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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 3

Conference Committee Report - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 05/16/2017 08:24pm

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
id="pl.1.2">1.2A bill for an act
id="pl.1.3">1.3relating to transportation; authorizing and governing implementation of
id="pl.1.4">1.4requirements of the federal REAL ID Act; amending certain requirements governing
id="pl.1.5">1.5driver's licenses and Minnesota identification cards; amending imposition of certain
id="pl.1.6">1.6fees; requiring legislative reporting;amending Minnesota Statutes 2016, sections
id="pl.1.7">1.7171.01, by adding subdivisions; 171.017; 171.04, by adding a subdivision; 171.06,
id="pl.1.8">1.8subdivisions 1, 2, 3, by adding a subdivision; 171.07, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, 9a;
id="pl.1.9">1.9171.071, subdivision 3; 171.072; 171.12, by adding subdivisions; 171.27; proposing
id="pl.1.10">1.10coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 171; repealing Laws 2009,
id="pl.1.11">1.11chapter 92, section 1, as amended.
id="pl.1.12">1.12May 16, 2017
id="pl.1.13">1.13The Honorable Kurt L. Daudt
id="pl.1.14">1.14Speaker of the House of Representatives
id="pl.1.15">1.15The Honorable Michelle L. Fischbach
id="pl.1.16">1.16President of the Senate
id="pl.1.17">1.17We, the undersigned conferees for H. F. No. 3 report that we have agreed upon the items
id="pl.1.18">1.18in dispute and recommend as follows:
id="pl.1.19">1.19That the Senate recede from its amendments and that H. F. No. 3 be further amended
id="pl.1.20">1.20as follows:
id="pl.1.21">1.21Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

id="bill.0.1.0">id="pl.1.22">1.22    "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.01, is amended by adding a subdivision
id="pl.1.23">1.23to read:
id="pl.1.24">1.24    Subd. 41a. Noncompliant license; noncompliant identification card. "Noncompliant
id="pl.1.25">1.25license," "noncompliant identification card," or "noncompliant license or identification
id="pl.1.26">1.26card," means a driver's license or Minnesota identification card issued under section 171.019,
id="pl.1.27">1.27subdivision 2, paragraph (b).

id="bill.0.2.0">id="pl.2.1">2.1    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.2.3">2.3    Subd. 45b. REAL ID Act. "REAL ID Act" means the REAL ID Act of 2005, Public
id="pl.2.4">2.4Law 109-13, Division B.

id="bill.0.3.0">id="pl.2.5">2.5    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.2.7">2.7    Subd. 48b. Temporary lawful status. "Temporary lawful status" has the meaning given
id="pl.2.8">2.8in Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, section 37.3.

id="bill.0.4.0">id="pl.2.9">2.9    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.017, is amended to read:
id="pl.2.12">2.12    Subdivision 1. Background checks authorized. The commissioner shall must investigate
id="pl.2.13">2.13the criminal history background of any driver's license agent and any current or prospective
id="pl.2.14">2.14employees of the department or driver's license agent being considered for any position
id="pl.2.15">2.15with the department that has or will have the ability to:
id="pl.2.16">2.16(1) the ability to create or modify records of applicants for identification cards and
id="pl.2.17">2.17driver's licenses, including enhanced drivers' driver's licenses under section 171.01,
id="pl.2.18">2.18subdivision 31a
, or and enhanced identification cards under section 171.01, subdivision
id="pl.2.20">2.20(2) the ability to issue enhanced drivers' driver's licenses under section 171.01, subdivision
id="pl.2.21">2.2131a, or enhanced identification cards under section 171.01, subdivision 31b; or
id="pl.2.22">2.22(3) the ability to administer knowledge or skills tests under section 171.13 to an applicant
id="pl.2.23">2.23for a commercial driver's license.
id="pl.2.24">2.24    Subd. 2. Procedure. (a) The commissioner must request a criminal history background
id="pl.2.25">2.25check from the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension on all individuals
id="pl.2.26">2.26specified in subdivision 1. A request under this section must be accompanied by an executed
id="pl.2.27">2.27criminal history consent form, including fingerprints, signed by the agent or the current or
id="pl.2.28">2.28prospective employee being investigated.
id="pl.2.29">2.29(b) After receiving a request under paragraph (a), the superintendent of the Bureau of
id="pl.2.30">2.30Criminal Apprehension shall perform the background check required under subdivision 1.
id="pl.2.31">2.31The superintendent shall retrieve criminal history data as defined in section 13.87, conduct
id="pl.3.1">3.1a search of the national criminal records repository, and provide wants and warrant
id="pl.3.2">3.2information from federal and state repositories. The superintendent is authorized to exchange
id="pl.3.3">3.3fingerprints with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of the criminal history
id="pl.3.4">3.4check. The superintendent shall return the results of the background checks to the
id="pl.3.5">3.5commissioner to determine whether:
id="pl.3.6">3.6(1) the agent, employee, or applicant for employment specified in subdivision 1, clause
id="pl.3.7">3.7(1) or (2), has committed a disqualifying crime under Code of Federal Regulations, title 49,
id="pl.3.8">3.8section 1572.103; or
id="pl.3.9">3.9(2) the employee or applicant for employment specified in subdivision 1, clause (3), has
id="pl.3.10">3.10a conviction of the type specified by Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 384.228(j).
id="pl.3.11">3.11(c) The superintendent shall recover the cost to the bureau of a bureau's background
id="pl.3.12">3.12check cost for the person on whom the background check is performed through a fee charged
id="pl.3.13">3.13to the commissioner or the driver's license agent who requested the background check.
id="pl.3.14">3.14    Subd. 3. Notification by other criminal justice agencies. Criminal justice agencies,
id="pl.3.15">3.15as defined by section 13.02, subdivision 3a, shall provide the commissioner with information
id="pl.3.16">3.16they possess and that the commissioner requires for the purposes of determining the
id="pl.3.17">3.17employment suitability of current or prospective employees subject to this section.
id="pl.3.18">3.18    Subd. 4. Annual background checks in certain instances. Consistent with Code of
id="pl.3.19">3.19Federal Regulations, title 49, section 384.228, the commissioner shall request and the
id="pl.3.20">3.20superintendent shall conduct annual background checks for the department employees
id="pl.3.21">3.21specified in subdivision 1, clause (3). Annual background checks under this subdivision
id="pl.3.22">3.22shall must be performed in a manner consistent with subdivisions 2 and 3.

id="bill.0.5.0">id="pl.3.23">3.23    Sec. 5. [171.019] REAL ID ACT CONFORMITY; LIMITATIONS.
id="pl.3.24">3.24    Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, "federal change" means a
id="pl.3.25">3.25modification or addition to REAL ID Act requirements, made by the federal government
id="pl.3.26">3.26after the effective date of this act, with respect to: legal requirements; processes; policies
id="pl.3.27">3.27and procedures; or data collection, storage, and dissemination. Federal change includes but
id="pl.3.28">3.28is not limited to a modification:
id="pl.3.29">3.29(1) in what constitutes an official purpose under Code of Federal Regulations, title 6,
id="pl.3.30">3.30part 37;
id="pl.3.31">3.31(2) in the machine-readable technology standards for a license or Minnesota identification
id="pl.4.1">4.1(3) in the information provided on the face of the license or Minnesota identification
id="pl.4.3">4.3(4) that relates to dissemination of state-provided data to or among federal agencies,
id="pl.4.4">4.4other states, organizations operating under agreement among the states, or private entities;
id="pl.4.6">4.6(5) that imposes an identifiable cost for the state of Minnesota.
id="pl.4.7">4.7    Subd. 2. License and Minnesota identification card options. (a) The commissioner
id="pl.4.8">4.8must establish a license and a Minnesota identification card that meets the requirements of
id="pl.4.9">4.9the REAL ID Act, including but not limited to documentation requirements, administrative
id="pl.4.10">4.10processes, electronic validation or verification of data, and card design and marking, as
id="pl.4.11">4.11provided under this chapter.
id="pl.4.12">4.12(b) The commissioner must establish a license and Minnesota identification card that:
id="pl.4.13">4.13(1) is not acceptable for federal identification under the REAL ID Act, but complies
id="pl.4.14">4.14with Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, section 37.71; and
id="pl.4.15">4.15(2) meets the requirements under this chapter, including but not limited to section 171.12,
id="pl.4.16">4.16subdivision 7b.
id="pl.4.17">4.17(c) The commissioner must establish an enhanced driver's license or enhanced
id="pl.4.18">4.18identification card as provided in this chapter.
id="pl.4.19">4.19    Subd. 3. Limitations. Compliance under subdivision 2, paragraph (a), is limited to those
id="pl.4.20">4.20requirements of the REAL ID Act and any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant to the
id="pl.4.21">4.21REAL ID Act in effect as of the effective date of this act. The commissioner may not take
id="pl.4.22">4.22any action to implement or meet the requirements of a federal change.
id="pl.4.23">4.23    Subd. 4. Legislative notification. (a) Upon identification of an impending or completed
id="pl.4.24">4.24federal change, the commissioner must notify the chairs and ranking minority members of
id="pl.4.25">4.25the legislative committees having jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance, public
id="pl.4.26">4.26safety, and data practices, and the Legislative Commission on Data Practices and Personal
id="pl.4.27">4.27Data Privacy. Notification must be submitted as required under section 3.195, except that
id="pl.4.28">4.28printed copies are not required.
id="pl.4.29">4.29(b) Notification under this subdivision must include a review of the federal change, an
id="pl.4.30">4.30initial analysis of data practices impacts, and any preliminary estimates of implementation
id="pl.4.31">4.31costs, including the availability of additional federal funds.
id="pl.5.1">5.1    Subd. 5. Statutory construction. (a) Unless specifically provided otherwise, a driver's
id="pl.5.2">5.2license, instruction permit, or provisional license includes any noncompliant license. Unless
id="pl.5.3">5.3specifically provided otherwise, a Minnesota identification card includes any noncompliant
id="pl.5.4">5.4identification card.
id="pl.5.5">5.5(b) A noncompliant license does not include an enhanced driver's license, and a
id="pl.5.6">5.6noncompliant identification card does not include an enhanced identification card.

id="bill.0.6.0">id="pl.5.7">5.7    Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.04, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.5.9">5.9    Subd. 5. Temporary lawful admission. The commissioner is prohibited from issuing
id="pl.5.10">5.10a driver's license or Minnesota identification card to an applicant whose lawful temporary
id="pl.5.11">5.11admission period, as demonstrated under section 171.06, subdivision 3, paragraph (b),
id="pl.5.12">5.12expires within 30 days of the date of the application.

id="bill.0.7.0">id="pl.5.13">5.13    Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.06, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
id="pl.5.14">5.14    Subdivision 1. Forms of Application format and requirements. Every application for
id="pl.5.15">5.15a Minnesota identification card, for including an enhanced identification card, or for a
id="pl.5.16">5.16driver's license including for an instruction permit, for a provisional license, for a driver's
id="pl.5.17">5.17license, or for and an enhanced driver's license, must be made in a format approved by the
id="pl.5.18">5.18department, and. Every application must be accompanied by payment of the proper fee. All
id="pl.5.19">5.19first-time applications and change-of-status applications must be signed in the presence of
id="pl.5.20">5.20the person authorized to accept the application, or the signature on the application may be
id="pl.5.21">5.21verified by a notary public. All applicants must sign the application and declare, under
id="pl.5.22">5.22penalty of perjury, that the information and documentation presented in the application is
id="pl.5.23">5.23true and correct. All applications requiring evidence of legal presence in the United States
id="pl.5.24">5.24or United States citizenship must be signed in the presence of the person authorized to accept
id="pl.5.25">5.25the application, or the signature on the application may be verified by a notary public.

id="bill.0.8.0">id="pl.5.26">5.26    Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.06, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
id="pl.5.27">5.27    Subd. 2. Fees. (a) The fees for a license and Minnesota identification card are as follows:
REAL ID Compliant or
Noncompliant Classified
Driver's License
REAL ID Compliant or
Noncompliant Classified
Under-21 D.L.
Enhanced Driver's License
REAL ID Compliant or
Noncompliant Instruction
Enhanced Instruction
Commercial Learner's
REAL ID Compliant or
Noncompliant Provisional
Enhanced Provisional
Duplicate REAL ID
Compliant or Noncompliant
License or duplicate REAL
ID Compliant or
Noncompliant identification
Enhanced Duplicate
License or enhanced
duplicate identification card
REAL ID Compliant or
Noncompliant Minnesota
identification card or REAL
ID Compliant or
Noncompliant Under-21
Minnesota identification
card, other than duplicate,
except as otherwise
provided in section 171.07,
subdivisions 3
and 3a
Enhanced Minnesota
identification card
id="pl.6.34">6.34In addition to each fee required in this paragraph, the commissioner shall collect a surcharge
id="pl.6.35">6.35of: (1) $1.75 until June 30, 2012; and (2) $1.00 from July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2016.
id="pl.6.36">6.36Surcharges collected under this paragraph must be credited to the driver and vehicle services
id="pl.6.37">6.37technology account in the special revenue fund under section 299A.705.
id="pl.6.38">6.38    (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), an individual who holds a provisional license and
id="pl.6.39">6.39has a driving record free of (1) convictions for a violation of section 169A.20, 169A.33,
id="pl.6.40">6.40169A.35 , or sections 169A.50 to 169A.53, (2) convictions for crash-related moving
id="pl.6.41">6.41violations, and (3) convictions for moving violations that are not crash related, shall have
id="pl.6.42">6.42a $3.50 credit toward the fee for any classified under-21 driver's license. "Moving violation"
id="pl.6.43">6.43has the meaning given it in section 171.04, subdivision 1.
id="pl.6.44">6.44    (c) In addition to the driver's license fee required under paragraph (a), the commissioner
id="pl.6.45">6.45shall collect an additional $4 processing fee from each new applicant or individual renewing
id="pl.7.1">7.1a license with a school bus endorsement to cover the costs for processing an applicant's
id="pl.7.2">7.2initial and biennial physical examination certificate. The department shall not charge these
id="pl.7.3">7.3applicants any other fee to receive or renew the endorsement.
id="pl.7.4">7.4(d) In addition to the fee required under paragraph (a), a driver's license agent may charge
id="pl.7.5">7.5and retain a filing fee as provided under section 171.061, subdivision 4.
id="pl.7.6">7.6(e) In addition to the fee required under paragraph (a), the commissioner shall charge a
id="pl.7.7">7.7filing fee at the same amount as a driver's license agent under section 171.061, subdivision
id="pl.7.8">7.84. Revenue collected under this paragraph must be deposited in the driver services operating
id="pl.7.10">7.10(f) An application for a Minnesota identification card, instruction permit, provisional
id="pl.7.11">7.11license, or driver's license, including an application for renewal, must contain a provision
id="pl.7.12">7.12that allows the applicant to add to the fee under paragraph (a), a $2 donation for the purposes
id="pl.7.13">7.13of public information and education on anatomical gifts under section 171.075.

id="bill.0.9.0">id="pl.7.14">7.14    Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.06, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
id="pl.7.15">7.15    Subd. 3. Contents of application; other information. (a) An application must:
id="pl.7.16">7.16    (1) state the full name, date of birth, sex, and either (i) the residence address of the
id="pl.7.17">7.17applicant, or (ii) designated address under section 5B.05;
id="pl.7.18">7.18    (2) as may be required by the commissioner, contain a description of the applicant and
id="pl.7.19">7.19any other facts pertaining to the applicant, the applicant's driving privileges, and the
id="pl.7.20">7.20applicant's ability to operate a motor vehicle with safety;
id="pl.7.21">7.21    (3) state:
id="pl.7.22">7.22    (i) the applicant's Social Security number; or
id="pl.7.23">7.23    (ii) if the applicant does not have a Social Security number and is applying for a
id="pl.7.24">7.24Minnesota identification card, instruction permit, or class D provisional or driver's license,
id="pl.7.25">7.25that the applicant certifies that the applicant does not have is not eligible for a Social Security
id="pl.7.27">7.27    (4) in the case of an application for an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification
id="pl.7.28">7.28card, present:
id="pl.7.29">7.29(i) proof satisfactory to the commissioner of the applicant's full legal name, United States
id="pl.7.30">7.30citizenship, identity, date of birth, Social Security number, and residence address; and
id="pl.7.31">7.31(ii) a photographic identity document;
id="pl.8.1">8.1(5) contain a space where the applicant may indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift
id="pl.8.2">8.2according to paragraph (b);
id="pl.8.3">8.3    (6) (4) contain a notification to the applicant of the availability of a living will/health
id="pl.8.4">8.4care directive designation on the license under section 171.07, subdivision 7; and
id="pl.8.5">8.5(7) (5) contain a space spaces where the applicant may:
id="pl.8.6">8.6(i) request a veteran designation on the license under section 171.07, subdivision 15,
id="pl.8.7">8.7and the driving record under section 171.12, subdivision 5a;
id="pl.8.8">8.8(ii) indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift under paragraph (d); and
id="pl.8.9">8.9(iii) as applicable, designate document retention as provided under section 171.12,
id="pl.8.10">8.10subdivision 3c.
id="pl.8.11">8.11    (b) Applications must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence demonstrating:
id="pl.8.12">8.12(1) identity, date of birth, and any legal name change if applicable; and
id="pl.8.13">8.13(2) for driver's licenses and Minnesota identification cards that meet all requirements of
id="pl.8.14">8.14the REAL ID Act:
id="pl.8.15">8.15(i) principal residence address in Minnesota, including application for a change of address,
id="pl.8.16">8.16unless the applicant provides a designated address under section 5B.05;
id="pl.8.17">8.17(ii) Social Security number, or related documentation as applicable; and
id="pl.8.18">8.18(iii) lawful status, as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, section 37.3.
id="pl.8.19">8.19(c) An application for an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card must
id="pl.8.20">8.20be accompanied by:
id="pl.8.21">8.21(1) satisfactory evidence demonstrating the applicant's full legal name and United States
id="pl.8.22">8.22citizenship; and
id="pl.8.23">8.23(2) a photographic identity document.
id="pl.8.24">8.24    (b) (d) If the applicant does not indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift when the
id="pl.8.25">8.25application is made, the applicant must be offered a donor document in accordance with
id="pl.8.26">8.26section 171.07, subdivision 5. The application must contain statements sufficient to comply
id="pl.8.27">8.27with the requirements of the Darlene Luther Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, chapter
id="pl.8.28">8.28525A, so that execution of the application or donor document will make the anatomical gift
id="pl.8.29">8.29as provided in section 171.07, subdivision 5, for those indicating a desire to make an
id="pl.8.30">8.30anatomical gift. The application must be accompanied by information describing Minnesota
id="pl.8.31">8.31laws regarding anatomical gifts and the need for and benefits of anatomical gifts, and the
id="pl.9.1">9.1legal implications of making an anatomical gift, including the law governing revocation of
id="pl.9.2">9.2anatomical gifts. The commissioner shall distribute a notice that must accompany all
id="pl.9.3">9.3applications for and renewals of a driver's license or Minnesota identification card. The
id="pl.9.4">9.4notice must be prepared in conjunction with a Minnesota organ procurement organization
id="pl.9.5">9.5that is certified by the federal Department of Health and Human Services and must include:
id="pl.9.6">9.6    (1) a statement that provides a fair and reasonable description of the organ donation
id="pl.9.7">9.7process, the care of the donor body after death, and the importance of informing family
id="pl.9.8">9.8members of the donation decision; and
id="pl.9.9">9.9    (2) a telephone number in a certified Minnesota organ procurement organization that
id="pl.9.10">9.10may be called with respect to questions regarding anatomical gifts.
id="pl.9.11">9.11    (c) (e) The application must be accompanied also by information containing relevant
id="pl.9.12">9.12facts relating to:
id="pl.9.13">9.13    (1) the effect of alcohol on driving ability;
id="pl.9.14">9.14    (2) the effect of mixing alcohol with drugs;
id="pl.9.15">9.15    (3) the laws of Minnesota relating to operation of a motor vehicle while under the
id="pl.9.16">9.16influence of alcohol or a controlled substance; and
id="pl.9.17">9.17    (4) the levels of alcohol-related fatalities and accidents in Minnesota and of arrests for
id="pl.9.18">9.18alcohol-related violations.

id="bill.0.10.0">id="pl.9.19">9.19    Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.06, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.9.21">9.21    Subd. 3b. Information for applicants. (a) The commissioner must develop summary
id="pl.9.22">9.22information on identity document options. The summary information must be available on
id="pl.9.23">9.23the department's Web site and at every location where a person may apply for an enhanced,
id="pl.9.24">9.24REAL ID compliant, or noncompliant driver's license or identification card.
id="pl.9.25">9.25(b) The summary information must, at a minimum, include:
id="pl.9.26">9.26(1) each available type of driver's license and Minnesota identification card, including
id="pl.9.27">9.27a noncompliant license or identification card, an enhanced driver's license, and an enhanced
id="pl.9.28">9.28identification card;
id="pl.9.29">9.29(2) the official purposes of and limitations on use for each type of driver's license and
id="pl.9.30">9.30Minnesota identification card; and
id="pl.10.1">10.1(3) an overview of data shared outside the state, including through electronic validation
id="pl.10.2">10.2or verification systems, as part of the application and issuance of each type.
id="pl.10.3">10.3(c) The commissioner must ensure that the summary information is available to driver's
id="pl.10.4">10.4license and identification card applicants. Renewal notifications mailed to driver's license
id="pl.10.5">10.5and identification card holders must include the Web site address that displays the summary
id="pl.10.7">10.7(d) An applicant for an enhanced or noncompliant license or identification card must
id="pl.10.8">10.8sign an acknowledgment that the applicant understands the limitations on use of the license
id="pl.10.9">10.9or card.

id="bill.0.11.0">id="pl.10.10">10.10    Sec. 11. [171.0605] EVIDENCE OF IDENTITY AND LAWFUL PRESENCE.
id="pl.10.11">10.11    Subdivision 1. Scope and application. This section applies only to driver's licenses and
id="pl.10.12">10.12Minnesota identification cards that meet all requirements of the REAL ID Act. Except as
id="pl.10.13">10.13otherwise provided under this section, the requirements of Minnesota Rules, chapter 7410,
id="pl.10.14">10.14or successor rules, apply.
id="pl.10.15">10.15    Subd. 2. Evidence; identity; date of birth. (a) Only the following is satisfactory evidence
id="pl.10.16">10.16of an applicant's identity and date of birth under section 171.06, subdivision 3, paragraph
id="pl.10.18">10.18(1) a driver's license or identification card that:
id="pl.10.19">10.19(i) complies with all requirements of the REAL ID Act;
id="pl.10.20">10.20(ii) is not designated as temporary or limited term; and
id="pl.10.21">10.21(iii) is current or has been expired for five years or less;
id="pl.10.22">10.22(2) a valid, unexpired United States passport, including a passport booklet or passport
id="pl.10.23">10.23card, issued by the United States Department of State;
id="pl.10.24">10.24(3) a certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a government bureau of vital statistics
id="pl.10.25">10.25or equivalent agency in the applicant's state of birth, which must bear the raised or authorized
id="pl.10.26">10.26seal of the issuing government entity;
id="pl.10.27">10.27(4) a consular report of birth abroad, certification of report of birth, or certification of
id="pl.10.28">10.28birth abroad, issued by the United States Department of State, Form FS-240, DS-1350, or
id="pl.11.1">11.1(5) a valid, unexpired permanent resident card issued by the United States Department
id="pl.11.2">11.2of Homeland Security or the former Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United
id="pl.11.3">11.3States Department of Justice, Form I-551;
id="pl.11.4">11.4(6) a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Department of Homeland
id="pl.11.5">11.5Security, Form N-550 or Form N-570;
id="pl.11.6">11.6(7) a certificate of citizenship issued by the United States Department of Homeland
id="pl.11.7">11.7Security, Form N-560 or Form N-561;
id="pl.11.8">11.8(8) an unexpired employment authorization document issued by the United States
id="pl.11.9">11.9Department of Homeland Security, Form I-766 or Form I-688B;
id="pl.11.10">11.10(9) a valid, unexpired passport issued by a foreign country and a valid, unexpired United
id="pl.11.11">11.11States visa accompanied by documentation of the applicant's most recent lawful admittance
id="pl.11.12">11.12into the United States;
id="pl.11.13">11.13(10) a document as designated by the United States Department of Homeland Security
id="pl.11.14">11.14under Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, part 37.11(c)(1)(x);
id="pl.11.15">11.15(11) a copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage certified by the issuing government
id="pl.11.17">11.17(12) a certified copy of a court order that specifies the applicant's name change; or
id="pl.11.18">11.18(13) a certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage that specifies the
id="pl.11.19">11.19applicant's name change, issued by a court.
id="pl.11.20">11.20(b) A document under paragraph (a) must be legible and unaltered.
id="pl.11.21">11.21    Subd. 3. Evidence; lawful status. Only a form of documentation identified under
id="pl.11.22">11.22subdivision 2 or a document issued by a federal agency that demonstrates the applicant's
id="pl.11.23">11.23lawful status are satisfactory evidence of an applicant's lawful status under section 171.06,
id="pl.11.24">11.24subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2).
id="pl.11.25">11.25    Subd. 4. Evidence; Social Security number. The following is satisfactory evidence of
id="pl.11.26">11.26an applicant's Social Security number or related documentation under section 171.06,
id="pl.11.27">11.27subdivision 3, paragraph (b):
id="pl.11.28">11.28(1) a Social Security card;
id="pl.11.29">11.29(2) if a Social Security card is not available:
id="pl.11.30">11.30(i) a federal Form W-2;
id="pl.12.1">12.1(ii) a federal Form SSA-1099 or other federal Form 1099 having the applicant's Social
id="pl.12.2">12.2Security number; or
id="pl.12.3">12.3(iii) a computer-printed United States employment pay stub with the applicant's name,
id="pl.12.4">12.4address, and Social Security number; or
id="pl.12.5">12.5(3) for an applicant who provides a passport under subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause
id="pl.12.6">12.6(9), documentation demonstrating nonwork authorized status.
id="pl.12.7">12.7    Subd. 5. Evidence; residence in Minnesota. Submission of two forms of documentation
id="pl.12.8">12.8from the following is satisfactory evidence of an applicant's principal residence address in
id="pl.12.9">12.9Minnesota under section 171.06, subdivision 3, paragraph (b):
id="pl.12.10">12.10(1) a home utility services bill issued no more than 90 days before the application,
id="pl.12.11">12.11provided that the commissioner must not accept a United States home utility bill if two
id="pl.12.12">12.12unrelated people are listed on the bill;
id="pl.12.13">12.13(2) a home utility services hook-up work order issued no more than 90 days before the
id="pl.12.14">12.14application, provided that the commissioner must not accept a home utility services hook-up
id="pl.12.15">12.15work order if two unrelated people are listed on the work order;
id="pl.12.16">12.16(3) United States financial information issued no more than 90 days before the application,
id="pl.12.17">12.17with account numbers redacted, including:
id="pl.12.18">12.18(i) a bank account statement;
id="pl.12.19">12.19(ii) a canceled check; or
id="pl.12.20">12.20(iii) a credit card statement;
id="pl.12.21">12.21(4) a United States high school identification card with a certified transcript from the
id="pl.12.22">12.22school, if issued no more than 180 days before the application;
id="pl.12.23">12.23(5) a Minnesota college or university identification card with a certified transcript from
id="pl.12.24">12.24the college or university, if issued no more than 180 days before the application;
id="pl.12.25">12.25(6) an employment pay stub issued no more than 90 days before the application that lists
id="pl.12.26">12.26the employer's name, address, and telephone number;
id="pl.12.27">12.27(7) a Minnesota unemployment insurance benefit statement issued no more than 90 days
id="pl.12.28">12.28before the application;
id="pl.12.29">12.29(8) a statement from a housing with services building registered under chapter 144D,
id="pl.12.30">12.30nursing home licensed under chapter 144A, or a boarding care facility licensed under sections
id="pl.12.31">12.31144.50 to 144.56, that was issued no more than 90 days before the application;
id="pl.13.1">13.1(9) a life, health, automobile, homeowner's, or renter's insurance policy issued no more
id="pl.13.2">13.2than 90 days before the application, provided that the commissioner must not accept a proof
id="pl.13.3">13.3of insurance card;
id="pl.13.4">13.4(10) a federal or state income tax return or statement for the most recent tax filing year;
id="pl.13.5">13.5(11) a Minnesota property tax statement for the current year that shows the applicant's
id="pl.13.6">13.6principal residential address both on the mailing portion and the portion stating what property
id="pl.13.7">13.7is being taxed;
id="pl.13.8">13.8(12) a Minnesota vehicle certificate of title, if issued no more than 12 months before the
id="pl.13.10">13.10(13) a filed property deed or title for current residence, if issued no more than 12 months
id="pl.13.11">13.11before the application;
id="pl.13.12">13.12(14) a Supplemental Security Income award statement issued no more than 12 months
id="pl.13.13">13.13before the application;
id="pl.13.14">13.14(15) mortgage documents for the applicant's principal residence;
id="pl.13.15">13.15(16) a residential lease agreement for the applicant's principal residence issued no more
id="pl.13.16">13.16than 12 months before the application;
id="pl.13.17">13.17(17) a valid driver's license, including an instruction permit, issued under this chapter;
id="pl.13.18">13.18(18) a valid Minnesota identification card;
id="pl.13.19">13.19(19) an unexpired Minnesota professional license;
id="pl.13.20">13.20(20) an unexpired Selective Service card; or
id="pl.13.21">13.21(21) military orders that are still in effect at the time of application.
id="pl.13.22">13.22(b) A document under paragraph (a) must include the applicant's name and an address
id="pl.13.23">13.23in Minnesota.
id="pl.13.24">13.24    Subd. 6. Exceptions process. (a) The commissioner may grant a variance from the
id="pl.13.25">13.25requirements of this section as provided under Minnesota Rules, part 7410.0600, or successor
id="pl.13.26">13.26rules, for evidence of:
id="pl.13.27">13.27(1) identity or date of birth under subdivision 2;
id="pl.13.28">13.28(2) lawful status under subdivision 3, only for demonstration of United States citizenship;
id="pl.13.29">13.29(3) Social Security number under subdivision 4; and
id="pl.13.30">13.30(4) residence in Minnesota under subdivision 5.
id="pl.14.1">14.1(b) The commissioner must not grant a variance for an applicant having a lawful
id="pl.14.2">14.2temporary admission period.

id="bill.0.12.0">id="pl.14.3">14.3    Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.061, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
id="pl.14.4">14.4    Subd. 3. Application. An applicant may file an application with an agent. The agent
id="pl.14.5">14.5shall receive and accept applications in accordance with the laws and rules of the Department
id="pl.14.6">14.6of Public Safety for a noncompliant driver's license, or identification card; an enhanced
id="pl.14.7">14.7driver's license or identification card; a REAL ID compliant driver's license or identification
id="pl.14.8">14.8card; restricted license,; duplicate license,; instruction permit, Minnesota identification
id="pl.14.9">14.9card,; or motorized bicycle operator's permit.

id="bill.0.13.0">id="pl.14.10">14.10    Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.07, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
id="pl.14.11">14.11    Subdivision 1. License; contents and design. (a) Upon the payment of the required fee,
id="pl.14.12">14.12the department shall issue to every qualifying applicant a license designating the type or
id="pl.14.13">14.13class of vehicles the applicant is authorized to drive as applied for. This license must bear:
id="pl.14.14">14.14(1) a distinguishing number assigned to the licensee; (2) the licensee's full name and date
id="pl.14.15">14.15of birth; (3) either (1) (i) the licensee's residence address, or (2) (ii) the designated address
id="pl.14.16">14.16under section 5B.05; (4) a description of the licensee in a manner as the commissioner
id="pl.14.17">14.17deems necessary; and (5) the usual signature of the licensee; and (6) designations and
id="pl.14.18">14.18markings as provided in this section. No license is valid unless it bears the usual signature
id="pl.14.19">14.19of the licensee. Every license must bear a colored photograph or an electronically produced
id="pl.14.20">14.20image of the licensee.
id="pl.14.21">14.21    (b) If the United States Postal Service will not deliver mail to the applicant's residence
id="pl.14.22">14.22address as listed on the license, then the applicant shall provide verification from the United
id="pl.14.23">14.23States Postal Service that mail will not be delivered to the applicant's residence address and
id="pl.14.24">14.24that mail will be delivered to a specified alternate mailing address. When an applicant
id="pl.14.25">14.25provides an alternate mailing address under this subdivision, the commissioner shall use
id="pl.14.26">14.26the alternate mailing address in lieu of the applicant's residence address for all notices and
id="pl.14.27">14.27mailings to the applicant.
id="pl.14.28">14.28    (c) Every license issued to an applicant under the age of 21 must be of a distinguishing
id="pl.14.29">14.29color and plainly marked "Under-21."
id="pl.14.30">14.30    (d) The department shall use processes in issuing a license that prohibit, as nearly as
id="pl.14.31">14.31possible, the ability to alter or reproduce a license, or prohibit the ability to superimpose a
id="pl.14.32">14.32photograph or electronically produced image on a license, without ready detection.
id="pl.15.1">15.1    (e) A license issued to an applicant age 65 or over must be plainly marked "senior" if
id="pl.15.2">15.2requested by the applicant.
id="pl.15.3">15.3(e) Except for an enhanced driver's license or a noncompliant license, a license must
id="pl.15.4">15.4bear a distinguishing indicator for compliance with requirements of the REAL ID Act.
id="pl.15.5">15.5(f) A noncompliant license must:
id="pl.15.6">15.6(1) be marked "not for federal identification" on the face and in the machine-readable
id="pl.15.7">15.7portion; and
id="pl.15.8">15.8(2) have a unique design or color indicator.
id="pl.15.9">15.9(g) A license issued to a person with temporary lawful status must be marked "temporary"
id="pl.15.10">15.10on the face and in the machine-readable portion.
id="pl.15.11">15.11(h) A license must display the licensee's full name or no fewer than 39 characters of the
id="pl.15.12">15.12name. Any necessary truncation must begin with the last character of the middle name and
id="pl.15.13">15.13proceed through the second letter of the middle name, followed by the last character of the
id="pl.15.14">15.14first name and proceeding through the second letter of the first name.

id="bill.0.14.0">id="pl.15.15">15.15    Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.07, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
id="pl.15.16">15.16    Subd. 3. Identification card; content and design; fee. (a) Upon payment of the required
id="pl.15.17">15.17fee, the department shall issue to every qualifying applicant a Minnesota identification card.
id="pl.15.18">15.18The department may not issue a Minnesota identification card to an individual who has a
id="pl.15.19">15.19driver's license, other than a limited license. The department may not issue an enhanced
id="pl.15.20">15.20identification card to an individual who is under 16 years of age, not a resident of this state,
id="pl.15.21">15.21or not a citizen of the United States of America. The card must bear: (1) a distinguishing
id="pl.15.22">15.22number assigned to the applicant; (2) a colored photograph or an electronically produced
id="pl.15.23">15.23image of the applicant; (3) the applicant's full name and date of birth; (4) either (1) (i) the
id="pl.15.24">15.24licensee's residence address, or (2) (ii) the designated address under section 5B.05; (5) a
id="pl.15.25">15.25description of the applicant in the manner as the commissioner deems necessary; and (6)
id="pl.15.26">15.26the usual signature of the applicant; and (7) designations and markings provided under this
id="pl.15.28">15.28    (b) If the United States Postal Service will not deliver mail to the applicant's residence
id="pl.15.29">15.29address as listed on the Minnesota identification card, then the applicant shall provide
id="pl.15.30">15.30verification from the United States Postal Service that mail will not be delivered to the
id="pl.15.31">15.31applicant's residence address and that mail will be delivered to a specified alternate mailing
id="pl.15.32">15.32address. When an applicant provides an alternate mailing address under this subdivision,
id="pl.16.1">16.1the commissioner shall use the alternate mailing address in lieu of the applicant's residence
id="pl.16.2">16.2address for all notices and mailings to the applicant.
id="pl.16.3">16.3    (c) Each identification card issued to an applicant under the age of 21 must be of a
id="pl.16.4">16.4distinguishing color and plainly marked "Under-21."
id="pl.16.5">16.5    (d) Each Minnesota identification card must be plainly marked "Minnesota identification
id="pl.16.6">16.6card - not a driver's license."
id="pl.16.7">16.7(e) Except for an enhanced identification card or a noncompliant identification card, a
id="pl.16.8">16.8Minnesota identification card must bear a distinguishing indicator for compliance with
id="pl.16.9">16.9requirements of the REAL ID Act.
id="pl.16.10">16.10(f) A noncompliant identification card must:
id="pl.16.11">16.11(1) be marked "not for federal identification" on the face and in the machine-readable
id="pl.16.12">16.12portion; and
id="pl.16.13">16.13(2) have a unique design or color indicator.
id="pl.16.14">16.14(g) A Minnesota identification card issued to a person with temporary lawful status must
id="pl.16.15">16.15be marked "temporary" on the face and in the machine-readable portion.
id="pl.16.16">16.16(h) A Minnesota identification card must display the cardholder's full name or no fewer
id="pl.16.17">16.17than 39 characters of the name. Any necessary truncation must begin with the last character
id="pl.16.18">16.18of the middle name and proceed through the second letter of the middle name, followed by
id="pl.16.19">16.19the last character of the first name and proceeding through the second letter of the first name.
id="pl.16.20">16.20    (e) (i) The fee for a Minnesota identification card is 50 cents when issued to a person
id="pl.16.21">16.21who is developmentally disabled, as defined in section 252A.02, subdivision 2; a physically
id="pl.16.22">16.22disabled person, as defined in section 169.345, subdivision 2; or, a person with mental
id="pl.16.23">16.23illness, as described in section 245.462, subdivision 20, paragraph (c).

id="bill.0.15.0">id="pl.16.24">16.24    Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.07, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
id="pl.16.25">16.25    Subd. 4. Identification card expiration. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this
id="pl.16.26">16.26subdivision, the expiration date of a Minnesota identification cards of applicants under the
id="pl.16.27">16.27age of 65 shall be card is the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year following the date
id="pl.16.28">16.28of issuance of the card.
id="pl.16.29">16.29(b) A Minnesota identification card issued to For an applicant age 65 or older shall be:
id="pl.16.30">16.30(1) the expiration date of a Minnesota identification card is the birthday of the applicant
id="pl.16.31">16.31in the eighth year following the date of issuance of the card; or
id="pl.17.1">17.1(2) a noncompliant identification card is valid for the lifetime of the applicant, except
id="pl.17.3">17.3(c) For the purposes of this paragraph (b), "Minnesota identification card" does not
id="pl.17.4">17.4include an enhanced identification card issued to an applicant age 65 or older.
id="pl.17.5">17.5(c) (d) The expiration date for an Under-21 identification card is the cardholder's 21st
id="pl.17.6">17.6birthday. The commissioner shall issue an identification card to a holder of an Under-21
id="pl.17.7">17.7identification card who applies for the card, pays the required fee, and presents proof of
id="pl.17.8">17.8identity and age, unless the commissioner determines that the applicant is not qualified for
id="pl.17.9">17.9the identification card.
id="pl.17.10">17.10(e) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) to (d), the expiration date for an identification card
id="pl.17.11">17.11issued to a person with temporary lawful status is the last day of the person's legal stay in
id="pl.17.12">17.12the United States, or one year after issuance if the last day of the person's legal stay is not

id="bill.0.16.0">id="pl.17.14">17.14    Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.07, subdivision 9a, is amended to read:
id="pl.17.15">17.15    Subd. 9a. Security for enhanced driver's license and identification card features.
id="pl.17.16">17.16An enhanced (a) A driver's license or enhanced identification card must include reasonable
id="pl.17.17">17.17security measures to: prevent forgery, alteration, reproduction, and counterfeiting; facilitate
id="pl.17.18">17.18detection of fraud; prohibit the ability to superimpose a photograph or electronically produced
id="pl.17.19">17.19image; and to protect against unauthorized disclosure of personal information regarding
id="pl.17.20">17.20residents of this state that is contained in the enhanced driver's license or enhanced
id="pl.17.21">17.21identification card. The enhanced driver's license must include the best available
id="pl.17.22">17.22anticounterfeit laminate technology.
id="pl.17.23">17.23The (b) An enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card may include radio
id="pl.17.24">17.24frequency identification technology that is limited to a randomly assigned number, which
id="pl.17.25">17.25must be encrypted if agreed to by the United States Department of Homeland Security and
id="pl.17.26">17.26does not include biometric data or any information other than the citizenship status of the
id="pl.17.27">17.27license holder or cardholder. The commissioner shall ensure that the radio frequency
id="pl.17.28">17.28identification technology is secure from unauthorized data access. An applicant must sign
id="pl.17.29">17.29an acknowledgment of understanding of the radio frequency identification technology and
id="pl.17.30">17.30its use for the sole purpose of verifying United States citizenship before being issued an
id="pl.17.31">17.31enhanced driver's license or an enhanced identification card.

id="bill.0.17.0">id="pl.18.1">18.1    Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.071, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
id="pl.18.2">18.2    Subd. 3. Exception Limitations. Subdivision 1 applies only to a noncompliant license
id="pl.18.3">18.3or identification card. Subdivisions 1 and 2 do not apply to the commissioner's requirements
id="pl.18.4">18.4pertaining to a photograph or electronically produced image on an enhanced driver's license
id="pl.18.5">18.5or an enhanced identification card.

id="bill.0.18.0">id="pl.18.6">18.6    Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.072, is amended to read:
id="pl.18.7">18.7171.072 TRIBAL IDENTIFICATION CARD.
id="pl.18.8">18.8(a) If a Minnesota identification card is deemed an acceptable form of identification in
id="pl.18.9">18.9Minnesota Statutes or Rules, a tribal identification card is also an acceptable form of
id="pl.18.10">18.10identification. A tribal identification card is a primary document for purposes of Minnesota
id="pl.18.11">18.11Rules, part 7410.0400, and successor rules, when an applicant applies for a noncompliant
id="pl.18.12">18.12license or identification card.
id="pl.18.13">18.13(b) For purposes of this section, "tribal identification card" means an unexpired
id="pl.18.14">18.14identification card issued by a Minnesota tribal government of a tribe recognized by the
id="pl.18.15">18.15Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior, that contains the legal
id="pl.18.16">18.16name, date of birth, signature, and picture of the enrolled tribal member.
id="pl.18.17">18.17(c) The tribal identification card must contain security features that make it as impervious
id="pl.18.18">18.18to alteration as is reasonably practicable in its design and quality of material and technology.
id="pl.18.19">18.19The security features must use materials that are not readily available to the general public.
id="pl.18.20">18.20The tribal identification card must not be susceptible to reproduction by photocopying or
id="pl.18.21">18.21simulation and must be highly resistant to data or photograph substitution and other
id="pl.18.23">18.23(d) The requirements of this section do not apply to: (1) except as provided in paragraph
id="pl.18.24">18.24(a), to an application for a driver's license or Minnesota identification card under this chapter;
id="pl.18.25">18.25or (2) to tribal identification cards used to prove an individual's residence for purposes of
id="pl.18.26">18.26section 201.061, subdivision 3.

id="bill.0.19.0">id="pl.18.27">18.27    Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.12, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.18.29">18.29    Subd. 1a. Driver and vehicle services information system; security and auditing.
id="pl.18.30">18.30(a) The commissioner must establish written procedures to ensure that only individuals
id="pl.18.31">18.31authorized by law may enter, update, or access not public data collected, created, or
id="pl.18.32">18.32maintained by the driver and vehicle services information system. An authorized individual's
id="pl.19.1">19.1ability to enter, update, or access data in the system must correspond to the official duties
id="pl.19.2">19.2or training level of the individual and to the statutory authorization granting access for that
id="pl.19.3">19.3purpose. All queries and responses, and all actions in which data are entered, updated,
id="pl.19.4">19.4accessed, shared, or disseminated, must be recorded in a data audit trail. Data contained in
id="pl.19.5">19.5the audit trail are public to the extent the data are not otherwise classified by law.
id="pl.19.6">19.6(b) The commissioner must immediately and permanently revoke the authorization of
id="pl.19.7">19.7any individual who willfully entered, updated, accessed, shared, or disseminated data in
id="pl.19.8">19.8violation of state or federal law. If an individual willfully gained access to data without
id="pl.19.9">19.9authorization by law, the commissioner must forward the matter to the appropriate
id="pl.19.10">19.10prosecuting authority for prosecution.
id="pl.19.11">19.11(c) The commissioner must arrange for an independent biennial audit of the driver and
id="pl.19.12">19.12vehicle services information system to determine whether data currently in the system are
id="pl.19.13">19.13classified correctly, how the data are used, and to verify compliance with this subdivision.
id="pl.19.14">19.14The results of the audit are public. No later than 30 days following completion of the audit,
id="pl.19.15">19.15the commissioner must provide a report summarizing the audit results to the commissioner
id="pl.19.16">19.16of administration; the chairs and ranking minority members of the committees of the house
id="pl.19.17">19.17of representatives and the senate with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance,
id="pl.19.18">19.18public safety, and data practices; and the Legislative Commission on Data Practices and
id="pl.19.19">19.19Personal Data Privacy. The report must be submitted as required under section 3.195, except
id="pl.19.20">19.20that printed copies are not required.
id="pl.19.21">19.21EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective on the date of implementation of the
id="pl.19.22">19.22driver's license portion of the Minnesota licensing and registration system. The commissioner
id="pl.19.23">19.23shall notify the revisor of statutes on the date of implementation.

id="bill.0.20.0">id="pl.19.24">19.24    Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.12, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.19.26">19.26    Subd. 3c. Record retention; birth certificates. (a) If the procedures established by the
id="pl.19.27">19.27commissioner for driver's license or Minnesota identification card records include retention
id="pl.19.28">19.28of a physical copy or digital image of a birth certificate, the commissioner must:
id="pl.19.29">19.29(1) notify a driver's license or identification card applicant of the retention procedure;
id="pl.19.31">19.31(2) allow the applicant, licensee, or identification cardholder to designate that the
id="pl.19.32">19.32applicant, licensee, or identification cardholder's birth certificate physical copy or digital
id="pl.19.33">19.33image must not be retained.
id="pl.20.1">20.1(b) The commissioner must not retain a birth certificate if directed by an applicant,
id="pl.20.2">20.2licensee, or identification cardholder under paragraph (a), clause (2), but must record and
id="pl.20.3">20.3retain data on the birth certificate required under Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, section

id="bill.0.21.0">id="pl.20.5">20.5    Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.12, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.20.7">20.7    Subd. 7b. Data privacy; noncompliant license or identification card. (a) With respect
id="pl.20.8">20.8to noncompliant licenses or identification cards, the commissioner is prohibited from:
id="pl.20.9">20.9(1) electronically disseminating outside the state data that is not disseminated as of the
id="pl.20.10">20.10effective date of this act; or
id="pl.20.11">20.11(2) utilizing any electronic validation or verification system accessible from or maintained
id="pl.20.12">20.12outside of the state that is not in use as of the effective date of this act.
id="pl.20.13">20.13(b) The limitations in paragraph (a) do not apply to the extent necessary to maintain
id="pl.20.14">20.14compliance with the driver's license compact under section 171.50 and applicable federal
id="pl.20.15">20.15law governing commercial driver's licenses.
id="pl.20.16">20.16(c) For purposes of this subdivision, "outside the state" includes federal agencies, states
id="pl.20.17">20.17other than Minnesota, organizations operating under agreement among the states, and private

id="bill.0.22.0">id="pl.20.19">20.19    Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.12, is amended by adding a subdivision to
id="pl.20.21">20.21    Subd. 7c. Other data provisions. (a) The commissioner must not share any data the
id="pl.20.22">20.22department maintains under section 171.07, subdivision 13, with any federal agency, federal
id="pl.20.23">20.23department, or federal entity for a use that would otherwise be permissible under United
id="pl.20.24">20.24States Code, title 18, section 2721, or other law.
id="pl.20.25">20.25(b) Data collected by government entities under sections 624.712 to 624.719 are classified
id="pl.20.26">20.26under section 13.87, subdivision 2.

id="bill.0.23.0">id="pl.20.27">20.27    Sec. 23. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 171.27, is amended to read:
id="pl.20.29">20.29(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the expiration date for each driver's
id="pl.20.30">20.30license, other than under-21 licenses, is the birthday of the driver in the fourth year following
id="pl.20.31">20.31the date of issuance of the license. The birthday of the driver shall be as indicated on the
id="pl.21.1">21.1application for a driver's license. A license may be renewed on or before expiration or within
id="pl.21.2">21.2one year after expiration upon application, payment of the required fee, and passing the
id="pl.21.3">21.3examination required of all drivers for renewal. Driving privileges shall be extended or
id="pl.21.4">21.4renewed on or preceding the expiration date of an existing driver's license unless the
id="pl.21.5">21.5commissioner believes that the licensee is no longer qualified as a driver.
id="pl.21.6">21.6(b) The expiration date for each under-21 license shall be the 21st birthday of the licensee.
id="pl.21.7">21.7Upon the licensee attaining the age of 21 and upon the application, payment of the required
id="pl.21.8">21.8fee, and passing the examination required of all drivers for renewal, a driver's license shall
id="pl.21.9">21.9be issued unless the commissioner determines that the licensee is no longer qualified as a
id="pl.21.11">21.11(c) The expiration date for each provisional license is two years after the date of
id="pl.21.12">21.12application for the provisional license.
id="pl.21.13">21.13(d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) to (c), the expiration date for a license issued to a
id="pl.21.14">21.14person with temporary lawful status is the last day of the person's legal stay in the United
id="pl.21.15">21.15States, or one year after issuance if the last day of the person's legal stay is not identified.
id="pl.21.16">21.16(d) (e) Any valid Minnesota driver's license issued to a person then or subsequently
id="pl.21.17">21.17serving outside Minnesota in active military service, as defined in section 190.05, subdivision
, in any branch or unit of the armed forces of the United States, or the person's spouse,
id="pl.21.19">21.19shall continue in full force and effect without requirement for renewal until the date one
id="pl.21.20">21.20year following the service member's separation or discharge from active military service,
id="pl.21.21">21.21and until the license holder's birthday in the fourth full year following the person's most
id="pl.21.22">21.22recent license renewal or, in the case of a provisional license, until the person's birthday in
id="pl.21.23">21.23the third full year following the renewal.

id="bill.0.24.0">id="pl.21.24">21.24    Sec. 24. REAL ID ACT IMPLEMENTATION.
id="pl.21.25">21.25    Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, "REAL ID Act" means the REAL
id="pl.21.26">21.26ID Act of 2005, Public Law 109-13, Division B.
id="pl.21.27">21.27    Subd. 2. Implementation; deadline. The commissioner of public safety must begin
id="pl.21.28">21.28issuing driver's licenses and Minnesota identification cards that fully comply with the REAL
id="pl.21.29">21.29ID Act no later than October 1, 2018. The commissioner must notify the following individuals
id="pl.21.30">21.30and entities of the specific full compliance implementation date: the chairs and ranking
id="pl.21.31">21.31minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy
id="pl.21.32">21.32and finance, public safety, and data practices; the revisor of statutes; and the Legislative
id="pl.21.33">21.33Commission on Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy.
id="pl.22.1">22.1    Subd. 3. Mandatory reissuance prohibition. When implementing the REAL ID Act
id="pl.22.2">22.2requirements as provided in this act, the commissioner of public safety is prohibited from
id="pl.22.3">22.3requiring renewal or reissuance of a driver's license or Minnesota identification card earlier
id="pl.22.4">22.4than required under the regular issuance time period. Nothing in this subdivision prevents
id="pl.22.5">22.5suspension, cancellation, or revocation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 171.
id="pl.22.6">22.6    Subd. 4. Early renewal and expiration date extension. (a) For purposes of this
id="pl.22.7">22.7subdivision, "federal full compliance date" means the date when full compliance with the
id="pl.22.8">22.8REAL ID Act is federally required and no extensions are in effect for federal acceptance
id="pl.22.9">22.9of Minnesota-issued licenses and identification cards for official purposes, as most recently
id="pl.22.10">22.10specified by the United States Department of Homeland Security under Code of Federal
id="pl.22.11">22.11Regulations, title 6, part 37.
id="pl.22.12">22.12(b) For purposes of this subdivision, "eligible applicant" means an applicant for a REAL
id="pl.22.13">22.13ID compliant driver's license or identification card who:
id="pl.22.14">22.14(1) holds a valid Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card that:
id="pl.22.15">22.15(i) was issued prior to the date Minnesota commenced issuing REAL ID compliant
id="pl.22.16">22.16licenses and Minnesota identification cards; and
id="pl.22.17">22.17(ii) either (A) has an expiration date that is after the federal full compliance date; or (B)
id="pl.22.18">22.18does not have an expiration date as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.07,
id="pl.22.19">22.19subdivision 4;
id="pl.22.20">22.20(2) submits the license or identification card application no later than one year following
id="pl.22.21">22.21the federal full compliance date; and
id="pl.22.22">22.22(3) is otherwise eligible to obtain the license or identification card under Minnesota
id="pl.22.23">22.23Statutes, chapter 171.
id="pl.22.24">22.24(c) For the first instance of issuing a REAL ID compliant driver's license, the expiration
id="pl.22.25">22.25date is the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year following the date that the driver's
id="pl.22.26">22.26license would otherwise expire absent this subdivision, notwithstanding the requirements
id="pl.22.27">22.27of Minnesota Statutes, section 171.27, paragraph (a).
id="pl.22.28">22.28(d) For the first instance of issuing a REAL ID compliant identification card, the
id="pl.22.29">22.29expiration date is the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year following the date that the
id="pl.22.30">22.30identification card would otherwise expire absent this subdivision, notwithstanding the
id="pl.22.31">22.31requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 171.07, subdivision 4, paragraph (a).
id="pl.22.32">22.32(e) A surcharge is imposed for early renewal under this subdivision. The surcharge is
id="pl.22.33">22.33in addition to the fees and surcharges under Minnesota Statutes, sections 171.06, subdivision
id="pl.23.1">23.12; 171.061, subdivision 4; and 171.07, subdivisions 3 and 3a; or other law. The surcharge
id="pl.23.2">23.2is calculated based on the length of time otherwise remaining absent this subdivision until
id="pl.23.3">23.3expiration of the driver's license or identification card, as follows:
id="pl.23.4">23.4(1) $2 for a current expiration date of no more than 17 months from the date of application
id="pl.23.5">23.5under this subdivision;
id="pl.23.6">23.6(2) $4 for a current expiration date of 18 months to no more than 29 months; and
id="pl.23.7">23.7(3) $6 for a current expiration date of more than 29 months.
id="pl.23.8">23.8(f) This subdivision does not apply to:
id="pl.23.9">23.9(1) issuance of a new driver's license or Minnesota identification card;
id="pl.23.10">23.10(2) issuance or renewal of a noncompliant license or identification card, as defined in
id="pl.23.11">23.11Minnesota Statutes, section 171.01, subdivision 41a;
id="pl.23.12">23.12(3) issuance or renewal of an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card;
id="pl.23.13">23.13(4) reinstatement of a canceled, suspended, or revoked license;
id="pl.23.14">23.14(5) a driver's license subject to expiration under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.27,
id="pl.23.15">23.15paragraphs (b) to (d); or
id="pl.23.16">23.16(6) a Minnesota identification card subject to expiration under Minnesota Statutes, section
id="pl.23.17">23.17171.07, subdivision 4, paragraphs (b) to (e).

id="bill.0.25.0">id="pl.23.18">23.18    Sec. 25. REVISOR'S INSTRUCTION.
id="pl.23.19">23.19The revisor of statutes shall renumber Minnesota Statutes, section 171.06, subdivision
id="pl.23.20">23.203, paragraphs (d) and (e), as Minnesota Statutes, section 171.06, subdivision 3b, paragraphs
id="pl.23.21">23.21(d) and (e). The revisor shall also make any necessary cross-reference changes consistent
id="pl.23.22">23.22with the renumbering.

id="bill.0.26.0">id="pl.23.23">23.23    Sec. 26. APPROPRIATION.
id="pl.23.24">23.24$3,270,000 in fiscal year 2019 is appropriated from the driver services operating account
id="pl.23.25">23.25in the special revenue fund to the commissioner of public safety for implementation and
id="pl.23.26">23.26conformity with the requirements of the REAL ID Act of 2005, Public Law 109-13, Division
id="pl.23.27">23.27B, as provided under this act. This is a onetime appropriation.

id="bill.0.27.0">id="pl.24.1">24.1    Sec. 27. CONTINGENT REPEALER.
id="pl.24.2">24.2If the Federal REAL ID Act, Public Law 109-13, Division B, is repealed or if the
id="pl.24.3">24.3definition of "official purpose" in Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, part 37, is amended,
id="pl.24.4">24.4the provisions of this act become null and void on June 30 of the following year. On June
id="pl.24.5">24.530 in the year after the repeal or amendment, the commissioner of the Department of Public
id="pl.24.6">24.6Safety must stop issuing REAL ID compliant driver's licenses and identification cards.
id="pl.24.7">24.7Within 90 days of the federal repeal or amendment, the commissioner must submit a report,
id="pl.24.8">24.8including proposed legislative changes, to repeal all aspects of this act to the chairs and
id="pl.24.9">24.9ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation
id="pl.24.10">24.10policy and finance, public safety, and data practices; the revisor of statutes; and the
id="pl.24.11">24.11Legislative Commission on Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy.

id="bill.0.28.0">id="pl.24.12">24.12    Sec. 28. REPEALER.
id="pl.24.13">24.13Laws 2009, chapter 92, section 1, as amended by Laws 2016, chapter 83, section 1, is

id="bill.0.29.0">id="pl.24.15">24.15    Sec. 29. EFFECTIVE DATE.
id="pl.24.16">24.16Except as specifically provided otherwise, this act is effective the day following final
id="pl.24.17">24.17enactment. Sections 1 to 24 apply for application and issuance of driver's licenses and
id="pl.24.18">24.18Minnesota identification cards on and after the full compliance implementation date under
id="pl.24.19">24.19section 24, subdivision 2."
id="pl.24.20">24.20Delete the title and insert:
id="pl.24.21">24.21"A bill for an act
id="pl.24.22">24.22relating to transportation; authorizing and governing implementation of compliance
id="pl.24.23">24.23with federal REAL ID Act requirements; modifying and adding various
id="pl.24.24">24.24requirements governing issuance of driver's licenses and Minnesota identification
id="pl.24.25">24.25cards; providing for data practices; requiring a report; appropriating money;
id="pl.24.26">24.26amending Minnesota Statutes 2016, sections 171.01, by adding subdivisions;
id="pl.24.27">24.27171.017; 171.04, by adding a subdivision; 171.06, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, by adding
id="pl.24.28">24.28a subdivision; 171.061, subdivision 3; 171.07, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, 9a; 171.071,
id="pl.24.29">24.29subdivision 3; 171.072; 171.12, by adding subdivisions; 171.27; proposing coding
id="pl.24.30">24.30for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 171; repealing Laws 2009, chapter 92,
id="pl.24.31">24.31section 1, as amended."
We request the adoption of this report and repassage of the bill.
House Conferees:
Dennis Smith
Paul Torkelson
Gene Pelowski Jr.
Senate Conferees:
Eric R. Pratt
Scott J. Newman
Ann H. Rest