as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 03/26/2021 10:10am
A bill for an act
relating to political parties; requiring interpretation services for members of a
language minority in certain circumstances; amending Minnesota Statutes 2020,
sections 202A.155; 202A.156.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 202A.155, is amended to read:
An individual who is deaf, deafblind, or hard-of-hearingnew text begin , or who is a member of a
language minority,new text end who needs interpreter services at a precinct caucus shall so notify the
major political party whose caucus the individual plans to attend. Notice must be given by
letter or electronic mail to the state office of the major political party before the precinct
caucus date. The major political party shall promptly attempt to secure the services of one
or more interpreters if available and shall assume responsibility for the cost of the services
if provided. new text begin An interpreter provided for a member of a language minority must be certified
by the American Translators Association. new text end The state central committee of the major political
party shall determine the process for reimbursing interpreters.
A visually impaired individual may notify the county or legislative district committee
of the major political party whose precinct caucus the individual plans to attend, that the
individual requires caucus materials in audio tape, Braille, or large type format. Upon
receiving the request, the county or legislative district committee shall provide all official
written caucus materials as soon as they are available, so that the visually impaired individual
may have them converted to audio tape, Braille, or large print format prior to the precinct
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 202A.156, is amended to read:
A major political party is not required to:
(1) provide an interpreter for a convention or precinct caucus if it has made documented
good faith efforts to locate and assign an interpreter, including contacting an interpreter
referral center or regional service center for people who are deaf, deafblind, and
hard-of-hearing, new text begin or for people who are members of a language minority, new text end and no interpreters
are available; or
(2) hold a precinct caucus at a place that meets the accessibility standards for precinct
polling places specified in section 204B.16, subdivision 5, if it has made documented good
faith efforts to locate and secure an available accessible site within a reasonable distance
of the precinct, and no accessible site is available.