as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 03/10/2022 04:23pm
A bill for an act
relating to economic development; establishing the hospitality recovery grant
program; appropriating money.
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The commissioner of employment and
economic development shall make hospitality recovery grants to eligible hospitality
businesses of up to $10,000 due to adverse effects to a business related to the COVID-19
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For purposes of this section, "hospitality business"
means a for-profit or nonprofit business including but not limited to restaurants, drinking
places, and entertainment venues.
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A hospitality business is eligible to receive a grant under this section
if the business:
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(1) employs ....... or fewer employees;
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(2) has a physical presence in the state; and
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(3) was impacted by a COVID-19-related business closure or other restrictions related
to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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(a) The commissioner may develop criteria, forms, applications,
and reporting requirements for use by applicants.
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(b) Priority in awarding grants shall be given to businesses that have not previously
received any COVID-19-related state or local grants or aid, excluding any business relief
payment received under Laws 2020, Seventh Special Session chapter 2, article 1, section
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(c) Grants shall be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
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Grant proceeds may be used for business
operations, payroll, rent or mortgage, utilities, and other business-related expenses.
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(a) $2,800,000 in fiscal year 2022 is appropriated from the
state fiscal recovery fund to the commissioner of employment and economic development
for hospitality recovery grants under this section. Of this amount, no more than $....... may
be used for the administrative costs incurred in making these grants.
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(b) For the purposes of this section, "state fiscal recovery fund" means money received
by the state pursuant to section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act, Public Law 117-2.
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(c) This is a onetime appropriation and is available until December 31, 2023.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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