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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 2021

1st Engrossment - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - 1st Engrossment

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to zoning; providing certain limitations on 
  1.3             municipal interim ordinances; amending Minnesota 
  1.4             Statutes 2002, section 462.355, subdivision 4. 
  1.6      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 462.355, 
  1.7   subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
  1.8      Subd. 4.  [INTERIM ORDINANCE.] If a municipality is 
  1.9   conducting studies or has authorized a study to be conducted or 
  1.10  has held or has scheduled a hearing for the purpose of 
  1.11  considering adoption or amendment of a comprehensive plan or 
  1.12  official controls as defined in section 462.352, subdivision 15, 
  1.13  or if new territory for which plans or controls have not been 
  1.14  adopted is annexed to a municipality, the governing body of the 
  1.15  municipality may adopt an interim ordinance applicable to all or 
  1.16  part of its jurisdiction for the purpose of protecting the 
  1.17  planning process and the health, safety and welfare of its 
  1.18  citizens.  The interim ordinance may regulate, restrict or 
  1.19  prohibit any use, development, or subdivision within the 
  1.20  jurisdiction or a portion thereof for a period not to exceed one 
  1.21  year from the date it is effective, and may be extended for such 
  1.22  additional periods as the municipality may deem appropriate, not 
  1.23  exceeding a total additional period of 18 months.  A 
  1.24  municipality may extend an interim ordinance beyond one year for 
  1.25  the reasons allowed under section 15.99, subdivision 3, 
  2.1   paragraphs (d) and (e).  The extension must be for six months or 
  2.2   less.  No interim ordinance may halt, delay, or impede a 
  2.3   subdivision which has been given preliminary approval, nor may 
  2.4   any interim ordinance extend the time deadline for agency action 
  2.5   set forth in section 15.99 with respect to any application filed 
  2.6   prior to the effective date of the interim ordinance.