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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 3512

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to state lands; providing for a land exchange 
  1.3             with city of Garfield. 
  1.6   GARFIELD.] 
  1.7      (a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.342 to 
  1.8   94.344 and 222.63, or any other statute to the contrary, the 
  1.9   commissioner of transportation, with the unanimous approval of 
  1.10  the Minnesota land exchange board, may convey the land described 
  1.11  in paragraph (b) to the city of Garfield in exchange for the 
  1.12  land described in paragraph (c). 
  1.13     (b) The land to be conveyed to the city of Garfield by the 
  1.14  state is located in Douglas county and is described as: 
  1.15     That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter 
  1.16     and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 
  1.17     32, Township 129 North, Range 38 West, being part of the 
  1.18     unplatted city of Garfield, according to the recorded plat 
  1.19     thereof, Douglas county, Minnesota, described as follows:  
  1.20     Commencing at the west quarter corner of said Section 32; 
  1.21     thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 35 minutes 
  1.22     46 seconds East along the east-west quarter line of said 
  1.23     Section 32 a distance of 1109.88 feet to the point of 
  1.24     beginning of the land to be described, said point being 
  2.1      25.00 feet northeasterly at a right angle from the last 
  2.2      center line position of the Burlington Northern Railroad 
  2.3      tracks; thence South 56 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds East, 
  2.4      parallel with said center line 3.17 feet; thence 
  2.5      southeasterly parallel with said center line along a 
  2.6      tangential curve concave to the southwest, radius 5754.60 
  2.7      feet, central angle 09 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds a 
  2.8      distance of 932.39 feet; thence continuing parallel with 
  2.9      said center line tangent to said curve South 47 degrees 31 
  2.10     minutes 26 seconds East 61.55 feet; thence South 00 degrees 
  2.11     27 minutes 13 seconds East 54.50 feet; thence northwesterly 
  2.12     along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, 
  2.13     central angle 02 degrees 36 minutes 03 seconds, radius 
  2.14     23987.56 feet, an arc distance of 1088.91 feet to the north 
  2.15     line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; 
  2.16     the chord bears North 52 degrees 07 minutes 36 seconds West 
  2.17     1088.82; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 46 seconds East 
  2.18     75.42 feet to the point of beginning. 
  2.19     Containing 1.29 acres more or less. 
  2.20     (c) The land to be conveyed to the state by the city of 
  2.21  Garfield is located in Douglas county and is described as: 
  2.22     That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter 
  2.23     and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 
  2.24     32, Township 129 North, Range 38 West, being part of the 
  2.25     unplatted city of Garfield, according to the recorded plat 
  2.26     thereof, Douglas county, Minnesota, described as follows: 
  2.27     Commencing at the west quarter corner of said Section 32; 
  2.28     thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 35 minutes 
  2.29     46 seconds East along the east-west quarter line of said 
  2.30     Section 32 a distance of 1109.88 feet, said point being 
  2.31     25.00 feet northeasterly at a right angle from the last 
  2.32     center line position of the Burlington Northern Railroad 
  2.33     tracks; thence South 56 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds East, 
  2.34     parallel with said center line 3.17 feet; thence 
  2.35     southeasterly parallel with said center line along a 
  2.36     tangential curve concave to the southwest, radius 5754.60 
  3.1      feet, central angle 09 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds a 
  3.2      distance of 932.39 feet; thence continuing parallel with 
  3.3      said center line tangent to said curve South 47 degrees 31 
  3.4      minutes 26 seconds East 61.55 feet to the point of 
  3.5      beginning of the land to be described; thence South 00 
  3.6      degrees 27 minutes 13 seconds East 54.50 feet; thence 
  3.7      northwesterly along a non-tangential curve concave to the 
  3.8      southwest, central angle 02 degrees 36 minutes 03 seconds, 
  3.9      radius 23987.56 feet, an arc distance of 1088.91 feet to 
  3.10     the north line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest 
  3.11     Quarter; the chord bears North 52 degrees 07 minutes 36 
  3.12     seconds West 1088.82; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 46 
  3.13     seconds West along said north line 123.38 feet to the 
  3.14     northeasterly right-of-way line of county state-aid highway 
  3.15     No. 82; thence South 56 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds East 
  3.16     along said right-of-way line 168.76 feet; thence continuing 
  3.17     along said right-of-way line on a tangential curve concave 
  3.18     to the southwest, central angle 09 degrees 17 minutes 00 
  3.19     seconds, an arc distance of 914.57 feet; thence continuing 
  3.20     along said right-of-way line tangent to said curve South 47 
  3.21     degrees 31 minutes 26 seconds East 577.91 feet; thence 
  3.22     North 42 degrees 28 minutes 34 seconds East 110.00 feet; 
  3.23     thence North 47 degrees 31 minutes 26 seconds West 516.37 
  3.24     feet to the point of beginning. 
  3.25     Containing 2.72 acres more or less. 
  3.26     (d) The land conveyed to the state in paragraph (c) shall 
  3.27  become part of the state rail bank and shall be administered 
  3.28  according to Minnesota Statutes, section 222.63.