as introduced - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 01/31/2013 01:41pm
A bill for an act
relating to education; implementing integration revenue replacement advisory
task force recommendations; repurposing integration revenue by establishing
the "Achievement and Integration for Minnesota" program to increase student
performance and equitable educational opportunities and prepare all students
to be effective citizens; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 124D.
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The "Achievement and Integration for Minnesota" program is established to
promote diversity, pursue racial and economic integration, and increase student academic
achievement and equitable educational opportunities in Minnesota public schools. The
program must serve students of varying racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds, taking
into account unique geographic and demographic particularities affecting students,
schools, and districts including race, neighborhood locations and characteristics, grades,
socioeconomic status, academic performance, and language barriers. Eligible districts
must use the revenue under section 124D.862 to pursue racial and economic integration in
schools through: (1) in-school educational practices and integrated learning environments
created to prepare all students to be effective citizens, enhance social cohesion, and
reinforce democratic values; and (2) corresponding and meaningful policies and curricula
and trained instructors, administrators, school counselors, and other advocates who
support and enhance in-school practices and integrated learning environments under this
section. In-school practices and integrated learning environments must promote increased
student academic achievement, cultural fluency, graduation and educational attainment
rates, and parent involvement.
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(a) The school board of each eligible district must
formally develop and implement a long-term comprehensive plan that identifies the
collaborative structures and systems, in-school strategies, inclusive best educational
practices, and partnerships with higher education institutions and industries required
to effect this section and increase the academic achievement of all students. Plan
components may include: innovative and integrated prekindergarten through grade 12
learning environments that offer students school enrollment choices; family engagement
initiatives that involve families in their students' academic life and success; professional
development opportunities for teachers and administrators focused on improving the
academic achievement of all students; increased programmatic opportunities focused
on rigor and college and career readiness for underserved students, including students
enrolled in alternative learning centers under section 123A.05, public alternative programs
under section 126C.05, subdivision 15, or contract alternative programs under section
124D.69, among other underserved students; or recruitment and retention of teachers and
administrators with diverse backgrounds. The plan must specify district and school goals
for reducing the disparity in academic achievement among all racial and ethnic categories of
students and promoting racial and economic integration in schools and districts over time.
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(b) Among other requirements, an eligible district must implement a cost-effective,
research-based intervention that includes formative assessment practices to reduce the
disparity in student academic achievement between the highest and lowest performing
racial and ethnic categories of students as measured by student demonstration of
proficiency on state reading and math assessments.
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(c) Eligible districts must collaborate in creating efficiencies and eliminating the
duplication of programs and services under this section, which may include forming a
single, seven-county metropolitan areawide partnership of eligible districts for this purpose.
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(a) To receive revenue under section
124D.862, the school board of an eligible district must hold at least one formal hearing by
March 1 in the year preceding the current biennium to report to the public its progress in
realizing the goals identified in its plan. At the hearing, the board must provide the public
with longitudinal data demonstrating district and school progress in reducing the disparity
in student academic achievement among all racial and ethnic categories of students and
realizing racial and economic integration, consistent with its plan and the measures in
paragraph (b). The district also must submit to the commissioner by March 1 in the year
preceding the current biennium a detailed biennial budget for continuing to implement
its plan and the commissioner must review and approve or disapprove the budget by
June 1 of that year.
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(b) The longitudinal data required under paragraph (a) must be based on one or
more of the following measures:
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(1) the number of world language proficiency or high achievement certificates
awarded under section 120B.022, subdivision 1, paragraphs (b) and (c);
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(2) student growth and progress toward proficiency in reading or mathematics as
defined under section 120B.299;
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(3) adequate yearly progress under section 120B.35, subdivision 2;
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(4) preparation for postsecondary academic and career opportunities under section
120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (c), clause (1);
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(5) rigorous coursework completed under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph
(c), clause (2); or
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(6) school safety and students' engagement and connection at school under section
120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (d).
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The commissioner must evaluate the efficacy of district
plans in reducing the disparity in student academic achievement among all racial and
ethnic categories of students and realizing racial and economic integration and report the
commissioner's findings to the K-12 education committees of the legislature by February 1
every fourth year beginning February 1, 2017.
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This section is effective for fiscal year 2014 and later.
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A school district is eligible for achievement and
integration revenue under this section if the district has a biennial achievement and
integration plan approved by the department under section 124D.861.
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(a) An eligible district's initial
achievement and integration revenue equals the sum of (1) $....... per pupil unit plus (2)
$....... times district's pupil units for that year times the ratio of the district's enrollment of
protected students to total enrollment for the previous school year.
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(b) In each year, .02 percent of each district's initial achievement and integration
revenue is transferred to the Department of Education for the oversight and accountability
activities required under this section and section 124D.861.
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(c) A district that did not meet its achievement goals established in section 124D.861
for the previous biennium must have its initial achievement and integration revenue
reduced by ....... percent for the current year.
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(d) Any revenue saved by the reductions in paragraph (c) must be proportionately
reallocated on a per pupil basis to all districts that met their achievement goals in the
previous biennium.
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A district's achievement and
integration aid equals 70 percent of its achievement and integration revenue.
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A district's achievement and
integration levy equals the difference between its achievement and integration revenue
and its achievement and integration aid.
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An eligible school district's maximum incentive
revenue equals $....... per pupil unit. In order to receive this revenue, a district must be
implementing a voluntary plan to reduce racial enrollment disparities through intradistrict
and interdistrict activities that have been approved as a part of the district's achievement
and integration plan.
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Integration revenue received under this section must
be reserved and used only for the programs authorized in subdivision 7.
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At least 80 percent of a district's achievement and
integration revenue received under this section must be used for innovative and integrated
learning environments, family engagement activities, and other approved programs
providing direct services to students. Up to 20 percent of the revenue may be used for
professional development and staff development activities, and not more than ten percent
of this share of the revenue may be used for administrative expenditures.
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This section is effective for revenue for fiscal year 2014
and later.
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