as introduced - 84th Legislature (2005 - 2006) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
A bill for an act
relating to early childhood education; expanding early
childhood developmental screening; establishing a
school readiness kindergarten assessment initiative;
appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004,
section 121A.17, subdivisions 1, 3.
Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 121A.17,
subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Every school board must provide for a mandatory program of early
childhood developmental screening for children new text begin at least new text end once
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before school entrance, targeting children who are between 3-1/2
and four years old deleted text end new text begin by the child's third birthdaynew text end . This
screening program must be established either by one board, by
two or more boards acting in cooperation, by service
cooperatives, by early childhood family education programs, or
by other existing programs. This screening examination is a
mandatory requirement for a student to continue attending
kindergarten or first grade in a public school. A child need
not submit to developmental screening provided by a board if the
child's health records indicate to the board that the child has
received comparable developmental screening from a public or
private health care organization or individual health care
provider. Districts are encouraged to reduce the costs of
preschool developmental screening programs by utilizing
volunteers new text begin and public or private health care organizations or
individual health care providers new text end in implementing the program.
Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 121A.17,
subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) A screening program must
include at least the following components: developmental
assessments, hearing and vision screening or referral,
immunization review and referral, the child's height and weight,
identification of risk factors that may influence learning, an
interview with the parent about the child, and referral for
assessment, diagnosis, and treatment new text begin or referrals to appropriate
resources new text end when potential needs are identified. The district and
the person performing or supervising the screening must provide
a parent or guardian with clear written notice that the parent
or guardian may decline to answer questions or provide
information about family circumstances that might affect
development and identification of risk factors that may
influence learning. The notice must clearly state that
declining to answer questions or provide information does not
prevent the child from being enrolled in kindergarten or first
grade if all other screening components are met. If a parent or
guardian is not able to read and comprehend the written notice,
the district and the person performing or supervising the
screening must convey the information in another manner. The
notice must also inform the parent or guardian that a child need
not submit to the district screening program if the child's
health records indicate to the school that the child has
received comparable developmental screening performed within the
preceding 365 days by a public or private health care
organization or individual health care provider. The notice
must be given to a parent or guardian at the time the district
initially provides information to the parent or guardian about
screening and must be given again at the screening location.
(b) All screening components shall be consistent with the
standards of the state commissioner of health for early
developmental screening programs. A developmental screening
program must not provide laboratory tests or a physical
examination to any child. The district must request from the
public or private health care organization or the individual
health care provider the results of any laboratory test or
physical examination within the 12 months preceding a child's
scheduled screening.
(c) If a child is without health coverage, the school
district must refer the child to an appropriate health care
(d) A board may offer additional components such as
nutritional, physical and dental assessments, review of family
circumstances that might affect development, blood pressure,
laboratory tests, and health history.
(e) If a statement signed by the child's parent or guardian
is submitted to the administrator or other person having general
control and supervision of the school that the child has not
been screened because of conscientiously held beliefs of the
parent or guardian, the screening is not required.
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(f) The district must develop and implement community
outreach plans to diverse populations to ensure that all
children are screened by age three. Districts are encouraged to
include parents, community partners, public or private health
care organizations, and individual health care providers in the
development of the outreach plans.
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The commissioner of
education shall establish a system for assessing the school
readiness of children entering kindergarten, building on the two
school readiness studies conducted by the Department of
Education in 2002 and 2003. The department shall also set
biennial milestones for progress in the number of children
reaching proficiency on all measures of the assessment.
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(a) The school readiness
kindergarten assessment initiative will be implemented in all
school districts in Minnesota on a voluntary basis over a
five-year period. The schedule for implementation is as follows:
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(1) fiscal year 2006, 6,000 entering kindergarteners;
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(2) fiscal year 2007, 18,000 entering kindergarteners;
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(3) fiscal year 2008, 30,000 entering kindergarteners;
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(4) fiscal year 2009, 45,000 entering kindergarteners; and
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(5) fiscal year 2010, 60,000 entering kindergarteners.
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(b) Results of the assessment must be included in the
annual school performance report cards under Minnesota Statutes,
section 120B.36.
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new text begin The commissioner
shall evaluate the effectiveness of the data gathering system
for implementing developmental assessments at kindergarten
entrance on a school-by-school basis. The commissioner shall
also report to the committees of the senate and house of
representatives having jurisdiction over early childhood
education issues on the progress toward reaching the milestones
in odd years beginning with fiscal year 2007.
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This section is effective June 30, 2005.
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The sums
indicated in this section are appropriated from the general fund
to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated.
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health and developmental screening aid under Minnesota Statutes,
sections 121A.17 and 121A.19:
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The 2006 appropriation includes $....... for 2005 and
$....... for 2006.
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The 2007 appropriation includes $....... for 2006 and
$....... for 2007.
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For the school readiness kindergarten initiative:
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