2nd Engrossment - 84th Legislature (2005 - 2006) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
A bill for an act
relating to local government; authorizing electric or
utility special assessments exceeding standards on
petition of all affected owners; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2004, section 429.021, subdivision 1.
Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 429.021,
subdivision 1, is amended to read:
The council of a
municipality shall have power to make the following improvements:
(1) To acquire, open, and widen any street, and to improve
the same by constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining
sidewalks, pavement, gutters, curbs, and vehicle parking strips
of any material, or by grading, graveling, oiling, or otherwise
improving the same, including the beautification thereof and
including storm sewers or other street drainage and connections
from sewer, water, or similar mains to curb lines.
(2) To acquire, develop, construct, reconstruct, extend,
and maintain storm and sanitary sewers and systems, including
outlets, holding areas and ponds, treatment plants, pumps, lift
stations, service connections, and other appurtenances of a
sewer system, within and without the corporate limits.
(3) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain steam
heating mains.
(4) To install, replace, extend, and maintain street lights
and street lighting systems and special lighting systems.
(5) To acquire, improve, construct, reconstruct, extend,
and maintain water works systems, including mains, valves,
hydrants, service connections, wells, pumps, reservoirs, tanks,
treatment plants, and other appurtenances of a water works
system, within and without the corporate limits.
(6) To acquire, improve and equip parks, open space areas,
playgrounds, and recreational facilities within or without the
corporate limits.
(7) To plant trees on streets and provide for their
trimming, care, and removal.
(8) To abate nuisances and to drain swamps, marshes, and
ponds on public or private property and to fill the same.
(9) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain dikes
and other flood control works.
(10) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain
retaining walls and area walls.
(11) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter,
extend, operate, maintain, and promote a pedestrian skyway
system. Such improvement may be made upon a petition pursuant
to section 429.031, subdivision 3.
(12) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, operate,
maintain, and promote underground pedestrian concourses.
(13) To acquire, construct, improve, alter, extend,
operate, maintain, and promote public malls, plazas or
(14) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain
district heating systems.
(15) To construct, reconstruct, alter, extend, operate,
maintain, and promote fire protection systems in existing
buildings, but only upon a petition pursuant to section 429.031,
subdivision 3.
(16) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter,
extend, and maintain highway sound barriers.
(17) To improve, construct, reconstruct, extend, and
maintain gas and electric distribution facilities owned by a
municipal gas or electric utility.
(18) To purchase, install, and maintain signs, posts, and
other markers for addressing related to the operation of
enhanced 911 telephone service.
(19) To improve, construct, extend, and maintain facilities
for Internet access and other communications purposes, if the
council finds that:
(i) the facilities are necessary to make available Internet
access or other communications services that are not and will
not be available through other providers or the private market
in the reasonably foreseeable future; and
(ii) the service to be provided by the facilities will not
compete with service provided by private entities.
new text begin
(20) To assess affected property owners for all or a
portion of the costs agreed to with an electric utility,
telecommunications carrier, or cable system operator to bury or
alter a new or existing distribution system within the public
right-of-way that exceeds the utility's design and construction
standards, or those set by law, tariff, or franchise, but only
upon petition under section 429.031, subdivision 3.
new text end