as introduced - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 11/13/2014 02:44pm
A bill for an act
relating to energy; regulating siting of certain transmission lines; amending Laws
2013, chapter 57, section 2.
Laws 2013, chapter 57, section 2, is amended to read:
(a) A high-voltage transmission line with a capacity of 100 kilovolts or more proposed
to be located within a city in the metropolitan area as defined in Minnesota Statutes,
section 473.121, subdivision 2, for which a route permit application was filed between
June 2011 and August 2011, and a certificate of need application was filed between June
2012 and August 2012, to rebuild approximately eight miles of 69 kilovolt transmission
with a high-voltage transmission line to meet local area distribution needs, must be
approved in a certificate of need proceeding conducted under Minnesota Statutes, section
216B.243. The certificate of need may be approved only if the commission finds by clear
and convincing evidence that there is no feasible and available distribution level alternative
to the transmission line. In making its findings the commission shall consider the factors
provided in applicable law and rules including, without limitation, cost-effectiveness,
energy conservation, and the protection or enhancement of environmental quality.
(b) Further proceedings regarding the routing of a high-voltage transmission line
described in this section shall be suspended until the Public Utilities Commission has
made a determination that the transmission line is needed.
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(c) If an application for a certificate of need described in paragraph (a) is withdrawn
or otherwise abandoned, this section shall apply to any high-voltage transmission line of
100 kilovolts or more proposed to meet the same needs as the line described in paragraph
(a) and that follows a route that is similar to that of the line subject to paragraph (a). In
addition, a certificate of need for a line subject to this paragraph is not effective until
30 days following the adjournment of the regular legislative session next following
commission approval of the certificate of need.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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