as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 01/24/2012 10:21am
A bill for an act
relating to legislature; modifying membership of the Legislative Advisory
Commission; amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 3.30, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 3.30, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The majority leader of the senate or a designee, new text begin the
minority leader of the senate or a designee, new text end the chair of the senate Committee on Finance,
and the chair of the new text begin appropriate finance committee, or division of the new text end senate deleted text begin Division of
Financedeleted text end responsible for overseeing the items being considered by the commission, new text begin the
ranking minority member of the appropriate finance committee, or division of the senate
responsible for overseeing the items being considered by the commission, new text end the speaker of
the house or a designee, new text begin the minority leader of the house of representatives or a designee,
new text end the chair of the house of representatives Committee on Ways and Means, deleted text begin anddeleted text end the chair of
the appropriate finance committee, or division of the house of representatives committee
responsible for overseeing the items being considered by the deleted text begin commissioner,deleted text end new text begin commission,
and the ranking minority member of the appropriate finance committee, or division of the
house of representatives committee responsible for overseeing the items being considered
by the commissionnew text end constitute the Legislative Advisory Commission. The division chairnew text begin
and ranking minority membernew text end of the Finance Committee in the senate and the division
chairnew text begin and ranking minority membernew text end of the appropriate finance committee or division in
the house of representatives shall rotate according to the items being considered by the
commission. If any of the members elect not to serve on the commission, the house of
which they are members, if in session, shall select some other member for the vacancy.
If the legislature is not in session, vacancies in the house of representatives membership
of the commission shall be filled by the last speaker of the house or, if the speaker is not
available, by the last chair of the house of representatives Rules Committee, and by the last
senate Committee on Committees or other appointing authority designated by the senate
rules in case of a senate vacancy. The commissioner of management and budget shall be
secretary of the commission and keep a permanent record and minutes of its proceedings,
which are public records. The commissioner of management and budget shall transmit,
under section 3.195, a report to the next legislature of all actions of the commission.
Members shall receive traveling and subsistence expenses incurred attending meetings
of the commission. The commission shall meet from time to time upon the call of the
governor or upon the call of the secretary at the request of two or more of its members. A
recommendation of the commission must be made at a meeting of the commission unless
a written recommendation is signed by all the members entitled to vote on the item.
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end