2nd Engrossment - 84th Legislature (2005 - 2006) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
A bill for an act
relating to manufactured homes; regulating manufactured home park conversions;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 327C.095, subdivisions 1, 5.
Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 327C.095, subdivision 1, is amended to
At least nine months before
the conversion of all or a portion of a manufactured home park to another use, or before
closure of a manufactured home park or cessation of use of the land as a manufactured
home park, the park owner must prepare a closure statement and provide a copy to
new text begin the commissioners of health and the housing finance agency, new text end the local planning agencynew text begin ,new text end
and deleted text begin a copy todeleted text end a resident of each manufactured home where the residential use is being
converted. A resident may not be required to vacate until 60 days after the conclusion of
the public hearing required under subdivision 4. If a lot is available in another section of
the park that will continue to be operated as a park, the park owner must allow the resident
to relocate the home to that lot unless the home, because of its size or local ordinance,
is not compatible with that lot.
Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 327C.095, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
If the planned cessation of operation is for the
purpose of converting the part of the park occupied by the resident to a common interest
community pursuant to chapter 515B, the provisions of section 515B.4-111, except
subsection (a), shall apply. The nine-month notice required by this section shall state that
the cessation is for the purpose of conversion and shall set forth the rights conferred by
this subdivision and section 515B.4-111, subsection (b). Not less than 120 days before the
end of the nine months, the park owner shall serve upon the resident a form of purchase
agreement setting forth the terms of sale contemplated by section 515B.4-111, subsection
(d). Service of that form shall operate as the notice described by section 515B.4-111,
subsection (a).new text begin This subdivision does not apply to the conversion of a manufactured
home park to a common interest community:
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(1) that is a cooperative incorporated under chapter 308A or 308B;
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(2) in which at least 90 percent of the cooperative's members are residents of the
park at the time of the conversion; and
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new text begin (3) that does not require persons who are residents of the park at the time of the
conversion to become members of the cooperative.new text end