as introduced - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 02/26/2014 08:56am
A bill for an act
relating to education; establishing alternative compensation preparation revenue;
increasing funding for certain districts and charter schools engaged in teacher
development, evaluation, and peer coaching; appropriating money; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 122A.413, subdivisions 1, 2; 122A.414,
subdivisions 2, 3; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 122A.413, subdivision 1, is amended to
A district or intermediate school district may
develop an educational improvement plan for the purpose of qualifying for the alternative
teacher professional pay system under section 122A.414new text begin , or alternative compensation
preparation revenue under section 122A.417new text end . The plan must include measures for
improving school district, intermediate school district, school site, teacher, and individual
student performance.
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This section is effective for revenue beginning in fiscal year
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Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 122A.413, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The educational improvement plan must be approved
by the school board and have at least these elements:
(1) assessment and evaluation tools to measure student performance and progress;
(2) performance goals and benchmarks for improvement;
(3) measures of student attendance and completion rates;
(4) a rigorous research and practice-based professional development system, based
on national and state standards of effective teaching practice and consistent with deleted text begin section
deleted text end new text begin sections 122A.40, subdivision 8, 122A.41, subdivision 5, andnew text end 122A.60, that is aligned
with educational improvement and designed to achieve ongoing and schoolwide progress
and growth in teaching practice;
(5) measures of student, family, and community involvement and satisfaction;
(6) a data system about students and their academic progress that provides parents
and the public with understandable information;
(7) a teacher induction and mentoring program for probationary teachers that
provides continuous learning and sustained teacher support; and
(8) substantial participation by the exclusive representative of the teachers in
developing the plan.
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 122A.414, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) To participate in this
program, a school district, intermediate school district, school site, or charter school must
have an educational improvement plan under section 122A.413 and an alternative teacher
professional pay system agreement under paragraph (b). A charter school participant also
must comply with subdivision 2a.
(b) The alternative teacher professional pay system agreement must:
(1) describe how teachers can achieve career advancement and additional
(2) describe how the school district, intermediate school district, school site, or
charter school will provide teachers with career advancement options that allow teachers
to retain primary roles in student instruction and facilitate site-focused professional
development that helps other teachers improve their skills;
(3) reform the "steps and lanes" salary schedule, prevent any teacher's compensation
paid before implementing the pay system from being reduced as a result of participating
in this system, and base at least 60 percent of any compensation increase on teacher
performance using:
(i) schoolwide student achievement gains under section 120B.35 or locally selected
standardized assessment outcomes, or both;
(ii) measures of student achievement; and
(iii) an objective evaluation program that includes:
(A) individual teacher evaluations aligned with the educational improvement plan
under section 122A.413 and the staff development plan under section 122A.60; and
(B) objective evaluations using multiple criteria conducted by a locally selected and
periodically trained evaluation team that understands teaching and learning;
(4) provide integrated ongoing site-based professional development activities to
improve instructional skills and learning that are aligned with student needs under section
122A.413, consistent with the staff development plan under section 122A.60 and led
during the school day by trained teacher leaders such as master or mentor teachers;
(5) allow any teacher in a participating school district, intermediate school district,
school site, or charter school that implements an alternative pay system to participate in
that system without any quota or other limit; deleted text begin and
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(6) encourage collaboration rather than competition among teachersdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; and
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(7) align with the development, evaluation, and peer-coaching requirements under
section 122A.40, subdivision 8, or 122A.41, subdivision 5.
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This section is effective for revenue beginning in fiscal year
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Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 122A.414, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) Participating districts, intermediate
school districts, school sites, and charter schools must report on the implementation and
effectiveness of the alternative teacher professional pay system, particularly addressing
each requirement under subdivision 2new text begin , describe how the system meets the development,
evaluation, and peer-coaching process requirements under section 122A.40, subdivision 8,
or 122A.41, subdivision 5,new text end and make annual recommendations by June 15 to their school
boards. The school board or board of directors shall transmit a copy of the report with a
summary of the findings and recommendations of the district, intermediate school district,
school site, or charter school to the commissioner.
(b) If the commissioner determines that a school district, intermediate school district,
school site, or charter school that receives alternative teacher compensation revenue is not
complying with the requirements of this section, the commissioner may withhold funding
from that participant. Before making the determination, the commissioner must notify the
participant of any deficiencies and provide the participant an opportunity to comply.
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This section is effective for revenue beginning in fiscal year
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For fiscal years 2015,
2016, and 2017 only, a school district or charter school that has not met the conditions
of section 122A.414 is eligible for alternative compensation preparation revenue under
this section.
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(a) To participate in the alternative compensation
preparation revenue program, a school district or charter school must have an educational
improvement plan under section 122A.413.
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(b) The commissioner shall annually establish a deadline by which eligible schools
must submit an educational improvement plan to the commissioner in order to receive
revenue under this section.
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(a) A school district or
charter school that meets the conditions of subdivisions 1 and 2 is eligible for alternative
compensation preparation revenue.
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(b) Alternative compensation preparation revenue equals $260 times the number of
pupils enrolled on October 1 of the previous fiscal year.
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For a school district,
basic alternative compensation preparation aid equals 65 percent of the alternative
compensation preparation revenue under subdivision 3. For a charter school, basic
alternative compensation preparation aid equals alternative compensation preparation
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The alternative
compensation preparation levy for a district receiving basic alternative compensation
preparation aid under subdivision 4 equals the product of (1) the difference between
the alternative compensation preparation revenue and the district's basic alternative
compensation preparation aid times (2) the lesser of one or the ratio of the district's
adjusted net tax capacity per adjusted pupil unit to $6,100.
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(a) A district's alternative
compensation preparation equalization aid equals the district's alternative compensation
preparation revenue minus the district's basic alternative compensation preparation aid
minus the district's alternative compensation preparation levy. If a district does not levy
the entire amount permitted, the alternative compensation preparation equalization aid
must be reduced in proportion to the actual amount levied.
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(b) A district's alternative compensation preparation aid equals the sum of the
district's basic alternative compensation preparation aid and the district's alternative
compensation preparation equalization aid.
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Revenue under this section must be used for
activities consistent with the education improvement plan components under section
122A.413, subdivision 2.
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This section is effective for revenue beginning in fiscal year
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The sums indicated in this section are appropriated
from the general fund to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated.
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For alternative compensation
preparation aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.417:
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$ new text end |
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....... new text end |
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2015 new text end |
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The 2015 appropriation includes $....... for 2015.
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