as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 03/08/2023 12:40pm
A bill for an act
relating to human services; establishing a Minnesota basic income grant program;
requiring a report; appropriating money.
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The commissioner of human services must establish a
competitive grant program for local government entities, Minnesota's Tribal Nations, or
nonprofit organizations to provide regular cash payments to eligible recipients in order to
disrupt poverty, build wealth, advance equity, and support a recipient's basic needs.
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To be eligible for a grant under this section, applicants
must be a local government entity, Minnesota Tribal Nation, or nonprofit organization; have
the capability to provide monthly payments to eligible recipients; and meet the requirements
under this section.
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Entities seeking grants under this section must apply to the
commissioner. The grant applicant, in its application, must include:
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(1) an initial basic income program design and proposal;
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(2) a plan to identify eligible recipients the applicant intends to serve under this section;
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(3) a rationale for identifying those specific eligible recipients;
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(4) a plan for involving community members in the design of the program;
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(5) a commitment to participate in the basic income community of practice under
subdivision 6;
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(6) a commitment to cooperate with an evaluator selected by the commissioner; and
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(7) a plan for collecting the data required in the report under subdivision 7.
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Grantees must use grant money to:
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(1) design and implement a basic income grant program that meets the requirements
under this section;
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(2) provide a monthly payment between $350 to $1,200 to eligible recipients under this
section for a period of 12 to 24 months, depending on the need of the recipient; and
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(3) collect the information required for the report under subdivision 7.
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(a) Persons eligible to receive monthly payments under
this section must be receiving public benefits or have a household income less than or equal
to 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. Recipients must attest to their need and to
any other eligibility requirements set by a grantee. Once enrolled, recipients will not be
required to recertify.
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(b) An eligible recipient may be an individual or a family.
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(c) Grantees may set other eligibility requirements for the eligible recipients it serves
under this section but must not require any other income, proof of residency or citizenship,
or identifying documentation of any recipient.
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(a) The commissioner must establish
a basic income community of practice to provide regular training and technical assistance
to grantees.
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(b) The commissioner must identify at least one independent entity to lead the basic
income community of practice under this subdivision and to provide training and technical
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(a) Grantees must collect data and provide an annual report to the
commissioner in a manner specified by the commissioner on the following:
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(1) the economic status of its recipients before and after participation in the program;
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(2) the employment status of its recipients before and after participation in the program;
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(3) the physical and mental health status of its recipients before and after participation
in the program;
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(4) the food and housing security status of its recipients before and after participation
in the program;
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(5) the number of recipients that were able to enroll in further education due to
participation in the program; and
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(6) any other relevant information identified by that grantee.
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(b) The commissioner must provide an annual report to the chairs and ranking minority
members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over health and human services
regarding the reports submitted by grantees under this section. This report must be made
available to the public.
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The commissioner must identify at least one independent,
research-based entity to provide evaluation of the Minnesota basic income grant program
under this section.
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(a) $100,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $100,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of human services for the Minnesota
basic income grant program under section 1. These are onetime appropriations.
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(b) $5,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 is appropriated from the general fund to the
commissioner of human services to identify the entities under section 1, subdivisions 6 and
8, and partner with those entities to provide the technical assistance, training, and evaluation
as required under section 1, subdivisions 6 and 8. This is a onetime appropriation.
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