as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to state government; requiring the 1.3 commissioner of administration to conduct a study of 1.4 state-owned lands. 1.5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.6 Section 1. [STUDY.] 1.7 The commissioner of administration shall conduct a study to 1.8 determine how much land is owned by the state, which state 1.9 agencies use or control the land, where it is located, what the 1.10 land is being used for, and what federal or other obligations 1.11 encumber it. 1.12 The commissioner shall report to the chairs of the senate 1.13 and house of representatives governmental operations committees 1.14 by January 1, 1997, on the results of the study.