report under section 3.
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The light rail transit feasibility study shall include, without limitation:
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(1) an identification of major operational characteristics of light rail transit in the
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(2) a quantification of capital and operating costs;
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(3) an evaluation of the interface of the light rail transit system with other
transportation systems in the corridor;
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(4) an evaluation of the impact of the light rail transit system on land-use and urban
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(5) an estimate of the cost and impact of necessary associated exercise of eminent
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(6) an evaluation of the impact of the light rail transit system on energy and the
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(7) a comparison of the light rail transit system with multipassenger alternatives
such as buses and carpools;
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(8) an estimate of ridership potential;
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(9) a cost-benefit analysis that compares the total cost of the project with the benefits
of the light rail transit line, to its users, other users of the highway, and adjacent property
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(10) an identification of potential sources of federal, state, local, private, and other
funds; and
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(11) an identification of the conditions necessary for light rail transit to be feasible in
the marked Interstate Highway 394 corridor.
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The Metropolitan Council shall prepare a written report of this study and submit
it no later than September 14, 2006, to the legislature, in compliance with Minnesota
Statutes, sections 3.195 and 3.197, and to the chairs and ranking minority members of the
senate and house committees with jurisdiction over transportation.
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$500,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Metropolitan Council for the
purpose of conducting this study and preparing this report.
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This act is effective the day following final enactment.
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