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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 2908

as introduced - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to retirement; Minnesota State Retirement 
  1.3             System general plan; authorizing an eligible 
  1.4             individual to be covered by the general plan for 
  1.5             employment at Bug-O-Na-Ge-Shig school.  
  1.9      Subdivision 1.  [AUTHORITY.] Notwithstanding Minnesota 
  1.10  Statutes, sections 352.01, subdivision 2a, and 352.04, to the 
  1.11  contrary, an eligible individual under subdivision 2 is 
  1.12  authorized to receive service and salary credit in the Minnesota 
  1.13  State Retirement System general plan for employment at the 
  1.14  Bug-O-Na-Ge-Shig school, specified in subdivision 3, providing 
  1.15  the eligible individual complies with all requirements under 
  1.16  subdivision 4.  
  1.17     Subd. 2.  [ELIGIBILITY.] An eligible individual is an 
  1.18  individual who: 
  1.19     (1) is a Minnesota State Retirement System general plan 
  1.20  deferred member; 
  1.21     (2) was born on June 27, 1946; 
  1.22     (3) was the director of the Minnesota Indian scholarship 
  1.23  program from 1974 to 2002; 
  1.24     (4) due to an office closing, was terminated from Minnesota 
  1.25  State Retirement System general plan covered employment in late 
  2.1   2002; and 
  2.2      (5) was hired as a counselor at Bug-O-Na-Ge-Shig school in 
  2.3   August 2003. 
  2.4      Subd. 3.  [SERVICE AND SALARY CREDIT.] An eligible 
  2.5   individual under subdivision 2 is authorized to receive service 
  2.6   and salary credit in the Minnesota State Retirement System 
  2.7   general plan for employment at the Bug-O-Na-Ge-Shig school, 
  2.8   notwithstanding any provisions of chapter 352 to the contrary.  
  2.9      Subd. 4.  [REQUIREMENTS.] (a) An eligible individual under 
  2.10  subdivision 2 and that individual's employer shall provide the 
  2.11  Minnesota State Retirement System executive director with any 
  2.12  information or reports that the executive director may request 
  2.13  to determine eligibility under this section and to effectively 
  2.14  implement this section. 
  2.15     (b) An eligible individual is not entitled to any benefit 
  2.16  provided by the Minnesota State Retirement System general plan 
  2.17  until the eligible individual terminates employment with the 
  2.18  employer who owns, leases, or operates the school specified in 
  2.19  subdivision 2.  
  2.20     (c) A terminated eligible individual meeting requirements 
  2.21  of this subdivision, or an individual authorized to act on 
  2.22  behalf of that individual, may apply for an annuity following 
  2.23  the termination under paragraph (b) using application procedures 
  2.24  under Minnesota Statutes, section 352.115, subdivision 7.  
  2.25     (d) Authority under this section is voided if an eligible 
  2.26  individual takes or has taken a refund under Minnesota Statutes, 
  2.27  section 352.22.  
  2.28     (e) The reemployed annuitant earnings limitations of 
  2.29  Minnesota Statutes, section 352.115, subdivision 10, apply to 
  2.30  any service by an eligible individual following reemployment 
  2.31  with the employer who owns, leases, or operates the school 
  2.32  specified in subdivision 2.  
  2.33     (f) Authority under this section is voided if the eligible 
  2.34  individual has defined benefit pension plan coverage for the 
  2.35  school employment specified in subdivision 2, or if the eligible 
  2.36  individual has received service credit, or is eligible to 
  3.1   receive service credit, in a defined benefit pension plan for 
  3.2   that school employment.  
  3.3      (g) To receive service and salary credit under subdivision 
  3.4   3, an eligible individual must make contributions to the 
  3.5   Minnesota State Retirement System general plan equal to the 
  3.6   employee contribution rate and employer contribution rate 
  3.7   specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 352.04, subdivisions 2 
  3.8   and 3, applied to salary, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, 
  3.9   section 352.01, subdivision 13, received from employment at the 
  3.10  Bug-O-Na-Ge-Shig school.  The Minnesota State Retirement System 
  3.11  executive director is authorized to specify forms and procedures 
  3.12  to be used in making these contribution payments.  Contributions 
  3.13  shall be submitted no less frequently than quarterly.  Service 
  3.14  and salary credit are to be granted to the eligible individual 
  3.15  upon receipt by the executive director of required contributions.
  3.16     (h) An initial payment, computed under the procedure 
  3.17  specified in paragraph (g), for employment at the 
  3.18  Bug-O-Na-Ge-Shig school prior to the effective date of this 
  3.19  section, is payable in a lump sum within 90 days following the 
  3.20  effective date.  The payment under this paragraph shall include 
  3.21  8.5 percent annual compound interest computed from January 1, 
  3.22  2004, until paid.  
  3.23     Sec. 2.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  3.24     Section 1 is effective on the day following final enactment.