2nd Engrossment - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 06/09/2020 11:06am
A bill for an act
relating to human services; requiring the commissioner of human services to award
grants from the opiate epidemic response account.
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The commissioner of human services shall
award grants totaling $2,713,000 for fiscal year 2021 as specified in this section from the
amount available for grants directed by the Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council
under Minnesota Statutes, section 256.043, subdivision 3, paragraph (c), as of July 1, 2020.
On July 1, 2020, the commissioner of human services shall determine the amount in the
opiate epidemic response fund that is available for distribution under this section. If the
amount that is available for distribution is less than $2,713,000, the commissioner shall
reduce amount of the grants in this section by the same proportion to ensure that the amount
of grants under this section does not exceed the amount available in the opiate epidemic
response fund on July 1, 2020. All grant funding is onetime and is in addition to any prior
state funding that may have been provided to a grantee.
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(a) The commissioner shall award a grant of $367,000
to the Rural AIDS Action Network to distribute naloxone kits and provide related training
throughout the state, and to provide syringe exchange services.
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(b) The commissioner shall award a grant of $367,000 to the commissioner of health to
distribute naloxone to all eight emergency medical service regions. The commissioner may
also provide grant funding to emergency medical service regions to expand naloxone
distribution to urban and rural tribal entities and to fund syringe exchange programs if the
commissioner determines that a region has sufficient capacity to implement these initiatives.
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(c) The commissioner shall award a grant of $367,000 to the Steve Rummler HOPE
Network to distribute naloxone kits on a statewide basis and provide related training. The
Steve Rummler HOPE Network may also use grant funding to expand naloxone distribution
through strategic partnerships targeting 30 counties and to make naloxone pick-up points
and community overdose prevention trainers available on a statewide basis.
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(a) The commissioner
shall award a grant of $112,000 to Hennepin Healthcare to continue work with the
multidisciplinary Native American ECHO hub, in partnership with the Native American
Community Clinic, to support health care and other service providers with tele-training and
mentoring on evidence-based assessment and management of patients with opioid use
disorders. Grant funds may also be used to address prevention and treatment of opioid use
disorders, pain management, and mental health conditions among American Indians in
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(b) The commissioner shall award a grant of $100,000 to the CHI St. Gabriel's Health
Family Medical Center ECHO hub to support health care and other service providers with
tele-training and mentoring on evidence-based assessment and management of patients with
opioid use disorders.
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(c) The commissioner shall award a grant of $200,000 to the Wayside Recovery Center
to expand an existing women's behavioral health ECHO hub, in partnership with other
community-based entities, to provide opioid use disorder and peer recovery and care
coordination services to American Indian pregnant women, postpartum and parenting
mothers, and senior citizens.
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(a) The commissioner shall award a
grant of $50,000 to the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe to provide whole-client, whole-family,
culturally affirming recovery services.
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(b) The commissioner shall award a grant of $50,000 to the American Indian Family
Center to support the operation of the Parent Child Assistance Program.
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(c) The commissioner shall award a grant of $50,000 to the Community Health Worker
Alliance to provide community health worker mother's recovery training for peer recovery
support specialists.
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(d) The commissioner shall award a grant of $50,000 to the Northwest Indian Community
Development Center to provide community health worker mother's recovery training for
peer recovery support specialists.
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(a) The commissioner shall award a grant of
$130,000 to the Native American Community Clinic to expand the availability of office-based
medication-assisted treatment programs.
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(b) The commissioner shall award a grant of $150,000 to St. Louis County to expand
the availability of office-based medication-assisted treatment programs in partnership with
the Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment.
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(c) The commissioner shall award a grant of $144,000 to Alliance Wellness Center to
increase patient identification, referrals, and access to medication-assisted treatment for
African American and other unreached communities.
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(d) The commissioner shall award a grant of $144,000 to Ka Joog to increase patient
identification, referrals, and awareness of medication-assisted treatment for African American
and other unreached communities.
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(e) The commissioner shall award a grant of $144,000 to My Home, Inc. to increase
patient identification, referrals, and access to medication-assisted treatment for African
American and other unreached communities.
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(f) The commissioner shall award a grant of $144,000 to Twin Cities Recovery Project,
Inc. to increase patient identification, referrals, and awareness of medication-assisted
treatment for African American and other unreached communities.
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(g) The commissioner shall award a grant of $144,000 to Turning Point, Inc. to increase
patient identification, referrals, and access to medication-assisted treatment for African
American and other unreached communities.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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