as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to health; modifying distribution formula for 1.3 medical education programs; amending Minnesota 1.4 Statutes 2000, section 62J.692, subdivision 7. 1.5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.6 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 62J.692, 1.7 subdivision 7, is amended to read: 1.8 Subd. 7. [TRANSFERS FROM THE COMMISSIONER OF HUMAN 1.9 SERVICES.] (a) The amount transferred according to section 1.10 256B.69, subdivision 5c, shall be distributed by the 1.11 commissioner to clinical medical education programs that meet 1.12 the qualifications of subdivision 3 based on a distribution 1.13 formula that reflects a summation of two factors: 1.14 (1) an education factor, which is determined by the total 1.15 number of eligible trainee FTEs and the total statewide average 1.16 costs per trainee, by type of trainee, in each clinical medical 1.17 education program; and 1.18 (2) a public program volume factor, which is determined by 1.19 the total volume of public program revenue received by each 1.20 training site as a percentage of all public program revenue 1.21 received by all training sites in the fund pool created under 1.22 this subdivision. 1.23 In this formula, the education factor shall be weighted at 1.245025 percent and the public program volume factor shall be 1.25 weighted at5075 percent. 2.1 (b) Public program revenue for the formula in paragraph (a) 2.2 shall include revenue frommedical assistance,prepaid medical 2.3 assistance, general assistance medical care,and prepaid general 2.4 assistance medical care. Annually, the commissioner shall 2.5 evaluate the accuracy and reliability of data reported on 2.6 prepaid medical assistance and prepaid general assistance 2.7 medical care revenue and may include medical assistance and 2.8 general assistance medical care revenue as public program 2.9 revenue if information on prepaid medical assistance and prepaid 2.10 general assistance medical care is determined to be 2.11 insufficiently accurate or reliable. 2.12 (c) Training sites that receive no public program revenue 2.13 shall be ineligible for funds available under this subdivision.