as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 04/26/2022 07:54pm
A bill for an act
relating to education; modifying postsecondary enrollment options provisions;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 124D.09, subdivisions 9, 10, 12.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 124D.09, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
(a) A postsecondary institution must give priority to its
postsecondary students when enrolling pupils in grades 10, 11, and 12 in its courses. A
postsecondary institution may provide information about its programs to a secondary school
or to a pupil or parent and it may advertise or otherwise recruit or solicit a secondary pupil
to enroll in its programs deleted text begin on educational and programmatic grounds only except,
notwithstanding other law to the contrary, and for the 2014-2015 through 2019-2020 school
years only, an eligible postsecondary institution may advertise or otherwise recruit or solicit
a secondary pupil residing in a school district with 700 students or more in grades 10, 11,
and 12, to enroll in its programs on educational, programmatic, or financial groundsdeleted text end .
(b) An institution must not enroll secondary pupils, for postsecondary enrollment options
purposes, in remedial, developmental, or other courses that are not college level except
when a student eligible to participate and enrolled in the graduation incentives program
under section 124D.68 enrolls full time in a middle or early college program. A middle or
early college program must be specifically designed to allow the student to earn dual high
school and college credit with a well-defined pathway to allow the student to earn a
postsecondary degree or credential. In this case, the student must receive developmental
college credit and not college credit for completing remedial or developmental courses.
(c) Once a pupil has been enrolled in any postsecondary course under this section, the
pupil must not be displaced by another student.
(d) If a postsecondary institution enrolls a secondary school pupil in a course under this
section, the postsecondary institution also must enroll in the same course an otherwise
enrolled and qualified postsecondary student who qualifies as a veteran under section
197.447, and demonstrates to the postsecondary institution's satisfaction that the institution's
established enrollment timelines were not practicable for that student.
(e) A postsecondary institution must allow secondary pupils to enroll in online courses
under this section consistent with the institution's policy regarding postsecondary pupil
enrollment in online courses.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 124D.09, subdivision 10, is amended to read:
(a) An eligible pupil, according to
subdivision 5, may enroll in a nonsectarian course taught by a secondary teacher or a
postsecondary faculty member and offered at a secondary school, or another location,
according to an agreement between a public school board and the governing body of an
eligible public postsecondary system or an eligible private postsecondary institution, as
defined in subdivision 3. All provisions of this section apply to a pupil, public school board,
district, and the governing body of a postsecondary institution, except as otherwise text begin
A secondary school and a postsecondary institution who enroll eligible pupils in courses
according to agreements must annually report to the commissioner the participation rates
of pupils enrolled in courses according to agreements, including the number of pupils
enrolled and the number of courses taken for postsecondary credit.
new text end
(b) To encourage students, especially American Indian students and students of color,
to consider teaching as a profession, participating schools, school districts, and postsecondary
institutions are encouraged to develop and offer an "Introduction to Teaching" or
"Introduction to Education" course under this subdivision. For the purpose of applying for
grants under this paragraph, "eligible institution" includes schools and districts that partner
with an accredited college or university in addition to postsecondary institutions identified
in subdivision 3, paragraph (a). Grant recipients under this paragraph must annually report
to the commissioner in a form and manner determined by the commissioner on the
participation rates of students in courses under this paragraph, including the number of
students who apply for admission to colleges or universities with teacher preparation
programs and the number of students of color and American Indian students who earned
postsecondary credit. Grant recipients must also describe recruiting efforts intended to
ensure that the percentage of participating students who are of color or American Indian
meets or exceeds the overall percentage of students of color or American Indian students
in the school.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 124D.09, subdivision 12, is amended to read:
(a) A pupil must not audit
a course under this section.
(b) A district shall grant academic credit to a pupil enrolled in a course for secondary
credit if the pupil successfully completes the course. Seven quarter or four semester college
credits equal at least one full year of high school credit. Fewer college credits may be
prorated. A district must also grant academic credit to a pupil enrolled in a course for
postsecondary credit if secondary credit is requested by a pupil. If no comparable course is
offered by the district, the district must, as soon as possible, notify the commissioner, who
shall determine the number of credits that shall be granted to a pupil who successfully
completes a course. If a comparable course is offered by the district, the school board shall
grant a comparable number of credits to the pupil. If there is a dispute between the district
and the pupil regarding the number of credits granted for a particular course, the pupil may
appeal the board's decision to the commissioner. The commissioner's decision regarding
the number of credits shall be final.
(c) A school board must adopt a policy regarding weighted grade point averages for any
high school or dual enrollment text begin A school board must adopt an identical policy
regarding weighted grade point averages for credits earned via postsecondary coursework
as it gives to credits earned via concurrent enrollment text end The policy must state
whether the district offers weighted grades. A school board must annually publish on its
website a list of courses for which a student may earn a weighted grade.
(d) The secondary credits granted to a pupil must be counted toward the graduation
requirements and subject area requirements of the district. Evidence of successful completion
of each course and secondary credits granted must be included in the pupil's secondary
school record. A pupil shall provide the school with a copy of the pupil's grade in each
course taken for secondary credit under this section. Upon the request of a pupil, the pupil's
secondary school record must also include evidence of successful completion and credits
granted for a course taken for postsecondary credit. In either case, the record must indicate
that the credits were earned at a postsecondary institution.
(e) If a pupil enrolls in a postsecondary institution after leaving secondary school, the
postsecondary institution must award postsecondary credit for any course successfully
completed for secondary credit at that institution. Other postsecondary institutions may
award, after a pupil leaves secondary school, postsecondary credit for any courses
successfully completed under this section. An institution may not charge a pupil for the
award of credit.
(f) The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the
Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota must, and private nonprofit and proprietary
postsecondary institutions should, award postsecondary credit for any successfully completed
courses in a program certified by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
offered according to an agreement under subdivision 10. Consistent with section 135A.101,
subdivision 3, all MnSCU institutions must give full credit to a secondary pupil who
completes for postsecondary credit a postsecondary course or program that is part or all of
a goal area or a transfer curriculum at a MnSCU institution when the pupil enrolls in a
MnSCU institution after leaving secondary school. Once one MnSCU institution certifies
as completed a secondary student's postsecondary course or program that is part or all of a
goal area or a transfer curriculum, every MnSCU institution must consider the student's
course or program for that goal area or the transfer curriculum as completed.