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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

SF 1914

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to insurance; providing qualifications and 
  1.3             procedures for the licensing of insurance producers; 
  1.4             prescribing a criminal penalty; amending Minnesota 
  1.5             Statutes 2000, sections 13.7191, subdivision 6; 
  1.6             43A.317, subdivision 12; 60A.02, subdivision 7; 
  1.7             60A.14; 60A.198, subdivision 3; 62A.41, subdivision 4; 
  1.8             62C.17, subdivision 5; 62D.22, subdivision 8; 62H.10, 
  1.9             subdivision 4; 62L.12, subdivision 3; 62S.30; 64B.33; 
  1.10            65B.09, subdivision 1; 72A.07; 72A.125, subdivision 2; 
  1.11            72A.201, subdivision 3; and 270B.07, subdivision 1; 
  1.12            proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, 
  1.13            chapters 60K; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2000, 
  1.14            sections 60K.01; 60K.02; 60K.03; 60K.04; 60K.05; 
  1.15            60K.06; 60K.07; 60K.081; 60K.09; 60K.10; 60K.11; 
  1.16            60K.12; 60K.13; 60K.14; 60K.15; 60K.16; 60K.17; 
  1.17            60K.18; 60K.19; and 60K.20. 
  1.19                             ARTICLE 1 
  1.20                        INSURANCE PRODUCERS 
  1.21     Section 1.  [60K.30] [PURPOSE AND SCOPE.] 
  1.22     Sections 60K.30 to 60K.57 govern the qualifications and 
  1.23  procedures for the licensing of insurance producers.  They 
  1.24  simplify and organize statutory language to improve efficiency, 
  1.25  permit the use of new technology, and reduce costs associated 
  1.26  with issuing and renewing insurance licenses. 
  1.27     Except as to the underlying requirement that a surplus 
  1.28  lines agent or broker obtain an insurance producer license, this 
  1.29  chapter does not apply to surplus lines agents or brokers 
  1.30  licensed pursuant to sections 60A.195 to 60A.209, except as 
  1.31  provided in sections 60K.29 and 60K.42, subdivision 2. 
  2.1      Sec. 2.  [60K.31] [DEFINITIONS.] 
  2.2      Subdivision 1.  [SCOPE.] For purposes of sections 60K.30 to 
  2.3   60K.57, the terms in subdivisions 2 to 18 have the meanings 
  2.4   given them.  The definitions in section 60A.02 are applicable to 
  2.5   terms not defined in this section, unless the language or 
  2.6   context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended.  
  2.7      Subd. 2.  [BUSINESS ENTITY.] "Business entity" means a 
  2.8   corporation, association, partnership, limited liability 
  2.9   company, limited liability partnership, or other legal entity. 
  2.10     Subd. 3.  [COMMISSIONER.] "Commissioner" means the 
  2.11  commissioner of commerce. 
  2.12     Subd. 4.  [HOME STATE.] "Home state" means the District of 
  2.13  Columbia and any state or territory of the United States in 
  2.14  which an insurance producer maintains the producer's principal 
  2.15  place of residence or principal place of business and is 
  2.16  licensed to act as an insurance producer. 
  2.17     Subd. 5.  [INSURANCE.] "Insurance" means any of the lines 
  2.18  of authority in section 60A.06. 
  2.19     Subd. 6.  [INSURANCE PRODUCER.] "Insurance producer" means 
  2.20  a person required to be licensed under the laws of this state to 
  2.21  sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance. 
  2.22     Subd. 7.  [LICENSE.] "License" means a document issued by 
  2.23  the commissioner authorizing a person to act as an insurance 
  2.24  producer for the lines of authority specified in the document.  
  2.25  The license itself does not create any authority, actual, 
  2.26  apparent, or inherent, in the holder to represent or commit an 
  2.27  insurance carrier.  
  2.28     Subd. 8.  [LIMITED LINE CREDIT INSURANCE.] "Limited line 
  2.29  credit insurance" includes credit life, credit disability, 
  2.30  credit property, credit unemployment, involuntary unemployment, 
  2.31  mortgage life, mortgage guaranty, mortgage disability, 
  2.32  guaranteed automobile protection insurance, and any other form 
  2.33  of insurance offered in connection with an extension of credit 
  2.34  that is limited to partially or wholly extinguishing that credit 
  2.35  obligation that the insurance commissioner determines should be 
  2.36  designated a form of limited line credit insurance. 
  3.2   PRODUCER.] "Limited line credit insurance producer" means a 
  3.3   person who sells, solicits, or negotiates one or more forms of 
  3.4   limited line credit insurance coverage to individuals through a 
  3.5   master, corporate, group, or individual policy. 
  3.6      Subd. 10.  [LIMITED LINES INSURANCE.] "Limited lines 
  3.7   insurance" means those lines of insurance defined in section 
  3.8   60K.38, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), or any other line of 
  3.9   insurance that the commissioner considers necessary to recognize 
  3.10  for the purposes of complying with section 60K.39, subdivision 5.
  3.11     Subd. 11.  [LIMITED LINES PRODUCER.] "Limited lines 
  3.12  producer" means a person authorized by the insurance 
  3.13  commissioner to sell, solicit, or negotiate limited lines 
  3.14  insurance. 
  3.15     Subd. 12.  [NEGOTIATE.] "Negotiate" means the act of 
  3.16  conferring directly with or offering advice directly to a 
  3.17  purchaser or prospective purchaser of a particular contract of 
  3.18  insurance concerning any of the substantive benefits, terms, or 
  3.19  conditions of the contract if the person engaged in that act 
  3.20  either sells insurance or obtains insurance from insurers for 
  3.21  purchasers. 
  3.22     Subd. 13.  [PERSON.] "Person" means an individual or a 
  3.23  business entity. 
  3.24     Subd. 14.  [SELL.] "Sell" means to exchange a contract of 
  3.25  insurance by any means, for money or its equivalent, on behalf 
  3.26  of an insurance company. 
  3.27     Subd. 15.  [SOLICIT.] "Solicit" means attempting to sell 
  3.28  insurance or asking or urging a person to apply for a particular 
  3.29  kind of insurance from a particular company. 
  3.30     Subd. 16.  [TERMINATE.] "Terminate" means the cancellation 
  3.31  of the relationship between an insurance producer and the 
  3.32  insurer or the termination of a producer's authority to transact 
  3.33  insurance. 
  3.34     Subd. 17.  [UNIFORM BUSINESS ENTITY APPLICATION.] "Uniform 
  3.35  Business Entity Application" means the current version of the 
  3.36  Uniform Business Entity Application for resident and nonresident 
  4.1   business entities of the National Association of Insurance 
  4.2   Commissioners. 
  4.3      Subd. 18.  [UNIFORM APPLICATION.] "Uniform Application" 
  4.4   means the current version of the Uniform Application for 
  4.5   resident and nonresident producer licensing of the National 
  4.6   Association of Insurance Commissioners. 
  4.7      Sec. 3.  [60K.32] [LICENSE REQUIRED.] 
  4.8      A person shall not sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance in 
  4.9   this state for any class or classes of insurance unless the 
  4.10  person is licensed for that line of authority under sections 
  4.11  60K.30 to 60K.57.  The license itself does not create any 
  4.12  authority, actual, apparent, or inherent, in the holder to 
  4.13  represent or commit an insurance carrier. 
  4.14     Sec. 4.  [60K.33] [CRIMINAL PENALTY.] 
  4.15     A person who acts or assumes to act as an insurance 
  4.16  producer without a license issued under this chapter is guilty 
  4.17  of a gross misdemeanor. 
  4.18     Sec. 5.  [60K.34] [EXCEPTIONS TO LICENSING.] 
  4.19     Subdivision 1.  [LICENSE NOT REQUIRED.] Nothing in sections 
  4.20  60K.30 to 60K.57 requires an insurer to obtain an insurance 
  4.21  producer license.  In this section, the term "insurer" does not 
  4.22  include an insurer's officers, directors, employees, 
  4.23  subsidiaries, or affiliates.  
  4.24     Subd. 2.  [SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONS.] A license as an insurance 
  4.25  producer is not required of the following:  
  4.26     (1) a fraternal benefit society representative exempted 
  4.27  pursuant to section 60K.35; 
  4.28     (2) an officer, director, or employee of an insurer or of 
  4.29  an insurance producer if the officer, director, or employee does 
  4.30  not receive any commission on policies written or sold to insure 
  4.31  risks residing, located, or to be performed in this state and: 
  4.32     (i) the officer, director, or employee's activities are 
  4.33  executive, administrative, managerial, clerical, or a 
  4.34  combination of these, and are only indirectly related to the 
  4.35  sale, solicitation, or negotiation of insurance; 
  4.36     (ii) the officer, director, or employee's function relates 
  5.1   to underwriting, loss control, inspection, or the processing, 
  5.2   adjusting, investigating, or settling of a claim on a contract 
  5.3   of insurance; or 
  5.4      (iii) the officer, director, or employee is acting in the 
  5.5   capacity of a special agent or agency supervisor assisting 
  5.6   insurance producers where the person's activities are limited to 
  5.7   providing technical advice and assistance to licensed insurance 
  5.8   producers and do not include the sale, solicitation, or 
  5.9   negotiation of insurance; 
  5.10     (3) a person who, on behalf of an employer, secures 
  5.11  information from or furnishes information to employees for the 
  5.12  purpose of enrolling individuals under plans of group life 
  5.13  insurance, group property and casualty insurance, group 
  5.14  annuities, group or blanket accident and health insurance, or 
  5.15  for the purpose of issuing certificates under the plans or 
  5.16  otherwise assisting in administering the plans, where no 
  5.17  commission is paid to the person for the services; or a person 
  5.18  who performs administrative services related to mass-marketed 
  5.19  property and casualty insurance, where no commission is paid to 
  5.20  the person for the services; 
  5.21     (4) an employer or association or its officers, directors, 
  5.22  employees, or the trustees of an employee trust plan, to the 
  5.23  extent that the employers, officers, employees, director, or 
  5.24  trustees are engaged in the administration or operation of a 
  5.25  program of employee benefits for the employer's or association's 
  5.26  own employees or the employees of its subsidiaries or 
  5.27  affiliates, which program involves the use of insurance issued 
  5.28  by an insurer, as long as the employers, associations, officers, 
  5.29  directors, employees, or trustees are not in any manner 
  5.30  compensated, directly or indirectly, by the company issuing the 
  5.31  contracts; 
  5.32     (5) employees of insurers or organizations employed by 
  5.33  insurers who are engaging in the inspection, rating or 
  5.34  classification of risks, or in the supervision of the training 
  5.35  of insurance producers and who are not individually engaged in 
  5.36  the sale, solicitation, or negotiation of insurance; 
  6.1      (6) a person whose activities in this state are limited to 
  6.2   advertising without the intent to solicit insurance in this 
  6.3   state through communications in printed publications or other 
  6.4   forms of electronic mass media whose distribution is not limited 
  6.5   to residents of the state, if the person does not sell, solicit, 
  6.6   or negotiate insurance that would insure risks residing, 
  6.7   located, or to be performed in this state; 
  6.8      (7) a person who is not a resident of this state who sells, 
  6.9   solicits, or negotiates a contract of insurance for commercial 
  6.10  property and casualty risks to an insured with risks located in 
  6.11  more than one state insured under that contract, if the person 
  6.12  is otherwise licensed as an insurance producer to sell, solicit, 
  6.13  or negotiate that insurance in the state where the insured 
  6.14  maintains its principal place of business and the contract of 
  6.15  insurance insures risks located in that state; 
  6.16     (8) a salaried full-time employee who counsels or advises 
  6.17  the employee's employer relative to the insurance interests of 
  6.18  the employer or of the subsidiaries or business affiliates of 
  6.19  the employer if the employee does not sell or solicit insurance 
  6.20  or receive a commission; or 
  6.21     (9) rental vehicle companies and their employees in 
  6.22  connection with the offer of rental vehicle personal accident 
  6.23  insurance under section 72A.125. 
  6.24     Sec. 6.  [60K.35] [FRATERNAL BENEFIT SOCIETY 
  6.26     Representatives of fraternal benefit societies who solicit 
  6.27  and negotiate insurance contracts are considered to be insurance 
  6.28  producers and are subject to the licensing requirements of this 
  6.29  chapter, provided that no insurance producer's license is 
  6.30  required of: 
  6.31     (1) any officer, employee, or secretary of a fraternal 
  6.32  benefit society or of any subordinate lodge or branch who 
  6.33  devotes substantially all of that person's time to activities 
  6.34  other than the solicitation or negotiation of insurance 
  6.35  contracts and who receives no commission or other compensation 
  6.36  directly dependent upon the number or amount of contracts 
  7.1   solicited or negotiated; or 
  7.2      (2) any agent or representative of a fraternal benefit 
  7.3   society who devotes, or intends to devote, less than 50 percent 
  7.4   of that person's time to the solicitation and procurement of 
  7.5   insurance contracts for that society.  Any person who in the 
  7.6   preceding calendar year has solicited and procured life 
  7.7   insurance in excess of $50,000 face amount, or, in the case of 
  7.8   any other kinds of insurance that the society may write, on the 
  7.9   persons of more than 25 individuals, and who has received or 
  7.10  will receive a commission or other compensation in the total 
  7.11  amount of $1,000 or more, is presumed to be devoting, or 
  7.12  intending to devote, 50 percent of that person's time to the 
  7.13  solicitation or procurement of insurance contracts for that 
  7.14  society.  
  7.15     Sec. 7.  [60K.36] [EXAMINATIONS.] 
  7.16     Subdivision 1.  [REQUIREMENT.] A resident individual 
  7.17  applying for an insurance producer license shall pass a written 
  7.18  examination unless exempt under subdivision 2 or section 
  7.19  60K.40.  The examination must test the knowledge of the 
  7.20  individual concerning the lines of authority for which the 
  7.21  application is made, the duties and responsibilities of an 
  7.22  insurance producer, and the insurance laws and rules of this 
  7.23  state.  Examinations required by this section must be approved 
  7.24  by the commissioner. 
  7.25     Subd. 2.  [EXAMINATION NOT REQUIRED.] A resident individual 
  7.26  applying for a limited lines credit insurance, title insurance, 
  7.27  travel baggage insurance, or bail bonds license is not required 
  7.28  to take a written examination. 
  7.29     Subd. 3.  [ADMINISTRATION.] The commissioner may make 
  7.30  arrangements, including contracting with an outside testing 
  7.31  service, for administering examinations. 
  7.32     Subd. 4.  [COURSE OF STUDY.] The examination must be given 
  7.33  only after the applicant has completed a program of classroom 
  7.34  studies in a school, which must not include a school sponsored 
  7.35  by, offered by, or affiliated with an insurance company or its 
  7.36  producers; except that this limitation does not preclude a bona 
  8.1   fide professional association of insurance producers, not acting 
  8.2   on behalf of an insurer, from offering courses.  The course of 
  8.3   study must consist of 30 hours of classroom study devoted to the 
  8.4   basic fundamentals of insurance for those seeking a Minnesota 
  8.5   license for the first time and 7.5 hours devoted to the line in 
  8.6   which the producer seeks to be licensed.  The program of studies 
  8.7   or study course must have been approved by the commissioner in 
  8.8   order to qualify under this subdivision.  If the applicant has 
  8.9   been previously licensed for the particular line of insurance in 
  8.10  the state of Minnesota, the requirement of a program of studies 
  8.11  or a study course must be waived.  A certification of compliance 
  8.12  by the organization offering the course must accompany the 
  8.13  applicant's license application.  This program of studies in a 
  8.14  school or a study course does not apply to limited lines farm 
  8.15  property liability applicants or to variable life and variable 
  8.16  annuity applicants. 
  8.17     Subd. 5.  [FAILURE TO APPEAR OR PASS.] An individual who 
  8.18  fails to appear for the examination as scheduled or fails to 
  8.19  pass the examination shall reapply for an examination and remit 
  8.20  all required fees and forms before being rescheduled for another 
  8.21  examination. 
  8.22     Subd. 6.  [RESULTS; VALIDITY.] Examination results are 
  8.23  valid for three years from the date of the examination. 
  8.24     Sec. 8.  [60K.37] [APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.] 
  8.25     Subdivision 1.  [RESIDENT INSURANCE PRODUCER.] A person is 
  8.26  a resident of this state if that person resides in this state or 
  8.27  the principal place of business of that person is maintained in 
  8.28  this state.  Application for a license claiming residency in 
  8.29  this state constitutes an election of residency in this state.  
  8.30  A license issued upon an application claiming residency in this 
  8.31  state is void if the licensee, while holding a resident license 
  8.32  in this state, obtains a resident license in, or claims to be a 
  8.33  resident of, any other state or jurisdiction or if the licensee 
  8.34  ceases to be a resident of this state.  However, if the 
  8.35  applicant is a resident of a community or trade area, the border 
  8.36  of which is contiguous with the state line of this state, the 
  9.1   applicant may qualify for a resident license in this state and 
  9.2   at the same time hold a resident license from the contiguous 
  9.3   state.  
  9.4      Subd. 2.  [INDIVIDUALS.] A person applying for a resident 
  9.5   insurance producer license shall make application to the 
  9.6   commissioner on the Uniform Application and declare under 
  9.7   penalty of refusal, suspension, or revocation of the license 
  9.8   that the statements made in the application are true, correct, 
  9.9   and complete to the best of the individual's knowledge and 
  9.10  belief.  Before approving the application, the commissioner 
  9.11  shall find that the individual: 
  9.12     (1) is at least 18 years of age; 
  9.13     (2) has not committed any act that is a ground for denial, 
  9.14  suspension, or revocation set forth in section 60K.43; 
  9.15     (3) has completed, where required by the commissioner, a 
  9.16  prelicensing course of study for the lines of authority for 
  9.17  which the person has applied; 
  9.18     (4) has paid the fees set forth in section 60K.55; and 
  9.19     (5) has successfully passed the examinations for the lines 
  9.20  of authority for which the person has applied. 
  9.21     Subd. 3.  [BUSINESSES.] (a) A business entity acting as an 
  9.22  insurance producer is required to obtain an insurance producer 
  9.23  license.  Application must be made using the Uniform Business 
  9.24  Entity Application.  Before approving the application, the 
  9.25  commissioner shall find that: 
  9.26     (1) the business entity has paid the fees set forth in 
  9.27  section 60K.55; and 
  9.28     (2) the business entity has designated an individual 
  9.29  licensed producer responsible for the business entity's 
  9.30  compliance with the insurance laws and rules of this state. 
  9.31     (b) A business entity insurance producer license does not 
  9.32  grant authority to any individual officer, director, partner, 
  9.33  member, or employee to act as an insurance producer. 
  9.34     Subd. 4.  [SERVICE OF PROCESS.] Application for a license 
  9.35  under this chapter constitutes appointment of the commissioner 
  9.36  as the person's agent for service of process under section 
 10.1   45.028. 
 10.2      Subd. 5.  [ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION.] The commissioner may 
 10.3   require any documents reasonably necessary to verify the 
 10.4   information contained in an application. 
 10.6   insurer that sells, solicits, or negotiates any form of limited 
 10.7   line credit insurance shall provide to each individual whose 
 10.8   duties will include selling, soliciting, or negotiating limited 
 10.9   line credit insurance a program of instruction that may be 
 10.10  approved by the commissioner. 
 10.11     Subd. 7.  [VARIABLE LIFE AND VARIABLE ANNUITY.] A resident 
 10.12  individual applying for a variable life and variable annuity 
 10.13  license shall demonstrate that the applicant holds a current 
 10.14  license as a life insurance producer. 
 10.15     Sec. 9.  [60K.38] [LICENSE.] 
 10.16     Subdivision 1.  [ISSUANCE.] (a) Unless denied a license 
 10.17  under section 60K.43, a person who has met the requirements of 
 10.18  sections 60K.36 and 60K.37 must be issued an insurance producer 
 10.19  license.  An insurance producer may receive qualification for a 
 10.20  license in one or more of the lines of authority in paragraphs 
 10.21  (b) and (c). 
 10.22     (b) An individual insurance producer may receive 
 10.23  qualification for a license in one or more of the following 
 10.24  major lines: 
 10.25     (1) life insurance:  coverage on human lives including 
 10.26  benefits of endowment and annuities, and may include benefits in 
 10.27  the event of death or dismemberment by accident and benefits for 
 10.28  disability income; 
 10.29     (2) accident and health or sickness insurance:  coverage 
 10.30  for sickness, bodily injury, or accidental death, and may 
 10.31  include benefits for disability income; 
 10.32     (3) property insurance:  coverage for the direct or 
 10.33  consequential loss or damage to property of every kind; 
 10.34     (4) casualty insurance:  coverage against legal liability, 
 10.35  including that for death, injury, or disability, or damage to 
 10.36  real or personal property; 
 11.1      (5) variable life and variable annuity products insurance:  
 11.2   coverage provided under variable life insurance contracts and 
 11.3   variable annuities; and 
 11.4      (6) personal lines:  property and casualty insurance 
 11.5   coverage sold to individuals and families for primarily 
 11.6   noncommercial purposes. 
 11.7      (c) An individual insurance producer may receive 
 11.8   qualification for a license in one or more of the following 
 11.9   limited lines: 
 11.10     (1) credit limited line credit insurance; 
 11.11     (2) farm property and liability insurance; 
 11.12     (3) title insurance; 
 11.13     (4) travel baggage insurance; 
 11.14     (5) bail bonds; and 
 11.15     (6) any other line of insurance permitted under state laws 
 11.16  or rules. 
 11.17     Subd. 2.  [PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS.] An insurance producer 
 11.18  license remains in effect unless revoked or suspended as long as 
 11.19  the fee set forth in section 60K.55 is paid, continuing 
 11.20  education requirements for resident individual producers are 
 11.21  met, and all additional documentation required by the 
 11.22  commissioner is provided by the renewal date. 
 11.23     Subd. 3.  [LAPSED LICENSE.] An individual insurance 
 11.24  producer who allows the license to lapse may, within 12 months 
 11.25  from the due date of the renewal fee, reinstate the license 
 11.26  without the necessity of passing a written examination.  
 11.27  However, a penalty in the amount of twice the unpaid renewal fee 
 11.28  must be paid by the individual for any renewal fee received 
 11.29  after the due date. 
 11.30     Subd. 4.  [WAIVERS.] A licensed insurance producer who is 
 11.31  unable to comply with license renewal procedures due to military 
 11.32  service or some other extenuating circumstance, such as a 
 11.33  long-term medical disability, may request a waiver of those 
 11.34  procedures.  The producer may also request a waiver of any 
 11.35  examination requirement or any other fine or sanction imposed 
 11.36  for failure to comply with renewal procedures. 
 12.1      Subd. 5.  [CONTENTS.] The license must contain the 
 12.2   licensee's name, address, producer license number, and the date 
 12.3   of issuance, the lines of authority, the expiration date, and 
 12.4   any other information the commissioner considers necessary. 
 12.5      Subd. 6.  [NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES.] Licensees shall inform 
 12.6   the commissioner, by any means acceptable to the commissioner, 
 12.7   of a change of name or address within ten days of the change.  
 12.9   COMMISSIONER.] In order to assist in the performance of the 
 12.10  commissioner's duties, the commissioner may contract with 
 12.11  nongovernmental entities, including the National Association of 
 12.12  Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) or any affiliates or subsidiaries 
 12.13  that the NAIC oversees, to perform any ministerial functions, 
 12.14  including the collection of fees, related to producer licensing 
 12.15  that the commissioner and the nongovernmental entity consider 
 12.16  appropriate. 
 12.17     Sec. 10.  [60K.39] [NONRESIDENT LICENSING.] 
 12.18     Subdivision 1.  [ISSUANCE.] Unless denied a license under 
 12.19  section 62K.41, a nonresident person shall receive a nonresident 
 12.20  producer license if: 
 12.21     (1) the person is currently licensed as a resident and in 
 12.22  good standing in the person's home state; 
 12.23     (2) the person has submitted the proper request for 
 12.24  licensure and has paid the fees required by section 60K.55; 
 12.25     (3) the person has submitted or transmitted to the 
 12.26  commissioner the application for licensure that the person 
 12.27  submitted to the person's home state, or in lieu of the same, a 
 12.28  completed Uniform Application; and 
 12.29     (4) the person's home state awards nonresident producer 
 12.30  licenses to residents of this state on the same basis. 
 12.32  commissioner may verify the producer's licensing status through 
 12.33  the producer database maintained by the National Association of 
 12.34  Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates, or subsidiaries. 
 12.35     Subd. 3.  [CHANGE OF ADDRESS.] A nonresident producer who 
 12.36  moves from one state to another state or a resident producer who 
 13.1   moves from this state to another state shall file a change of 
 13.2   address and provide certification from the new resident state 
 13.3   within ten days of the change of legal residence.  No fee or 
 13.4   license application is required. 
 13.5      Subd. 4.  [TERMINATION; RESIDENT LICENSE.] A nonresident 
 13.6   producer license terminates automatically when the person's 
 13.7   resident license is terminated for any reason. 
 13.8      Subd. 5.  [SURPLUS LINES PRODUCERS.] (a) Notwithstanding 
 13.9   any other provision of sections 60K.30 to 60K.57, a person 
 13.10  licensed as a surplus lines producer in the person's home state 
 13.11  shall receive a nonresident surplus lines producer license under 
 13.12  subdivision 1.  Except as to subdivision 1, nothing in this 
 13.13  section otherwise amends or supersedes any provision of sections 
 13.14  60A.195 to 60A.209. 
 13.15     (b) No surplus lines agent or broker licensed under 
 13.16  sections 60A.195 to 60A.209 may do business in this state unless 
 13.17  the agent or broker has complied with the requirements set forth 
 13.18  in section 60A.198, subdivision 3, paragraphs (b) to (d). 
 13.19     Subd. 6.  [LIMITED LINES PRODUCER.] Notwithstanding any 
 13.20  other provision of sections 60K.30 to 60K.57, a person licensed 
 13.21  as a limited line credit insurance or other type of limited 
 13.22  lines producer in the person's home state shall receive a 
 13.23  nonresident limited lines producer license, under subdivision 1, 
 13.24  granting the same scope of authority as granted under the 
 13.25  license issued by the producer's home state.  For the purposes 
 13.26  of this subdivision, limited line insurance is any authority 
 13.27  granted by the home state that restricts the authority of the 
 13.28  license to less than the total authority prescribed in the 
 13.29  associated major lines pursuant to section 60K.38, subdivision 
 13.30  1, clauses (1) to (6). 
 13.31     Sec. 11.  [60K.40] [INDIVIDUALS LICENSED IN ANOTHER STATE; 
 13.33     Subdivision 1.  [AVAILABILITY.] An individual who applies 
 13.34  for an insurance producer license in this state who was 
 13.35  previously licensed for the same lines of authority in another 
 13.36  state is not required to complete any prelicensing education or 
 14.1   examination.  This exemption is only available if the person is 
 14.2   currently licensed in that state or if the application is 
 14.3   received within 90 days of the cancellation of the applicant's 
 14.4   previous license and if the prior state issues a certification 
 14.5   that, at the time of cancellation, the applicant was in good 
 14.6   standing in that state or the state's Producer Database records, 
 14.7   maintained by the National Association of Insurance 
 14.8   Commissioners, its affiliates or subsidiaries, indicate that the 
 14.9   producer is or was licensed in good standing for the line of 
 14.10  authority requested. 
 14.11     Subd. 2.  [REQUIRED APPLICATION.] If a person licensed as 
 14.12  an insurance producer in another state who moves to this state 
 14.13  makes application within 90 days of establishing legal residence 
 14.14  to become a resident licensee under section 60K.37, no 
 14.15  prelicensing education or examination is required of that person 
 14.16  to obtain any line of authority previously held in the prior 
 14.17  state. 
 14.18     Sec. 12.  [60K.41] [ASSUMED NAMES.] 
 14.19     An insurance producer doing business under any name other 
 14.20  than the producer's legal name shall provide the commissioner 
 14.21  with documentation that the assumed name has been properly filed 
 14.22  with the secretary of state before using the assumed name. 
 14.23     Sec. 13.  [60K.42] [TEMPORARY LICENSING.] 
 14.24     Subdivision 1.  [COMMISSIONER'S AUTHORITY TO GRANT.] The 
 14.25  commissioner may issue a temporary insurance producer license 
 14.26  for a period not to exceed 180 days without requiring an 
 14.27  examination if the commissioner considers the temporary license 
 14.28  necessary for the servicing of an insurance business in the 
 14.29  following cases: 
 14.30     (1) to the surviving spouse or court-appointed personal 
 14.31  representative of a licensed insurance producer who dies or 
 14.32  becomes mentally or physically disabled to allow adequate time 
 14.33  for the sale of the insurance business owned by the producer or 
 14.34  for the recovery or return of the producer to the business or to 
 14.35  provide for the training and licensing of new personnel to 
 14.36  operate the producer's business; 
 15.1      (2) to a member or employee of a business entity licensed 
 15.2   as an insurance producer, upon the death or disability of an 
 15.3   individual designated in the business entity application or the 
 15.4   license; 
 15.5      (3) to the designee of a licensed insurance producer 
 15.6   entering active service in the armed forces of the United States 
 15.7   of America; or 
 15.8      (4) in any other circumstance where the commissioner 
 15.9   considers that the public interest will best be served by the 
 15.10  issuance of this license. 
 15.11     Subd. 2.  [LIMITATIONS.] The commissioner may by order 
 15.12  limit the authority of any temporary licensee in any way 
 15.13  considered necessary to protect insureds and the public.  The 
 15.14  commissioner may require the temporary licensee to have a 
 15.15  suitable sponsor who is a licensed producer or insurer and who 
 15.16  assumes responsibility for all acts of the temporary licensee 
 15.17  and may impose other similar requirements designed to protect 
 15.18  insureds and the public.  The commissioner may by order revoke a 
 15.19  temporary license if the interests of insureds or the public are 
 15.20  endangered.  A temporary license may not continue after the 
 15.21  owner or the personal representative disposes of the business. 
 15.22     Sec. 14.  [60K.43] [LICENSE DENIAL, NONRENEWAL, OR 
 15.23  REVOCATION.] 
 15.24     Subdivision 1.  [CAUSES.] The commissioner may, by order, 
 15.25  restrict, censure, suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew 
 15.26  an insurance producer's license or may levy a civil penalty 
 15.27  under section 45.027 or any combination of actions, for any one 
 15.28  or more of the following causes: 
 15.29     (1) providing incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or 
 15.30  materially untrue information in the licensing application 
 15.31     (2) violating any insurance laws, including chapter 45 or 
 15.32  chapters 60A to 72A, or violating any regulation, subpoena, or 
 15.33  order of the commissioner or of another state's insurance 
 15.34  commissioner; 
 15.35     (3) obtaining or attempting to obtain a license through 
 15.36  misrepresentation or fraud; 
 16.1      (4) improperly withholding, misappropriating, or converting 
 16.2   any money or properties received in the course of doing 
 16.3   insurance business; 
 16.4      (5) misrepresenting the terms of an actual or proposed 
 16.5   insurance contract or application for insurance; 
 16.6      (6) having pled guilty, with or without explicitly 
 16.7   admitting guilt, pled nolo contendere, or been convicted of a 
 16.8   felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor involving moral 
 16.9   turpitude, including, but not limited to, assault or similar 
 16.10  conduct; 
 16.11     (7) having admitted or been found to have committed any 
 16.12  insurance unfair trade practice or fraud; 
 16.13     (8) using fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices, or 
 16.14  demonstrating incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial 
 16.15  irresponsibility whether or not involving the business of 
 16.16  insurance in this state or elsewhere; 
 16.17     (9) having an insurance producer license, or its 
 16.18  equivalent, denied, suspended, or revoked, or having been the 
 16.19  subject of a fine or any other discipline in any other state, 
 16.20  province, district, or territory; 
 16.21     (10) forging another's name to an application for insurance 
 16.22  or to any document, whether or not related to an insurance 
 16.23  transaction; 
 16.24     (11) improperly using notes or any other reference material 
 16.25  to complete an examination for an insurance license; 
 16.26     (12) knowingly accepting insurance business from an 
 16.27  individual who is not licensed; 
 16.28     (13) failing to comply with an administrative or court 
 16.29  order imposing a child support obligation; 
 16.30     (14) failing to pay state income tax or comply with any 
 16.31  administrative or court order directing payment of state income 
 16.32  tax; 
 16.33     (15) being permanently or temporarily enjoined by any court 
 16.34  of competent jurisdiction from engaging in or continuing any 
 16.35  conduct or practice involving any aspect of the insurance 
 16.36  business; 
 17.1      (16) making any communication to a potential buyer that 
 17.2   gives the impression that the producer is acting on behalf of a 
 17.3   government agency; or 
 17.4      (17) while performing residential mortgage activity 
 17.5   regulated under chapter 58, violating any notification, 
 17.6   disclosure, or recordkeeping requirement, or any standard of 
 17.7   conduct imposed by chapter 58. 
 17.8      Subd. 2.  [HEARING RIGHTS.] (a) If the commissioner 
 17.9   determines that the producer is in violation of this section, 
 17.10  the commissioner may issue an order requiring a licensee to show 
 17.11  cause why any or all of the following should not occur: 
 17.12     (1) the revocation or suspension of the license; 
 17.13     (2) the censuring of the licensee; or 
 17.14     (3) the imposition of a civil penalty.  
 17.15     The order must be calculated to give reasonable notice of 
 17.16  the time and place for hearing on the matter and must state the 
 17.17  reasons for the entry of the order.  The commissioner may, by 
 17.18  order, summarily suspend a license pending final determination 
 17.19  of any order to show cause.  If a license is suspended pending 
 17.20  final determination of an order to show cause, a hearing on the 
 17.21  merits must be held within 30 days of the issuance of the order 
 17.22  of suspension.  All hearings must be conducted in accordance 
 17.23  with the provisions of chapter 14.  After the hearing, the 
 17.24  commissioner shall enter an order disposing of the matter as the 
 17.25  facts require.  If the licensee fails to appear at a hearing 
 17.26  after having been duly notified of it, the licensee shall be 
 17.27  considered in default, and the proceeding may be determined 
 17.28  against the licensee upon consideration of the order to show 
 17.29  cause, the allegations of which may be considered to be true.  
 17.30     (b) In the event that the action by the commissioner is to 
 17.31  nonrenew or to deny an application for a license, the 
 17.32  commissioner shall notify the applicant or licensee and advise, 
 17.33  in writing, the applicant or licensee of the reason for the 
 17.34  denial or nonrenewal of the applicant's or licensee's license.  
 17.35  The applicant or licensee may make written demand upon the 
 17.36  commissioner within 30 days for a hearing to determine the 
 18.1   reasonableness of the commissioner's action.  The hearing must 
 18.2   be held within 30 days and must be held pursuant to the 
 18.3   contested case provisions of chapter 14.  If no hearing is 
 18.4   requested within 30 days of service of the notice of nonrenewal 
 18.5   or denial, the nonrenewal or denial becomes final. 
 18.6      Subd. 3.  [ACTIONS AGAINST BUSINESS ENTITY.] The license of 
 18.7   a business entity may be suspended, revoked, or refused if the 
 18.8   insurance commissioner finds, after hearing, that an individual 
 18.9   licensee's violation was known or should have been known by one 
 18.10  or more of the partners, officers, or managers acting on behalf 
 18.11  of the partnership or corporation and the violation was not 
 18.12  reported to the commissioner in a timely manner. 
 18.13     Subd. 4.  [FINE.] In addition to or in lieu of any 
 18.14  applicable denial, suspension, or revocation of a license, a 
 18.15  person may, after hearing, be subject to a civil fine according 
 18.16  to section 45.027, subdivision 6. 
 18.18  license lapses, is surrendered, withdrawn, terminated, or 
 18.19  otherwise becomes ineffective, the commissioner may institute a 
 18.20  proceeding under this subdivision within two years after the 
 18.21  license was last effective and enter a revocation or suspension 
 18.22  order as of the last date on which the license was in effect, or 
 18.23  impose a civil penalty as provided for in section 45.027, 
 18.24  subdivision 6.  
 18.25     Subd. 6.  [CONDITIONS FOR RELICENSURE.] A revocation of a 
 18.26  license prohibits the licensee from making a new application for 
 18.27  a license for at least two years from the effective date of the 
 18.28  revocation.  Further, the commissioner shall, as a condition of 
 18.29  reapplication, require the applicant to obtain a performance 
 18.30  bond issued by an insurer authorized to transact business in 
 18.31  this state in the amount of $20,000 or a greater amount the 
 18.32  commissioner considers appropriate for the protection of 
 18.33  citizens of this state in the event the commissioner grants the 
 18.34  application.  The bond must be filed with the commissioner, with 
 18.35  the state of Minnesota as obligee, conditioned for the prompt 
 18.36  payment to any aggrieved person entitled to payment of any 
 19.1   amounts received by the licensee or to protect any aggrieved 
 19.2   person from loss resulting from fraudulent, deceptive, 
 19.3   dishonest, or other prohibited practices arising out of any 
 19.4   transaction when the licensee was licensed or performed acts for 
 19.5   which a license is required under this chapter.  The bond 
 19.6   remains operative for as long as that licensee is licensed.  The 
 19.7   bond required by this subdivision must provide coverage for all 
 19.8   matters arising during the period of licensure.  
 19.9      Sec. 15.  [60K.44] [TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE.] 
 19.11  LICENSE.] In addition to the provisions of section 60K.43, the 
 19.12  commissioner may not issue or renew a license if the 
 19.13  commissioner of revenue notifies the commissioner and the 
 19.14  licensee or applicant for a license that the licensee or 
 19.15  applicant owes the state delinquent taxes in the amount of $500 
 19.16  or more.  The commissioner may issue or renew the license only 
 19.17  if:  
 19.18     (1) the commissioner of revenue issues a tax clearance 
 19.19  certificate; and 
 19.20     (2) the commissioner of revenue or the licensee or 
 19.21  applicant forwards a copy of the clearance certificate to the 
 19.22  commissioner.  
 19.23  The commissioner of revenue may issue a clearance certificate 
 19.24  only if the licensee or applicant does not owe the state any 
 19.25  uncontested delinquent taxes. 
 19.26     Subd. 2.  [DEFINITIONS.] For purposes of this section, the 
 19.27  following terms have the meanings given them: 
 19.28     (1) "taxes" are all taxes payable to the commissioner of 
 19.29  revenue, including penalties and interest due on those taxes; 
 19.30  and 
 19.31     (2) "delinquent taxes" do not include a tax liability if (i)
 19.32  an administrative or court action that contests the amount or 
 19.33  validity of the liability has been filed or served, (ii) the 
 19.34  appeal period to contest the tax liability has not expired, or 
 19.35  (iii) the licensee or applicant has entered into a payment 
 19.36  agreement to pay the liability and is current with the payments. 
 20.1      Subd. 3.  [CONTESTED CASE HEARING.] In lieu of the notice 
 20.2   and hearing requirements of section 60K.43, when a licensee or 
 20.3   applicant is required to obtain a clearance certificate under 
 20.4   this section, a contested case hearing must be held if the 
 20.5   licensee or applicant requests a hearing in writing to the 
 20.6   commissioner of revenue within 30 days of the date of the notice 
 20.7   provided in subdivision 1.  The hearing must be held within 45 
 20.8   days of the date the commissioner of revenue refers the case to 
 20.9   the office of administrative hearings.  Notwithstanding any law 
 20.10  to the contrary, the licensee or applicant must be served with 
 20.11  20 days' notice in writing specifying the time and place of the 
 20.12  hearing and the allegations against the licensee or applicant.  
 20.13  The notice may be served personally or by mail. 
 20.14     Subd. 4.  [IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED.] The commissioner shall 
 20.15  require all licensees or applicants to provide their social 
 20.16  security number and Minnesota business identification number on 
 20.17  all license applications.  Upon request of the commissioner of 
 20.18  revenue, the commissioner must provide to the commissioner of 
 20.19  revenue a list of all licensees and applicants, including the 
 20.20  name and address, social security number, and business 
 20.21  identification number.  The commissioner of revenue may request 
 20.22  a list of the licensees and applicants no more than once each 
 20.23  calendar year.  
 20.24     Sec. 16.  [60K.45] [SURRENDER OF LICENSE.] 
 20.25     The commissioner shall promptly notify the licensee and all 
 20.26  appointing insurers, where applicable, of any suspension, 
 20.27  revocation, or termination of the licensee's producer license by 
 20.28  the commissioner.  Upon receipt of the notice of suspension or 
 20.29  revocation of a license, the licensee shall immediately deliver 
 20.30  it to the commissioner. 
 20.31     Sec. 17.  [60K.46] [REQUIRED ACTS.] 
 20.33  SALES.] (a) For the purpose of this section, "personal 
 20.34  solicitation" means any contact by a producer, or any person 
 20.35  acting on behalf of a producer, made for the purpose of selling 
 20.36  or attempting to sell insurance, when either the producer or the 
 21.1   person acting for the producer contacts the buyer in person, by 
 21.2   telephone, or by electronic means, except:  
 21.3      (1) an attempted sale in which the buyer personally knows 
 21.4   the identity of the producer, the name of the general agency, if 
 21.5   any, which the producer represents, and the fact that the 
 21.6   producer is an insurance producer; 
 21.7      (2) an attempted sale in which the prospective purchaser of 
 21.8   insurance initiated the contact; or 
 21.9      (3) a personal contact which takes place at the producer's 
 21.10  place of business. 
 21.11     (b) Before a personal solicitation, the producer or person 
 21.12  acting for a producer shall, at the time of initial personal 
 21.13  contact with the potential buyer, clearly and expressly disclose 
 21.14  in writing: 
 21.15     (1) the name of the person making the contact; 
 21.16     (2) the name of the producer, general agency, or insurer 
 21.17  that the person represents; and 
 21.18     (3) the fact that the producer, agency, or insurer is in 
 21.19  the business of selling insurance.  
 21.20     If the initial personal contact is made by telephone, the 
 21.21  disclosures required by this subdivision need not be made in 
 21.22  writing.  
 21.23     Subd. 2.  [FEES FOR SERVICES.] No person shall charge a fee 
 21.24  for any services rendered in connection with the solicitation, 
 21.25  negotiation, or servicing of any insurance contract unless: 
 21.26     (1) before rendering the services, a written statement is 
 21.27  provided disclosing: 
 21.28     (i) the services for which fees are charged; 
 21.29     (ii) the amount of the fees; 
 21.30     (iii) that the fees are charged in addition to premiums; 
 21.31  and 
 21.32     (iv) that premiums include a commission; and 
 21.33     (2) all fees charged are reasonable in relation to the 
 21.34  services rendered.  
 21.35     Subd. 3.  [COMMISSIONS OR COMPENSATION.] A duly licensed 
 21.36  producer may pay commissions or assign or direct that 
 22.1   commissions be paid to a partnership of which the producer is a 
 22.2   member, employee, or agent, or to a corporation of which the 
 22.3   producer is an officer, employee, or agent. 
 22.4      Subd. 4.  [SUITABILITY OF INSURANCE.] In recommending the 
 22.5   purchase of any life, endowment, credit life or disability, 
 22.6   individual accident and sickness, long-term care, annuity, 
 22.7   life-endowment, or Medicare supplement insurance to a customer, 
 22.8   a producer must have reasonable grounds for believing that the 
 22.9   recommendation is suitable for the customer and must make 
 22.10  reasonable inquiries to determine suitability.  The suitability 
 22.11  of a recommended purchase of insurance will be determined by 
 22.12  reference to the totality of the particular customer's 
 22.13  circumstances, including, but not limited to, the customer's 
 22.14  income, the customer's need for insurance, and the values, 
 22.15  benefits, and costs of the customer's existing insurance 
 22.16  program, if any, when compared to the values, benefits, and 
 22.17  costs of the recommended policy or policies. 
 22.18     Subd. 5.  [PREMIUMS.] All premiums or other money received 
 22.19  by a producer from an insured or applicant for insurance must be 
 22.20  promptly deposited directly in a business checking, savings, or 
 22.21  other similar account maintained by the producer or agency, 
 22.22  unless the money is forwarded directly to the designated insurer.
 22.23     Subd. 6.  [PRIVACY OF INSURED.] Except as otherwise 
 22.24  provided by law, no insurance producer may disclose or cause to 
 22.25  be disclosed to any other person the identity of a person 
 22.26  insured through the producer without the consent of the insured. 
 22.27     Subd. 7.  [DISCLOSURE OF COMMISSIONS.] Before selling any 
 22.28  health plan, as defined in section 62A.011, subdivision 3, a 
 22.29  producer shall disclose in writing to the prospective purchaser 
 22.30  the amount of any commission or other compensation the producer 
 22.31  will receive as a direct result of the sale.  The disclosure may 
 22.32  be expressed in dollars or as a percentage of the premium.  The 
 22.33  amount disclosed need not include any anticipated renewal 
 22.34  commissions. 
 22.36  REQUIRED.] An insurance producer having express authority to 
 23.1   bind coverage, who orally agrees on behalf of an insurer to 
 23.2   provide insurance coverage, or to alter an existing insurance 
 23.3   agreement, shall execute and deliver a written memorandum or 
 23.4   binder containing the terms of the oral agreement to the insured 
 23.5   within three business days from the time the oral agreement is 
 23.6   entered. 
 23.7      Sec. 18.  [60K.47] [LIABILITY FOR PLACING INSURANCE IN 
 23.9      Any person, whether or not licensed as an insurance 
 23.10  producer, who participates in any manner in the sale of any 
 23.11  insurance policy or certificate, or any other contract providing 
 23.12  benefits, for or on behalf of any company that is required to 
 23.13  be, but that is not authorized to engage in the business of 
 23.14  insurance in this state, other than pursuant to sections 60A.195 
 23.15  to 60A.209, is personally liable for all premiums, whether 
 23.16  earned or unearned, paid by the insured, and the premiums may be 
 23.17  recovered by the insured.  In addition, that person is 
 23.18  personally liable for any loss the insured has sustained or may 
 23.19  sustain if the loss is one resulting from a risk or hazard 
 23.20  covered in the issued policy, certificate, or contract, or which 
 23.21  would have been covered if the policy, certificate, or contract 
 23.22  had been issued to the purchaser of the insurance. 
 23.23     Sec. 19.  [60K.48] [COMMISSIONS.] 
 23.24     Subdivision 1.  [PAYMENT PROHIBITED.] An insurance company 
 23.25  or insurance producer shall not pay a commission, service fee, 
 23.26  brokerage, or other valuable consideration to a person for 
 23.27  selling, soliciting, or negotiating insurance in this state if 
 23.28  that person is required to be licensed under sections 60K.30 to 
 23.29  60K.57 and is not so licensed.  
 23.30     Subd. 2.  [ACCEPTANCE PROHIBITED.] A person shall not 
 23.31  accept a commission, service fee, brokerage, or other valuable 
 23.32  consideration for selling, soliciting, or negotiating insurance 
 23.33  in this state if that person is required to be licensed under 
 23.34  sections 60K.30 to 60K.57 and is not so licensed. 
 23.35     Subd. 3.  [EXCEPTIONS.] (a) Renewal or other deferred 
 23.36  commissions may be paid to a person for selling, soliciting, or 
 24.1   negotiating insurance in this state if the person was required 
 24.2   to be licensed under sections 60K.30 to 60K.57 at the time of 
 24.3   the sale, solicitation, or negotiation and was so licensed at 
 24.4   that time. 
 24.5      (b) An insurer or insurance producer may pay or assign 
 24.6   commissions, service fees, brokerages, or other valuable 
 24.7   consideration to an insurance agency or to persons who do not 
 24.8   sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance in this state, unless the 
 24.9   payment would constitute an illegal rebate or otherwise violate 
 24.10  section 72A.20, subdivision 10.  A duly licensed producer may 
 24.11  pay commissions or assign or direct that commissions be paid to 
 24.12  a partnership of which the producer is a member, employee, or 
 24.13  agent, or to a corporation of which the agent is an officer, 
 24.14  employee, or agent. 
 24.15     Sec. 20.  [60K.49] [APPOINTMENTS.] 
 24.16     Subdivision 1.  [AGENT OF INSURER.] A person performing 
 24.17  acts requiring a producer license under this chapter is at all 
 24.18  times the agent of the insurer and not the insured. 
 24.19     Subd. 2.  [REQUIREMENTS.] Except as described in 
 24.20  subdivision 3, a licensed insurance producer shall not engage in 
 24.21  the business of insurance with an insurer unless the producer 
 24.22  either: 
 24.23     (1) has been appointed by that insurer; or 
 24.24     (2) has the permission of the insurer to transact business 
 24.25  on its behalf and obtains an appointment from the insurer within 
 24.26  15 days after the first application is submitted to the insurer. 
 24.27     Subd. 3.  [EXCEPTION.] A licensed insurance producer may, 
 24.28  in response to the needs of a customer, procure insurance in a 
 24.29  class of insurance for which the producer is licensed from an 
 24.30  insurer by which the producer is not appointed, if the 
 24.31  transaction is consummated through an appointed agent of the 
 24.32  insurer. 
 24.33     Subd. 4.  [PROCEDURE.] To appoint a producer as its agent, 
 24.34  the appointing insurer shall file, in a format approved by the 
 24.35  commissioner, a notice of appointment within 15 days from the 
 24.36  date the agency contract is executed or the first insurance 
 25.1   application is submitted.  An insurer may also elect to appoint 
 25.2   a producer to all or some insurers within the insurer's holding 
 25.3   company system or group by the filing of a single appointment 
 25.4   request.  No insurer shall appoint a producer until the producer 
 25.5   obtains a license under this chapter.  
 25.6      Subd. 5.  [ELIGIBILITY.] Upon receipt of the notice of 
 25.7   appointment, the commissioner shall verify within a reasonable 
 25.8   time not to exceed 30 days that the insurance producer is 
 25.9   eligible for appointment.  If the insurance producer is 
 25.10  determined to be ineligible for appointment, the commissioner 
 25.11  shall notify the insurer within five days of its determination. 
 25.12     Subd. 6.  [FEES.] An insurer shall pay an appointment fee, 
 25.13  in the amount and method of payment set forth in section 60A.14, 
 25.14  subdivision 1, for each insurance producer appointed by the 
 25.15  insurer.  
 25.16     Subd. 7.  [PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS.] Appointments shall 
 25.17  remain in force until voluntarily terminated by the insurer or 
 25.18  the producer, or until the license of the producer has been 
 25.19  terminated for any reason.  An insurer may terminate the 
 25.20  appointment at any time by notifying the commissioner and the 
 25.21  producer under section 60K.51.  If the insurer does not specify 
 25.22  an effective date, the termination is effective on the date the 
 25.23  notice is received by the commissioner.  Within 30 days after 
 25.24  the insurer gives notice to the commissioner, the insurer shall 
 25.25  furnish the producer with a current statement of the producer's 
 25.26  commission account.  
 25.27     Sec. 21.  [60K.50] [LIMITATION ON APPOINTMENTS.] 
 25.28     No insurer or representative of an insurer shall knowingly 
 25.29  appoint a producer who is known to the insurer or representative 
 25.30  to have engaged in any of the activities in section 60K.43 or to 
 25.31  be otherwise unqualified or unfit.  Upon discovery by the 
 25.32  insurer or a representative of the insurer that an appointed 
 25.33  producer has engaged in any of the activities in section 60K.43 
 25.34  or is otherwise unqualified or unfit, the insurer shall 
 25.35  immediately terminate the appointment and notify the 
 25.36  commissioner as set forth in section 60K.51.  No insurer shall 
 26.1   employ a producer whose license has been revoked. 
 26.4      Subdivision 1.  [TERMINATION FOR CAUSE.] An insurer or 
 26.5   authorized representative of the insurer that terminates the 
 26.6   appointment, employment, contract, or other insurance business 
 26.7   relationship with a producer shall notify the commissioner 
 26.8   within 30 days following the effective date of the termination, 
 26.9   using a format acceptable to the commissioner, if the reason for 
 26.10  termination is one of the reasons set forth in section 60K.43 or 
 26.11  the insurer has knowledge that the producer was found by a 
 26.12  court, government body, or self-regulatory organization 
 26.13  authorized by law to have engaged in any of the activities in 
 26.14  section 60K.43.  Upon the written request of the commissioner, 
 26.15  the insurer shall provide additional information, documents, 
 26.16  records, or other data pertaining to the termination or activity 
 26.17  of the producer. 
 26.18     Subd. 2.  [TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE.] An insurer or 
 26.19  authorized representative of the insurer that terminates the 
 26.20  appointment, employment, or contract with a producer for any 
 26.21  reason not set forth in section 60K.43 shall notify the 
 26.22  commissioner within 30 days following the effective date of the 
 26.23  termination, using a format acceptable to the commissioner.  
 26.24  Upon written request of the commissioner, the insurer shall 
 26.25  provide additional information, documents, records, or other 
 26.26  data pertaining to the termination. 
 26.27     Subd. 3.  [ONGOING NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT.] The insurer 
 26.28  or the authorized representative of the insurer shall promptly 
 26.29  notify the commissioner in a format acceptable to the 
 26.30  commissioner if, upon further review or investigation, the 
 26.31  insurer discovers additional information that would have been 
 26.32  reportable to the commissioner under subdivision 1 had the 
 26.33  insurer then known of its existence. 
 26.35  PRODUCER.] (a) Within 15 days after making the notification 
 26.36  required by subdivisions 1 to 3, the insurer shall mail a copy 
 27.1   of the notification to the producer at the producer's last known 
 27.2   address.  If the producer is terminated for cause for any of the 
 27.3   reasons listed in section 60K.43, the insurer shall provide a 
 27.4   copy of the notification to the producer at the producer's last 
 27.5   known address by certified mail, return receipt requested, 
 27.6   postage prepaid, or by overnight delivery using a nationally 
 27.7   recognized carrier. 
 27.8      (b) Within 30 days after the producer has received the 
 27.9   original or additional notification, the producer may file 
 27.10  written comments concerning the substance of the notification 
 27.11  with the commissioner.  The producer shall, by the same means, 
 27.12  simultaneously send a copy of the comments to the reporting 
 27.13  insurer.  The comments become a part of the commissioner's file 
 27.14  and must accompany every copy of a report distributed or 
 27.15  disclosed for any reason about the producer as permitted under 
 27.16  subdivision 6. 
 27.17     Subd. 5.  [IMMUNITIES.] (a) In the absence of actual 
 27.18  malice, an insurer, the authorized representative of the 
 27.19  insurer, a producer, the commissioner, or an organization of 
 27.20  which the commissioner is a member and that compiles the 
 27.21  information and makes it available to other insurance 
 27.22  commissioners or regulatory or law enforcement agencies is not 
 27.23  subject to civil liability, and no civil cause of action arises 
 27.24  against these entities or their respective agents or employees, 
 27.25  as a result of any statement or information required by or 
 27.26  provided pursuant to this section or any information relating to 
 27.27  any statement that may be requested in writing by the 
 27.28  commissioner, from an insurer or producer.  The immunity granted 
 27.29  in this subdivision extends to a statement by a terminating 
 27.30  insurer or producer to an insurer or producer limited solely and 
 27.31  exclusively to whether a termination for cause under subdivision 
 27.32  1 was reported to the commissioner, provided that the propriety 
 27.33  of any termination for cause under subdivision 1 is certified in 
 27.34  writing by an officer or authorized representative of the 
 27.35  insurer or producer terminating the relationship. 
 27.36     (b) In any action brought against a person that may have 
 28.1   immunity under paragraph (a) for making any statement required 
 28.2   by this section or providing any information relating to any 
 28.3   statement that may be requested by the commissioner, the party 
 28.4   bringing the action shall plead specifically in any allegation 
 28.5   that paragraph (a) does not apply because the person making the 
 28.6   statement or providing the information did so with actual malice.
 28.7      (c) Paragraph (a) or (b) does not abrogate or modify any 
 28.8   existing statutory or common law privileges or immunities. 
 28.10  documents, materials, or other information in the control or 
 28.11  possession of the department of commerce that is furnished by an 
 28.12  insurer, producer, or an employee or agent of an insurer or 
 28.13  producer acting on behalf of the insurer or producer, or 
 28.14  obtained by the commissioner in an investigation pursuant to 
 28.15  this section is classified as confidential or private data 
 28.16  pursuant to section 13.41, subdivision 2. 
 28.17     Sec. 23.  [60K.52] [USE AND SHARING OF LICENSING AND 
 28.19     Subdivision 1.  [COMMISSIONER'S AUTHORITY.] In order to 
 28.20  assist in the performance of the commissioner's duties under 
 28.21  sections 60K.30 to 60K.57, the commissioner: 
 28.22     (1) may share licensing data or any active or inactive 
 28.23  investigative data with other state, federal, and international 
 28.24  regulatory agencies, with the National Association of Insurance 
 28.25  Commissioners, its affiliates or subsidiaries, and with state, 
 28.26  federal, and international law enforcement authorities if the 
 28.27  recipient agrees to maintain the data in a manner consistent 
 28.28  with its data classification; 
 28.29     (2) may receive documents, materials, or information, 
 28.30  including otherwise confidential and privileged documents, 
 28.31  materials, or information, from the National Association of 
 28.32  Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates or subsidiaries, and 
 28.33  from regulatory and law enforcement officials of other foreign 
 28.34  or domestic jurisdictions, and shall maintain as confidential or 
 28.35  privileged any document, material, or information received with 
 28.36  notice or the understanding that it is confidential or 
 29.1   privileged under the laws of the jurisdiction that is the source 
 29.2   of the document, material, or information; and 
 29.3      (3) may enter into agreements governing sharing and use of 
 29.4   information consistent with this subdivision. 
 29.5      No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of 
 29.6   confidentiality in the documents, materials, or information 
 29.7   occurs as a result of disclosure to the commissioner under this 
 29.8   section or as a result of sharing as authorized in this 
 29.9   subdivision. 
 29.10     Nothing in sections 60K.30 to 60K.57 prohibits the 
 29.11  commissioner from releasing information concerning final, 
 29.12  adjudicated actions, including for-cause terminations, to a 
 29.13  database or other clearinghouse service maintained by the 
 29.14  National Association of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates, 
 29.15  or subsidiaries of the National Association of Insurance 
 29.16  Commissioners. 
 29.17     Subd. 2.  [PENALTIES FOR FAILING TO REPORT.] An insurer, 
 29.18  the authorized representative of the insurer, or a producer that 
 29.19  fails to report as required under this section or that is found 
 29.20  to have reported with actual malice by a court of competent 
 29.21  jurisdiction may, after notice and hearing, have its license or 
 29.22  certificate of authority suspended or revoked and may be fined 
 29.23  in accordance with section 45.027. 
 29.24     Sec. 24.  [60K.53] [RECIPROCITY.] 
 29.25     Subdivision 1.  [NONRESIDENT LICENSE WAIVER.] The 
 29.26  commissioner shall waive any requirements for a nonresident 
 29.27  license applicant with a valid license from the applicant's home 
 29.28  state, except the requirements imposed by section 60K.39, if the 
 29.29  applicant's home state awards nonresident licenses to residents 
 29.30  of this state on the same basis. 
 29.32  nonresident producer's satisfaction of that person's home 
 29.33  state's continuing education requirements for licensed insurance 
 29.34  producers constitutes satisfaction of this state's continuing 
 29.35  education requirements if the nonresident producer's home state 
 29.36  recognizes the satisfaction of its continuing education 
 30.1   requirements imposed upon producers from this state on the same 
 30.2   basis. 
 30.3      Sec. 25.  [60K.54] [REPORTING OF ACTIONS.] 
 30.4      Subdivision 1.  [ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS.] A producer shall 
 30.5   report to the commissioner any administrative action taken 
 30.6   against the producer in another jurisdiction or by another 
 30.7   governmental agency in this state within 30 days of the final 
 30.8   disposition of the matter.  This report must include a copy of 
 30.9   the order, consent to order, or other relevant legal documents. 
 30.10     Subd. 2.  [CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS.] Within 30 days of the 
 30.11  initial pretrial hearing date, a producer shall report to the 
 30.12  commissioner any criminal prosecution of the producer taken in 
 30.13  any jurisdiction.  The report must include a copy of the initial 
 30.14  complaint filed, the order resulting from the hearing, and any 
 30.15  other relevant legal documents.  In addition, a producer shall 
 30.16  report to the commissioner within ten days any conviction, 
 30.17  guilty plea, or plea of nolo contendere to any felony or gross 
 30.18  misdemeanor.  
 30.19     Sec. 26.  [60K.55] [FEES.] 
 30.20     Subdivision 1.  [RENEWAL FEES.] Each producer licensed 
 30.21  under this chapter shall pay a renewal fee as prescribed by 
 30.22  subdivision 2. 
 30.23     Subd. 2.  [LICENSING FEES.] (a) In addition to fees 
 30.24  provided for examinations, each insurance producer licensed 
 30.25  under this chapter shall pay to the commissioner a fee of: 
 30.26     (1) $40 for an initial life, accident and health, property, 
 30.27  or casualty license issued to an individual insurance producer, 
 30.28  and a fee of $40 for each renewal; 
 30.29     (2) $75 for an initial variable life and variable annuity 
 30.30  license issued to an individual insurance producer, and a fee of 
 30.31  $50 for each renewal; 
 30.32     (3) $80 for an initial personal lines license issued to an 
 30.33  individual insurance producer, and a fee of $80 for each 
 30.34  renewal; 
 30.35     (4) $80 for an initial limited lines license issued to an 
 30.36  individual insurance producer, and a fee of $80 for each 
 31.1   renewal; 
 31.2      (5) $200 for an initial license issued to a business 
 31.3   entity, and a fee of $150 for each renewal; and 
 31.4      (6) $500 for an initial surplus lines license, and a fee of 
 31.5   $500 for each renewal. 
 31.6      (b) Initial licenses issued under this chapter are valid 
 31.7   for a period not to exceed 24 months and expire on October 31 of 
 31.8   the renewal year assigned by the commissioner.  Each renewal 
 31.9   insurance producer license is valid for a period of 24 months.  
 31.10  Licensees who submit renewal applications postmarked or 
 31.11  delivered on or before October 15 of the renewal year may 
 31.12  continue to transact business whether or not the renewal license 
 31.13  has been received by November 1.  Licensees who submit 
 31.14  applications postmarked or delivered after October 15 of the 
 31.15  renewal year must not transact business after the expiration 
 31.16  date of the license until the renewal license has been received. 
 31.17     (c) All fees are nonreturnable, except that an overpayment 
 31.18  of any fee may be refunded upon proper application.  
 31.19     Sec. 27.  [60K.56] [CONTINUING INSURANCE EDUCATION.] 
 31.20     Subdivision 1.  [DEFINITION.] For the purposes of this 
 31.21  section, "course" means a course, program of instruction, or 
 31.22  seminar of continuing insurance education.  A "professional 
 31.23  designation examination" means a written, proctored, and graded 
 31.24  examination the passage of which leads to a bona fide insurance 
 31.25  or financial planning professional designation used by insurance 
 31.26  producers.  
 31.27     Subd. 2.  [APPLICABILITY.] This section applies to all 
 31.28  natural persons licensed by this state to sell lines of 
 31.29  insurance for which licensing examinations are required.  
 31.30     Subd. 3.  [EXEMPTIONS.] This section does not apply to 
 31.31  persons soliciting or selling solely on behalf of companies 
 31.32  organized and operating according to chapter 67A. 
 31.34  FORCE.] The commissioner of commerce may appoint a continuing 
 31.35  insurance education advisory task force consisting of 13 
 31.36  members.  All members must be residents of Minnesota.  Three 
 32.1   members must neither be employed by an insurance company nor 
 32.2   licensed as an insurance producer.  These three members are not 
 32.3   eligible to be chair and are compensated according to section 
 32.4   15.059, subdivision 6.  Each of the other ten members must be 
 32.5   actively engaged in some activity in the insurance industry in 
 32.6   this state and have a principal office located in this state.  
 32.7   These ten members serve without compensation, but are paid 
 32.8   reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of 
 32.9   their duties in the same amount and in the same manner as state 
 32.10  employees.  Three of these ten members must be employed in 
 32.11  capacities other than as licensed producers by insurance 
 32.12  companies authorized to do business in this state.  The 
 32.13  remaining seven members must be licensed insurance producers 
 32.14  actively engaged in the solicitation and sale of insurance and 
 32.15  currently subject to continuing education requirements.  
 32.16  Membership on the advisory task force must represent, to the 
 32.17  extent possible, the various phases of the insurance industry 
 32.18  and especially the several classes of insurance.  
 32.19     The commissioner shall appoint the members of the task 
 32.20  force.  Before making appointments to the advisory task force, 
 32.21  the commissioner shall solicit nominations from the several 
 32.22  professional organizations representing persons selling 
 32.23  insurance in this state and from the organizations representing 
 32.24  companies authorized to do business in this state.  
 32.25     Subd. 5.  [POWERS OF THE ADVISORY TASK FORCE.] (a) 
 32.26  Applications for approval of individuals responsible for 
 32.27  monitoring course offerings must be submitted to the 
 32.28  commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner and must be 
 32.29  accompanied by a fee of not more than $100 payable to the state 
 32.30  of Minnesota for deposit in the general fund.  A fee of $10 for 
 32.31  each hour or fraction of one hour of course approval sought must 
 32.32  be forwarded with the application for course approval.  If the 
 32.33  advisory task force is created, it shall make recommendations to 
 32.34  the commissioner regarding the accreditation of courses 
 32.35  sponsored by institutions, both public and private, which 
 32.36  satisfy the criteria established by this section, the number of 
 33.1   credit hours to be assigned to the courses, and rules which may 
 33.2   be promulgated by the commissioner.  The advisory task force 
 33.3   shall seek out and encourage the presentation of courses.  
 33.4      (b) If the advisory task force is created, it shall make 
 33.5   recommendations and provide subsequent evaluations to the 
 33.6   commissioner regarding procedures for reporting compliance with 
 33.7   the minimum education requirement.  
 33.8      (c) The advisory task force shall recommend the approval or 
 33.9   disapproval of professional designation examinations that meet 
 33.10  the criteria established by this section and the number of 
 33.11  continuing education credit hours to be awarded for passage of 
 33.12  the examination.  In order to be approved, a professional 
 33.13  designation examination must:  
 33.14     (1) lead to a recognized insurance or financial planning 
 33.15  professional designation used by insurance producers; and 
 33.16     (2) conclude with a written examination that is proctored 
 33.17  and graded.  
 33.18     Subd. 6.  [POWERS OF THE COMMISSIONER.] (a) The 
 33.19  commissioner shall make the final determination as to 
 33.20  accreditation and assignment of credit hours for courses.  
 33.21     (b) The commissioner shall adopt procedures for reporting 
 33.22  compliance with the minimum education requirement.  
 33.23     (c) The commissioner shall adopt rules according to chapter 
 33.24  14 to carry out the purposes of this section.  
 33.25     Subd. 7.  [CRITERIA FOR COURSE ACCREDITATION.] (a) The 
 33.26  commissioner may accredit a course only to the extent it is 
 33.27  designed to impart substantive and procedural knowledge of the 
 33.28  insurance field.  The burden of demonstrating that the course 
 33.29  satisfies this requirement is on the individual or organization 
 33.30  seeking accreditation.  The commissioner shall approve any 
 33.31  educational program approved by Minnesota Continuing Legal 
 33.32  Education relating to the insurance field.  The commissioner is 
 33.33  authorized to establish a procedure for renewal of course 
 33.34  accreditation. 
 33.35     (b) The commissioner shall approve or disapprove 
 33.36  professional designation examinations that are recommended for 
 34.1   approval by the advisory task force.  In order for an insurance 
 34.2   producer to receive full continuing education credit for a 
 34.3   professional designation examination, the producer must pass the 
 34.4   examination.  A producer may not receive credit for classroom 
 34.5   instruction preparing for the professional designation 
 34.6   examination and also receive continuing education credit for 
 34.7   passing the professional designation examination. 
 34.8      (c) The commissioner may not accredit a course:  
 34.9      (1) that is designed to prepare students for a license 
 34.10  examination; 
 34.11     (2) in mechanical office or business skills, including 
 34.12  typing, speedreading, use of calculators, or other machines or 
 34.13  equipment; 
 34.14     (3) in sales promotion, including meetings held in 
 34.15  conjunction with the general business of the licensed agent; or 
 34.16     (4) in motivation, the art of selling, psychology, or time 
 34.17  management. 
 34.18     Subd. 8.  [MINIMUM EDUCATION REQUIREMENT.] Each person 
 34.19  subject to this section shall complete a minimum of 30 credit 
 34.20  hours of courses accredited by the commissioner during each 
 34.21  24-month licensing period.  Any person whose initial licensing 
 34.22  period extends more than six months shall complete 15 hours of 
 34.23  courses accredited by the commissioner during the initial 
 34.24  license period.  Any person teaching or lecturing at an 
 34.25  accredited course qualifies for 1-1/2 times the number of credit 
 34.26  hours that would be granted to a person completing the 
 34.27  accredited course.  No more than 15 credit hours per licensing 
 34.28  period may be credited to a person for courses sponsored by, 
 34.29  offered by, or affiliated with an insurance company or its 
 34.30  agents.  Courses sponsored by, offered by, or affiliated with an 
 34.31  insurance company or agent may restrict its students to agents 
 34.32  of the company or agency. 
 34.33     Subd. 9.  [WAIVER OF REQUIREMENTS.] (a) The commissioner 
 34.34  may grant a waiver or an extension of time up to 90 days to 
 34.35  complete the minimum education requirement to an individual upon 
 34.36  a showing of good cause.  It is the licensed person's 
 35.1   responsibility to request a waiver or extension on a form 
 35.2   prescribed by the commissioner.  As of the day the licensed 
 35.3   person properly files a request for a waiver or extension, the 
 35.4   license remains in effect until the commissioner notifies the 
 35.5   licensed person of the commissioner's decision.  The 
 35.6   commissioner may approve a waiver or extension subject to any 
 35.7   reasonable conditions.  The person's license remains in effect 
 35.8   during the compliance period determined by the commissioner.  If 
 35.9   the licensed person fails to comply with any reasonable 
 35.10  conditions imposed by the commissioner, the commissioner shall 
 35.11  terminate the license.  If the request for a waiver or extension 
 35.12  is denied by the commissioner, the licensed person shall have 30 
 35.13  days within which to satisfy the minimum education requirement 
 35.14  involved in the request for a waiver or extension.  If the 
 35.15  minimum education requirement is not satisfied within the 
 35.16  compliance period, the commissioner shall terminate the person's 
 35.17  license.  
 35.18     (b) Upon application on a form prescribed by the 
 35.19  commissioner, the commissioner may grant a waiver of the minimum 
 35.20  education requirement to a licensee who is no longer actively 
 35.21  engaged in the solicitation and sale of insurance.  A licensed 
 35.22  person seeking a waiver from the requirements of this section 
 35.23  may be required to submit information to the commissioner that 
 35.24  substantiates the person's retirement or inactive status.  A 
 35.25  licensed person receiving a waiver from the commissioner may 
 35.26  maintain and renew a license but may not solicit or sell new 
 35.27  insurance business while this waiver is in effect.  A licensee 
 35.28  may, for a fee, continue to service an insurance policy for 
 35.29  which the licensee is the producer of record, if the policy is 
 35.30  in force at the time the waiver is granted.  An insurer may not 
 35.31  terminate a service contract or refuse to pay compensation 
 35.32  because the waiver does not allow the licensee to solicit or 
 35.33  sell new insurance.  
 35.34     For the purposes of receiving renewal commissions and other 
 35.35  benefits or compensation from insurers, an agent receiving a 
 35.36  waiver under this paragraph is considered to be the holder of a 
 36.1   valid insurance producer license in this state.  
 36.2      Subd. 10.  [REPORTING.] (a) After completing the minimum 
 36.3   education requirement, each person subject to this section shall 
 36.4   file or cause to be filed a compliance report in accordance with 
 36.5   the procedures adopted by the commissioner.  The compliance 
 36.6   report must not claim credit for continuing education not 
 36.7   actually completed at the date of filing the report. 
 36.8      (b) An institution offering an accredited course shall 
 36.9   comply with the procedure for reporting compliance adopted by 
 36.10  the commissioner.  
 36.11     (c) If a person subject to this section completes a 
 36.12  nonaccredited course, that person may submit a written report to 
 36.13  the advisory committee accompanied by a fee of not more than $10 
 36.14  payable to the state of Minnesota for deposit in the general 
 36.15  fund.  This report must be accompanied by proof satisfactory to 
 36.16  the commissioner that the person has completed the minimum 
 36.17  education requirement for the annual period during which the 
 36.18  nonaccredited course was completed.  Upon the recommendation of 
 36.19  the advisory committee that the course satisfies the criteria 
 36.20  for course accreditation, the commissioner may approve the 
 36.21  nonaccredited course and shall so inform the person.  If the 
 36.22  nonaccredited course is approved by the commissioner, it may be 
 36.23  used to satisfy the minimum education requirement for the 
 36.24  person's next annual compliance period.  
 36.25     Subd. 11.  [ENFORCEMENT.] If a person subject to this 
 36.26  section fails to complete the minimum education or reporting 
 36.27  requirement or to pay the prescribed fees for any licensing 
 36.28  period, no license may be renewed or continued in force for that 
 36.29  person for any class of insurance beginning June 1 of the year 
 36.30  due and that person may not act as an insurance producer until 
 36.31  the person has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the 
 36.32  commissioner that all requirements of this section have been 
 36.33  complied with or that a waiver or extension has been obtained.  
 36.34     Sec. 28.  [60K.57] [RULES.] 
 36.35     The commissioner may, in accordance with chapter 14, adopt 
 36.36  rules to carry out the purposes of sections 60K.30 to 60K.56.  
 37.1      Sec. 29.  [REPEALER.] 
 37.2      Minnesota Statutes 2000, sections 60K.01; 60K.02; 60K.03; 
 37.3   60K.04; 60K.05; 60K.06; 60K.07; 60K.081; 60K.09; 60K.10; 60K.11; 
 37.4   60K.12; 60K.13; 60K.14; 60K.15; 60K.16; 60K.17; 60K.18; 60K.19; 
 37.5   and 60K.20, are repealed. 
 37.6      Sec. 30.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
 37.7      Sections 1 to 29 are effective July 1, 2002. 
 37.9                              ARTICLE 2 
 37.11     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 13.7191, 
 37.12  subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
 37.14  TERMINATION.] Access to data on insurance agent producer 
 37.15  terminations held by the commissioner of commerce is governed by 
 37.16  section 60K.10 60K.51. 
 37.17     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 43A.317, 
 37.18  subdivision 12, is amended to read: 
 37.19     Subd. 12.  [STATUS OF AGENTS.] Notwithstanding sections 
 37.20  60K.03, subdivision 5, 60K.49 and 72A.07, the program may use, 
 37.21  and pay referral fees, commissions, or other compensation to, 
 37.22  agents licensed as life and health agents insurance producers 
 37.23  under chapter 60K or licensed under section 62C.17, regardless 
 37.24  of whether the agents are appointed to represent the particular 
 37.25  health carriers or community integrated service networks that 
 37.26  provide the coverage available through the program.  When acting 
 37.27  under this subdivision, an agent is not an agent of the health 
 37.28  carrier or community integrated service network, with respect to 
 37.29  that transaction. 
 37.30     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 60A.02, 
 37.31  subdivision 7, is amended to read: 
 37.33  "insurance agent" or "insurance agency" is a person an insurance 
 37.34  producer licensed under sections 60K.30 to 60K.57 acting under 
 37.35  express authority from, and an appointment pursuant to section 
 37.36  60K.02 by, an insurer and on its behalf to solicit insurance, or 
 38.1   to appoint other agents insurance producers to solicit 
 38.2   insurance, or to write and countersign policies of insurance, or 
 38.3   to collect premiums therefor within this state, or to exercise 
 38.4   any or all these powers when so authorized by the insurer.  The 
 38.5   term "person" includes a natural person, a partnership, a 
 38.6   corporation, or other entity, including an insurance agency.  
 38.7      Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 60A.14, is 
 38.8   amended to read: 
 38.9      60A.14 [FEES.] 
 38.10     Subdivision 1.  [FEES OTHER THAN EXAMINATION FEES.] In 
 38.11  addition to the fees and charges provided for examinations, the 
 38.12  following fees must be paid to the commissioner for deposit in 
 38.13  the general fund: 
 38.14     (a) by township mutual fire insurance companies: 
 38.15     (1) for filing certificate of incorporation $25 and 
 38.16  amendments thereto, $10; 
 38.17     (2) for filing annual statements, $15; 
 38.18     (3) for each annual certificate of authority, $15; 
 38.19     (4) for filing bylaws $25 and amendments thereto, $10. 
 38.20     (b) by other domestic and foreign companies including 
 38.21  fraternals and reciprocal exchanges: 
 38.22     (1) for filing certified copy of certificate of articles of 
 38.23  incorporation, $100; 
 38.24     (2) for filing annual statement, $225; 
 38.25     (3) for filing certified copy of amendment to certificate 
 38.26  or articles of incorporation, $100; 
 38.27     (4) for filing bylaws, $75 or amendments thereto, $75; 
 38.28     (5) for each company's certificate of authority, $575, 
 38.29  annually. 
 38.30     (c) the following general fees apply: 
 38.31     (1) for each certificate, including certified copy of 
 38.32  certificate of authority, renewal, valuation of life policies, 
 38.33  corporate condition or qualification, $25; 
 38.34     (2) for each copy of paper on file in the commissioner's 
 38.35  office 50 cents per page, and $2.50 for certifying the same; 
 38.36     (3) for license to procure insurance in unadmitted foreign 
 39.1   companies, $575; 
 39.2      (4) for valuing the policies of life insurance companies, 
 39.3   one cent per $1,000 of insurance so valued, provided that the 
 39.4   fee shall not exceed $13,000 per year for any company.  The 
 39.5   commissioner may, in lieu of a valuation of the policies of any 
 39.6   foreign life insurance company admitted, or applying for 
 39.7   admission, to do business in this state, accept a certificate of 
 39.8   valuation from the company's own actuary or from the 
 39.9   commissioner of insurance of the state or territory in which the 
 39.10  company is domiciled; 
 39.11     (5) for receiving and filing certificates of policies by 
 39.12  the company's actuary, or by the commissioner of insurance of 
 39.13  any other state or territory, $50; 
 39.14     (6) for each appointment of an agent filed with the 
 39.15  commissioner, a domestic insurer shall remit $5 and all other 
 39.16  insurers shall remit $3 $10; 
 39.17     (7) for filing forms and rates, $75 per filing; 
 39.18     (8) for annual renewal of surplus lines insurer license, 
 39.19  $300. 
 39.20     The commissioner shall adopt rules to define filings that 
 39.21  are subject to a fee. 
 39.22     Subd. 2.  [RETALIATORY PROVISIONS.] When, by the laws of 
 39.23  any other state or nation, any fines, penalties, licenses, or 
 39.24  fees additional to, or in excess of, those imposed by this 
 39.25  section upon foreign insurance companies and their agents, are 
 39.26  imposed upon insurance companies of this state or their agents 
 39.27  doing business in such state, the same fines, penalties, 
 39.28  licenses, and fees shall be imposed upon all insurance companies 
 39.29  of that state and their agents doing business in this state, so 
 39.30  long as such laws of such other state remain in force.  This 
 39.31  subdivision does not apply to agent appointment fees required 
 39.32  under subdivision 1, clause (6). 
 39.33     Sec. 5.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 60A.198, 
 39.34  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
 39.35     Subd. 3.  [PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING LICENSE.] A person 
 39.36  licensed as an agent in this state pursuant to other law may 
 40.1   obtain a surplus lines license by doing the following:  
 40.2      (a) filing an application in the form and with the 
 40.3   information the commissioner may reasonably require to determine 
 40.4   the ability of the applicant to act in accordance with sections 
 40.5   60A.195 to 60A.209; 
 40.6      (b) maintaining an agent's license in this state; 
 40.7      (c) agreeing to file with the commissioner of revenue all 
 40.8   returns required by chapter 297I and paying to the commissioner 
 40.9   of revenue all amounts required under chapter 297I; and 
 40.10     (d) paying a fee as prescribed by section 60K.06, 
 40.11  subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (4) 60K.55. 
 40.12     Sec. 6.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62A.41, 
 40.13  subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
 40.14     Subd. 4.  [UNLICENSED SALES.] Notwithstanding section 
 40.15  60K.02, subdivision 1 60K.32, a person who acts or assumes to 
 40.16  act as an insurance agent producer without a valid license for 
 40.17  the purpose of selling or attempting to sell Medicare supplement 
 40.18  insurance, and the person who aids or abets the actor, is guilty 
 40.19  of a felony and is subject to a civil penalty of not more than 
 40.20  $5,000 per violation. 
 40.21     Sec. 7.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62C.17, 
 40.22  subdivision 5, is amended to read: 
 40.23     Subd. 5.  A person shall not be qualified for a license if 
 40.24  upon examination or reexamination it is determined that the 
 40.25  person is incompetent to act as an agent or solicitor a 
 40.26  producer, if the person has acted in any manner which would 
 40.27  disqualify a person to hold a license as an insurance agent or 
 40.28  solicitor producer under sections 60K.01 to 60K.18 60K.30 to 
 40.29  60K.57, or if the person fails to produce documents subpoenaed 
 40.30  by the commissioner, or fails to appear at a hearing to which 
 40.31  the person is a party or has been subpoenaed, if the production 
 40.32  of documents or appearance is lawfully required.  
 40.33     Sec. 8.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62D.22, 
 40.34  subdivision 8, is amended to read: 
 40.35     Subd. 8.  [INSURANCE AGENTS.] All agents, solicitors, and 
 40.36  brokers engaged in soliciting or dealing with enrollees or 
 41.1   prospective enrollees of a health maintenance organization, 
 41.2   whether employees or under contract to the health maintenance 
 41.3   organization, shall be subject to the provisions of sections 
 41.4   60K.01 to 60K.18 60K.30 to 60K.57, concerning the licensure 
 41.5   of health insurance agents, solicitors, and brokers, producers 
 41.6   and lawful rules thereunder.  Medical doctors and others who 
 41.7   merely explain the operation of health maintenance organizations 
 41.8   shall be exempt from the provisions of sections 60K.01 to 60K.18 
 41.9   60K.30 to 60K.57.  Section 60K.03 60K.37, subdivision 2 1, 
 41.10  shall not apply except as to provide for an examination of an 
 41.11  applicant in the applicant's knowledge concerning the operations 
 41.12  and benefits of health maintenance organizations and related 
 41.13  insurance matters. 
 41.14     Sec. 9.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62H.10, 
 41.15  subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
 41.16     Subd. 4.  [BROKER.] "Broker" means an agent engaged in 
 41.17  brokerage business pursuant to section 60K.081 60K.49. 
 41.18     Sec. 10.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62L.12, 
 41.19  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
 41.20     Subd. 3.  [AGENT'S LICENSURE.] An agent licensed under 
 41.21  chapter 60K or section 62C.17 who knowingly and willfully breaks 
 41.22  apart a small group for the purpose of selling individual health 
 41.23  plans to eligible employees and dependents of a small employer 
 41.24  that meets the participation and contribution requirements of 
 41.25  section 62L.03, subdivision 3, is guilty of an unfair trade 
 41.26  practice and subject to disciplinary action, including the 
 41.27  revocation or suspension of license, under section 60K.11 60.43 
 41.28  or 62C.17.  The action must be by order and subject to the 
 41.29  notice, hearing, and appeal procedures specified in 
 41.30  section 60K.11 60K.43.  The action of the commissioner is 
 41.31  subject to judicial review as provided under chapter 14. 
 41.32     Sec. 11.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62S.30, is 
 41.33  amended to read: 
 41.35     In recommending the purchase or replacement of a long-term 
 41.36  care insurance policy or certificate, an agent shall comply with 
 42.1   section 60K.14 60K.46, subdivision 4. 
 42.2      Sec. 12.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 64B.33, is 
 42.3   amended to read: 
 42.4      64B.33 [LICENSING OF AGENTS.] 
 42.5      Agents of societies shall be licensed in accordance with 
 42.6   the provisions of chapters 60A and 60K regulating the licensing, 
 42.7   revocation, suspension, or termination of license of resident 
 42.8   and nonresident agents, except as otherwise provided in section 
 42.9   60K.05 60K.35. 
 42.10     Sec. 13.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 65B.09, 
 42.11  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 42.12     Subdivision 1.  [AGENTS' RESPONSIBILITY.] Every person 
 42.13  licensed under sections 60K.02 and 60K.03 60K.30 to 60K.57 who 
 42.14  is authorized to solicit, negotiate or effect automobile 
 42.15  insurance on behalf of any member shall: 
 42.16     (1) offer to place coverage through the facility for any 
 42.17  qualified applicant who is ineligible or unacceptable for 
 42.18  coverage in the insurer or insurers for whom the agent is 
 42.19  authorized to solicit, negotiate or effect automobile 
 42.20  insurance.  Provided, that the failure of an agent to make such 
 42.21  an offer to a qualified applicant shall not subject the agent to 
 42.22  any liability to the applicant; 
 42.23     (2) forward to the facility all applications and any 
 42.24  deposit premiums which are required by the plan of operation, 
 42.25  rules and procedures of the facility, if the qualified applicant 
 42.26  accepts the offer to have coverage placed through the facility; 
 42.27     (3) be entitled to receive compensation for placing 
 42.28  insurance through the facility at the uniform rates of 
 42.29  compensation as provided in the plan of operation, and all 
 42.30  members shall pay such compensation. 
 42.31     Sec. 14.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 72A.07, is 
 42.32  amended to read: 
 42.34     Any person, firm, or corporation violating, or failing to 
 42.35  comply with, any of the provisions of sections 60K.01 to 60K.18 
 42.36  60K.30 to 60K.57 and any person who acts in any manner in the 
 43.1   negotiation or transaction of unlawful insurance with an 
 43.2   insurance company not licensed to do business in the state, or 
 43.3   who, as principal or agent, violates any provision of law 
 43.4   relating to the negotiation or effecting of contracts of 
 43.5   insurance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.  Upon the filing of 
 43.6   a complaint by the commissioner of commerce in a court of 
 43.7   competent jurisdiction against any person violating any 
 43.8   provisions of this section, the county attorney of the county in 
 43.9   which the violation occurred shall prosecute the person.  Upon 
 43.10  the conviction of any agent of any violation of the provisions 
 43.11  of sections 60K.01 to 60K.18 60K.30 to 60K.57, the commissioner 
 43.12  shall suspend the authority of the agent to transact any 
 43.13  insurance business within the state for a period of not less 
 43.14  than three months.  Any insurer employing an agent and failing 
 43.15  to procure an appointment, as required by sections 60K.01 to 
 43.16  60K.18 60K.30 to 60K.57, or allowing the agent to transact 
 43.17  business for it within the state before an appointment has been 
 43.18  procured, shall pay the commissioner, for the use of the state, 
 43.19  a penalty of $25 for each offense.  Each sale of an insurance 
 43.20  policy by an agent who is not appointed by an insurance company 
 43.21  shall constitute a separate offense, but no insurer shall be 
 43.22  required to pay more than $300 in penalties as a result of the 
 43.23  activities of a single unappointed agent.  In the event of 
 43.24  failure to pay a penalty within ten days' after notice from the 
 43.25  commissioner, the authority of the insurer to do business in 
 43.26  this state shall be revoked by the commissioner until the 
 43.27  penalty is paid.  No insurer whose authority is revoked shall be 
 43.28  readmitted until it shall have complied with all the terms and 
 43.29  conditions imposed for admission in the first instance.  Any 
 43.30  action taken by the commissioner under this section shall be 
 43.31  subject to review by the district court of the county in which 
 43.32  the office of the commissioner is located. 
 43.33     Sec. 15.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 72A.125, 
 43.34  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
 43.35     Subd. 2.  [SALE BY AUTO RENTAL COMPANIES.] An auto rental 
 43.36  company that offers or sells rental vehicle personal accident 
 44.1   insurance, personal effects insurance, or liability insurance in 
 44.2   this state in conjunction with the rental of a vehicle shall 
 44.3   only sell these products if the forms and rates have met the 
 44.4   relevant requirements of section 61A.02, 62A.02, or other 
 44.5   relevant sections requiring approval of forms and rates taking 
 44.6   into account the possible infrequency and severity of loss that 
 44.7   may be incurred.  An auto rental company offering insurance 
 44.8   products for sale shall conduct a training program for its 
 44.9   agents or employees, which must be submitted to the commissioner 
 44.10  for approval.  Sections 60K.01 to 60K.19 60K.30 to 60K.57 do not 
 44.11  apply if the persons engaged in the sale of these products are 
 44.12  employees of the auto rental company who do not receive 
 44.13  commissions or other remuneration for selling the product in 
 44.14  addition to their regular compensation.  Compensation may not be 
 44.15  determined in any part by the sale of insurance products.  The 
 44.16  auto rental company before engaging in the sale of the product 
 44.17  must file with the commissioner the following documents:  
 44.18     (1) an appointment of the commissioner as agent for service 
 44.19  of process; 
 44.20     (2) an agreement that the auto rental company assumes all 
 44.21  responsibility for the authorized actions of all unlicensed 
 44.22  employees who sell the insurance product on its behalf in 
 44.23  conjunction with the rental of its vehicles; 
 44.24     (3) an agreement that the auto rental company with respect 
 44.25  to itself and its employees will be subject to this chapter 
 44.26  regarding the marketing of the insurance products and the 
 44.27  conduct of those persons involved in the sale of insurance 
 44.28  products in the same manner as if it were a licensed agent. 
 44.29     An auto rental company failing to file the documents in 
 44.30  clauses (1) to (3) is guilty of an individual violation as to 
 44.31  the unlicensed sale of insurance for each sale that occurs after 
 44.32  August 1, 1987, until they make the required filings.  Each 
 44.33  individual sale after August 1, 1987, and prior to the filing 
 44.34  required by this section is subject to, in addition to any other 
 44.35  penalties allowable by law, up to a $200 per violation fine.  
 44.36  Further, the sale of the insurance product by an auto rental 
 45.1   company or any employee or agent of the company after August 1, 
 45.2   1987, without having complied with this section shall be deemed 
 45.3   to be in acceptance of the provisions of this section. 
 45.4      Insurance sold pursuant to this subdivision must be limited 
 45.5   in availability to rental vehicle customers though coverage may 
 45.6   extend to the customer, other drivers, and passengers using or 
 45.7   riding in the rented vehicles; and limited in duration to a 
 45.8   period equal to and concurrent with that of the vehicle rental.  
 45.9      Persons purchasing rental vehicle personal accident 
 45.10  insurance, personal effects insurance, or liability insurance 
 45.11  may be provided a certificate summarizing the policy provisions 
 45.12  in lieu of a copy of the policy if a copy of the policy is 
 45.13  available for inspection at the place of sale and a free copy of 
 45.14  the policy may be obtained from the auto rental company's home 
 45.15  office.  
 45.16     The commissioner may, after a hearing, revoke an auto 
 45.17  rental company's right to operate under this section if the 
 45.18  company has violated the insurance laws of this state and the 
 45.19  revocation is in the public interest. 
 45.20     Sec. 16.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 72A.201, 
 45.21  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
 45.22     Subd. 3.  [DEFINITIONS.] For the purposes of this section, 
 45.23  the following terms have the meanings given them.  
 45.24     (1) [ADJUSTER OR ADJUSTERS.] "Adjuster" or "adjusters" is 
 45.25  as defined in section 72B.02.  
 45.26     (2) [AGENT.] "Agent" means insurance agents or insurance 
 45.27  agencies licensed pursuant to sections 60K.01 to 60K.18 60K.30 
 45.28  to 60K.57, and representatives of these agents or agencies.  
 45.29     (3) [CLAIM.] "Claim" means a request or demand made with an 
 45.30  insurer for the payment of funds or the provision of services 
 45.31  under the terms of any policy, certificate, contract of 
 45.32  insurance, binder, or other contracts of temporary insurance. 
 45.33  The term does not include a claim under a health insurance 
 45.34  policy made by a participating provider with an insurer in 
 45.35  accordance with the participating provider's service agreement 
 45.36  with the insurer which has been filed with the commissioner of 
 46.1   commerce prior to its use.  
 46.2      (4) [CLAIM SETTLEMENT.] "Claim settlement" means all 
 46.3   activities of an insurer related directly or indirectly to the 
 46.4   determination of the extent of liabilities due or potentially 
 46.5   due under coverages afforded by the policy, and which result in 
 46.6   claim payment, claim acceptance, compromise, or other 
 46.7   disposition.  
 46.8      (5) [CLAIMANT.] "Claimant" means any individual, 
 46.9   corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity 
 46.10  asserting a claim against any individual, corporation, 
 46.11  association, partnership, or other legal entity which is insured 
 46.12  under an insurance policy or insurance contract of an insurer.  
 46.13     (6) [COMPLAINT.] "Complaint" means a communication 
 46.14  primarily expressing a grievance.  
 46.15     (7) [INSURANCE POLICY.] "Insurance policy" means any 
 46.16  evidence of coverage issued by an insurer including all 
 46.17  policies, contracts, certificates, riders, binders, and 
 46.18  endorsements which provide or describe coverage.  The term 
 46.19  includes any contract issuing coverage under a self-insurance 
 46.20  plan, group self-insurance plan, or joint self-insurance 
 46.21  employee health plans.  
 46.22     (8) [INSURED.] "Insured" means an individual, corporation, 
 46.23  association, partnership, or other legal entity asserting a 
 46.24  right to payment under their insurance policy or insurance 
 46.25  contract arising out of the occurrence of the contingency or 
 46.26  loss covered by the policy or contract.  The term does not apply 
 46.27  to a person who acquires rights under a mortgage. 
 46.28     (9) [INSURER.] "Insurer" includes any individual, 
 46.29  corporation, association, partnership, reciprocal exchange, 
 46.30  Lloyds, fraternal benefits society, self-insurer, surplus line 
 46.31  insurer, self-insurance administrator, and nonprofit service 
 46.32  plans under the jurisdiction of the department of commerce.  
 46.33     (10) [INVESTIGATION.] "Investigation" means a reasonable 
 46.34  procedure adopted by an insurer to determine whether to accept 
 46.35  or reject a claim.  
 46.36     (11) [NOTIFICATION OF CLAIM.] "Notification of claim" means 
 47.1   any communication to an insurer by a claimant or an insured 
 47.2   which reasonably apprises the insurer of a claim brought under 
 47.3   an insurance contract or policy issued by the insurer. 
 47.4   Notification of claim to an agent of the insurer is notice to 
 47.5   the insurer.  
 47.6      (12) [PROOF OF LOSS.] "Proof of loss" means the necessary 
 47.7   documentation required from the insured to establish entitlement 
 47.8   to payment under a policy.  
 47.9      (13) [SELF-INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR.] "Self-insurance 
 47.10  administrator" means any vendor of risk management services or 
 47.11  entities administering self-insurance plans, licensed pursuant 
 47.12  to section 60A.23, subdivision 8.  
 47.13     (14) [SELF-INSURED OR SELF-INSURER.] "Self-insured" or 
 47.14  "self-insurer" means any entity authorized pursuant to section 
 47.15  65B.48, subdivision 3; chapter 62H; section 176.181, subdivision 
 47.16  2; Laws of Minnesota 1983, chapter 290, section 171; section 
 47.17  471.617; or section 471.981 and includes any entity which, for a 
 47.18  fee, employs the services of vendors of risk management services 
 47.19  in the administration of a self-insurance plan as defined by 
 47.20  section 60A.23, subdivision 8, clause (2), subclauses (a) and 
 47.21  (d). 
 47.22     Sec. 17.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 270B.07, 
 47.23  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 47.24     Subdivision 1.  [DISCLOSURE TO LICENSING AUTHORITIES.] The 
 47.25  commissioner may disclose return information with respect to 
 47.26  returns filed under Minnesota tax laws to licensing authorities 
 47.27  of the state or political subdivisions of the state to the 
 47.28  extent necessary to enforce the license clearance programs under 
 47.29  sections 60K.12 60K.44, 82.27, 147.091, 148.10, 150A.08, and 
 47.30  270.72. 
 47.31     Sec. 18.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
 47.32     Sections 1 to 17 are effective July 1, 2002.