1st Engrossment - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 04/03/2012 08:30am
A bill for an act
relating to public employment; providing that certain contract terms do not
continue in effect after expiration of a collective bargaining agreement; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 179A.20, subdivision 6.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 179A.20, subdivision 6, is amended to
new text begin (a)new text end During the period after contract expiration and prior
to the date when the right to strike matures, and for additional time if the parties agree, the
terms of an existing contract shall continue in effect and shall be enforceable upon both
partiesnew text begin , except as provided in paragraph (b)new text end .
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(b) A contract term does not continue in effect and is not enforceable after the
expiration date stated in the contract, and the parties may not agree to extend or honor a
contract term beyond the expiration date of the contract if the contract term would:
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(1) provide a wage or salary increase to an employee, including but not limited to
an increase based on cost of living, longevity, education or training, or performance or
merit; or
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(2) provide an increase in the dollar amount of an employer contribution for
insurance benefits above the amount paid under the expired contract.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
For a collective bargaining agreement that expired before the effective date of this section,
the requirements of this section apply to limit wages and benefits to the levels and amounts
in effect on the effective date of this section.
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