as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 04/28/2022 05:04pm
A bill for an act
relating to higher education; creating a free college grant program to cover the full
cost of tuition and fees at state colleges; requiring a report; appropriating money;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 136A.
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The commissioner shall establish a free college
grant program to pay for the remaining financial needs of students attending state colleges.
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A student is eligible for a free college grant if the student:
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(1) receives a state grant award under section 136A.121; and
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(2) is enrolled at a Minnesota state college.
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(a) The amount of the free college grant is equal to:
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(1) the eligible student's allowance for tuition and fees under section 136A.121,
subdivision 6, after deducting:
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(i) the amount of a federal Pell Grant award;
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(ii) the amount of the state grant;
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(iii) the amount of any other state or federal gift aid received;
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(iv) the sum of all institutional grants, scholarships, tuition waivers, and tuition remission
amounts; and
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(v) the sum of all Tribal or private grants or scholarships;
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(2) multiplied by:
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(i) 100 percent if the student reports a family adjusted gross income less than $100,000;
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(ii) 75 percent if the student reports a family adjusted gross income greater than or equal
to $100,000 and less than or equal to $125,000;
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(iii) 50 percent if the student reports a family adjusted gross income greater than $125,000
and less than or equal to $150,000; or
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(iv) 0 percent if the student reports a family adjusted gross income greater than $150,000.
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(b) Eligible students are encouraged to apply for all other sources of financial aid.
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The commissioner shall administer the free college grant
program consistent with the state grant program under section 136A.121. Any provisions
of section 136A.121 that do not conflict with this section apply to the free college grant
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The commissioner shall include spending projections for the free
college grant program in the report required under section 136A.121, subdivision 19.
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$....... in fiscal year 2023 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of
the Office of Higher Education for the free college grant program under section 1. Of this
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(1) $....... is for administering the program; and
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(2) $....... is for promotion of the program and student outreach efforts.
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