as introduced - 89th Legislature (2015 - 2016) Posted on 04/20/2016 12:38pm
A bill for an act
relating to education; creating the Teacher Shortage Act; appropriating money;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, sections 122A.413, subdivision
1; 122A.415; Laws 2015, chapter 69, article 1, section 3, subdivision 28; Laws
2015, First Special Session chapter 3, article 2, section 70, subdivisions 2, 12;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 136A.
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Sections 1 to 13 may be cited as the "Teacher Shortage Act."
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Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, section 122A.413, subdivision 1, is
amended to read:
A district, intermediate school district, or a
cooperative unit, as defined in section 123A.24, subdivision 2, may develop an educational
improvement plannew text begin . The plan may be developednew text end for the purpose of qualifying fornew text begin :
new text end
new text begin (1)new text end the alternative teacher professional pay system under section 122A.414new text begin ; and
new text end
new text begin (2) teacher development and evaluation aid under section 122A.415new text end .
The plan must include measures for improving school district, intermediate school
district, cooperative, school site, teacher, new text begin principal, new text end and individual student performance.
Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, section 122A.415, is amended to read:
(a) A school
district, intermediate school district, cooperative unit as defined in section 123A.24,
subdivision 2, school site, or charter school that meets the conditions of section 122A.414
and submits an application approved by the commissioner is eligible for alternative
teacher compensation revenue.
(b) For school district and intermediate school district applications, the commissioner
must consider only those applications to participate that are submitted jointly by a
district and the exclusive representative of the teachers. The application must contain an
alternative teacher professional pay system agreement that:
(1) implements an alternative teacher professional pay system consistent with
section 122A.414; and
(2) is negotiated and adopted according to the Public Employment Labor Relations
Act under chapter 179A, except that notwithstanding section 179A.20, subdivision 3, a
district may enter into a contract for a term of two or four years.
Alternative teacher compensation revenue for a qualifying school district or site in
which the school board and the exclusive representative of the teachers agree to place
teachers in the district or at the site on the alternative teacher professional pay system
equals deleted text begin $260deleted text end new text begin $91new text end times the number of pupils enrolled at the district or site on October 1 of
the previous fiscal year. Alternative teacher compensation deleted text begin revenuedeleted text end new text begin aid new text end for a qualifying
intermediate school district or cooperative must be calculated under subdivision deleted text begin 4,
paragraph (b)deleted text end new text begin 4anew text end .
(c) For a newly combined or consolidated district, the revenue shall be computed
using the sum of pupils enrolled on October 1 of the previous year in the districts entering
into the combination or consolidation. The commissioner may adjust the revenue computed
for a site using prior year data to reflect changes attributable to school closings, school
openings, or grade level reconfigurations between the prior year and the current year.
(d) The revenuenew text begin under this subdivisionnew text end is available only to school districts,
intermediate school districts, cooperatives, school sites, and charter schools that fully
implement an alternative teacher professional pay system by October 1 of the current
school year.
new text begin
(a) A school district, charter
school, or other school site is eligible for teacher development and evaluation aid equal to
the teacher development and evaluation allowance times the number of pupils enrolled at
the district or site on October 1 of the previous fiscal year, or for a school in its first year of
operation, October 1 of the current fiscal year.
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(b) The teacher development and evaluation allowance for a school district, charter
school, or other school site equals $169.
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(c) Teacher development and evaluation aid for an intermediate school district or
other cooperative unit as defined in section 123A.24, subdivision 2, must be calculated
under subdivision 4a.
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(d) To qualify for aid under this subdivision, a school district, charter school,
intermediate school district or other cooperative unit, or other school site must either
develop an educational improvement plan under section 122A.413, implement an
alternative teacher professional pay system under section 122A.414, or demonstrate to the
commissioner's satisfaction that the aid received under this section is used for the activities
prescribed under section 122A.40, subdivision 8, or 122A.41, subdivision 5.
new text end
(a) Districts,
intermediate school districts, cooperatives, school sites, or charter schools with approved
applications must receive alternative compensation revenue for each school year that
the district, intermediate school district, cooperative, school site, or charter school
implements an alternative teacher professional pay system under this subdivision and
section 122A.414. deleted text begin A qualifying district, intermediate school district, cooperative, school
site, or charter school that received alternative teacher compensation aid for the previous
fiscal year must receive at least an amount of alternative teacher compensation revenue
equal to the lesser of the amount it received for the previous fiscal year or the amount it
qualifies for under subdivision 1 for the current fiscal year if the district, intermediate
school district, cooperative, school site, or charter school submits a timely application and
the commissioner determines that the district, intermediate school district, cooperative,
school site, or charter school continues to implement an alternative teacher professional
pay system, consistent with its application under this section.
deleted text end
(b) The commissioner shall approve applications that comply with subdivision 1,
and section 122A.414, subdivisions 2, paragraph (b), and 2a, if the applicant is a charter
school or cooperative, in the order in which they are received, select applicants that
qualify for this program, notify school districts, intermediate school districts, cooperatives,
school sites, and charter schools about the program, develop and disseminate application
materials, and carry out other activities needed to implement this section.
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end The
deleted text begin basicdeleted text end alternative teacher compensation aid deleted text begin for a school with a plan approved under section
122A.414, subdivision 2b, equals 65 percent of the alternative teacher compensation
revenue under subdivision 1. The basic alternative teacher compensation aiddeleted text end for a charter
school with a plan approved under section 122A.414, subdivisions 2a and 2b, equals deleted text begin $260
deleted text end new text begin $91new text end times the number of pupils enrolled in the school on October 1 of the previous year, or
on October 1 of the current year for a charter school in the first year of operationdeleted text begin , times
the ratio of the sum of the alternative teacher compensation aid and alternative teacher
compensation levy for all participating school districts to the maximum alternative teacher
compensation revenue for those districts under subdivision 1deleted text end .
deleted text begin (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) and subdivision 1, the state total basic alternative
teacher compensation aid entitlement must not exceed $88,118,000 for fiscal year 2017
and later. The commissioner must limit the amount of alternative teacher compensation
aid approved under this section so as not to exceed these limits. Basicdeleted text end
new text begin (a)new text end Alternative teacher compensation aid for
an intermediate district or other cooperative unit new text begin with a plan approved under section
122A.413 new text end equals deleted text begin $3,000deleted text end new text begin $1,050new text end times the number of licensed teachers employed by the
intermediate district or cooperative unit on October 1 of the previous school year.
new text begin
(b) Teacher development and evaluation aid for an intermediate school district or
other cooperative unit equals $1,950 times the number of licensed teachers employed by the
intermediate school district or cooperative unit on October 1 of the previous school year.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Alternative principal compensation aid for a school
district, charter school, school site, or intermediate school or cooperative unit with a plan
approved under section 122A.413, equals $1,050 times the number of licensed principals
employed by the school district, charter school, school site, or intermediate or other
cooperative unit on October 1 of the previous school year.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Principal development and evaluation aid for a school district, charter school,
school site, or intermediate school or cooperative unit equals $1,950 times the number
of licensed principals employed by the school district, charter school, school site, or
intermediate or other cooperative unit on October 1 of the previous school year.
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The alternative teacher
compensation levy for a new text begin school new text end districtnew text begin , not including an intermediate district,new text end receiving
deleted text begin basicdeleted text end alternative teacher compensation deleted text begin aiddeleted text end new text begin revenue under subdivision 1new text end equals the product
of (1) deleted text begin the difference betweendeleted text end the district's alternative teacher compensation revenue deleted text begin and
the district's basic alternative teacher compensation aid,deleted text end times (2) the lesser of one or the
ratio of the district's adjusted net tax capacity per adjusted pupil unit to $6,100.
(a) deleted text begin A district's
deleted text end new text begin For a school district only,new text end alternative teacher compensation equalization aid equals the
district's alternative teacher compensation revenue deleted text begin minus the district's basic alternative
teacher compensation aiddeleted text end minus the district's alternative teacher compensation levy. If a
district does not levy the entire amount permitted, the alternative teacher compensation
equalization aid must be reduced in proportion to the actual amount levied.
(b) A district's alternative teacher compensation aid equals the deleted text begin sum of the
district's basic alternative teacher compensation aid and thedeleted text end district's alternative teacher
compensation equalization aid.
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A school district or charter school with
an approved alternative teacher professional pay system may transfer any of the funding
authorized in this section between its alternative teacher professional pay program and its
teacher development and evaluation activities.
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This section is effective for revenue for fiscal year 2017
and later.
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The commissioner of the Office of Higher Education
must establish a grant program for students who are required to student teach as part of
their teacher preparation program.
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In order to receive a grant, the applicant must:
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(1) be enrolled in a Minnesota teacher preparation program that would enable the
applicant, upon graduation, to teach in a Minnesota school district in a shortage area;
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(2) agree to teach in a shortage area for at least five years after graduating from the
teacher preparation program; and
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(3) demonstrate financial need in the form and manner prescribed by the
commissioner of the Office of Higher Education. "Shortage area" has the same meaning
given in section 122A.18, subdivision 4a.
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The office must determine the time and
manner of applications. The office must determine the stipend amount based on the money
available and the number of eligible applicants each academic year. If a stipend recipient
is employed in a shortage area, the recipient must remain employed in the shortage area
for five years or repay a portion of the amount received prorated by the number of years
the recipient has taught in the shortage area.
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Laws 2015, chapter 69, article 1, section 3, subdivision 28, is amended to read:
Subd. 28.Teacher Shortage Loan Forgiveness
200,000 |
deleted text begin
200,000 deleted text end new text begin ....... new text end |
For the loan forgiveness program under
Minnesota Statutes, section 136A.1791.
The commissioner may use no more
than three percent of this appropriation
to administer the program under this
Laws 2015, First Special Session chapter 3, article 2, section 70, subdivision 2,
is amended to read:
For new text begin teacher development and evaluation aid and new text end alternative teacher compensation aid
under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.415deleted text begin , subdivision 4deleted text end :
$ |
78,331,000 |
..... |
2016 |
$ |
deleted text begin
87,147,000 deleted text end new text begin ....... new text end |
..... |
2017 |
The 2016 appropriation includes $7,766,000 for 2015 and $70,565,000 for 2016.
The 2017 appropriation includes $7,840,000 for 2016 and deleted text begin $79,307,000deleted text end new text begin $ text end for
Laws 2015, First Special Session chapter 3, article 2, section 70, subdivision
12, is amended to read:
For the collaborative urban educator
grant program:
$ |
780,000 |
..... |
2016 |
$ |
deleted text begin
780,000 deleted text end new text begin ....... new text end |
..... |
2017 |
Grants shall be awarded in equal amounts: deleted text begin $195,000deleted text end new text begin $ text end new text begin new text end each year is for the
Southeast Asian teacher program at Concordia University, St. Paul; deleted text begin $195,000deleted text end new text begin $ text end new text begin new text end each
year is for the collaborative urban educator program at the University of St. Thomas;
deleted text begin $195,000deleted text end new text begin $ text end new text begin new text end each year is for the Center for Excellence in Urban Teaching at Hamline
University; and deleted text begin $195,00deleted text end new text begin $ text end new text begin new text end each year is for the East Africa Student to Teacher program
at Augsburg College.
Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year.
Each institution shall prepare for the legislature, by January 15 of each year, a
detailed report regarding the funds used. The report must include the number of teachers
prepared as well as the diversity for each cohort of teachers produced.
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The Board of Teaching must contract for an electronic statewide school teacher and
administrator job board. The job board must allow school districts to post job openings for
prekindergarten through grade 12 teaching and administrative positions.
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The commissioner of education must establish a grant program for school districts
to design, establish, and maintain a paraprofessional pathway to teacher licensure or a
grow your own new teacher program. The programs must allow a current school district
paraprofessional with a bachelor's degree to pursue their teaching license while still being
employed by the school district. A school district may apply in the form and manner
prescribed by the commissioner.
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new text begin
The Board of Teaching must use the expedited rulemaking process under Minnesota
Statutes, section 14.389, to amend Minnesota Rules, part 8710.4750, to allow a teacher
holding a grade 9 through 12 science license with at least three years of experience to
obtain a general science teaching license for grades 5 through 8 by passing an exam.
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By December 15, 2016, the chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and
Universities must prepare and submit to the committees of the legislature having
jurisdiction over kindergarten through grade 12 education and higher education a report
on the special education educator programs available at the state colleges and universities,
which institutions offer the specific special education educator programs, and the number
of graduates over the last five years.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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$....... in fiscal year 2017 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner
of the Office of Higher Education for grants to student teachers in shortage areas under
Minnesota Statutes, section 136A.1275.
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The sums indicated in this section are
appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education in the fiscal years
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For transfer to the Board of Teaching for the
statewide school teacher and administrator job board:
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$ new text end |
new text begin
79,000 new text end |
new text begin
..... new text end |
new text begin
2017 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to school
districts for grow your own new teacher programs:
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$ new text end |
new text begin
....... new text end |
new text begin
..... new text end |
new text begin
2017 new text end |