as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/29/2023 04:01pm
A bill for an act
relating to health care; requiring medical assistance to cover recuperative care
services; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.0625, by adding a
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.0625, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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(a) Medical assistance covers recuperative care
services provided in a setting that meets the requirements in paragraph (b) for recipients
who meet the eligibility requirements in paragraph (c). For purposes of this subdivision,
"recuperative care" means a model of care that prevents hospitalization or that provides
postacute medical care and support services for recipients experiencing homelessness who
are too ill or frail to recover from a physical illness or injury while living in a shelter or are
otherwise unhoused but who are not sick enough to be hospitalized, or remain hospitalized,
or to need other levels of care.
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(b) Recuperative care may be provided in any setting, including but not limited to
homeless shelters, congregate care settings, single room occupancy settings, or supportive
housing, so long as the provider of recuperative care or provider of housing is able to provide
to the recipient within the designated setting, at a minimum:
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(1) 24-hour access to a bed and bathroom;
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(2) access to three meals a day;
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(3) availability to environmental services;
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(4) access to a telephone;
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(5) a secure place to store belongings; and
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(6) staff available within the setting to provide a wellness check as needed, but at a
minimum, at least once every 24 hours.
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(c) To be eligible for this covered service, a recipient must:
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(1) be 21 years of age or older;
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(2) be experiencing homelessness;
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(3) be in need of short term acute medical care for a period of no more than 60 days;
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(4) meet clinical criteria, as established by the commissioner, that indicates that the
recipient is in need of recuperative care; and
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(5) not have behavioral health needs that are greater than what can be managed by the
provider within the setting.
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(d) The commissioner shall establish a bundled daily payment rate per recipient to be
paid to a provider for up to 60 consecutive days. The bundled payment must consist of two
components. The first component must be for the services provided to the recipient and the
second component must be for the facility costs. The second component must be paid using
state funds, and can only be paid when the first component is paid to a provider. Providers
may opt to only be reimbursed for the first component. A provider under this subdivision
means a recuperative care provider and is defined by the standards established by the National
Institute for Medical Respite Care. Services provided within the bundled payment may
include but are not limited to:
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(1) basic nursing care, including:
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(i) monitoring a patient's physical health and pain level;
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(ii) providing wound care;
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(iii) medication support;
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(iv) patient education;
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(v) immunization review and update; and
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(vi) establishing clinical goals for the recuperative care period and discharge plan;
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(2) care coordination and wraparound services, including:
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(i) initial screening of medical, behavioral, and social needs;
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(ii) behavioral health support; and
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(iii) support and referral assistance for legal services, housing, community social services,
case management, health care benefits, health and other eligible benefits, and transportation
needs and services; and
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(3) basic behavioral needs, including counseling and peer support.
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(e) Before a recipient is discharged from a recuperative care setting, the provider must
ensure that the recipient's acute medical condition is stabilized.
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This section is effective January 1, 2024.
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