2nd Engrossment - 86th Legislature (2009 - 2010) Posted on 04/06/2010 04:21pm
A bill for an act
relating to mortuary science; modifying provisions related to viewing,
transporting, and removal of a dead human body; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, sections 149A.01, subdivision 3; 149A.71, subdivision 2; 149A.72,
subdivision 2; 149A.90, subdivisions 4, 6, 7; 149A.91, subdivisions 2, 3;
149A.93, subdivisions 6, 7; 149A.94, subdivision 1; Minnesota Statutes 2009
Supplement, section 149A.80, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.01, subdivision 3, is amended to
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,
nothing in this chapter shall in any way interfere with the duties of:
(1) an anatomical bequest program located within an accredited school of medicine
or an accredited college of mortuary science;
(2) a person engaged in the performance of duties prescribed by law relating to the
conditions under which unclaimed dead human bodies are held subject to anatomical study;
(3) authorized personnel from a licensed ambulance service in the performance
of their duties;
(4) licensed medical personnel in the performance of their duties; or
(5) the coroner or medical examiner in the performance of the duties of their offices.
(b) This chapter does not apply to or interfere with the recognized customs or rites of
any culture or recognized religion in the ceremonial washing, dressing, deleted text begin anddeleted text end casketingnew text begin , and
public transportationnew text end of their dead, to the extent that all other provisions of this chapter
are complied with.
(c) Noncompensated persons with the right to control the dead human bodynew text begin , under
section 149A.80, subdivision 2,new text end may remove a body from the place of death; transport the
body; prepare the body for disposition, except embalming; or arrange for final disposition
of the body, provided that all actions are in compliance with this chapter.
(d) Persons serving internships pursuant to section 149A.20, subdivision 6, or
students officially registered for a practicum or clinical through a program of mortuary
science accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education are not required
to be licensed, provided that the persons or students are registered with the commissioner
and act under the direct and exclusive supervision of a person holding a current license to
practice mortuary science in Minnesota.
(e) Notwithstanding this subdivision, nothing in this section shall be construed to
prohibit an institution or entity from establishing, implementing, or enforcing a policy that
permits only persons licensed by the commissioner to remove or cause to be removed a
dead body or body part from the institution or entity.
(f) An unlicensed person may arrange for and direct or supervise a memorial service
deleted text begin after final disposition of the dead human body has taken placedeleted text end new text begin if that person or that
person's employer does not have charge of the dead human bodynew text end . An unlicensed person
may not take charge of the dead human body, deleted text begin however an unlicensed person may arrange
for and direct or supervise a memorial service before final disposition of the dead human
body has taken placedeleted text end new text begin unless that person has the right to control the dead human body under
section 149A.80, subdivision 2, or is that person's noncompensated designeenew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.71, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) To prevent unfair or deceptive acts or
practices, the requirements of this subdivision must be met.
(b) Funeral providers must tell persons who ask by telephone about the funeral
provider's offerings or prices any accurate information from the price lists described in
paragraphs (c) to (e) and any other readily available information that reasonably answers
the questions asked.
(c) Funeral providers must make available for viewing to people who inquire in
person about the offerings or prices of funeral goods or burial site goods, separate printed
or typewritten price lists using a ten-point font or larger. Each funeral provider must have a
separate price list for each of the following types of goods that are sold or offered for sale:
(1) caskets;
(2) alternative containers;
(3) outer burial containers;
(4) cremation containers;
(5) cremated remains containers;
(6) markers; and
(7) headstones.
(d) Each separate price list must contain the name of the funeral provider's place of
business, address, and telephone number and a caption describing the list as a price list for
one of the types of funeral goods or burial site goods described in paragraph (c), clauses
(1) to (7). The funeral provider must offer the list upon beginning discussion of, but in any
event before showing, the specific funeral goods or burial site goods and must provide a
photocopy of the price list, for retention, if so asked by the consumer. The list must
contain, at least, the retail prices of all the specific funeral goods and burial site goods
offered which do not require special ordering, enough information to identify each, and
the effective date for the price list. However, funeral providers are not required to make a
specific price list available if the funeral providers place the information required by this
paragraph on the general price list described in paragraph (e).
(e) Funeral providers must give a printed price list, for retention, to persons who
inquire in person about the funeral goods, funeral services, burial site goods, or burial site
services or prices offered by the funeral provider. The funeral provider must give the list
upon beginning discussion of either the prices of or the overall type of funeral service or
disposition or specific funeral goods, funeral services, burial site goods, or burial site
services offered by the provider. This requirement applies whether the discussion takes
place in the funeral establishment or elsewhere. However, when the deceased is removed
for transportation to the funeral establishment, an in-person request for authorization to
embalm does not, by itself, trigger the requirement to offer the general price list. If the
provider, in making an in-person request for authorization to embalm, discloses that
embalming is not required by law except in certain special cases, the provider is not
required to offer the general price list. Any other discussion during that time about prices
or the selection of funeral goods, funeral services, burial site goods, or burial site services
triggers the requirement to give the consumer a general price list. The general price list
must contain the following information:
(1) the name, address, and telephone number of the funeral provider's place of
(2) a caption describing the list as a "general price list";
(3) the effective date for the price list;
(4) the retail prices, in any order, expressed either as a flat fee or as the prices per
hour, mile, or other unit of computation, and other information described as follows:
(i) forwarding of remains to another funeral establishment, together with a list of
the services provided for any quoted price;
(ii) receiving remains from another funeral establishment, together with a list of
the services provided for any quoted price;
(iii) separate prices for each cremation offered by the funeral provider, with the price
including an alternative or cremation container, any crematory charges, and a description
of the services and container included in the price, where applicable, and the price of
cremation where the purchaser provides the container;
(iv) separate prices for each immediate burial offered by the funeral provider,
including a casket or alternative container, and a description of the services and container
included in that price, and the price of immediate burial where the purchaser provides the
casket or alternative container;
(v) transfer of remains to the funeral establishmentnew text begin or other locationnew text end ;
(vi) embalming;
(vii) other preparation of the body;
(viii) use of facilities, equipment, or staff for viewing;
(ix) use of facilities, equipment, or staff for funeral ceremony;
(x) use of facilities, equipment, or staff for memorial service;
(xi) use of equipment or staff for graveside service;
(xii) hearse or funeral coach;
(xiii) limousine; and
(xiv) separate prices for all cemetery-specific goods and services, including all goods
and services associated with interment and burial site goods and services and excluding
markers and headstones;
(5) the price range for the caskets offered by the funeral provider, together with the
statement "A complete price list will be provided at the funeral establishment or casket
sale location." or the prices of individual caskets, as disclosed in the manner described
in paragraphs (c) and (d);
(6) the price range for the alternative containers offered by the funeral provider,
together with the statement "A complete price list will be provided at the funeral
establishment or alternative container sale location." or the prices of individual alternative
containers, as disclosed in the manner described in paragraphs (c) and (d);
(7) the price range for the outer burial containers offered by the funeral provider,
together with the statement "A complete price list will be provided at the funeral
establishment or outer burial container sale location." or the prices of individual outer
burial containers, as disclosed in the manner described in paragraphs (c) and (d);
(8) the price range for the cremation containers offered by the funeral provider,
together with the statement "A complete price list will be provided at the funeral
establishment or cremation container sale location." or the prices of individual cremation
containers and cremated remains containers, as disclosed in the manner described in
paragraphs (c) and (d);
(9) the price range for the cremated remains containers offered by the funeral
provider, together with the statement, "A complete price list will be provided at the funeral
establishment or cremation container sale location," or the prices of individual cremation
containers as disclosed in the manner described in paragraphs (c) and (d);
(10) the price for the basic services of funeral provider and staff, together with a list
of the principal basic services provided for any quoted price and, if the charge cannot be
declined by the purchaser, the statement "This fee for our basic services will be added to
the total cost of the funeral arrangements you select. (This fee is already included in our
charges for direct cremations, immediate burials, and forwarding or receiving remains.)" If
the charge cannot be declined by the purchaser, the quoted price shall include all charges
for the recovery of unallocated funeral provider overhead, and funeral providers may
include in the required disclosure the phrase "and overhead" after the word "services." This
services fee is the only funeral provider fee for services, facilities, or unallocated overhead
permitted by this subdivision to be nondeclinable, unless otherwise required by law;
(11) the price range for the markers and headstones offered by the funeral provider,
together with the statement "A complete price list will be provided at the funeral
establishment or marker or headstone sale location." or the prices of individual markers
and headstones, as disclosed in the manner described in paragraphs (c) and (d); and
(12) any package priced funerals offered must be listed in addition to and following
the information required in paragraph (e) and must clearly state the funeral goods and
services being offered, the price being charged for those goods and services, and the
discounted savings.
(f) Funeral providers must give an itemized written statement, for retention, to each
consumer who arranges an at-need funeral or other disposition of human remains at the
conclusion of the discussion of the arrangements. The itemized written statement must be
signed by the consumer selecting the goods and services as required in section 149A.80.
If the statement is provided by a funeral establishment, the statement must be signed by
the licensed funeral director or mortician planning the arrangements. If the statement is
provided by any other funeral provider, the statement must be signed by an authorized
agent of the funeral provider. The statement must list the funeral goods, funeral services,
burial site goods, or burial site services selected by that consumer and the prices to be paid
for each item, specifically itemized cash advance items (these prices must be given to the
extent then known or reasonably ascertainable if the prices are not known or reasonably
ascertainable, a good faith estimate shall be given and a written statement of the actual
charges shall be provided before the final bill is paid), and the total cost of goods and
services selected. At the conclusion of an at-need arrangement, the funeral provider is
required to give the consumer a copy of the signed itemized written contract that must
contain the information required in this paragraph.
(g) Upon receiving actual notice of the death of an individual with whom a funeral
provider has entered a preneed funeral agreement, the funeral provider must provide
a copy of all preneed funeral agreement documents to the person who controls final
disposition of the human remains or to the designee of the person controlling disposition.
The person controlling final disposition shall be provided with these documents at the time
of the person's first in-person contact with the funeral provider, if the first contact occurs
in person at a funeral establishment, crematory, or other place of business of the funeral
provider. If the contact occurs by other means or at another location, the documents must
be provided within 24 hours of the first contact.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.72, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
To prevent deceptive
acts or practices, a funeral provider must not represent that a dead human body is required
to be embalmed for direct cremation, immediate burial, or a closed casket funeral without
viewing or visitation, when refrigeration is available and when not required by law.
The funeral provider must also place the following disclosure on the general price list,
described in section 149A.71, subdivision 2, paragraph (e), in immediate conjunction with
the price shown for embalming: "Except in certain cases, embalming is not required by
law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you select certain funeral arrangements,
such as a funeral with viewing. If you do not want embalming, you usually have the right
to choose an arrangement that does not require you to pay for it, such as direct cremation
or immediate burialnew text begin or when refrigeration or use of dry ice is availablenew text end ."
Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section 149A.80, subdivision 2, is
amended to read:
The right to
control the deleted text begin disposition of the remains of a deceased persondeleted text end new text begin dead human bodynew text end , including
the location and conditions of final disposition, unless other directions have been given by
the decedent pursuant to subdivision 1, vests in, and the duty of final disposition of the
body devolves upon, the following in the order of priority listed:
(1) the person or persons appointed in a dated written instrument signed by the
decedent. Written instrument includes, but is not limited to, a health care directive
executed under chapter 145C. If there is a dispute involving more than one written
instrument, a written instrument that is witnessed or notarized prevails over a written
instrument that is not witnessed or notarized. Written instrument does not include a
durable or nondurable power of attorney which terminates on the death of the principal
pursuant to sections 523.08 and 523.09;
(2) the spouse of the decedent;
(3) the adult child or the majority of the adult children of the decedent, provided
that, in the absence of actual knowledge to the contrary, a funeral director or mortician
may rely on instructions given by the child or children who represent that they are the sole
surviving child, or that they constitute a majority of the surviving children;
(4) the surviving parent or parents of the decedent, each having equal authority;
(5) the adult sibling or the majority of the adult siblings of the decedent, provided
that, in the absence of actual knowledge to the contrary, a funeral director or mortician
may rely on instructions given by the sibling or siblings who represent that they are the
sole surviving sibling, or that they constitute a majority of the surviving siblings;
(6) the adult grandchild or the majority of the adult grandchildren of the decedent,
provided that, in the absence of actual knowledge to the contrary, a funeral director or
mortician may rely on instructions given by a grandchild or grandchildren who represent
that they are the only grandchild or grandchildren reasonably available to control final
disposition of the decedent's remains or represent a majority of grandchildren reasonably
available to control final disposition of the decedent's remains;
(7) the grandparent or the grandparents of the decedent, each having equal authority;
(8) the adult nieces and nephews of the decedent, or a majority of them, provided
that, in the absence of actual knowledge to the contrary, a funeral director or mortician
may rely on instructions given by a niece, nephew, or nieces or nephews who represent
that they are the only niece, nephew, or nieces or nephews reasonably available to control
final disposition of the decedent's remains or represent a majority of nieces and nephews
reasonably available to control final disposition of the decedent's remains;
(9) the person or persons who were acting as the guardians of the person of the
decedent with authority to make health care decisions for the decedent at the time of death;
(10) an adult who exhibited special care and concern for the decedent;
(11) the person or persons respectively in the next degree of kinship in the order
named by law to inherit the estate of the decedent; and
(12) the appropriate public or court authority, as required by law.
For purposes of this subdivision, the appropriate public or court authority includes
the county board of the county in which the death occurred if the person dies without
apparent financial means to provide for final disposition or the district court in the county
in which the death occurred.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.90, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
No dead human body shall be removed from
the place of death by a mortician or funeral director new text begin or by a noncompensated person
with the right to control the dead human body new text end without the completion of a certificate of
removal and, where possible, presentation of a copy of that certificate to the person or a
representative of the legal entity with physical or legal custody of the body at the death
site. The certificate of removal shall be in the format provided by the commissioner that
contains, at least, the following information:
(1) the name of the deceased, if known;
(2) the date and time of removal;
(3) a brief listing of the type and condition of any personal property removed with
the body;
(4) the location to which the body is being taken;
(5) the name, business address, and license number of the individual making the
removal; and
(6) the signatures of the individual making the removal and, where possible, the
individual or representative of the legal entity with physical or legal custody of the body at
the death site.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.90, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
Every individual removing a dead human body from
the place of death shall use universal precautions and otherwise exercise all reasonable
precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting any communicable disease from the
body. Before removal, the body shall be wrapped in a sheet or pouch that is impervious
to liquids, covered in such a manner that the body cannot be viewed, and placed on a
regulation ambulance cot or on an aircraft ambulance stretcher.new text begin A person with the right
to control the dead human body or that person's noncompensated designee may use any
appropriate cot, stretcher, or tray rigid enough to support a dead human body.new text end Any dead
human body measuring 36 inches or less in length may be removed after having been
properly wrapped, covered, and encased, but does not need to be placed on an ambulance
cot deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end aircraft ambulance stretchernew text begin , or rigid traynew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.90, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
A dead human body may be
transported from the place of death by any vehicle that meets the following standards:
(1) promotes respect for and preserves the dignity of the dead human body;
(2) shields the body from being viewed from outside of the conveyance;
(3) has ample enclosed area to accommodate deleted text begin an ambulance cot or aircraft ambulance
stretcherdeleted text end new text begin a cot, stretcher, or rigid traynew text end in a horizontal position;
(4) is so designed to permit loading and unloading of the body without excessive
tilting of the cot deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end stretchernew text begin , or rigid traynew text end ;new text begin and
new text end
(5) if used for the transportation of more than one dead human body at one time,
the vehicle must be designed so that a body or container does not rest directly on top
of another body or container and that each body or container is secured to prevent the
body or container from excessive movement within the conveyance. A dead human
body measuring 36 inches or less in length may be transported from the place of death
by passenger automobile. For purposes of this subdivision, a passenger automobile
is a vehicle designed and used for carrying not more than ten persons, but excludes
motorcycles and motor scootersdeleted text begin ; anddeleted text end new text begin .
new text end
deleted text begin
(6) is designed so that the driver and the dead human body are in the same cab.
deleted text end
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.91, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The preparation
of a dead human body for final disposition shall be performed in privacy. No person shall
be permitted to be present in the preparation room while a dead human body is being
embalmed, washed, or otherwise prepared for final disposition, except:
(1) licensed morticians;
(2) registered interns or students as described in subdivision 6;
(3) public officials or representatives in the discharge of their official duties; and
(4) licensed medical personnel.
new text begin
Licensed funeral homes may work with family and friends of the deceased to allow
for their participation in washing and dressing of the body in a private location other than
the preparation room of the funeral home.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.91, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
new text begin (a)new text end A dead human body must be
embalmed by a licensed mortician or registered intern or practicum student or clinical
studentnew text begin , refrigerated, or packed in dry icenew text end in the following circumstances:
(1) if the body will be transported by public transportationnew text begin , pursuant to section
149A.93, subdivision 7new text end ;
(2) if final disposition will not be accomplished within 72 hours after death or
release of the body by a competent authority with jurisdiction over the body or the body
will be lawfully stored for final disposition in the future, except as provided in section
149A.94, subdivision 1;
(3) if the body will be publicly viewed new text begin subject to paragraph (b)new text end ; or
(4) if so ordered by the commissioner of health for the control of infectious disease
and the protection of the public health.
new text begin (b)new text end For purposes of this subdivision, "publicly viewed" means reviewal of a dead
human body by anyone other than those mentioned in section 149A.80, subdivision 2new text begin , and
their minor childrennew text end deleted text begin , and minor childrendeleted text end . deleted text begin Refrigeration may be used in lieu ofdeleted text end new text begin Dry ice
may only be used when the dead human body is publicly viewed within private propertynew text end
deleted text begin embalming when required in clause (2)deleted text end .
new text begin (c) new text end A body may not be kept in refrigeration for a period that exceeds six calendar
daysnew text begin , or packed in dry ice for a period that exceeds four calendar days,new text end from the time and
release of the body from the place of death or from the time of release from the coroner or
medical examiner.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.93, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
A dead human body may be
transported by means of deleted text begin public transportationdeleted text end new text begin private vehicle or private aircraft,new text end provided
that the body must be deleted text begin properly embalmed anddeleted text end encased in an appropriate container, deleted text begin or by
any private vehicle or aircraftdeleted text end that meets the following standards:
(1) promotes respect for and preserves the dignity of the dead human body;
(2) shields the body from being viewed from outside of the conveyance;
(3) has ample enclosed area to accommodate a deleted text begin regulation ambulancedeleted text end cot, deleted text begin aircraft
ambulancedeleted text end stretcher,new text begin rigid tray,new text end casket, alternative container, or cremation container in a
horizontal position;
(4) is designed to permit loading and unloading of the body without excessive tilting
of the new text begin cot, stretcher, rigid tray, new text end casket, alternative container, or cremation container; and
(5) if used for the transportation of more than one dead human body at one time,
the vehicle must be designed so that a body or container does not rest directly on top of
another body or container and that each body or container is secured to prevent the body
or container from excessive movement within the conveyance.
A vehicle that is a dignified conveyance and was specified for use by the deceased
or by the family of the deceased may be used to transport the body to the place of final
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.93, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
When a dead human body is transported by
public transportation, it must be properly embalmed and enclosed in a casket or alternative
container and an appropriate outside shipping container. new text begin All applicable regulations and
policies of the carrier must be followed. new text end When transportation is by any private vehicle
or aircraft, the outside shipping container may be omitted or the casket or alternative
container and the outside container may both be omitted and, in such case, the body shall
be wrapped in a sheet that is impervious to liquids, covered in such a manner that the body
cannot be viewed, encased in a secure pouch, and placed on a deleted text begin regulation ambulancedeleted text end cot
deleted text begin or on an aircraft ambulancedeleted text end new text begin ,new text end stretchernew text begin , or rigid traynew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 149A.94, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Every dead human body lying within the state, except
unclaimed bodies delivered for dissection by the medical examiner, those delivered
for anatomical study pursuant to section 149A.81, subdivision 2, or lawfully carried
through the state for the purpose of disposition elsewhere; and the remains of any dead
human body after dissection or anatomical study, shall be decently buried, entombednew text begin in
a public or private cemeterynew text end , or cremated, within a reasonable time after death. Where
final disposition of a body will not be accomplished within 72 hours following death or
release of the body by a competent authority with jurisdiction over the body, the body
must be properly embalmed deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end refrigeratednew text begin , or packed with dry icenew text end . A body may not be
kept in refrigeration for a period exceeding six calendar daysnew text begin , or packed in dry ice for a
period that exceeds four calendar days,new text end from the time of death or release of the body from
the coroner or medical examiner.