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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 2084

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 03/21/2001

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to motor vehicles; providing for single 
  1.3             license plate for a registered vehicle; amending 
  1.4             Minnesota Statutes 2000, sections 168.012, subdivision 
  1.5             1c; 168.013, subdivision 3; 168.021; 168.041, 
  1.6             subdivision 6; 168.10, subdivisions 1g and 1i; 168.12, 
  1.7             subdivision 1; 168.123, subdivisions 1 and 4; 168.125, 
  1.8             subdivision 2; 168.129, subdivision 1; 168.1296, 
  1.9             subdivision 1; and 169.79. 
  1.11     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.012, 
  1.12  subdivision 1c, is amended to read: 
  1.14  FEE.] The annual administrative fee for a tax-exempt vehicle 
  1.15  under this section is $5.  The license plate fee for a 
  1.16  tax-exempt vehicle, except a trailer, is $10 for two plates one 
  1.17  plate per vehicle, payable only on the first tax-exempt 
  1.18  registration of the vehicle.  The registration period for a 
  1.19  tax-exempt vehicle is biennial.  The administrative fee is due 
  1.20  on March 1 biennially and payable the preceding January 1, 
  1.21  with a validating stickers sticker issued at time of payment.  
  1.22     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.013, 
  1.23  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
  1.25  WEIGHT FORBIDDEN.] (a) The applicant for all licenses based on 
  1.26  gross weight shall state the unloaded weight of the motor 
  1.27  vehicle, trailer or semitrailer and the maximum load the 
  2.1   applicant proposes to carry thereon, the sum of which shall 
  2.2   constitute the gross weight upon which the license tax shall be 
  2.3   paid, but in no case shall the declared gross weight upon which 
  2.4   the tax is paid be less than 1-1/4 times the declared unloaded 
  2.5   weight of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer to be 
  2.6   registered, except recreational vehicles taxed under subdivision 
  2.7   1g, school buses taxed under subdivision 18 and tow trucks or 
  2.8   towing vehicles defined in section 169.01, subdivision 52.  The 
  2.9   gross weight of a tow truck or towing vehicle is the actual 
  2.10  weight of the tow truck or towing vehicle fully equipped, but 
  2.11  does not include the weight of a wrecked or disabled vehicle 
  2.12  towed or drawn by the tow truck or towing vehicle. 
  2.13     (b) The gross weight of no motor vehicle, trailer or 
  2.14  semitrailer shall exceed the gross weight upon which the license 
  2.15  tax has been paid by more than four percent or 1,000 pounds, 
  2.16  whichever is greater. 
  2.17     (c) The gross weight of the motor vehicle, trailer or 
  2.18  semitrailer for which the license tax is paid shall be indicated 
  2.19  by a distinctive character on the license plate or plates except 
  2.20  as provided in subdivision 12 and the plate or plates shall be 
  2.21  kept clean and clearly visible at all times. 
  2.22     (d) The owner, driver, or user of a motor vehicle, trailer 
  2.23  or semitrailer upon conviction for transporting a gross weight 
  2.24  in excess of the gross weight for which it was registered or for 
  2.25  operating a vehicle with an axle weight exceeding the maximum 
  2.26  lawful axle load weight shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be 
  2.27  subject to increased registration or reregistration according to 
  2.28  the following schedule: 
  2.29     (1) The owner, driver or user of a motor vehicle, trailer 
  2.30  or semitrailer upon conviction for transporting a gross weight 
  2.31  in excess of the gross weight for which it is registered by more 
  2.32  than four percent or 1,000 pounds, whichever is greater, but 
  2.33  less than 25 percent or for operating or using a motor vehicle, 
  2.34  trailer or semitrailer with an axle weight exceeding the maximum 
  2.35  lawful axle load as provided in section 169.825 by more than 
  2.36  four percent or 1,000 pounds, whichever is greater, but less 
  3.1   than 25 percent, in addition to any penalty imposed for the 
  3.2   misdemeanor shall apply to the registrar to increase the 
  3.3   authorized gross weight to be carried on the vehicle to a weight 
  3.4   equal to or greater than the gross weight the owner, driver, or 
  3.5   user was convicted of carrying, the increase computed for the 
  3.6   balance of the calendar year on the basis of 1/12 of the annual 
  3.7   tax for each month remaining in the calendar year beginning with 
  3.8   the first day of the month in which the violation occurred.  If 
  3.9   the additional registration tax computed upon that weight, plus 
  3.10  the tax already paid, amounts to more than the regular tax for 
  3.11  the maximum gross weight permitted for the vehicle under section 
  3.12  169.825, that additional amount shall nevertheless be paid into 
  3.13  the highway fund, but the additional tax thus paid shall not 
  3.14  permit the vehicle to be operated with a gross weight in excess 
  3.15  of the maximum legal weight as provided by section 169.825.  
  3.16  Unless the owner within 30 days after a conviction shall apply 
  3.17  to increase the authorized weight and pay the additional tax as 
  3.18  provided in this section, the registrar shall revoke the 
  3.19  registration on the vehicle and demand the return of the 
  3.20  registration card and plates plate issued on that registration. 
  3.21     (2) The owner or driver or user of a motor vehicle, trailer 
  3.22  or semitrailer upon conviction for transporting a gross weight 
  3.23  in excess of the gross weight for which the motor vehicle, 
  3.24  trailer or semitrailer was registered by 25 percent or more, or 
  3.25  for operating or using a vehicle or trailer with an axle weight 
  3.26  exceeding the maximum lawful axle load as provided in section 
  3.27  169.825 by 25 percent or more, in addition to any penalty 
  3.28  imposed for the misdemeanor, shall have the reciprocity 
  3.29  privileges on the vehicle involved if the vehicle is being 
  3.30  operated under reciprocity canceled by the registrar, or if the 
  3.31  vehicle is not being operated under reciprocity, the certificate 
  3.32  of registration on the vehicle operated shall be canceled by the 
  3.33  registrar and the registrar shall demand the return of the 
  3.34  registration certificate and registration plates plate.  The 
  3.35  registrar may not cancel the registration or reciprocity 
  3.36  privileges for any vehicle found in violation of seasonal load 
  4.1   restrictions imposed under section 169.87 unless the axle weight 
  4.2   exceeds the year-round weight limit for the highway on which the 
  4.3   violation occurred.  The registrar may investigate any 
  4.4   allegation of gross weight violations and demand that the 
  4.5   operator show cause why all future operating privileges in the 
  4.6   state should not be revoked unless the additional tax assessed 
  4.7   is paid. 
  4.8      (3) Clause (1) does not apply to the first haul of 
  4.9   unprocessed or raw farm products or unfinished forest products, 
  4.10  when the registered gross weight is not exceeded by more than 
  4.11  ten percent.  For purposes of this clause, "first haul" means (i)
  4.12  the first, continuous transportation of unprocessed or raw farm 
  4.13  products from the place of production or on-farm storage site to 
  4.14  any other location within 50 miles of the place of production or 
  4.15  on-farm storage site, or (ii) the first, continuous 
  4.16  transportation of unfinished forest products from the place of 
  4.17  production to the place of first unloading. 
  4.18     (4) When the registration on a motor vehicle, trailer or 
  4.19  semitrailer is revoked by the registrar according to provisions 
  4.20  of this section, the vehicle shall not be operated on the 
  4.21  highways of the state until it is registered or reregistered, as 
  4.22  the case may be, and a new plates plate issued, and the 
  4.23  registration fee shall be the annual tax for the total gross 
  4.24  weight of the vehicle at the time of violation.  The 
  4.25  reregistration pursuant to this subdivision of any vehicle 
  4.26  operating under reciprocity agreements pursuant to section 
  4.27  168.181 or 168.187 shall be at the full annual registration fee 
  4.28  without regard to the percentage of vehicle miles traveled in 
  4.29  this state.  
  4.30     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.021, is 
  4.31  amended to read: 
  4.33  PERSONS.] 
  4.34     Subdivision 1.  [SPECIAL PLATES PLATE; APPLICATION.] (a) 
  4.35  When a motor vehicle registered under section 168.017, a 
  4.36  motorcycle, a truck having a manufacturer's nominal rated 
  5.1   capacity of one ton and resembling a pickup truck, or a 
  5.2   self-propelled recreational vehicle is owned or primarily 
  5.3   operated by a permanently physically disabled person or a 
  5.4   custodial parent or guardian of a permanently physically 
  5.5   disabled minor, the owner may apply for and secure from the 
  5.6   registrar of motor vehicles (1) immediately, a temporary permit 
  5.7   valid for 30 days, if the applicant is eligible for the 
  5.8   special plates plate issued under this paragraph, and (2) two 
  5.9   one license plates plate with attached emblems emblem, one 
  5.10  plate to be attached to the front, and one to the rear of the 
  5.11  vehicle.  When the owner first applies for the plates plate, the 
  5.12  owner must submit a physician's statement on a form developed by 
  5.13  the commissioner under section 169.345, or proof of physical 
  5.14  disability provided for in that section, except that no 
  5.15  physician's statement or proof of disability is required when an 
  5.16  owner applies for plates for one or more commercial motor 
  5.17  vehicles that are specially modified for and used exclusively by 
  5.18  permanently physically disabled persons. 
  5.19     (b) The owner of a motor vehicle may apply for and secure 
  5.20  (i) immediately, a temporary permit valid for 30 days, if the 
  5.21  person is eligible to receive the special plates plate issued 
  5.22  under this paragraph, and (ii) a set of the special plates plate 
  5.23  for a motor vehicle if: 
  5.24     (1) the owner employs a permanently physically disabled 
  5.25  person who would qualify for a special plates plate under this 
  5.26  section; and 
  5.27     (2) the owner furnishes the motor vehicle to the physically 
  5.28  disabled person for the exclusive use of that person in the 
  5.29  course of employment. 
  5.30     Subd. 1a.  [SCOPE OF PRIVILEGE.] If a physically disabled 
  5.31  person parks a vehicle displaying a license plates plate 
  5.32  described in this section, or a temporary permit valid for 30 
  5.33  days and issued to an eligible person awaiting receipt of the 
  5.34  license plates plate described in this section, or any person 
  5.35  parks the vehicle for a physically disabled person, that person 
  5.36  shall be entitled to park the vehicle as provided in section 
  6.1   169.345.  
  6.3   REGISTRAR.] The registrar of motor vehicles shall design and 
  6.4   furnish two one license number plates plate with an attached 
  6.5   emblems emblem to each eligible owner.  The emblem must bear the 
  6.6   internationally accepted wheelchair symbol, as designated in 
  6.7   section 16B.61, subdivision 5, approximately three inches 
  6.8   square.  The emblem must be large enough to be visible plainly 
  6.9   from a distance of 50 feet.  An applicant eligible for the 
  6.10  special plates plate shall pay the motor vehicle registration 
  6.11  fee authorized by law. 
  6.12     Subd. 2a.  [PLATE RETURN, TRANSFER.] (a) When vehicle 
  6.13  ownership is transferred, the owner of the vehicle shall remove 
  6.14  the special plates plate from the vehicle and return them it to 
  6.15  the registrar.  The buyer of the vehicle shall repay the $1 
  6.16  credit for each month remaining in the registration period for 
  6.17  which the special plates were plate was issued.  On returning 
  6.18  the plates plate and repaying the remaining credit, the buyer is 
  6.19  entitled to receive a regular plates plate for the vehicle 
  6.20  without further cost for the rest of the registration period. 
  6.21     (b) Notwithstanding section 168.12, subdivision 1, the 
  6.22  special plates plate may be transferred to a replacement motor 
  6.23  vehicle on notification to the registrar.  However, the 
  6.24  special plates plate may not be transferred unless the 
  6.25  replacement motor vehicle (1) is registered under section 
  6.26  168.017 or is a self-propelled recreational vehicle, and (2) is 
  6.27  owned or primarily operated by the permanently physically 
  6.28  disabled person. 
  6.29     (c) The transferor shall not receive the $1 credit for each 
  6.30  month the replacement vehicle is registered until the time of 
  6.31  renewal or first application for registration on the replacement 
  6.32  vehicle. 
  6.33     Subd. 2b.  [WHEN NOT ELIGIBLE.] On becoming ineligible for 
  6.34  the special plates plate, the owner of the vehicle shall remove 
  6.35  the special plates plate and return them to the registrar.  The 
  6.36  owner shall repay the $1 credit for each month remaining in the 
  7.1   registration period for which the special plates were plate was 
  7.2   issued.  On returning the plates plate and repaying the 
  7.3   remaining credit, the owner may receive a regular plates plate 
  7.4   for the vehicle without further cost for the rest of the 
  7.5   registration period.  
  7.7   (a) A person who uses the plates plate or temporary permit 
  7.8   provided under this section on a motor vehicle in violation of 
  7.9   this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is subject to a 
  7.10  fine of $500.  This subdivision does not preclude a person who 
  7.11  is not physically disabled from operating a vehicle bearing the 
  7.12  plates plate or temporary permit if:  
  7.13     (1) the person is the owner of the vehicle and permits its 
  7.14  operation by a physically disabled person; 
  7.15     (2) the person operates the vehicle with the consent of the 
  7.16  owner who is physically disabled; or 
  7.17     (3) the person is the owner of the vehicle, is the 
  7.18  custodial parent or guardian of a permanently physically 
  7.19  disabled minor, and operates the vehicle to transport the minor. 
  7.20     (b) A driver who is not disabled is not entitled to the 
  7.21  parking privileges provided in this section and in section 
  7.22  169.346 unless parking the vehicle for a physically disabled 
  7.23  person. 
  7.24     Subd. 4.  [FEES; DISPOSITION.] All fees collected from the 
  7.25  sale of plates under this section shall be deposited in the 
  7.26  state treasury to the credit of the highway user tax 
  7.27  distribution fund. 
  7.28     Subd. 5.  [DEFINITIONS.] For the purposes of this section, 
  7.29  the term "physically disabled person" has the meaning given it 
  7.30  in section 169.345.  
  7.31     Subd. 6.  [DRIVER'S LICENSE LAW NOT AFFECTED.] Nothing in 
  7.32  this section shall be construed to revoke, limit, or amend 
  7.33  chapter 171. 
  7.34     Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.041, 
  7.35  subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
  7.36     Subd. 6.  [SPECIAL SERIES PLATES PLATE.] (a) A violator or 
  8.1   owner may apply to the commissioner for a new registration 
  8.2   plates plate, which must bear a special series of numbers or 
  8.3   letters so as to be readily identified by traffic law 
  8.4   enforcement officers.  The commissioner may authorize the 
  8.5   issuance of a special plates plate if a member of the violator's 
  8.6   household has a valid driver's license, the violator or owner 
  8.7   has a limited license issued under section 171.30, or the owner 
  8.8   is not the violator and the owner has a valid or limited license 
  8.9   or a member of the owner's household has a valid driver's 
  8.10  license.  The commissioner may issue the special plates plate on 
  8.11  payment of a $25 fee for each vehicle for which a special plates 
  8.12  are plate is requested.  The commissioner may not authorize the 
  8.13  issuance of a special plates plate unless the court that 
  8.14  impounded the vehicle's plates plate gives written approval for 
  8.15  the issuance of the special plates plate.  
  8.16     (b) Until the driver's license of the violator is 
  8.17  reinstated or reissued, the violator shall inform the 
  8.18  commissioner that an impoundment order is in effect when 
  8.19  requesting any new registration plates plate.  
  8.20     Sec. 5.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.10, 
  8.21  subdivision 1g, is amended to read: 
  8.22     Subd. 1g.  [ORIGINAL PLATES PLATE.] A vehicle registered 
  8.23  pursuant to subdivision 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d may, in lieu of being 
  8.24  issued a number plates plate by the registrar, display an 
  8.25  original Minnesota number plates plate issued in the same year 
  8.26  as the model year of the car on which they are it was 
  8.27  displayed.  The number of the original plates plate must be 
  8.28  provided to the registrar.  The original plates plate must be in 
  8.29  good condition and shall be used in pairs one to be displayed in 
  8.30  the front of the car and one in the rear, except for an original 
  8.31  plate issued in 1911, 1944, 1945, or 1946 which may be used 
  8.32  singly and displayed at the rear of the vehicle.  An original 
  8.33  Minnesota number plates plate shall not be used if the number on 
  8.34  the original plate is identical to a number on any current 
  8.35  street rod plate or any other plate in a numbering system used 
  8.36  by the registrar.  Any person currently using plates a plate 
  9.1   issued pursuant to subdivision 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d shall 
  9.2   return those plates the plate to the registrar before 
  9.3   substituting original plates.  The registrar may charge a fee 
  9.4   for registering the number on an original plates plate. 
  9.5      Sec. 6.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.10, 
  9.6   subdivision 1i, is amended to read: 
  9.7      Subd. 1i.  [COLLECTOR PLATE TRANSFER.] Notwithstanding 
  9.8   section 168.12, subdivision 1, on payment of a transfer fee of 
  9.9   $5, plates a plate issued under this section may be transferred 
  9.10  to another vehicle owned or jointly owned by the person to whom 
  9.11  the special plates were plate was issued or the plate may be 
  9.12  assigned to another owner.  In addition to the transfer fee, a 
  9.13  new owner must pay the $25 plate tax or any fee required by 
  9.14  section 168.12, subdivision 2a.  The $5 fee must be paid into 
  9.15  the state treasury and credited to the highway user tax 
  9.16  distribution fund.  A license plates plate issued under this 
  9.17  section may not be transferred to a vehicle not eligible for the 
  9.18  collector's vehicle license plates plate. 
  9.19     Sec. 7.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.12, 
  9.20  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  9.21     Subdivision 1.  [NUMBER PLATES PLATE; DESIGN, VISIBILITY, 
  9.22  PERIODS OF ISSUANCE.] (a) The registrar, upon the approval and 
  9.23  payment, shall issue to the applicant the a number plates plate 
  9.24  required by law, bearing the state name and the number 
  9.25  assigned.  The number assigned may be a combination of a letter 
  9.26  or sign with figures.  The color of the plates plate and the 
  9.27  color of the abbreviation of the state name and the number 
  9.28  assigned shall be in marked contrast.  The plates plate shall be 
  9.29  lettered, spaced, or distinguished to suitably indicate the 
  9.30  registration of the vehicle according to the rules of the 
  9.31  registrar, and when a vehicle is registered on the basis of 
  9.32  total gross weight, the plates plate issued shall clearly 
  9.33  indicate by letters or other suitable insignia the maximum gross 
  9.34  weight for which the tax has been paid.  These A number plates 
  9.35  plate shall be so treated as to be at least 100 times brighter 
  9.36  than the conventional painted number plates.  When properly 
 10.1   mounted on an unlighted vehicle, these a number plates plate, 
 10.2   when viewed from a vehicle equipped with standard headlights, 
 10.3   shall be visible for a distance of not less than 1,500 feet and 
 10.4   readable for a distance of not less than 110 feet. 
 10.5      (b) The registrar shall issue these number plates for the 
 10.6   following periods: 
 10.7      (1) A new number plates plate issued pursuant to section 
 10.8   168.012, subdivision 1, shall be issued to a vehicle for as long 
 10.9   as it is owned by the exempt agency and shall not be 
 10.10  transferable from one vehicle to another but may be transferred 
 10.11  with the vehicle from one tax-exempt agency to another.  
 10.12     (2) Plates A plate issued for a passenger automobiles 
 10.13  automobile as defined in section 168.011, subdivision 7, shall 
 10.14  be issued for a seven-year period.  All plates issued under this 
 10.15  paragraph must be replaced if they are seven years old or older 
 10.16  at the time of annual registration or will become so during the 
 10.17  registration period. 
 10.18     (3) Number plates issued under sections 168.053 and 168.27, 
 10.19  subdivisions 16 and 17, shall be for a seven-year period. 
 10.20     (4) Plates A plate for any vehicle not specified in clauses 
 10.21  (1) to (3), except for trailers as hereafter provided, shall be 
 10.22  issued for the life of the vehicle.  Beginning with number 
 10.23  plates issued for the year 1981, plates a plate issued for 
 10.24  trailers a trailer with a total gross weight of 3,000 pounds or 
 10.25  less shall be issued for the life of the trailer and shall be 
 10.26  not more than seven inches in length and four inches in width. 
 10.27     (c) In a year in which plates are a plate is not issued, 
 10.28  the registrar shall issue for each registration a tab or sticker 
 10.29  to designate the year of registration.  This tab or sticker 
 10.30  shall show the calendar year or years for which issued, and is 
 10.31  valid only for that period.  The number plates plate, 
 10.32  number tabs tab, or stickers sticker issued for a motor vehicle 
 10.33  may not be transferred to another motor vehicle during the 
 10.34  period for which it is issued, except a motor vehicle registered 
 10.35  under section 168.187. 
 10.36     (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 
 11.1   subdivision, a number plates plate issued to a vehicle which is 
 11.2   used for behind-the-wheel instruction in a driver education 
 11.3   course in a public school may be transferred to another vehicle 
 11.4   used for the same purpose without payment of any additional 
 11.5   fee.  The registrar shall be notified of each transfer of a 
 11.6   number plates plate under this paragraph and may prescribe a 
 11.7   form for notification. 
 11.8      Sec. 8.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.123, 
 11.9   subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 11.10     Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL REQUIREMENTS; FEES.] (a) On 
 11.11  payment of a fee of $10 for each set of two plates, or for a 
 11.12  single plate in the case of a motorcycle plate, payment of the 
 11.13  registration tax required by law, and compliance with other laws 
 11.14  relating to the registration and licensing of a passenger 
 11.15  automobile, pickup truck, van, self-propelled recreational 
 11.16  equipment, or motorcycle, as applicable, the registrar shall 
 11.17  issue: 
 11.18     (1) a special license plates plate to an applicant who 
 11.19  served in the active military service in a branch of the armed 
 11.20  forces of the United States or of a nation or society allied 
 11.21  with the United States in conducting a foreign war, was 
 11.22  discharged under honorable conditions, and is an owner or joint 
 11.23  owner of a passenger automobile, pickup truck, van, or 
 11.24  self-propelled recreational equipment; or 
 11.25     (2) a special motorcycle license plate as described in 
 11.26  subdivision 2, paragraph (a), or another special license plate 
 11.27  designed by the commissioner of public safety to an applicant 
 11.28  who is a Vietnam veteran who served after July 1, 1961, and 
 11.29  before July 1, 1978, and who served in the active military 
 11.30  service in a branch of the armed forces of the United States in 
 11.31  conducting a foreign war, was discharged under honorable 
 11.32  conditions, and is an owner or joint owner of a motorcycle.  
 11.33  Plates A plate issued under this clause must be the same size as 
 11.34  a standard motorcycle license plates plate.  
 11.35     (b) The additional fee of $10 is payable for each set of 
 11.36  plates plate, is payable only when the plates are plate is 
 12.1   issued, and is not payable in a year in which tabs a tab or 
 12.2   stickers are sticker is issued instead of a number plates 
 12.3   plate.  An applicant must not be issued a plate for more than 
 12.4   two sets of plates for vehicles listed in paragraph (a) and 
 12.5   owned or jointly owned by the applicant. 
 12.6      (c) The veteran shall have a certified copy of the 
 12.7   veteran's discharge papers, indicating character of discharge, 
 12.8   at the time of application.  If an applicant served in the 
 12.9   active military service in a branch of the armed forces of a 
 12.10  nation or society allied with the United States in conducting a 
 12.11  foreign war and is unable to obtain a record of that service and 
 12.12  discharge status, the commissioner of veterans affairs may 
 12.13  certify the applicant as qualified for the veterans' license 
 12.14  plates plate provided under this section. 
 12.15     Sec. 9.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.123, 
 12.16  subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
 12.17     Subd. 4.  [PLATES TRANSFER.] (a) On payment of a fee of $5, 
 12.18  plates issued under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (1), 
 12.19  may be transferred to another passenger automobile, pickup 
 12.20  truck, van, or self-propelled recreational equipment owned or 
 12.21  jointly owned by the person to whom the plates were plate was 
 12.22  issued.  
 12.23     (b) On payment of a fee of $5, a plate issued under 
 12.24  subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), may be transferred to 
 12.25  another motorcycle owned or jointly owned by the person to whom 
 12.26  the plate was issued. 
 12.27     Sec. 10.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.125, 
 12.28  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
 12.30  INSIGNIA.] The registrar shall issue a special license plates 
 12.31  plate bearing both the "EX-POW" and disability insignia to any 
 12.32  applicant who is entitled to the special license plates plate 
 12.33  provided under this section and who is also entitled to a 
 12.34  special license plates plate for the physically disabled under 
 12.35  section 168.021 upon compliance with the provisions of both 
 12.36  sections.  The special license plates plate shall be of a design 
 13.1   and size to be determined by the commissioner.  
 13.2      Sec. 11.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.129, 
 13.3   subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 13.4      Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES.] The 
 13.5   commissioner of public safety shall issue a special collegiate 
 13.6   license plates plate to an applicant who: 
 13.7      (1) is an owner or joint owner of a passenger automobile, 
 13.8   pickup truck, or van; 
 13.9      (2) pays a fee determined by the commissioner to cover the 
 13.10  costs of handling and manufacturing the plates plate; 
 13.11     (3) pays the registration tax required under section 
 13.12  168.013; 
 13.13     (4) pays the fees required under this chapter; 
 13.14     (5) contributes at least $25 annually to the scholarship 
 13.15  account established in subdivision 6; and 
 13.16     (6) complies with laws and rules governing registration and 
 13.17  licensing of vehicles and drivers. 
 13.18     Sec. 12.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 168.1296, 
 13.19  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 13.20     Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES.] (a) 
 13.21  The registrar shall issue a special critical habitat license 
 13.22  plates plate to an applicant who: 
 13.23     (1) is an owner or joint owner of a passenger automobile, 
 13.24  pickup truck, or van; 
 13.25     (2) pays a fee of $10 to cover the costs of handling and 
 13.26  manufacturing the plates plate; 
 13.27     (3) pays the registration tax required under section 
 13.28  168.013; 
 13.29     (4) pays the fees required under this chapter; 
 13.30     (5) contributes a minimum of $30 annually to the Minnesota 
 13.31  critical habitat private sector matching account established in 
 13.32  section 84.943; and 
 13.33     (6) complies with laws and rules governing registration and 
 13.34  licensing of vehicles and drivers. 
 13.35     (b) The critical habitat license application form must 
 13.36  clearly indicate that the annual contribution specified under 
 14.1   paragraph (a), clause (5), is a minimum contribution to receive 
 14.2   the license plate and that the applicant may make an additional 
 14.3   contribution to the account. 
 14.4      Sec. 13.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169.79, is 
 14.5   amended to read: 
 14.6      169.79 [VEHICLE REGISTRATION.] 
 14.7      (a) No person shall operate, drive, or park a motor vehicle 
 14.8   on any highway unless the vehicle is registered in accordance 
 14.9   with the laws of this state and has the one number plates plate 
 14.10  for the current year only, except as provided in sections 168.10 
 14.11  and 168.12, subdivision 2f, as assigned to it by the 
 14.12  commissioner of public safety, conspicuously displayed 
 14.13  thereon at the rear of the vehicle in a manner that the view 
 14.14  of any the plate is not obstructed.  
 14.15     (b) If the vehicle is a semitrailer, the number plate 
 14.16  displayed must be assigned to the registered owner and correlate 
 14.17  to the certificate of title documentation on file with the 
 14.18  department and shall not display a year indicator.  
 14.19     (c) If the vehicle is a motorcycle, motor scooter, 
 14.20  motorized bicycle, motorcycle sidecar, trailer, semitrailer, or 
 14.21  vehicle displaying a dealer plate, one plate shall be displayed 
 14.22  on the rear thereof.  
 14.23     (d) If the vehicle is (1) a collector's vehicle with a 
 14.24  pioneer, classic car, collector, or street rod license; (2) a 
 14.25  vehicle that meets the requirements of a pioneer, classic, or 
 14.26  street rod vehicle except that the vehicle is used for general 
 14.27  transportation purposes; or (3) a vehicle that is of model year 
 14.28  1972 or earlier, not registered under section 168.10, 
 14.29  subdivision 1c, and is used for general transportation purposes, 
 14.30  one plate shall be displayed on the rear of the vehicle, or one 
 14.31  plate on the front and one on the rear, at the discretion of the 
 14.32  owner. 
 14.33     (e) If the vehicle is a truck-tractor, road-tractor or farm 
 14.34  truck, as defined in section 168.011, subdivision 17, but 
 14.35  excluding from that definition semitrailers and trailers, one 
 14.36  plate shall be displayed on the front thereof. 
 15.1      (f) If the motor vehicle is any kind of motor vehicle other 
 15.2   than those provided for in paragraphs (b) to (d), one plate 
 15.3   shall be displayed on the front and one on the rear thereof.  
 15.4      (g) All plates shall be securely fastened so as to prevent 
 15.5   them from swinging.  The person driving the motor vehicle shall 
 15.6   keep the plate legible and unobstructed and free from grease, 
 15.7   dust, or other blurring material so that the lettering shall be 
 15.8   plainly visible at all times.  It is unlawful to cover any 
 15.9   assigned letters and numbers or the name of the state of origin 
 15.10  of a license plate with any material whatever, including any 
 15.11  clear or colorless material that affects the plate's visibility 
 15.12  or reflectivity.  
 15.13     (h) License plates issued to vehicles registered under 
 15.14  section 168.017 must display the month of expiration in the 
 15.15  lower left corner as viewed facing the plate and the year of 
 15.16  expiration in the lower right corner as viewed facing the plate. 
 15.17  License plates issued to vehicles registered under section 
 15.18  168.127 must display either fleet registration validation 
 15.19  stickers in the lower right corner as viewed facing the plates 
 15.20  or distinctive license plates, issued by the registrar, with 
 15.21  "FLEET REG" embossed on the bottom center portion of the plate. 
 15.22     Sec. 14.  [INSTRUCTION TO REVISOR.] 
 15.23     The revisor of statutes shall change the word "plates," 
 15.24  "stickers," or "tabs," where it refers to vehicle registration 
 15.25  number plates, stickers, or tabs, wherever it appears in 
 15.26  Minnesota Statutes to "plate," "a plate," "the plate," "a 
 15.27  sticker," "the sticker," "a tab," or "the tab," or make other 
 15.28  appropriate wording changes to effectuate the purposes of this 
 15.29  act.