2nd Engrossment - 81st Legislature (1999 - 2000) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to state government; defining a term for the 1.3 purposes of chapter 16A; regulating fees of the 1.4 secretary of state; regulating the filing of annual 1.5 registrations by corporations and other business 1.6 entities with the secretary of state; providing for 1.7 technical amendments to provisions regarding digital 1.8 signatures; allowing the extension of duration of 1.9 certain nonprofit corporations; amending Minnesota 1.10 Statutes 1998, sections 5.12, subdivision 1; 5.14; 1.11 16A.011, by adding a subdivision; 302A.821; 303.14, 1.12 subdivision 1; 303.21, subdivision 3; 317A.801, 1.13 subdivision 1; 317A.823; 317A.827; 318.02, by adding a 1.14 subdivision; 322B.960; 323A.10-03; 325K.07, 1.15 subdivision 3; 325K.10, subdivisions 1 and 2; 325K.18, 1.16 subdivision 3; 325K.19; and 325K.23; Minnesota 1.17 Statutes 1999 Supplement, sections 325K.05, 1.18 subdivision 1; and 336.9-411; proposing coding for new 1.19 law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 5; and 308A; 1.20 repealing Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 303.07, 1.21 subdivision 2; 303.14, subdivisions 3, 4, and 5; and 1.22 322B.960, subdivision 3. 1.23 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.24 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 5.12, 1.25 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 1.26 Subdivision 1. [FEES.] The secretary of state shall charge 1.27 a fee of $5 for each certificate or certification of a copy of 1.28 any document filed in the office of the secretary of state. The 1.29 secretary of state shall charge a fee of $3 for a copy of an 1.30 original filing of a corporation, limited partnership, trade or 1.31 service mark, or for the complete record of a certificate of 1.32 assumed name. The secretary of state shall charge a fee of $3 1.33 for a copy of any or all subsequent filings of a corporation, 1.34 limited partnership, or trade or service mark. The secretary of 2.1 state shall charge a fee of $1 per page for copies of other 2.2 nonuniform commercial code documents filed with the secretary of 2.3 state. At the time of filing, the secretary of state may 2.4 provide at the public counter, without charge, a copy of a 2.5 filing, ten or fewer pages in length, to the person making the 2.6 filing. 2.7 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 5.14, is amended 2.8 to read: 2.9 5.14 [TRANSACTION SURCHARGE.] 2.10 The secretary of state may impose a surcharge of $20 on 2.11 each transaction involvingover-the-counterexpedited service 2.12 thattakes place atis provided by the office of the secretary 2.13 of state. 2.14 Sec. 3. [5.29] [BULK AGENT NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGES.] 2.15 The filing fee charged for filing an amendment is charged 2.16 for each document filed when a registered agent changes its name 2.17 or office address pursuant to sections 302A.123, subdivision 3, 2.18 303.10, 308A.025, subdivision 5, 317A.123, subdivision 3, 2.19 318.02, and 322B.135, subdivision 3, and chapters 322A, 323, and 2.20 323A, but the cumulative fee shall not exceed $10,000 for 2.21 entities governed by the provisions of chapters 302A, 303, 308A, 2.22 317A, 318, 322A, 322B, 323, and 323A. 2.23 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 16A.011, is 2.24 amended by adding a subdivision to read: 2.25 Subd. 12a. [EXECUTIVE BRANCH STATE AGENCY.] "Executive 2.26 branch state agency" means an agency in the executive branch of 2.27 state government, but does not include constitutional officers. 2.28 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 302A.821, is 2.29 amended to read: 2.30 302A.821 [MINNESOTA CORPORATE REGISTRATION.] 2.31 Subdivision 1. [INFORMATION REQUIREDANNUAL REGISTRATION 2.32 FORM.] Each calendar year beginning in the calendar year 2.33 following the calendar year in which a corporation incorporates, 2.34 the secretary of state must mail by first class mail an annual 2.35 registration form to the registered office of each corporation 2.36 as shown on the records of the secretary of state. The form 3.1 must include the following notice: 3.2 "NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this 3.3 year will result in this corporation losing its good standing 3.4 without further notice from the secretary of state." 3.5 Subd. 2. [INFORMATION REQUIRED.] A domestic corporation 3.6 shallonce each calendar yearfile with the secretary of state a 3.7 registration by December 31 each calendar year containing: 3.8 (a) the name of the corporation; 3.9 (b) the address of its principal executive office, if 3.10 different from the registered office address; 3.11 (c) the address of its registered office and the name of 3.12 the registered agent, if any; 3.13 (d) the state of incorporation; and 3.14 (e) the name and business address of the officer or other 3.15 person exercising the principal functions of the chief executive 3.16 officer of the corporation. 3.17 Subd.23. [INFORMATION PUBLIC.] The information required 3.18 by subdivision12 is public data. Chapter 13 does not apply to 3.19 this information. 3.20Subd. 3. [LOSS OF GOOD STANDING.] A corporation that fails3.21to file a registration pursuant to the requirements of3.22subdivision 1 loses its good standing in this state. The3.23corporation may regain its good standing in this state by filing3.24a single annual registration and paying a $25 fee.3.25Subd. 4. [NOTICE OF REPEATED VIOLATION.] If a corporation3.26fails for three consecutive years to file a registration3.27pursuant to the requirements of subdivision 1, the secretary of3.28state shall give notice by first class mail to the corporation3.29at its registered office that it has violated this section and3.30is subject to dissolution by the office of the secretary of3.31state if the delinquent registration is not filed pursuant to3.32subdivision 1 and the $25 fee paid within 60 days after the3.33mailing of the notice. For purposes of this subdivision,3.34"delinquent registration" means a single annual registration.3.35 Subd.54. [PENALTY.] (a) A corporation that has 3.36 failedfor three consecutive yearsto file a registration 4.1 pursuant to the requirements of subdivision12, has been4.2notified of the failure pursuant to subdivision 4, and has4.3failed to file the delinquent registration during the 60-day4.4period described in subdivision 4, shallmust be dissolved by 4.5 the secretary of state as described in paragraph (b). 4.6 (b)Immediately after the expiration of the 60-day period4.7described in paragraph (a),If the corporation has not filed the 4.8delinquentregistration, the secretary of state shall issue a4.9certificate of involuntary dissolution, and a copy of the4.10certificate shall be filed in the office of the secretary of4.11state. The original certificate shall be sent to the registered4.12office of the corporation.for three consecutive calendar years, 4.13 the secretary of state shall send by forwardable United States 4.14 mail to the registered office of the corporation a postcard 4.15 notifying the corporation that the corporation will be dissolved 4.16 if no registration is filed with a $25 fee pursuant to this 4.17 section by the beginning of the following calendar year. The 4.18 secretary of state shall annually inform the attorney general 4.19 and the commissioner of revenue of the methods by which the 4.20 names of corporations dissolved under this section during the 4.21 preceding year may be determined. The secretary of state must 4.22 also make available in an electronic format the names of the 4.23 dissolved corporations. A corporation dissolved in this manner 4.24 is not entitled to the benefits of section 302A.781. The 4.25 liability, if any, of the shareholders of a corporation 4.26 dissolved in this manner shall be determined and limited in 4.27 accordance with section 302A.557, except that the shareholders 4.28 shall have no liability to any director of the corporation under 4.29 section 302A.559, subdivision 2. 4.30Subd. 6. [REINSTATEMENT.] A corporation may, within one4.31year of the date of the statutory dissolution, retroactively4.32reinstate its corporate existence by filing a single annual4.33registration and paying a $25 fee. Filing the annual4.34registration with the secretary of state:4.35(1) returns the corporation to active status as of the date4.36of the statutory dissolution;5.1(2) validates contracts or other acts within the authority5.2of the articles, and the corporation is liable for those5.3contracts or acts; and5.4(3) restores to the corporation all assets and rights of5.5the corporation and its shareholders to the extent they were5.6held by the corporation and its shareholders before the5.7statutory dissolution occurred, except to the extent that assets5.8or rights were affected by acts occurring after the dissolution5.9or sold or otherwise distributed after that time.5.10 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 303.14, 5.11 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 5.12Subdivision 1. [FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE; CONTENTS.]5.13Between January 15 and May 15, in each calendar year, every5.14foreign corporation which holds a certificate of authority shall5.15make and file with the secretary of state a report for the5.16previous calendar year, setting forth:5.17(1) the name of the corporation and the state or country5.18under the laws of which it is organized;5.19(2) if the name of the corporation does not end with the5.20word "Corporation" or the word "Incorporated," or the5.21abbreviation "Inc.," or does not contain the word "Company" or5.22the abbreviation "Co." not immediately preceded by the word5.23"and" or the character "&," then the name of the corporation5.24with the word or abbreviation which it has agreed to add thereto5.25for use in this state;5.26(3) the address of its registered office in this state and5.27the name of its registered agent at such address;5.28(4) additional information necessary or appropriate to5.29enable the secretary of state to determine the additional5.30license fee, if any, payable by the corporation;5.31(5) a statement of the corporate taxable net income as5.32stated in its appropriate Minnesota income tax return that was5.33due in the previous year; and5.34(6) the fee required by section 303.07, subdivision 2.5.35This fee shall be submitted with the annual report.Each 5.36 calendar year beginning in the calendar year following the 6.1 calendar year in which a corporation receives a certificate of 6.2 authority to do business in Minnesota, the secretary of state 6.3 must mail by first class mail an annual registration form to the 6.4 registered office of each corporation as shown on the records of 6.5 the secretary of state. The form must include the following 6.6 notice: 6.7 "NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this 6.8 year will result in the revocation of the authority of this 6.9 corporation to transact business in Minnesota without further 6.10 notice from the secretary of state, pursuant to Minnesota 6.11 Statutes, section 303.17." 6.12 The corporation will submit a $115 fee with the annual 6.13 registration and will set forth on the form: 6.14 (1) the name of the corporation, and, if the corporation 6.15 has designated an alternate name pursuant to section 303.05, 6.16 subdivision 1, that alternate name; 6.17 (2) the name of the registered agent of the corporation in 6.18 Minnesota; 6.19 (3) the address of its registered office; 6.20 (4) the state of incorporation; and 6.21 (5) the name and business address of the officer or other 6.22 person exercising the principal functions of the chief executive 6.23 officer of the corporation. 6.24 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 303.21, 6.25 subdivision 3, is amended to read: 6.26 Subd. 3. [OTHER INSTRUMENTS.] A fee of $50 shall be paid 6.27 to the secretary of state for filing any instrument, other than 6.28 the annual report required by section 303.14, required or 6.29 permitted to be filed under the provisions of this chapter.For6.30filing the annual report a fee of $20 must be paid to the6.31secretary of state.The fees shall be paid at the time of the 6.32 filing of the instrument. 6.33 Sec. 8. [308A.995] [PERIODIC REGISTRATION.] 6.34 Subdivision 1. [PERIODIC REGISTRATION IN CERTAIN 6.35 YEARS.] Each cooperative governed by this chapter must file a 6.36 periodic registration with the secretary of state in each 7.1 odd-numbered year. In these years, the secretary of state must 7.2 mail by first class mail a registration form to the registered 7.3 office of each cooperative as shown on the records of the 7.4 secretary of state, or if no such address is in the records, to 7.5 the location of the principal place of business shown on the 7.6 records of the secretary of state. The form must include the 7.7 following notice: 7.8 "NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this 7.9 year will result in the dissolution of this cooperative without 7.10 further notice from the secretary of state, pursuant to 7.11 Minnesota Statutes, section 308A.995, subdivision 4, paragraph 7.12 (b)." 7.13 Subd. 2. [MINNESOTA COOPERATIVE REGISTRATION FORM.] In 7.14 each calendar year in which a registration is to be filed, a 7.15 cooperative must file with the secretary of state a registration 7.16 by December 31 of that calendar year containing: 7.17 (1) the name of the cooperative; 7.18 (2) the address of its registered office; 7.19 (3) the address of its principal place of business, if 7.20 different from the registered office address; and 7.21 (4) the name and business address of the officer or other 7.22 person exercising the principal functions of the chief executive 7.23 officer of the cooperative. 7.24 Subd. 3. [INFORMATION PUBLIC.] The information required by 7.25 subdivision 1 is public data. 7.26 Subd. 4. [PENALTY; DISSOLUTION.] (a) A cooperative that 7.27 has failed to file a registration pursuant to the requirements 7.28 of this section by December 31 of the calendar year for which 7.29 the registration was required must be dissolved by the secretary 7.30 of state as described in paragraph (b). 7.31 (b) If the cooperative has not filed the registration by 7.32 December 31 of that calendar year, the secretary of state must 7.33 issue a certificate of involuntary dissolution, and the 7.34 certificate must be filed in the office of the secretary of 7.35 state. The secretary of state must annually inform the attorney 7.36 general and the commissioner of revenue of the methods by which 8.1 the names of cooperatives dissolved under this section during 8.2 the preceding year may be determined. The secretary of state 8.3 must also make available in an electronic format the names of 8.4 the dissolved cooperatives. A cooperative dissolved in this 8.5 manner is not entitled to the benefits of section 308A.981. 8.6 Subd. 5. [REINSTATEMENT.] A cooperative may, within one 8.7 year of the date of dissolution under this section, 8.8 retroactively reinstate its existence by filing a single annual 8.9 registration and paying a $25 fee. Filing the annual 8.10 registration with the secretary of state: 8.11 (1) returns the cooperative to active status as of the date 8.12 of the dissolution; 8.13 (2) validates contracts or other acts within the authority 8.14 of the articles, and the cooperative is liable for those 8.15 contracts or acts; and 8.16 (3) restores to the cooperative all assets and rights of 8.17 the cooperative and its shareholders or members to the extent 8.18 they were held by the cooperative and its shareholders or 8.19 members before the dissolution occurred, except to the extent 8.20 that assets or rights were affected by acts occurring after the 8.21 dissolution or sold or otherwise distributed after that time. 8.22 Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 317A.801, 8.23 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 8.24 Subdivision 1. [EXTENSION BY AMENDMENT.] A corporation 8.25 whose period of duration provided in the articles has expired 8.26 and that has continued to operate despite that expiration may 8.27 reinstate its articles and extend the period of corporate 8.28 duration, including making the duration perpetual, after the 8.29 date of expiration by filing an amendment to the articles as set 8.30 forth in this section. This section also applies to 8.31 corporations that may have been formed under prior laws 8.32 governing nonprofit corporations and that expired before chapter 8.33 317 was repealed on January 1, 1990. 8.34 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 317A.823, is 8.35 amended to read: 8.36 317A.823 [ANNUAL CORPORATE REGISTRATION.] 9.1 Subdivision 1. [NOTICE FROM SECRETARY OF STATE;ANNUAL 9.2 REGISTRATIONREQUIRED.] (a) Except for corporations to which 9.3 paragraph (c) applies,before July 1 ofeach calendar year 9.4 beginning in the calendar year following the calendar year in 9.5 which a corporation incorporates, the secretary of stateshall9.6mail a corporate registration form to each corporation that9.7incorporated or filed a corporate registration during either of9.8the previous two calendar years at its last registered office9.9address listed on the records of the secretary of state. The9.10form must include the exact legal corporate name and registered9.11office address currently on file with the secretary of state9.12along with the name of the person who performs the functions of9.13the president. The secretary of state may also give notice of9.14the requirement to file the annual registration by any other9.15means the secretary of state considers appropriate.must mail 9.16 by first class mail an annual registration form to the 9.17 registered office of each corporation as shown on the records of 9.18 the secretary of state. The form must include the following 9.19 notice: 9.20 "NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this 9.21 year will result in the dissolution of this corporation without 9.22 further notice from the secretary of state, pursuant to 9.23 Minnesota Statutes, section 317A.823, subdivision 2, paragraph 9.24 (b)." 9.25 (b)A corporation shall file a corporate registration with9.26the secretary of state once each calendar year. If the9.27corporation has changed its registered office address to an9.28address other than that listed on the records of the secretary9.29of state, the corporation shall file the new registered office9.30address on the registration form. If the registration shows a9.31change of registered office address, the registration must be9.32signed by an authorized person. A fee of $35 must be paid for9.33filing the registered office address change. The new address9.34must comply with section 317A.011, subdivision 2, and must have9.35been approved by the boardA nonprofit corporation must file 9.36 with the secretary of state a registration by December 31 of 10.1 each calendar year containing: 10.2 (1) the name of the corporation; 10.3 (2) the address of its registered office; 10.4 (3) the name of its registered agent, if any; and 10.5 (4) the name and business address of the officer or other 10.6 person exercising the principal functions of president of the 10.7 corporation. 10.8 (c) The timely filing of an annual financial report and 10.9 audit or an annual financial statement under section 69.051, 10.10 subdivision 1 or 1a, by a volunteer firefighter relief 10.11 association, as reflected in the notification by the state 10.12 auditor under section 69.051, subdivision 1c, constitutes 10.13 presentation of the corporate registration. The secretary of 10.14 state may reject the registration by the volunteer firefighter 10.15 relief association. Rejection must occur if the information 10.16 provided to the state auditor does not match the information in 10.17 the records of the secretary of state. The volunteer 10.18 firefighter relief association may amend the articles of 10.19 incorporation as provided in sections 317A.131 to 317A.151 so 10.20 that the information from the state auditor may be accepted for 10.21 filing. The timely filing of an annual financial report and 10.22 audit or an annual financial statement under section 69.051, 10.23 subdivision 1 or 1a, does not relieve the volunteer firefighter 10.24 relief association of the requirement to file amendments to the 10.25 articles of incorporation directly with the secretary of state. 10.26 Subd. 2. [LOSS OF GOOD STANDINGPENALTY.]A corporation10.27that files an initial corporate registration under section10.28317A.821 or that is incorporated on or after January 1, 1990,10.29and that does not file a corporate registration during a10.30calendar year loses its good standing after December 31 of that10.31year. To regain its good standing, the corporation must file a10.32single annual corporate registration and pay a $25 fee.10.33Subd. 3. [NOTICE; DISSOLUTION.] If a corporation fails to10.34file a report required under this section for three consecutive10.35calendar years, the secretary of state shall give notice to the10.36corporation by first-class mail at its registered office and by11.1any other means of notice that the secretary of state considers11.2appropriate, that it has violated this section and is subject to11.3dissolution under section 317A.827 if the delinquent11.4registration is not filed with a $25 fee within 60 days after11.5the mailing of the notice or the date of the alternative11.6notice. For purposes of this subdivision, "delinquent11.7registration" means a single registration. A corporation that11.8fails to file the delinquent annual registration within the 6011.9days is dissolved under section 317A.827(a) A corporation that 11.10 has failed to file a registration pursuant to the requirements 11.11 of subdivision 1 must be dissolved by the secretary of state as 11.12 described in paragraph (b). 11.13 (b) If the corporation has not filed the delinquent 11.14 registration, the secretary of state must issue a certificate of 11.15 involuntary dissolution, and the certificate must be filed in 11.16 the office of the secretary of state. The secretary of state 11.17 must annually inform the attorney general and the commissioner 11.18 of revenue of the methods by which the names of corporations 11.19 dissolved under this section during the preceding year may be 11.20 determined. The secretary of state must also make available in 11.21 an electronic format the names of the dissolved corporations. A 11.22 corporation dissolved in this manner is not entitled to the 11.23 benefits of section 317A.781. 11.24 Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 317A.827, is 11.25 amended to read: 11.26 317A.827 [ADMINISTRATIVE DISSOLUTIONCONTINUATION FOR 11.27 CERTAIN PURPOSES; REINSTATEMENT.] 11.28 Subdivision 1.[PROCEDURE.] If a corporation fails to file11.29the initial registration by December 31, 1997, or if it fails to11.30file the delinquent registration before expiration of the 60-day11.31period in section 317A.823, subdivision 3, the secretary of11.32state shall immediately issue a certificate of involuntary11.33dissolution. The secretary of state shall send the original11.34certificate to the registered office of the corporation and file11.35a copy in the office of the secretary of state. The secretary11.36of state shall annually inform the attorney general of the12.1methods by which the names of corporations dissolved under this12.2section during the previous year may be determined. A12.3corporation dissolved under this section is not entitled to the12.4benefits of section 317A.781, subdivision 1.12.5Subd. 2.[ATTORNEY GENERAL POWERS CONTINUED.] A 12.6 corporation dissolved underthissection 317A.823 continues for 12.7 three years after the dissolution date for the sole purpose of 12.8 supervision, investigation, and other actions by the attorney 12.9 general under sections 8.31 and 501B.40 and 501B.41. 12.10 Subd.32. [REINSTATEMENT.] A corporation dissolved under 12.11 section 317A.823 may, within one year of the date of the12.12statutory dissolution,retroactively reinstate its corporate 12.13 existence by filing a single annual registration and paying a 12.14 $25 fee. Filing the annual registration with the secretary of 12.15 state: 12.16 (1) returns the corporation to active status as of the date 12.17 of thestatutorydissolution; 12.18 (2) validates contracts or other acts within the authority 12.19 of the articles, and the corporation is liable for those 12.20 contracts or acts; and 12.21 (3) restores to the corporation all assets and rights of 12.22 the corporation and its members to the extent they were held by 12.23 the corporation and its members before thestatutorydissolution 12.24 occurred, except to the extent that assets or rights were 12.25 affected by acts occurring after the dissolution or sold or 12.26 otherwise distributed after that time. 12.27 Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 318.02, is 12.28 amended by adding a subdivision to read: 12.29 Subd. 6. [NON-MINNESOTA TRUSTS.] An association organized 12.30 under the laws of another state may register by using the 12.31 process described in subdivision 1. The registration must be 12.32 accompanied by a certificate from a state authenticating the 12.33 prior registration of the association in that state. The 12.34 Minnesota registration does not create a new association and the 12.35 association continues to be governed by the laws of the state of 12.36 prior registration with respect to internal governance. 13.1 Amendments to a declaration of trust will also follow the 13.2 process described in subdivision 1. The fees stated in 13.3 subdivision 1 apply to these transactions. 13.4 Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 322B.960, is 13.5 amended to read: 13.6 322B.960 [BIENNIALANNUAL REGISTRATION.] 13.7 Subdivision 1. [INFORMATION REQUIREDANNUAL REGISTRATION 13.8 FORM.]Starting January 1, 1995, a limited liability company,13.9whether domestic or foreign, shall once every other year file13.10with the secretary of state a registration containing:13.11(a) the name of the limited liability company;13.12(b) the alternate name, if any, a foreign limited liability13.13company has adopted for use in this state;13.14(c) the address of its registered office;13.15(d) the name of its registered agent, if any;13.16(e) the jurisdiction of organization; and13.17(f) the name and business address of the manager or other13.18person exercising the principal functions of the chief manager13.19of the limited liability company.Each calendar year beginning 13.20 in the calendar year following the calendar year in which a 13.21 limited liability company files articles of organization, the 13.22 secretary of state must mail by first class mail an annual 13.23 registration form to the registered office of each limited 13.24 liability company as shown on the records of the secretary of 13.25 state. The form must include the following notice: 13.26 "NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this 13.27 year will result in the dissolution of this limited liability 13.28 company without further notice from the secretary of state, 13.29 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 322B.960." 13.30 Subd. 2. [DUE DATE FOR FILINGINFORMATION REQUIRED.]A13.31registration is due two years from: (1) the date the limited13.32liability company is formed or registered with the secretary of13.33state; or (2) the date of the last registration. The biennial13.34registration will be due on or before the anniversary date of13.35formation or registration in Minnesota. The secretary of state13.36shall mail a registration form to each limited liability company14.1no less than 90 days before the registration is due. The14.2registration form must be sent to the last registered office14.3address filed with the secretary of state.A domestic or 14.4 foreign limited liability company must file with the secretary 14.5 of state a registration by December 31 each calendar year 14.6 beginning in the calendar year following the calendar year in 14.7 which the limited liability company formed containing: 14.8 (1) the name of the limited liability company or the name 14.9 under which a foreign limited liability company has registered 14.10 in this state; 14.11 (2) the address of its principal executive office, if 14.12 different from the registered address; 14.13 (3) the address of its registered office; 14.14 (4) the name of its registered agent, if any; 14.15 (5) the state or jurisdiction of organization; and 14.16 (6) the name and business address of the manager or other 14.17 person exercising the principal functions of the chief manager 14.18 of the limited liability company. 14.19 Subd. 3. [AMENDMENTS ON REGISTRATION FORM.] A domestic 14.20 limited liability company which needs to amend its name, 14.21 registered office address, or registered agent may make these 14.22 amendments on thebiennialannual registration form. If an 14.23 amendment is made on thebiennialannual registration form, it 14.24 must be signed by an authorized person. The fee listed in 14.25 section 322B.175 applies to these amendments. 14.26 Subd. 4.[LOSS OF GOOD STANDING.] A limited liability14.27company that fails to file a registration pursuant to the14.28requirements of subdivision 1 loses its good standing in this14.29state. The limited liability company may regain its good14.30standing in this state by filing a single annual registration14.31and paying a $50 fee.14.32Subd. 5.[ADMINISTRATIVE TERMINATIONPENALTY.] (a)IfA 14.33 domestic limited liability company that has not filed a 14.34 registrationduring a reporting periodpursuant to the 14.35 requirements of subdivision 3,the secretary of state shall14.36notify the limited liability company that it will beis 15.1 administratively terminatedif the biennial registration is not15.2filed by the due date of the next registration. This notice15.3must be sent to the limited liability company at its registered15.4office address of record as part of the registration form. If15.5the limited liability company does not file the biennial15.6registration by the due date, the secretary of state shall15.7administratively terminate the existence of the limited15.8liability company. The secretary of state shall issue a 15.9 certificate of administrative termination whichshallmust be 15.10sent to the limited liability company at its registered office15.11addressfiled in the office of the secretary of state.A copy15.12of the certificate must be filed with the secretary of15.13state.The secretary of state must also make available in an 15.14 electronic format the names of the terminated limited liability 15.15 companies. 15.16 (b)IfA non-Minnesota limited liability company that has 15.17 not filed a registrationduring a reporting periodpursuant to 15.18 the requirements of subdivision 3,the secretary of state shall15.19notify the limited liability company thatshall have its 15.20 authority to do business in Minnesotawill berevokedif the15.21biennial registration is not filed by the due date of the next15.22registration. This notice must be sent to the limited liability15.23company at its registered office address of record as part of15.24the registration form. If the limited liability company does15.25not file the biennial registration by the due date, the15.26secretary of state shall revoke the authority of the limited15.27liability company to do business in Minnesota. The secretary of 15.28 stateshallmust issue a certificate of revocation whichshall15.29 must besent to the limited liability company at its registered15.30office addressfiled in the office of the secretary of state.A15.31copy of the certificate must be filed with the secretary of15.32state.The secretary of state must also make available in an 15.33 electronic format the names of the revoked non-Minnesota limited 15.34 liability companies. 15.35 Subd.65. [REINSTATEMENT.] If a limited liability company 15.36 is administratively terminated or has its authority to do 16.1 business in Minnesota revoked, it may retroactively reinstate 16.2 its existence or authority to do business by filing a single 16.3biennialannual registration and paying a$50$25 fee but only 16.4 within one year of the date of the termination or revocation. 16.5 (a) For a domestic limited liability company, filing the 16.6biennialannual registration with the secretary of state: 16.7 (1) returns the limited liability company to active status 16.8 as of the date of the administrative termination; 16.9 (2) validates contracts or other acts within the authority 16.10 of the articles, and the limited liability company is liable for 16.11 those contracts or acts; and 16.12 (3) restores to the limited liability company all assets 16.13 and rights of the limited liability company and its members to 16.14 the extent they were held by the limited liability company and 16.15 its members before the administrative termination occurred, 16.16 except to the extent that assets or rights were affected by acts 16.17 occurring after the termination, sold, or otherwise distributed 16.18 after that time. 16.19 (b) For a non-Minnesota limited liability company, filing 16.20 thebiennialannual registration restores the limited liability 16.21 company's ability to do business in Minnesota and the rights and 16.22 privileges which accompany that authority. 16.23 Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 323A.10-03, is 16.24 amended to read: 16.25 323A.10-03 [ANNUAL REGISTRATION.] 16.26 (a) Each calendar year beginning in the calendar year 16.27 following the calendar year in which a partnership files a 16.28 statement of qualification or in which a foreign partnership 16.29 becomes authorized to transact business in this state, the 16.30 secretary of state must mail by first class mail an annual 16.31 registration form to the street address of the partnership's 16.32 chief executive office, if located in Minnesota, the office in 16.33 this state, if the chief executive office is not located in 16.34 Minnesota, or address of the registered agent of the partnership 16.35 as shown on the records of the secretary of state when the chief 16.36 executive office is not located in Minnesota and no other 17.1 Minnesota office exists. The form must include the following 17.2 notice: 17.3 "NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this 17.4 year will result in the revocation of the statement of 17.5 qualification of this limited liability partnership without 17.6 further notice from the secretary of state pursuant to Minnesota 17.7 Statutes, section 323A.10-03, subsection (d)." 17.8 (b) A limited liability partnership, and a foreign limited 17.9 liability partnership authorized to transact business in this 17.10 state, shall file an annual registration in the office of the 17.11 secretary of state which contains: 17.12 (1) the name of the limited liability partnership and the 17.13 state or other jurisdiction under whose laws the foreign limited 17.14 liability partnership is formed; 17.15 (2) the street address, including the zip code, of the 17.16 partnership's chief executive office and, if different, the 17.17 street address, including the zip code, of an office of the 17.18 partnership in this state, if any; and 17.19 (3) if the partnership does not have an office in this 17.20 state, the name and street address, including the zip code, of 17.21 the partnership's current agent for service of process. 17.22(b)(c) An annual registration must be filed once each 17.23 calendar year beginning in the year following the calendar year 17.24 in which a partnership files a statement of qualification or a 17.25 foreign partnership becomes authorized to transact business in 17.26 this state. 17.27(c)(d) The secretary of statewillmust revoke the 17.28 statement of qualification of a partnership that fails to file 17.29 an annual registration when due or pay the required filing fee. 17.30To do so, the secretary of state shall provide the partnership17.3160 days' written notice of intent to revoke the statement. The17.32notice must be mailed to the partnership at its chief executive17.33office set forth in the last filed statement of qualification or17.34annual registration. The notice must specify the annual17.35registration that has not been filed, the fee that has not been17.36paid, and the effective date of the revocation. The revocation18.1is not effective if the annual registration is filed and the fee18.2is paid before the effective date of the revocation.The 18.3 secretary of state must issue a certificate of revocation which 18.4 must be filed in the office of the secretary of state. The 18.5 secretary of state must also make available in an electronic 18.6 format the names of the revoked limited liability companies. 18.7(d)(e) A revocation under subsection(c)(d) only affects 18.8 a partnership's status as a limited liability partnership and is 18.9 not an event of dissolution of the partnership. 18.10(e)(f) A partnership whose statement of qualification has 18.11 been revoked may apply to the secretary of state for 18.12 reinstatement within one year after the effective date of the 18.13 revocation. A partnership must file an annual registration to 18.14 apply for reinstatement and pay a reinstatement fee of $135. 18.15(f)(g) A reinstatement under subsection(e)(f) relates 18.16 back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the 18.17 revocation, and the partnership's status as a limited liability 18.18 partnership continues as if the revocation had never occurred. 18.19 Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, section 18.20 325K.05, subdivision 1, is amended to read: 18.21 Subdivision 1. [LICENSE CONDITIONS.] To obtain or retain a 18.22 license, a certification authority must: 18.23 (1) be the subscriber of a certificate issued by the 18.24 secretary and published in a recognized repository; 18.25 (2) employ as operative personnel only persons who have not 18.26 been convicted within the past 15 years of a felony or a crime 18.27 involving fraud, false statement, or deception; 18.28 (3) employ as operative personnel only persons who have 18.29 demonstrated knowledge and proficiency in following the 18.30 requirements of this chapter; 18.31 (4) file with the secretary a suitable guaranty, unless the 18.32 certification authority is a department, office, or official of 18.33 a federal, state, city, or county governmental entity that is 18.34 self-insured; 18.35 (5) use a trustworthy system, including a secure means for 18.36 limiting access to its private key; 19.1 (6) present proof to the secretary of having working 19.2 capital reasonably sufficient, according to rules adopted by the 19.3 secretary, to enable the applicant to conduct business as a 19.4 certification authority; 19.5 (7) register its business organization with the secretary, 19.6 unless the applicant is a governmental entity or is otherwise 19.7 prohibited from registering; 19.8 (8) require a potential subscriber to appear in person 19.9 before the certification authority, or an agent of the 19.10 certification authority, to prove the subscriber's identity 19.11 before a certificate is issued to the subscriber; and 19.12 (9) comply with all further licensing requirements 19.13 established by rule by the secretary. 19.14 The secretary may, by rule, establish standards by which the 19.15 in-person registration required in clause (8) may be waived. 19.16 Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 325K.07, 19.17 subdivision 3, is amended to read: 19.18 Subd. 3. [CIVIL PENALTY.] The secretary may by order 19.19 impose and collect a civil monetary penalty against a licensed 19.20 certification authority for a violation of this chapter in an 19.21 amount not to exceed $5,000 per incident, or 90 percent of the19.22recommended reliance limit of a material certificate, whichever19.23is less. In case of a violation continuing for more than one 19.24 day, each day is considered a separate incident. The secretary 19.25 may adopt rules setting the standards governing the 19.26 determination of the penalty amounts. 19.27 Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 325K.10, 19.28 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 19.29 Subdivision 1. [CONDITIONS.] A licensed certification 19.30 authority may issue a certificate to a subscriber only after all 19.31 of the following conditions are satisfied: 19.32 (1) the certification authority has received a request for 19.33 issuance signed by the prospective subscriber;and19.34 (2) the prospective subscriber or the prospective 19.35 subscriber's duly authorized agent must appear before the 19.36 licensed certification authority to present the request; and 20.1 (3) the certification authority has confirmed that: 20.2 (i) the prospective subscriber is the person to be listed 20.3 in the certificate to be issued; 20.4 (ii) if the prospective subscriber is acting through one or 20.5 more agents, the subscriber duly authorized each agent to have 20.6 custody of the subscriber's private key and to request issuance 20.7 of a certificate listing the corresponding public key; 20.8 (iii) the information in the certificate to be issued is 20.9 accurate; 20.10 (iv) the prospective subscriber rightfully holds the 20.11 private key corresponding to the public key to be listed in the 20.12 certificate; 20.13 (v) the prospective subscriber holds a private key capable 20.14 of creating a digital signature; 20.15 (vi) the public key to be listed in the certificate can be 20.16 used to verify a digital signature affixed by the private key 20.17 held by the prospective subscriber; and 20.18 (vii) the certificate provides information sufficient to 20.19 locate or identify one or more repositories in which 20.20 notification of the revocation or suspension of the certificate 20.21 will be listed if the certificate is suspended or revoked. 20.22 The requirements of this subdivision may not be waived or 20.23 disclaimed by either the licensed certification authority, the 20.24 subscriber, or both. 20.25 Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 325K.10, 20.26 subdivision 2, is amended to read: 20.27 Subd. 2. [PUBLICATION.] If the subscriber accepts the 20.28 issued certificate, the licensed certification authority shall 20.29 publish a signed copy of the certificate in a recognized 20.30 repository, as the certification authority and the subscriber 20.31 named in the certificate may agree, unless a contract between 20.32 the certification authority and the subscriber provides 20.33 otherwise. If the subscriber does not accept the certificate, a 20.34 licensed certification authority shall not publish it, or shall 20.35 cancel its publication if the certificate has already been 20.36 published. 21.1 Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 325K.18, 21.2 subdivision 3, is amended to read: 21.3 Subd. 3. [QUALIFIED RIGHT TO PAYMENT.] (a) To recover a 21.4 qualified right to payment against a surety or issuer of a 21.5 suitable guaranty, the claimant must: 21.6 (1) file written notice of the claim with thesecretary21.7 issuer of the suitable guarantee stating the name and address of 21.8 the claimant, the amount claimed, and the grounds for the 21.9 qualified right to payment, and any other information required21.10by rule by the secretary; and 21.11 (2) append to the notice a certified copy of the judgment 21.12 on which the qualified right to payment is based. 21.13 (b) Recovery of a qualified right to payment from the 21.14 proceeds of the suitable guaranty is barred unless the claimant 21.15 substantially complies with this subdivision. 21.16 Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 325K.19, is 21.17 amended to read: 21.18 325K.19 [SATISFACTION OF SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS.] 21.19 (a) Where a rule of law requires a signature, or provides 21.20 for certain consequences in the absence of a signature, that 21.21 rule is satisfied by a digital signature, if: 21.22 (1)(i) the digital signature is that of a public or local 21.23 official as defined in section 10A.01, subdivisions 22 and 35, 21.24 on government records described in section 15.17; or 21.25 (ii) no party affected by a digital signature objects to 21.26 the use of digital signatures in lieu of a signature, and the 21.27 objection may be evidenced by refusal to provide or accept a 21.28 digital signature; 21.29 (2) that digital signature is verified by reference to the 21.30 public key listed in a valid certificate issued by a licensed 21.31 certification authority; 21.32 (3) that digital signature was affixed by the signer with 21.33 the intention of signing the message and after the signer has 21.34 had an opportunity to review items being signed; and 21.35 (4) the recipient has no knowledge or notice that the 21.36 signer either: 22.1 (i) breached a duty as a subscriber; or 22.2 (ii) does not rightfully hold the private key used to affix 22.3 the digital signature. 22.4 (b) However, nothing in this chapter precludes a mark from 22.5 being valid as a signature under other applicable law. 22.6 Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 325K.23, is 22.7 amended to read: 22.8 325K.23 [CERTIFICATE AS ACKNOWLEDGMENTACKNOWLEDGMENTS.] 22.9 Subdivision 1. [CERTIFICATES.] Unless otherwise provided 22.10 by law or contract, a certificate issued by a licensed 22.11 certification authorityissatisfies the requirement for an 22.12 acknowledgment pursuant to section 358.41 of a digital signature 22.13 verified by reference to the public key listed in the 22.14 certificate, regardless of whether words of an express 22.15 acknowledgment appear with the digital signature and regardless 22.16 of whether the signer physically appeared before the 22.17 certification authority when the digital signature was created, 22.18 if that digital signature is: 22.19 (1) verifiable by that certificate; and 22.20 (2) affixed when that certificate was valid. 22.21 Subd. 2. [DIGITAL SIGNATURES.] If the digital signature is 22.22 used as an acknowledgment, then the certification authority is 22.23 responsible to the same extent as a notary up to any limit on 22.24 liability stated in the certification authority's certification 22.25 practice statement for failure to satisfy the requirements for 22.26 an acknowledgment. The certification authority may not disclaim 22.27 or limit, other than as provided in section 325K.17, the effect 22.28 of this section. 22.29 Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, section 22.30 336.9-411, is amended to read: 22.31 336.9-411 [COMPUTERIZED FILING SYSTEM.] 22.32 (a) The secretary of state shall develop and implement a 22.33 statewide computerized filing system to accumulate and 22.34 disseminate information relative to lien statements, financing 22.35 statements, state and federal tax lien notices, and other 22.36 Uniform Commercial Code documents. The computerized filing 23.1 system must allow information to be entered and retrieved from 23.2 the computerized filing system by county recorders, the 23.3 department of revenue, the department of economic security, and 23.4 the Internal Revenue Service. 23.5 (b) County recorders shall enter information relative to 23.6 lien statements, financing statements, state and federal tax 23.7 lien notices, and other Uniform Commercial Code documents filed 23.8 in their offices into a central database maintained by the 23.9 secretary of state. The information must be entered under the 23.10 rules of the secretary of state. This requirement does not 23.11 apply to tax lien notices filed under sections 268.058, 23.12 subdivision 1, paragraph (b), clause (2); 270.69, subdivision 2, 23.13 paragraph (b), clause (2); and 272.488, subdivision 1, but does 23.14 apply to entry of the date and time of receipt and county 23.15 recorder's file number of those notices. 23.16 (c) The secretary of state may allow private parties to 23.17 have electronic access to the computerized filing system and to 23.18 other computerized records maintained by the secretary of state 23.19 on a fee basis, except that visual access to electronic display 23.20 terminals at the public counters at the secretary of state's 23.21 office will be without charge and available during public 23.22 counter hours, and access by law enforcement personnel, acting 23.23 in an official capacity, will be without charge. If the 23.24 computerized filing system allows a form of electronic access to 23.25 information regarding the obligations of debtors, the access 23.26 must be available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. 23.27 Notwithstanding section 13.49, private parties who have 23.28 electronic access to computerized records may view the social 23.29 security number information about a debtor that is of record. 23.30 (d) The secretary of state shall adopt rules to implement 23.31 the computerized filing system. The rules must: 23.32 (1) allow filings to be made at the offices of all county 23.33 recorders and the secretary of state's office as required by 23.34 section 336.9-401; 23.35 (2) establish a central database for all information 23.36 relating to liens and security interests that are filed at the 24.1 offices of county recorders and the secretary of state; 24.2 (3) provide procedures for entering data into a central 24.3 database; 24.4 (4) allow the offices of all county recorders and the 24.5 secretary of state's office to add, modify, and delete 24.6 information in the central database as required by the Uniform 24.7 Commercial Code; 24.8 (5) allow the offices of all county recorders and the 24.9 secretary of state's office to have access to the central 24.10 database for review and search capabilities; 24.11 (6) allow the offices of all county recorders to have 24.12 electronic access to the computerized business information 24.13 records on file with the secretary of state; 24.14 (7) require the secretary of state to maintain the central 24.15 database; 24.16 (8) provide security and protection of all information in 24.17 the central database and monitor the central database to ensure 24.18 that unauthorized entry is not allowed; 24.19 (9) require standardized information for entry into the 24.20 central database; 24.21 (10) prescribe an identification procedure for debtors and 24.22 secured parties that will enhance lien and financing statement 24.23 searches; and 24.24 (11) prescribe a procedure for phasing-in or converting 24.25 from the existing filing system to a computerized filing system. 24.26 (e) The secretary of state, county recorders, and their 24.27 employees and agents shall not be liable for any loss or damages 24.28 arising from errors in or omissions from information entered 24.29 into the computerized filing system as a result of the 24.30 electronic transmission of tax lien notices under sections 24.31 268.058, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), clause (2); 270.69, 24.32 subdivision 2, paragraph (b), clause (2); 272.483; and 272.488, 24.33 subdivisions 1 and 3. 24.34 Sec. 23. [REPEALER.] 24.35 Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 303.07, subdivision 2; 24.36 303.14, subdivisions 3, 4, and 5; and 322B.960, subdivision 3, 25.1 are repealed. 25.2 Sec. 24. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 25.3 Sections 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, and 14 are effective January 25.4 1, 2001.