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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 2162

as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 08/14/1998

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to local government; modifying limits on the 
  1.3             salaries of local government employees; amending 
  1.4             Minnesota Statutes 1995 Supplement, section 43A.17, 
  1.5             subdivision 9. 
  1.7      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1995 Supplement, section 
  1.8   43A.17, subdivision 9, is amended to read: 
  1.10  salary and the value of all other forms of compensation of a 
  1.11  person employed by a statutory or home rule charter city, 
  1.12  county, town, school district, metropolitan or regional agency, 
  1.13  or other political subdivision of this state, or employed under 
  1.14  section 422A.03, may not exceed 95 percent of the salary of the 
  1.15  governor commissioner of finance as set under section 15A.082 
  1.16  15A.081, except as provided in this subdivision.  Deferred 
  1.17  compensation and payroll allocations to purchase an individual 
  1.18  annuity contract for an employee are included in determining the 
  1.19  employee's salary.  Other forms of compensation which shall be 
  1.20  included to determine an employee's total compensation are all 
  1.21  other direct and indirect items of compensation which are not 
  1.22  specifically excluded by this subdivision.  Other forms of 
  1.23  compensation which shall not be included in a determination of 
  1.24  an employee's total compensation for the purposes of this 
  1.25  subdivision are: 
  2.1      (1) employee benefits that are also provided for the 
  2.2   majority of all other full-time employees of the political 
  2.3   subdivision, vacation and sick leave allowances, health and 
  2.4   dental insurance, disability insurance, term life insurance, and 
  2.5   pension benefits or like benefits the cost of which is borne by 
  2.6   the employee or which is not subject to tax as income under the 
  2.7   Internal Revenue Code of 1986; 
  2.8      (2) dues paid to organizations that are of a civic, 
  2.9   professional, educational, or governmental nature; and 
  2.10     (3) reimbursement for actual expenses incurred by the 
  2.11  employee which the governing body determines to be directly 
  2.12  related to the performance of job responsibilities, including 
  2.13  any relocation expenses paid during the initial year of 
  2.14  employment. 
  2.15     The value of other forms of compensation shall be the 
  2.16  annual cost to the political subdivision for the provision of 
  2.17  the compensation.  The salary of a medical doctor or doctor of 
  2.18  osteopathy occupying a position that the governing body of the 
  2.19  political subdivision has determined requires an M.D. or D.O. 
  2.20  degree is excluded from the limitation in this subdivision.  The 
  2.21  commissioner may increase the limitation in this subdivision for 
  2.22  a position that the commissioner has determined requires special 
  2.23  expertise necessitating a higher salary to attract or retain a 
  2.24  qualified person.  The commissioner shall review each proposed 
  2.25  increase giving due consideration to salary rates paid to other 
  2.26  persons with similar responsibilities in the state and nation.  
  2.27  The commissioner may not increase the limitation until the 
  2.28  commissioner has presented the proposed increase to the 
  2.29  legislative coordinating commission and received the 
  2.30  commission's recommendation on it.  The recommendation is 
  2.31  advisory only.  If the commission does not give its 
  2.32  recommendation on a proposed increase within 30 days from its 
  2.33  receipt of the proposal, the commission is deemed to have 
  2.34  recommended approval. 
  2.35     Sec. 2.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  2.36     Section 1 is effective July 1, 1996.