as introduced - 89th Legislature (2015 - 2016) Posted on 02/27/2015 09:40am
A bill for an act
relating to child care; modifying child care assistance program provider rates;
expanding the dependent care credit; appropriating money; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2014, sections 119B.13, subdivision 1; 290.067, subdivision 1; repealing
Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 290.067, subdivisions 2, 2b.
Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 119B.13, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) Beginning deleted text begin February 3, 2014deleted text end new text begin July 1, 2015new text end ,
the maximum rate paid for child care assistance in any county or county price cluster under
the child care fund shall be the greater of the deleted text begin 25thdeleted text end new text begin 50thnew text end percentile of the deleted text begin 2011deleted text end new text begin most recent
biennialnew text end child care provider rate survey or the maximum rate effective November 28, 2011.
The commissioner may: (1) assign a county with no reported provider prices to a similar
price cluster; and (2) consider county level access when determining final price clusters.
(b) A rate which includes a special needs rate paid under subdivision 3 may be in
excess of the maximum rate allowed under this subdivision.
(c) The department shall monitor the effect of this paragraph on provider rates. The
county shall pay the provider's full charges for every child in care up to the maximum
established. The commissioner shall determine the maximum rate for each type of care
on an hourly, full-day, and weekly basis, including special needs and disability care. The
maximum payment to a provider for one day of care must not exceed the daily rate. The
maximum payment to a provider for one week of care must not exceed the weekly rate.
(d) Child care providers receiving reimbursement under this chapter must not be
paid activity fees or an additional amount above the maximum rates for care provided
during nonstandard hours for families receiving assistance.
(e) When the provider charge is greater than the maximum provider rate allowed,
the parent is responsible for payment of the difference in the rates in addition to any
family co-payment fee.
(f) All maximum provider rates changes shall be implemented on the Monday
following the effective date of the maximum provider rate.
(g) Notwithstanding Minnesota Rules, part 3400.0130, subpart 7, maximum
registration fees in effect on January 1, 2013, shall remain in effect.
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(a) $270,000,000 is appropriated for the biennium beginning on July 1, 2015, from
the general fund to the commissioner of human services for the purposes of the child
care assistance programs under Minnesota Statutes, sections 119B.03 and 119B.05. This
appropriation is ongoing and is added to the base.
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(b) Of the amount appropriated in paragraph (a), $....... is for the child care provider
reimbursement rate increase under Minnesota Statutes, section 119B.13, subdivision 1,
and $....... is to provide assistance to additional families under Minnesota Statutes, section
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Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 290.067, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) A taxpayer may take as a credit against the
tax due from the taxpayer and a spouse, if any, under this chapter an amount equal to the
dependent care credit for which the taxpayer is eligible pursuant to the provisions of
section 21 of the Internal Revenue Code deleted text begin subject to the limitations provided in subdivision
2deleted text end except that in determining whether the child qualified as a dependent, income received
as a Minnesota family investment program grant or allowance to or on behalf of the child
must not be taken into account in determining whether the child received more than half
of the child's support from the taxpayer, and the provisions of section 32(b)(1)(D) of
the Internal Revenue Code do not apply.
(b) If a child who has not attained the age of six years at the close of the taxable year
is cared for at a licensed family day care home operated by the child's parent, the taxpayer
is deemed to have paid employment-related expenses. If the child is 16 months old or
younger at the close of the taxable year, the amount of expenses deemed to have been paid
equals the maximum limit for one qualified individual under section 21(c) and (d) of the
Internal Revenue Code. If the child is older than 16 months of age but has not attained the
age of six years at the close of the taxable year, the amount of expenses deemed to have
been paid equals the amount the licensee would charge for the care of a child of the same
age for the same number of hours of care.
(c) If a married couple:
(1) has a child who has not attained the age of one year at the close of the taxable year;
(2) files a joint tax return for the taxable year; and
(3) does not participate in a dependent care assistance program as defined in section
129 of the Internal Revenue Code, in lieu of the actual employment related expenses paid
for that child under paragraph (a) or the deemed amount under paragraph (b), the lesser of
(i) the combined earned income of the couple or (ii) the amount of the maximum limit for
one qualified individual under section 21(c) and (d) of the Internal Revenue Code will
be deemed to be the employment related expense paid for that child. The earned income
limitation of section 21(d) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not apply to this deemed
amount. These deemed amounts apply regardless of whether any employment-related
expenses have been paid.
(d) If the taxpayer is not required and does not file a federal individual income tax
return for the tax year, no credit is allowed for any amount paid to any person unless:
(1) the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the person are included
on the return claiming the credit; or
(2) if the person is an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code,
the name and address of the person are included on the return claiming the credit.
In the case of a failure to provide the information required under the preceding sentence,
the preceding sentence does not apply if it is shown that the taxpayer exercised due
diligence in attempting to provide the information required.
(e) In the case of a nonresident, part-year resident, or a person who has earned
income not subject to tax under this chapter including earned income excluded pursuant to
section 290.01, subdivision 19b, clause (9), the credit determined under section 21 of the
Internal Revenue Code must be allocated based on the ratio by which the earned income
of the claimant and the claimant's spouse from Minnesota sources bears to the total earned
income of the claimant and the claimant's spouse.
(f) For residents of Minnesota, the subtractions for military pay under section
290.01, subdivision 19b, clauses (10) and (11), are not considered "earned income not
subject to tax under this chapter."
(g) For residents of Minnesota, the exclusion of combat pay under section 112 of
the Internal Revenue Code is not considered "earned income not subject to tax under
this chapter."
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(h) For taxpayers with federal adjusted gross income in excess of $70,000, the
credit is equal to the lesser of the credit otherwise calculated under this subdivision or
the amount equal to $600 minus five percent of federal adjusted gross income in excess
of $70,000 for taxpayers with one qualified individual or $1,200 minus five percent of
federal adjusted gross income in excess of $70,000 for taxpayers with two or more
qualified individuals, but in no case is the credit less than zero.
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This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2014.
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Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 290.067, subdivisions 2 and 2b,
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are repealed.
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This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2014.
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