2nd Engrossment - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to human services; providing for a pilot 1.3 project to coordinate community violence prevention 1.4 programs for African American children; appropriating 1.5 money. 1.6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.7 Section 1. [AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MARTIN LUTHER KING 1.8 NONVIOLENT INSTITUTIONAL CHILD DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAM.] 1.9 (a) The council on Black Minnesotans shall proceed with the 1.10 planning, designing, and implementation of the Martin Luther 1.11 King nonviolent institutional child development pilot program 1.12 which provides: 1.13 (1) multi-institutional interdisciplinary community 1.14 violence prevention programs; and 1.15 (2) multi-institutional interdisciplinary intervention 1.16 programs. 1.17 (b) The pilot program may provide service to the following 1.18 institutions: 1.19 (1) elementary and secondary schools; 1.20 (2) social service programs and agencies; 1.21 (3) youth programs and services; 1.22 (4) juvenile delinquency programs; 1.23 (5) residential treatment facilities; 1.24 (6) foster homes; 1.25 (7) law enforcement agencies; 2.1 (8) medical centers; 2.2 (9) mental health programs; and 2.3 (10) religious outreach programs. 2.4 (c) The program may include: 2.5 (1) development and implementation of each participating 2.6 institution's long-range community violence prevention plan for 2.7 school-age children; 2.8 (2) development and implementation of each participating 2.9 institution's community violence intervention plan for children 2.10 affected by violence in the community; 2.11 (3) identification and implementation of each participating 2.12 institution's training and staffing needs; 2.13 (4) development and implementation of a network among 2.14 participating institutions to coordinate services, share 2.15 information, and develop common strategies for violence 2.16 prevention and intervention; and 2.17 (5) funding for participating institution's violence 2.18 prevention and intervention programs. 2.19 (d) The pilot program must be evaluated based on outcome 2.20 evaluation criteria determined by the executive director of the 2.21 council on Black Minnesotans in consultation with a 2.22 community-based advisory council before implementation of the 2.23 program. 2.24 (e) The pilot program must start by January 2, 1997. 2.25 (f) The pilot program must be completed by the council on 2.26 Black Minnesotans by July 1, 1998, and presented to the 2.27 commissioners of human services, public safety, corrections, and 2.28 children, families, and learning. 2.29 (g) The council on Black Minnesotans shall designate 2.30 individuals who are authorized and appropriately trained to 2.31 provide counseling services under the program. A person 2.32 designated by the council who receives information in the course 2.33 of providing counseling services under this section may not, 2.34 without the consent of the person who provided the information, 2.35 be required to disclose information acquired in the counseling 2.36 process in any civil or criminal action or proceeding in court 3.1 or before any person who has authority to receive evidence. 3.2 This paragraph does not exempt a person from any reporting 3.3 requirements under Minnesota Statutes, sections 626.556 and 3.4 626.5571. Government data on individuals that is maintained 3.5 under the program are private data on individuals as defined in 3.6 Minnesota Statutes, section 13.02, subdivision 5, but may be 3.7 shared among institutions participating in the program for 3.8 purposes of providing services under the program. 3.9 Sec. 2. [APPROPRIATION.] 3.10 $360,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 3.11 council on Black Minnesotans for the Martin Luther King 3.12 nonviolent institutional child development pilot program in 3.13 section 1 and to pay related costs and expenses. 3.14 Sec. 3. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 3.15 Sections 1 and 2 are effective the day following final 3.16 enactment.