as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to retirement; Eden Prairie volunteer 1.3 firefighters relief association; authorizing a 1.4 reduction in the service pension vesting requirement; 1.5 authorizing posttermination service pension 1.6 adjustments for certain deferred retirees. 1.7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.8 Section 1. [EDEN PRAIRIE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF 1.9 ASSOCIATION SERVICE PENSIONS.] 1.10 Subdivision 1. [SERVICE PENSION VESTING REQUIREMENT.] (a) 1.11 Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes, section 1.12 424A.02, subdivision 2, to the contrary, if the bylaws of the 1.13 relief association so provide, the Eden Prairie volunteer 1.14 firefighters relief association may pay an unreduced service 1.15 pension to a member of the association who has terminated active 1.16 service as a firefighter in the Eden Prairie fire department, 1.17 who has at least ten years of service as an active firefighter 1.18 in good standing with the department and at least ten years of 1.19 membership in good standing in the association, and who meets 1.20 all other applicable eligibility requirements of the association 1.21 for entitlement to a service pension. 1.22 (b) Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes, 1.23 section 424A.02, subdivision 2, to the contrary, if the bylaws 1.24 of the association so provide, the association may pay a reduced 1.25 service pension to a member of the association who has 1.26 terminated active service as a firefighter in the department, 2.1 who has at least five years of service but less than ten years 2.2 of service as an active firefighter in good standing with the 2.3 department and at least five years but less than ten years as a 2.4 member in good standing in the association, and who meets all 2.5 other applicable eligibility requirements of the association for 2.6 entitlement to a service pension. The amount of the reduced 2.7 service pension is the amount determined by multiplying the 2.8 total service pension amount as specified in the articles of 2.9 incorporation or bylaws of the association that is appropriate 2.10 for the number of completed years of service to the credit of 2.11 the retiring member by the applicable percentage, as follows: 2.12 Completed years of service Applicable percentage 2.13 5 40 percent 2.14 6 52 percent 2.15 7 64 percent 2.16 8 76 percent 2.17 9 88 percent 2.18 10 and thereafter 100 percent. 2.19 Subd. 2. [POSTRETIREMENT SERVICE PENSION ADJUSTMENTS FOR 2.20 DEFERRED RETIREES.] (a) A "deferred retiree" is a former Eden 2.21 Prairie volunteer firefighter who has completed at least five 2.22 years of service as a firefighter in good standing with the Eden 2.23 Prairie volunteer fire department and five years as a member in 2.24 good standing in the Eden Prairie volunteer firefighters relief 2.25 association and has separated from active service as a 2.26 firefighter before attaining the earliest age for immediate 2.27 receipt of service pension from the association as provided in 2.28 the articles of incorporation or the bylaws of the association. 2.29 (b) Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes, 2.30 section 424A.02 to the contrary, if the articles of 2.31 incorporation or bylaws of the association so provide, and if 2.32 the Eden Prairie city council approves the deferred service 2.33 pension increase under Minnesota Statutes, sections 69.773, 2.34 subdivision 6, and 424A.02, subdivision 10, a deferred retiree 2.35 who has credit for at least 15 years of active service with the 2.36 department and who has not elected to receive a lump sum service 3.1 pension as an alternative to a monthly service pension, may 3.2 receive the same postretirement increase in the amount of that 3.3 deferred monthly service pension that is approved and is payable 3.4 to an association service pension recipient under Minnesota 3.5 Statutes, section 424A.02, subdivision 9a. 3.6 (c) A deferred retiree who has credit for less than 15 3.7 years of active service with the department is not eligible for 3.8 a postretirement increase. 3.9 Sec. 2. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 3.10 Section 1 is effective on the day following compliance with 3.11 Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 69.773, subdivision 6, approval 3.12 by the Eden Prairie city council, and compliance with Minnesota 3.13 Statutes 1994, section 645.021, subdivision 3.