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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

SF 1249

1st Engrossment - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - 1st Engrossment

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to utilities; modifying biomass mandate; 
  1.3             amending Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 216B.2424, 
  1.4             subdivision 5. 
  1.6      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 216B.2424, 
  1.7   subdivision 5, is amended to read: 
  1.8      Subd. 5.  [MANDATE.] (a) A public utility, as defined in 
  1.9   section 216B.02, subdivision 4, that operates a nuclear-powered 
  1.10  electric generating plant within this state must construct and 
  1.11  operate, purchase, or contract to construct and operate (1) by 
  1.12  December 31, 1998, 50 megawatts of electric energy installed 
  1.13  capacity generated by farm-grown closed-loop biomass scheduled 
  1.14  to be operational by December 31, 2001; and (2) by December 31, 
  1.15  1998, an additional 75 megawatts of installed capacity so 
  1.16  generated scheduled to be operational by December 31, 2002.  
  1.17     (b) Of the 125 megawatts of biomass electricity installed 
  1.18  capacity required under this subdivision, no more than 50 
  1.19  megawatts of this capacity may be provided by a facility that 
  1.20  uses poultry litter as its primary fuel source and any such 
  1.21  facility:  
  1.22     (1) need not use biomass that complies with the definition 
  1.23  in subdivision 1; 
  1.24     (2) must enter into a contract with the public utility for 
  1.25  such capacity, that has an average purchase price per megawatt 
  2.1   hour over the life of the contract that is equal to or less than 
  2.2   the average purchase price per megawatt hour over the life of 
  2.3   the contract in contracts approved by the public utilities 
  2.4   commission before April 1, 2000, to satisfy the mandate of this 
  2.5   section, and file that contract with the public utilities 
  2.6   commission prior to September 1, 2000; and 
  2.7      (3) such capacity must be scheduled to be operational by 
  2.8   December 31, 2002.  
  2.9      (c) Of the total 125 megawatts of biomass electric energy 
  2.10  installed capacity required under this section, no more than 75 
  2.11  megawatts may be provided by a single project.  
  2.12     (d) Of the 75 megawatts of biomass electric energy 
  2.13  installed capacity required under paragraph (a), clause (2), no 
  2.14  more than 25 megawatts of this capacity may be provided by a St. 
  2.15  Paul district heating and cooling system cogeneration facility 
  2.16  utilizing waste wood as a primary fuel source.  The St. Paul 
  2.17  district heating and cooling system cogeneration facility need 
  2.18  not use biomass that complies with the definition in subdivision 
  2.19  1.  
  2.20     (e) The public utility must accept and consider on an equal 
  2.21  basis with other biomass proposals: 
  2.22     (1) a proposal to satisfy the requirements of this section 
  2.23  that includes a project that exceeds the megawatt capacity 
  2.24  requirements of either paragraph (a), clause (1) or (2), and 
  2.25  that proposes to sell the excess capacity to the public utility 
  2.26  or to other purchasers; and 
  2.27     (2) a proposal for a new facility to satisfy more than ten 
  2.28  but not more than 20 megawatts of the electrical generation 
  2.29  requirements by a small business-sponsored independent power 
  2.30  producer facility to be located within the northern quarter of 
  2.31  the state, which means the area located north of Trunk Highway 
  2.32  No. 2 as described in section 161.114, subdivision 2, and that 
  2.33  utilizes biomass residue wood, sawdust, bark, chipped wood, or 
  2.34  brush to generate electricity.  A facility described in this 
  2.35  clause is not required to utilize biomass complying with the 
  2.36  definition in subdivision 1, but must have the capacity required 
  3.1   by this clause operational by December 31, 2002. 
  3.2      (e) (f) If a public utility files a contract with the 
  3.3   commission for electric energy installed capacity that uses 
  3.4   poultry litter as its primary fuel source, the commission must 
  3.5   do a preliminary review of the contract to determine if it meets 
  3.6   the purchase price criteria provided in paragraph (b), clause 
  3.7   (2), of this subdivision.  The commission shall perform its 
  3.8   review and advise the parties of its determination within 30 
  3.9   days of filing of such a contract by a public utility.  A public 
  3.10  utility may submit by September 1, 2000, a revised contract to 
  3.11  address the commission's preliminary determination.  
  3.12     (f) (g) The commission shall finally approve, modify, or 
  3.13  disapprove no later than July 1, 2001, all contracts submitted 
  3.14  by a public utility as of September 1, 2000, to meet the mandate 
  3.15  set forth in this subdivision.  
  3.16     (g) (h) If a public utility subject to this section 
  3.17  exercises an option to increase the generating capacity of a 
  3.18  project in a contract approved by the commission prior to April 
  3.19  25, 2000, to satisfy the mandate in this subdivision, the public 
  3.20  utility must notify the commission by September 1, 2000, that it 
  3.21  has exercised the option and include in the notice the amount of 
  3.22  additional megawatts to be generated under the option 
  3.23  exercised.  Any review by the commission of the project after 
  3.24  exercise of such an option shall be based on the same criteria 
  3.25  used to review the existing contract.