as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 03/20/2024 12:22pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/20/2024 |
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; property; providing an exemption for land owned by
congressionally chartered veterans service organizations; removing the special
classification for land owned by congressionally chartered veterans service
organizations; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 272.02, by adding a
subdivision; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 273.13, subdivision
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 272.02, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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qualifying for classification under section 273.13, subdivision 25, paragraph (d), clause (3),
that is owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization is
exempt. The commissioner of veterans affairs must annually provide a list of congressionally
chartered veterans service organizations to the commissioner of revenue by January 1.
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This section is effective beginning with assessment year 2024.
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Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 273.13, subdivision 25, is amended
to read:
(a) Class 4a is residential real estate containing four or more units
and used or held for use by the owner or by the tenants or lessees of the owner as a residence
for rental periods of 30 days or more, excluding property qualifying for class 4d. Class 4a
also includes hospitals licensed under sections 144.50 to 144.56, other than hospitals exempt
under section 272.02, and contiguous property used for hospital purposes, without regard
to whether the property has been platted or subdivided. The market value of class 4a property
has a classification rate of 1.25 percent.
(b) Class 4b includes:
(1) residential real estate containing less than four units, including property rented as a
short-term rental property for more than 14 days in the preceding year, that does not qualify
as class 4bb, other than seasonal residential recreational property;
(2) manufactured homes not classified under any other provision;
(3) a dwelling, garage, and surrounding one acre of property on a nonhomestead farm
classified under subdivision 23, paragraph (b) containing two or three units; and
(4) unimproved property that is classified residential as determined under subdivision
For the purposes of this paragraph, "short-term rental property" means nonhomestead
residential real estate rented for periods of less than 30 consecutive days.
The market value of class 4b property has a classification rate of 1.25 percent.
(c) Class 4bb includes:
(1) nonhomestead residential real estate containing one unit, other than seasonal
residential recreational property;
(2) a single family dwelling, garage, and surrounding one acre of property on a
nonhomestead farm classified under subdivision 23, paragraph (b); and
(3) a condominium-type storage unit having an individual property identification number
that is not used for a commercial purpose.
Class 4bb property has the same classification rates as class 1a property under subdivision
Property that has been classified as seasonal residential recreational property at any time
during which it has been owned by the current owner or spouse of the current owner does
not qualify for class 4bb.
(d) Class 4c property includes:
(1) except as provided in subdivision 22, paragraph (c), real and personal property
devoted to commercial temporary and seasonal residential occupancy for recreation purposes,
for not more than 250 days in the year preceding the year of assessment. For purposes of
this clause, property is devoted to a commercial purpose on a specific day if any portion of
the property is used for residential occupancy, and a fee is charged for residential occupancy.
Class 4c property under this clause must contain three or more rental units. A "rental unit"
is defined as a cabin, condominium, townhouse, sleeping room, or individual camping site
equipped with water and electrical hookups for recreational vehicles. A camping pad offered
for rent by a property that otherwise qualifies for class 4c under this clause is also class 4c
under this clause regardless of the term of the rental agreement, as long as the use of the
camping pad does not exceed 250 days. In order for a property to be classified under this
clause, either (i) the business located on the property must provide recreational activities,
at least 40 percent of the annual gross lodging receipts related to the property must be from
business conducted during 90 consecutive days, and either (A) at least 60 percent of all paid
bookings by lodging guests during the year must be for periods of at least two consecutive
nights; or (B) at least 20 percent of the annual gross receipts must be from charges for
providing recreational activities, or (ii) the business must contain 20 or fewer rental units,
and must be located in a township or a city with a population of 2,500 or less located outside
the metropolitan area, as defined under section 473.121, subdivision 2, that contains a portion
of a state trail administered by the Department of Natural Resources. For purposes of item
(i)(A), a paid booking of five or more nights shall be counted as two bookings. Class 4c
property also includes commercial use real property used exclusively for recreational
purposes in conjunction with other class 4c property classified under this clause and devoted
to temporary and seasonal residential occupancy for recreational purposes, up to a total of
two acres, provided the property is not devoted to commercial recreational use for more
than 250 days in the year preceding the year of assessment and is located within two miles
of the class 4c property with which it is used. In order for a property to qualify for
classification under this clause, the owner must submit a declaration to the assessor
designating the cabins or units occupied for 250 days or less in the year preceding the year
of assessment by January 15 of the assessment year. Those cabins or units and a proportionate
share of the land on which they are located must be designated class 4c under this clause
as otherwise provided. The remainder of the cabins or units and a proportionate share of
the land on which they are located will be designated as class 3a. The owner of property
desiring designation as class 4c property under this clause must provide guest registers or
other records demonstrating that the units for which class 4c designation is sought were not
occupied for more than 250 days in the year preceding the assessment if so requested. The
portion of a property operated as a (1) restaurant, (2) bar, (3) gift shop, (4) conference center
or meeting room, and (5) other nonresidential facility operated on a commercial basis not
directly related to temporary and seasonal residential occupancy for recreation purposes
does not qualify for class 4c. For the purposes of this paragraph, "recreational activities"
means renting ice fishing houses, boats and motors, snowmobiles, downhill or cross-country
ski equipment; providing marina services, launch services, or guide services; or selling bait
and fishing tackle;
(2) qualified property used as a golf course if:
(i) it is open to the public on a daily fee basis. It may charge membership fees or dues,
but a membership fee may not be required in order to use the property for golfing, and its
green fees for golfing must be comparable to green fees typically charged by municipal
courses; and
(ii) it meets the requirements of section 273.112, subdivision 3, paragraph (d).
A structure used as a clubhouse, restaurant, or place of refreshment in conjunction with
the golf course is classified as class 3a property;
(3) real property up to a maximum of three acres of land owned and used by a nonprofit
community service oriented organization and not used for residential purposes on either a
temporary or permanent basis, provided that:
(i) the property is not used for a revenue-producing activity for more than six days in
the calendar year preceding the year of assessment; or
(ii) the organization makes annual charitable contributions and donations at least equal
to the property's previous year's property taxes and the property is allowed to be used for
public and community meetings or events for no charge, as appropriate to the size of the
For purposes of this clause:
(A) "charitable contributions and donations" has the same meaning as lawful gambling
purposes under section 349.12, subdivision 25, excluding those purposes relating to the
payment of taxes, assessments, fees, auditing costs, and utility payments;
(B) "property taxes" excludes the state general tax;
(C) a "nonprofit community service oriented organization" means any corporation,
society, association, foundation, or institution organized and operated exclusively for
charitable, religious, fraternal, civic, or educational purposes, and which is exempt from
federal income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3), (8), (10), or (19) of the Internal
Revenue Code; and
(D) "revenue-producing activities" shall include but not be limited to property or that
portion of the property that is used as an on-sale intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt
liquor establishment licensed under chapter 340A, a restaurant open to the public, bowling
alley, a retail store, gambling conducted by organizations licensed under chapter 349, an
insurance business, or office or other space leased or rented to a lessee who conducts a
for-profit enterprise on the premises.
Any portion of the property not qualifying under either item (i) or (ii) is class 3a. The
use of the property for social events open exclusively to members and their guests for periods
of less than 24 hours, when an admission is not charged nor any revenues are received by
the organization shall not be considered a revenue-producing activity.
The organization shall maintain records of its charitable contributions and donations
and of public meetings and events held on the property and make them available upon
request any time to the assessor to ensure eligibility. An organization meeting the requirement
under item (ii) must file an application by May 1 with the assessor for eligibility for the
current year's assessment. The commissioner shall prescribe a uniform application form
and instructions;
(4) postsecondary student housing of not more than one acre of land that is owned by a
nonprofit corporation organized under chapter 317A and is used exclusively by a student
cooperative, sorority, or fraternity for on-campus housing or housing located within two
miles of the border of a college campus;
(5)(i) manufactured home parks as defined in section 327.14, subdivision 3, excluding
manufactured home parks described in items (ii) and (iii), (ii) manufactured home parks as
defined in section 327.14, subdivision 3, that are described in section 273.124, subdivision
3a, and (iii) class I manufactured home parks as defined in section 327C.015, subdivision
(6) real property that is actively and exclusively devoted to indoor fitness, health, social,
recreational, and related uses, is owned and operated by a not-for-profit corporation, and is
located within the metropolitan area as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 2;
(7) a leased or privately owned noncommercial aircraft storage hangar not exempt under
section 272.01, subdivision 2, and the land on which it is located, provided that:
(i) the land is on an airport owned or operated by a city, town, county, Metropolitan
Airports Commission, or group thereof; and
(ii) the land lease, or any ordinance or signed agreement restricting the use of the leased
premise, prohibits commercial activity performed at the hangar.
If a hangar classified under this clause is sold after June 30, 2000, a bill of sale must be
filed by the new owner with the assessor of the county where the property is located within
60 days of the sale;
(8) a privately owned noncommercial aircraft storage hangar not exempt under section
272.01, subdivision 2, and the land on which it is located, provided that:
(i) the land abuts a public airport; and
(ii) the owner of the aircraft storage hangar provides the assessor with a signed agreement
restricting the use of the premises, prohibiting commercial use or activity performed at the
hangar; and
(9) residential real estate, a portion of which is used by the owner for homestead purposes,
and that is also a place of lodging, if all of the following criteria are met:
(i) rooms are provided for rent to transient guests that generally stay for periods of 14
or fewer days;
(ii) meals are provided to persons who rent rooms, the cost of which is incorporated in
the basic room rate;
(iii) meals are not provided to the general public except for special events on fewer than
seven days in the calendar year preceding the year of the assessment; and
(iv) the owner is the operator of the property.
The market value subject to the 4c classification under this clause is limited to five rental
units. Any rental units on the property in excess of five, must be valued and assessed as
class 3a. The portion of the property used for purposes of a homestead by the owner must
be classified as class 1a property under subdivision 22;
(10) real property up to a maximum of three acres and operated as a restaurant as defined
under section 157.15, subdivision 12, provided it: (i) is located on a lake as defined under
section 103G.005, subdivision 15, paragraph (a), clause (3); and (ii) is either devoted to
commercial purposes for not more than 250 consecutive days, or receives at least 60 percent
of its annual gross receipts from business conducted during four consecutive months. Gross
receipts from the sale of alcoholic beverages must be included in determining the property's
qualification under item (ii). The property's primary business must be as a restaurant and
not as a bar. Gross receipts from gift shop sales located on the premises must be excluded.
Owners of real property desiring 4c classification under this clause must submit an annual
declaration to the assessor by February 1 of the current assessment year, based on the
property's relevant information for the preceding assessment year;
(11) lakeshore and riparian property and adjacent land, not to exceed six acres, used as
a marina, as defined in section 86A.20, subdivision 5, which is made accessible to the public
and devoted to recreational use for marina services. The marina owner must annually provide
evidence to the assessor that it provides services, including lake or river access to the public
by means of an access ramp or other facility that is either located on the property of the
marina or at a publicly owned site that abuts the property of the marina. No more than 800
feet of lakeshore may be included in this classification. Buildings used in conjunction with
a marina for marina services, including but not limited to buildings used to provide food
and beverage services, fuel, boat repairs, or the sale of bait or fishing tackle, are classified
as class 3a property; and
(12) real and personal property devoted to noncommercial temporary and seasonal
residential occupancy for recreation purposes.
Class 4c property has a classification rate of 1.5 percent of market value, except that (i)
each parcel of noncommercial seasonal residential recreational property under clause (12)
has the same classification rates as class 4bb property, (ii) manufactured home parks assessed
under clause (5), item (i), have the same classification rate as class 4b property, the market
value of manufactured home parks assessed under clause (5), item (ii), have a classification
rate of 0.75 percent if more than 50 percent of the lots in the park are occupied by
shareholders in the cooperative corporation or association and a classification rate of one
percent if 50 percent or less of the lots are so occupied, and class I manufactured home
parks as defined in section 327C.015, subdivision 2, have a classification rate of 1.0 percent,
(iii) commercial-use seasonal residential recreational property and marina recreational land
as described in clause (11), has a classification rate of one percent for the first $500,000 of
market value, and 1.25 percent for the remaining market value, (iv) the market value of
property described in clause (4) has a classification rate of one percent, (v) the market value
of property described in clauses (2), (6), and (10) has a classification rate of 1.25 percent,new text begin
andnew text end (vi) that portion of the market value of property in clause (9) qualifying for class 4c
property has a classification rate of 1.25 percentdeleted text begin , and (vii) property qualifying for
classification under clause (3) that is owned or operated by a congressionally chartered
veterans organization has a classification rate of one percent. The commissioner of veterans
affairs must provide a list of congressionally chartered veterans organizations to the
commissioner of revenue by June 30, 2017, and by January 1, 2018, and each year thereafterdeleted text end .
(e) Class 4d property includes:
(1) qualifying low-income rental housing certified to the assessor by the Housing Finance
Agency under section 273.128, subdivision 3. If only a portion of the units in the building
qualify as low-income rental housing units as certified under section 273.128, subdivision
3, only the proportion of qualifying units to the total number of units in the building qualify
for class 4d(1). The remaining portion of the building shall be classified by the assessor
based upon its use. Class 4d(1) also includes the same proportion of land as the qualifying
low-income rental housing units are to the total units in the building. For all properties
qualifying as class 4d(1), the market value determined by the assessor must be based on the
normal approach to value using normal unrestricted rents; and
(2) a unit that is owned by the occupant and used as a homestead by the occupant, and
otherwise meets all the requirements for community land trust property under section 273.11,
subdivision 12, provided that by December 31 of each assessment year, the community land
trust certifies to the assessor that (i) the community land trust owns the real property on
which the unit is located, and (ii) the unit owner is a member in good standing of the
community land trust. For all units qualifying as class 4d(2), the market value determined
by the assessor must be based on the normal approach to value without regard to any
restrictions that apply because the unit is a community land trust property.
(f) Class 4d(1) property has a classification rate of 0.25 percent. Class 4d(2) property
has a classification rate of 0.75 percent.
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This section is effective beginning with assessment year 2024.
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For property that qualifies for the exemption under Minnesota Statutes, section 272.02,
subdivision 106, for assessment year 2024 only, the following provisions apply:
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(1) the commissioner of veterans affairs must provide a list of congressionally chartered
veterans service organizations to the commissioner of revenue by July 1, 2024; and
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(2) a congressionally chartered veterans service organization must file an exemption
application with the county assessor by August 1, 2024.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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