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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 1415

as introduced - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to state government; providing for expiration 
  1.3             of certain groups; amending Minnesota Statutes 2002, 
  1.4             sections 1.34, subdivision 1; 3.922, subdivision 3; 
  1.5             3.9223, subdivision 1; 3.9225, subdivision 1; 3.9226, 
  1.6             subdivision 1; 15.50, subdivision 1; 116J.421, 
  1.7             subdivision 2; 116L.03, subdivision 2; 116O.03, 
  1.8             subdivision 2; 116O.09, subdivision 1a; 116O.091, 
  1.9             subdivision 7; 125B.21; 136F.03, subdivision 2; 
  1.10            137.0245, subdivision 2; 138.763, subdivision 1; 
  1.11            174.55, subdivision 2; 175.007, subdivision 1; 
  1.12            198.002, subdivision 6; 240A.02, subdivision 1; 
  1.13            290.173; 299C.65, subdivision 2; 299E.03, subdivision 
  1.14            3. 
  1.16     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 1.34, 
  1.17  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  1.18     Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERS; SELECTION.] To assist the 
  1.19  Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary area commission in the performance 
  1.20  of its duties, a legislative advisory committee is created to be 
  1.21  comprised of five members of the house of representatives 
  1.22  appointed by the speaker, and five members of the senate 
  1.23  appointed by the committee on committees.  The members of the 
  1.24  advisory committee shall be selected by January 31 of each odd 
  1.25  numbered year.  Vacancies, when the legislature is not in 
  1.26  regular session, shall be filled by appointment of the last duly 
  1.27  elected speaker, in the case of members of the house of 
  1.28  representatives, and the last duly elected members of the 
  1.29  committee on committees, in the case of members of the 
  1.30  senate.  The advisory committee expires June 30, 2004. 
  2.1      Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 3.922, 
  2.2   subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
  2.3      Subd. 3.  [COMPENSATION; EXPENSES.] Compensation of 
  2.4   nonlegislator members is as provided in section 15.059, but, 
  2.5   because the council performs functions that are not purely 
  2.6   advisory, the expiration dates provided in that section do not 
  2.7   apply.  The council expires June 30, 2004.  Expenses of the 
  2.8   council must be approved by two of any three members of the 
  2.9   council designated by the council and then be paid in the same 
  2.10  manner as other state expenses.  The executive secretary shall 
  2.11  inform the commissioner of finance in writing of the names of 
  2.12  the persons authorized to approve expenses.  
  2.13     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 3.9223, 
  2.14  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  2.15     Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERSHIP.] The state council on affairs 
  2.16  of Chicano/Latino people consists of 11 members appointed by the 
  2.17  governor, including eight members representing each of the 
  2.18  state's congressional districts and three members appointed at 
  2.19  large.  The demographic composition of the council members must 
  2.20  accurately reflect the demographic composition of Minnesota's 
  2.21  Chicano/Latino community, including migrant workers, as 
  2.22  determined by the state demographer.  Membership, terms, 
  2.23  compensation, removal of members, and filling of vacancies are 
  2.24  as provided in section 15.0575.  Because the council performs 
  2.25  functions that are not purely advisory, the council is not 
  2.26  subject to the expiration date in section 15.059.  The council 
  2.27  expires June 30, 2004.  Two members of the house of 
  2.28  representatives appointed by the speaker and two members of the 
  2.29  senate appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the 
  2.30  committee on rules and administration shall serve as nonvoting 
  2.31  members of the council.  The council shall annually elect from 
  2.32  its membership a chair and other officers it deems necessary.  
  2.33     Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 3.9225, 
  2.34  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  2.35     Subdivision 1.  [CREATION.] A state council on Black 
  2.36  Minnesotans consists of 13 members appointed by the governor. 
  3.1   The members of the council must be broadly representative of the 
  3.2   Black community of the state and include at least five males and 
  3.3   at least five females.  One member of the council must be a 
  3.4   person whose ethnic heritage is from West Africa, and one member 
  3.5   of the council must be a person whose ethnic heritage is from 
  3.6   East Africa.  Membership terms, compensation, removal of 
  3.7   members, and filling of vacancies for nonlegislative members are 
  3.8   as provided in section 15.0575.  Because the council performs 
  3.9   functions that are not purely advisory, the council is not 
  3.10  subject to the expiration date in section 15.059.  The council 
  3.11  expires June 30, 2004.  Two members of the house of 
  3.12  representatives appointed by the speaker and two members of the 
  3.13  senate appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the 
  3.14  committee on rules and administration shall serve as nonvoting 
  3.15  members of the council.  The council shall annually elect from 
  3.16  its membership a chair and other officers it deems necessary. 
  3.17     Sec. 5.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 3.9226, 
  3.18  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  3.19     Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERSHIP.] The state council on 
  3.20  Asian-Pacific Minnesotans consists of 23 members.  Nineteen 
  3.21  members are appointed by the governor and must be broadly 
  3.22  representative of the Asian-Pacific community of the state.  
  3.23  Each Asian-Pacific ethnic community from the area described in 
  3.24  subdivision 2 may be represented by no more than one council 
  3.25  member.  In making appointments, the governor shall consider an 
  3.26  appointee's proven dedication and commitment to the 
  3.27  Asian-Pacific community and any special skills possessed by the 
  3.28  appointee that might be beneficial to the council, including at 
  3.29  a minimum experience in public policy, legal affairs, social 
  3.30  work, business, management, or economics.  Terms, compensation, 
  3.31  and filling of vacancies for appointed members are as provided 
  3.32  in section 15.0575.  Because the council performs functions that 
  3.33  are not purely advisory, the council is not subject to the 
  3.34  expiration date in section 15.059.  The council expires June 30, 
  3.35  2004.  Two members of the house of representatives appointed 
  3.36  under the rules of the house of representatives and two members 
  4.1   of the senate appointed under the rules of the senate shall 
  4.2   serve as nonvoting members of the council.  In making 
  4.3   legislative appointments, the speaker of the house of 
  4.4   representatives and the subcommittee on committees of the 
  4.5   committee on rules and administration of the senate shall 
  4.6   consult with the council in an effort to select appointees 
  4.7   knowledgeable and interested in the affairs of the Asian-Pacific 
  4.8   community.  The council shall annually elect from its membership 
  4.9   a chair and other officers it deems necessary.  The council 
  4.10  shall encourage Asian-Pacific ethnic communities and 
  4.11  organizations to designate persons to serve as liaisons with the 
  4.12  council.  Liaisons may participate in council meetings, but may 
  4.13  not vote, and may serve on council committees. 
  4.14     The council shall adopt rules to implement designation of 
  4.15  Asian-Pacific ethnic communities to be represented with seats on 
  4.16  the council. 
  4.17     Sec. 6.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 15.50, 
  4.18  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  4.19     Subdivision 1.  [PURPOSE, MEMBERS, OFFICERS.] (a) The 
  4.20  legislature finds that the purposes of the board are to (1) 
  4.21  preserve and enhance the dignity, beauty and architectural 
  4.22  integrity of the capitol, the buildings immediately adjacent to 
  4.23  it, the capitol grounds, and the capitol area; (2) protect, 
  4.24  enhance, and increase the open spaces within the capitol area 
  4.25  when deemed necessary and desirable for the improvement of the 
  4.26  public enjoyment thereof; (3) develop proper approaches to the 
  4.27  capitol area for pedestrian movement, the highway system, and 
  4.28  mass transit system so that the area achieves its maximum 
  4.29  importance and accessibility; and (4) establish a flexible 
  4.30  framework for growth of the capitol buildings which will be in 
  4.31  keeping with the spirit of the original design. 
  4.32     (b) The capitol area architectural and planning board, 
  4.33  herein referred to as the board, consists of ten members.  The 
  4.34  lieutenant governor shall be a member of the board.  Four 
  4.35  members shall be appointed by the governor; three members, one 
  4.36  of whom shall be a resident of the district planning council 
  5.1   area containing the capitol area, shall be appointed by the 
  5.2   mayor of the city of Saint Paul, with the advice and consent of 
  5.3   the city council.  The speaker of the house shall appoint a 
  5.4   member of the house of representatives and the president of the 
  5.5   senate shall appoint one senator to be members of the board.  
  5.6   Each person appointed to the board shall qualify by taking the 
  5.7   oath of office. 
  5.8      (c) The lieutenant governor is the chair of the board.  The 
  5.9   attorney general is the legal advisor to the board.  The board 
  5.10  may elect a vice-chair who may preside at meetings in the 
  5.11  absence of the lieutenant governor and such other officers as it 
  5.12  may deem necessary to carry out its duties. 
  5.13     (d) The board shall select an executive secretary to serve 
  5.14  the board.  It may employ such other officers and employees as 
  5.15  it may deem necessary all of whom shall be in the classified 
  5.16  service of the state civil service.  The board may contract for 
  5.17  professional and other similar service on such terms as it may 
  5.18  deem desirable. 
  5.19     (e) The board expires June 30, 2004. 
  5.20     Sec. 7.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116J.421, 
  5.21  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  5.22     Subd. 2.  [GOVERNANCE.] The center is governed by a board 
  5.23  of directors appointed to six-year terms by the governor 
  5.24  comprised of: 
  5.25     (1) a representative from each of the two largest statewide 
  5.26  general farm organizations; 
  5.27     (2) a representative from a regional initiative 
  5.28  organization selected under section 116J.415, subdivision 3; 
  5.29     (3) the president of Mankato State University; 
  5.30     (4) a representative from the general public residing in a 
  5.31  town of less than 5,000 located outside of the metropolitan 
  5.32  area; 
  5.33     (5) a member of the house of representatives appointed by 
  5.34  the speaker of the house and a member of the senate appointed by 
  5.35  the subcommittee on committees of the senate committee on rules 
  5.36  and administration appointed for two-year terms; 
  6.1      (6) three representatives from business, including one 
  6.2   representing rural manufacturing and one rural retail and 
  6.3   service business; 
  6.4      (7) three representatives from private foundations with a 
  6.5   demonstrated commitment to rural issues; 
  6.6      (8) one representative from a rural county government; and 
  6.7      (9) one representative from a rural regional government. 
  6.8      The board shall appoint one additional member to the board 
  6.9   of directors who shall represent the general public.  
  6.10     If the board concludes at any time that the composition of 
  6.11  the board does not adequately reflect the ethnic and gender 
  6.12  diversity of rural Minnesota, the board may appoint up to four 
  6.13  additional members in order to better reflect this diversity.  
  6.14  Members appointed by the board under this paragraph shall serve 
  6.15  six-year terms.  The board may not appoint additional members 
  6.16  such that the board would have a total of more than 20 members.  
  6.17  The board expires June 30, 2004. 
  6.18     Sec. 8.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116L.03, 
  6.19  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  6.20     Subd. 2.  [APPOINTMENT.] The Minnesota job skills 
  6.21  partnership board consists of:  seven members appointed by the 
  6.22  governor, the chair of the governor's workforce development 
  6.23  council, the commissioner of trade and economic development, the 
  6.24  chancellor, or the chancellor's designee, of the Minnesota state 
  6.25  colleges and universities, the president, or the president's 
  6.26  designee, of the University of Minnesota, and two nonlegislator 
  6.27  members, one appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the 
  6.28  senate committee on rules and administration and one appointed 
  6.29  by the speaker of the house.  If the chancellor or the president 
  6.30  of the university makes a designation under this subdivision, 
  6.31  the designee must have experience in technical education.  Four 
  6.32  of the appointed members must be members of the governor's 
  6.33  workforce development council, of whom two must represent 
  6.34  organized labor and two must represent business and industry.  
  6.35  One of the appointed members must be a representative of a 
  6.36  nonprofit organization that provides workforce development or 
  7.1   job training services.  The board expires June 30, 2004. 
  7.2      Sec. 9.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116O.03, 
  7.3   subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  7.4      Subd. 2.  [BOARD OF DIRECTORS.] The corporation is governed 
  7.5   by a board of 15 directors.  The membership terms, compensation, 
  7.6   removal, and filling of vacancies of public members of the board 
  7.7   are as provided in section 15.0575.  Membership of the board 
  7.8   consists of the following: 
  7.9      (1) a person from the private sector, appointed by the 
  7.10  governor, who shall act as chair and serve as chief science 
  7.11  advisor to the governor and the legislature; 
  7.12     (2) the dean of the institute of technology of the 
  7.13  University of Minnesota; 
  7.14     (3) the dean of the graduate school of the University of 
  7.15  Minnesota; 
  7.16     (4) the commissioner of the department of trade and 
  7.17  economic development; 
  7.18     (5) the commissioner of administration; 
  7.19     (6) six members appointed by the governor, at least one of 
  7.20  whom must be a person from a public post-secondary system other 
  7.21  than the University of Minnesota; and 
  7.22     (7) one member who is not a member of the legislature 
  7.23  appointed by each of the following:  the speaker of the house of 
  7.24  representatives, the house of representatives minority leader, 
  7.25  the senate majority leader, and the senate minority leader. 
  7.26     At least 50 percent of the members described in clauses (6) 
  7.27  and (7) must live outside the metropolitan area as defined in 
  7.28  section 473.121, subdivision 2, and must have experience in 
  7.29  manufacturing, the technology industry, or research and 
  7.30  development.  
  7.31     The board expires June 30, 2004. 
  7.32     Sec. 10.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116O.09, 
  7.33  subdivision 1a, is amended to read: 
  7.34     Subd. 1a.  [BOARD OF DIRECTORS.] The board of directors of 
  7.35  the agricultural utilization research institute is comprised of: 
  7.36     (1) the chairs of the senate and the house of 
  8.1   representatives committees with jurisdiction over agriculture 
  8.2   policy; 
  8.3      (2) two representatives of statewide farm organizations; 
  8.4      (3) two representatives of agribusiness, one of whom is a 
  8.5   member of the Minnesota Technology, Inc. board representing 
  8.6   agribusiness; and 
  8.7      (4) three representatives of the commodity promotion 
  8.8   councils. 
  8.9      A member of the board of directors under clauses (1) to (4) 
  8.10  may designate a permanent or temporary replacement member 
  8.11  representing the same constituency. 
  8.12     The board expires June 30, 2004. 
  8.13     Sec. 11.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116O.091, 
  8.14  subdivision 7, is amended to read: 
  8.15     Subd. 7.  [ADVISORY COMMITTEES.] An advisory committee is 
  8.16  created to assist in selecting vendors and evaluating the 
  8.17  corporation's project outreach activities.  The advisory 
  8.18  committee shall include the president of the University of 
  8.19  Minnesota or the president's designee, the commissioner of trade 
  8.20  and economic development or the commissioner's designee, the 
  8.21  chair of the Minnesota Technology, Inc., board of directors or 
  8.22  the chair's designee, a member of the state senate appointed by 
  8.23  the subcommittee on committees of the senate rules and 
  8.24  administration committee, a member of the house of 
  8.25  representatives appointed by the speaker, and at least five 
  8.26  users of project outreach services appointed by the named 
  8.27  members.  The advisory committee expires June 30, 2004. 
  8.28     Sec. 12.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 125B.21, is 
  8.29  amended to read: 
  8.31     Subdivision 1.  [STATE COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP.] The membership 
  8.32  of the Minnesota education telecommunications council 
  8.33  established in Laws 1993, First Special Session chapter 2, is 
  8.34  expanded to include representatives of elementary and secondary 
  8.35  education.  The membership shall consist of three 
  8.36  representatives from the University of Minnesota; three 
  9.1   representatives of the board of trustees for Minnesota state 
  9.2   colleges and universities; one representative of the higher 
  9.3   education services offices; one representative appointed by the 
  9.4   private college council; one representative selected by the 
  9.5   commissioner of administration; eight representatives selected 
  9.6   by the commissioner of children, families, and learning, at 
  9.7   least one of which must come from each of the six higher 
  9.8   education telecommunication regions; a representative from the 
  9.9   office of technology; two members each from the senate and the 
  9.10  house of representatives selected by the subcommittee on 
  9.11  committees of the committee on rules and administration of the 
  9.12  senate and the speaker of the house, one member from each body 
  9.13  must be a member of the minority party; and three 
  9.14  representatives of libraries, one representing regional public 
  9.15  libraries, one representing multitype libraries, and one 
  9.16  representing community libraries, selected by the governor; and 
  9.17  two members, one selected from and representing the higher 
  9.18  education regional coordinators and one selected from and 
  9.19  representing the kindergarten through grade 12 cluster regions.  
  9.20  The council shall serve as a forum to establish and advocate for 
  9.21  a statewide vision and plans for the use of distance learning 
  9.22  technologies, including: 
  9.23     (1) the coordination and collaboration of distance learning 
  9.24  opportunities; 
  9.25     (2) the implementation of the use of distance learning 
  9.26  technologies; 
  9.27     (3) the collaboration of distance learning users; 
  9.28     (4) the implementation of educational policy relating to 
  9.29  telecommunications; 
  9.30     (5) the exchange of ideas; 
  9.31     (6) the communications with state government and related 
  9.32  agencies and entities; 
  9.33     (7) the coordination of networks for post-secondary 
  9.34  campuses, kindergarten through grade 12 education, and regional 
  9.35  and community libraries; and 
  9.36     (8) the promotion of consistency of the operation of the 
 10.1   learning network with standards of an open system architecture. 
 10.2      The council expires June 30, 2004. 
 10.3      Sec. 13.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 136F.03, 
 10.4   subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
 10.5      Subd. 2.  [MEMBERSHIP.] The advisory council consists of 24 
 10.6   members.  Twelve members are appointed by the subcommittee on 
 10.7   committees of the committee on rules and administration of the 
 10.8   senate.  Twelve members are appointed by the speaker of the 
 10.9   house of representatives.  No more than one-third of the members 
 10.10  appointed by each appointing authority may be current or former 
 10.11  legislators.  No more than two-thirds of the members appointed 
 10.12  by each appointing authority may belong to the same political 
 10.13  party; however, political activity or affiliation is not 
 10.14  required for the appointment of a member.  Geographical 
 10.15  representation must be taken into consideration when making 
 10.16  appointments.  Section 15.0575 governs the advisory council, 
 10.17  except that the members must be appointed to six-year 
 10.18  terms.  The council expires June 30, 2004.  
 10.19     Sec. 14.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 137.0245, 
 10.20  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
 10.21     Subd. 2.  [MEMBERSHIP.] The regent candidate advisory 
 10.22  council shall consist of 24 members.  Twelve members shall be 
 10.23  appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the committee on 
 10.24  rules and administration of the senate.  Twelve members shall be 
 10.25  appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.  No 
 10.26  more than one-third of the members appointed by each appointing 
 10.27  authority may be current or former legislators.  No more than 
 10.28  two-thirds of the members appointed by each appointing authority 
 10.29  may belong to the same political party; however, political 
 10.30  activity or affiliation is not required for the appointment of 
 10.31  any member.  Geographical representation must be taken into 
 10.32  consideration when making appointments.  Section 15.0575 shall 
 10.33  govern the advisory council, except that the members shall be 
 10.34  appointed to six-year terms with one-third appointed each 
 10.35  even-numbered year.  The council expires June 30, 2004.  
 10.36     Sec. 15.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 138.763, 
 11.1   subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 11.2      Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERSHIP.] There is a St. Anthony Falls 
 11.3   heritage board consisting of 22 members with the director of the 
 11.4   Minnesota historical society as chair.  The members include the 
 11.5   mayor; the chair of the Hennepin county board of commissioners 
 11.6   or the chair's designee; the president of the Minneapolis park 
 11.7   and recreation board or the president's designee; the 
 11.8   superintendent of the park board; two members each from the 
 11.9   house of representatives appointed by the speaker, the senate 
 11.10  appointed by the rules committee, the city council, the Hennepin 
 11.11  county board, and the park board; one member each from the 
 11.12  preservation commission, the preservation office, Hennepin 
 11.13  county historical society, and the society; one person appointed 
 11.14  by the park board; and two persons appointed by the chair of the 
 11.15  board.  The board expires June 30, 2004. 
 11.16     Sec. 16.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 174.55, 
 11.17  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
 11.18     Subd. 2.  [COMPOSITION.] The major transportation projects 
 11.19  commission is composed of the governor or the governor's 
 11.20  designee; four citizen members appointed by the governor and 
 11.21  serving at the pleasure of the governor; seven senators 
 11.22  appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the committee on 
 11.23  rules and administration, three of whom must not be members of 
 11.24  the senate majority party; and seven members of the house of 
 11.25  representatives appointed by the speaker, three of whom must not 
 11.26  be members of the house majority party.  The commissioner of 
 11.27  transportation shall serve as a nonvoting member unless the 
 11.28  commissioner is the governor's designee.  The commission shall 
 11.29  elect a chair from among its members.  Nongovernment members of 
 11.30  the commission shall receive compensation in accordance with 
 11.31  section 15.059, subdivision 3.  The commission expires June 30, 
 11.32  2004. 
 11.33     Sec. 17.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 175.007, 
 11.34  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 11.35     Subdivision 1.  [CREATION; COMPOSITION.] (a) There is 
 11.36  created a permanent council on workers' compensation consisting 
 12.1   of 12 voting members as follows:  the presidents of the largest 
 12.2   statewide Minnesota business and organized labor organizations 
 12.3   as measured by the number of employees of its business members 
 12.4   and in its affiliated labor organizations in Minnesota on July 
 12.5   1, 1992, and every five years thereafter; five additional 
 12.6   members representing business, and five additional members 
 12.7   representing organized labor.  The commissioner of labor and 
 12.8   industry shall serve as chair of the council and shall be a 
 12.9   nonvoting member.  Notwithstanding section 15.059, this council 
 12.10  does not expire unless the council no longer fulfills the 
 12.11  purpose for which the council was established, the council has 
 12.12  not met in the last 18 months, or the council does not comply 
 12.13  with the registration requirements of section 15.0599, 
 12.14  subdivision 3. The commission expires June 30, 2004. 
 12.15     (b) The governor, the majority leader of the senate, the 
 12.16  speaker of the house of representatives, the minority leader of 
 12.17  the senate, and the minority leader of the house of 
 12.18  representatives shall each select a business and a labor 
 12.19  representative.  At least four of the labor representatives 
 12.20  shall be chosen from the affiliated membership of the Minnesota 
 12.21  AFL-CIO.  At least two of the business representatives shall be 
 12.22  representatives of small employers as defined in section 177.24, 
 12.23  subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2).  None of the council 
 12.24  members shall represent attorneys, health care providers, 
 12.25  qualified rehabilitation consultants, or insurance companies.  
 12.26  If the appointing officials cannot agree on a method of 
 12.27  appointing the required number of Minnesota AFL-CIO and small 
 12.28  business representatives by the second Monday in June of the 
 12.29  year in which appointments are made, they shall notify the 
 12.30  secretary of state.  The distribution of appointments shall then 
 12.31  be determined publicly by lot by the secretary of state or a 
 12.32  designee in the presence of the appointing officials or their 
 12.33  designees on the third Monday in June.  
 12.34     (c) Each council member shall appoint an alternate.  
 12.35  Alternates shall serve in the absence of the member they replace.
 12.36     (d) The ten appointed voting members shall serve for terms 
 13.1   of five years and may be reappointed. 
 13.2      (e) The council shall designate liaisons to the council 
 13.3   representing workers' compensation insurers; medical, hospital, 
 13.4   and rehabilitation providers; and the legal profession.  The 
 13.5   speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives 
 13.6   shall each appoint a caucus member as a liaison to the council.  
 13.7   The majority and minority leaders of the senate shall each 
 13.8   appoint a caucus member to serve as a liaison to the council. 
 13.9      (f) The compensation and removal of members shall be as 
 13.10  provided in section 15.059.  
 13.11     Sec. 18.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 198.002, 
 13.12  subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
 13.13     Subd. 6.  [FUTURE ELIMINATION.] If the governor fails to 
 13.14  appoint a board, or if the board is eliminated by any other 
 13.15  means, The board expires June 30, 2004, and its authority vests 
 13.16  in the commissioner of veterans affairs.  
 13.17     Sec. 19.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 240A.02, 
 13.18  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
 13.19     Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERSHIP; COMPENSATION; CHAIR.] (a) The 
 13.20  Minnesota amateur sports commission consists of 14 voting 
 13.21  members, four of whom must be experienced in promoting amateur 
 13.22  sports.  Of the voting members, nine shall be appointed by the 
 13.23  governor and two shall be appointed by the commission to 
 13.24  three-year terms.  Of the total commission membership, including 
 13.25  voting and nonvoting members, one member must reside in each of 
 13.26  the state's congressional districts.  Four legislators, two from 
 13.27  each house appointed according to its rules, shall be nonvoting 
 13.28  members.  One member from each house shall be from the minority 
 13.29  caucus.  Compensation and removal of members and the filling of 
 13.30  membership vacancies are as provided in section 15.0575.  A 
 13.31  member may be reappointed.  The governor shall appoint the chair 
 13.32  of the commission after consideration of the commission's 
 13.33  recommendation. 
 13.34     (b) The governor, speaker of the house of representatives, 
 13.35  and senate majority leader shall each appoint one additional 
 13.36  voting member to the commission to a two-year term.  The purpose 
 14.1   of adding three members to the commission is to ensure gender 
 14.2   balance in commission membership.  Compensation, removal, and 
 14.3   filling of vacancies of members appointed under this paragraph 
 14.4   are as provided in section 15.0575.  A member appointed under 
 14.5   this paragraph may be reappointed. 
 14.6      (c) The commissioner expires June 30, 2004. 
 14.7      Sec. 20.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 290.173, is 
 14.8   amended to read: 
 14.10     There is hereby established the Multistate Tax Compact 
 14.11  advisory committee composed of the commissioner of revenue or 
 14.12  the alternate member of the commission designated by the 
 14.13  commissioner, the attorney general or a designee, and two 
 14.14  members of the senate, appointed by the committee on committees, 
 14.15  and two members of the house of representatives appointed by the 
 14.16  speaker of the house.  The chair shall be the member of the 
 14.17  multistate tax commission, representing the state of Minnesota.  
 14.18  The committee shall meet at the call of its chair or at the 
 14.19  request of a majority of its members, but in any event not less 
 14.20  than three times in each year.  The committee may consider any 
 14.21  and all matters relating to recommendations of the multistate 
 14.22  tax commission and the activities of the members in representing 
 14.23  the state of Minnesota on the commission.  The advisory 
 14.24  committee expires June 30, 2004. 
 14.25     Sec. 21.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 299C.65, 
 14.26  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
 14.27     Subd. 2.  [REPORT, TASK FORCE.] (a) The policy group shall 
 14.28  file an annual report with the governor, supreme court, and 
 14.29  chairs and ranking minority members of the senate and house 
 14.30  committees and divisions with jurisdiction over criminal justice 
 14.31  funding and policy by December 1 of each year.  
 14.32     (b) The report must make recommendations concerning any 
 14.33  legislative changes or appropriations that are needed to ensure 
 14.34  that the criminal justice information systems operate accurately 
 14.35  and efficiently.  To assist them in developing their 
 14.36  recommendations, the policy group shall appoint a task force 
 15.1   consisting of its members or their designees and the following 
 15.2   additional members:  
 15.3      (1) the director of the office of strategic and long-range 
 15.4   planning; 
 15.5      (2) two sheriffs recommended by the Minnesota sheriffs 
 15.6   association; 
 15.7      (3) two police chiefs recommended by the Minnesota chiefs 
 15.8   of police association; 
 15.9      (4) two county attorneys recommended by the Minnesota 
 15.10  county attorneys association; 
 15.11     (5) two city attorneys recommended by the Minnesota league 
 15.12  of cities; 
 15.13     (6) two public defenders appointed by the board of public 
 15.14  defense; 
 15.15     (7) two district judges appointed by the conference of 
 15.16  chief judges, one of whom is currently assigned to the juvenile 
 15.17  court; 
 15.18     (8) two community corrections administrators recommended by 
 15.19  the Minnesota association of counties, one of whom represents a 
 15.20  community corrections act county; 
 15.21     (9) two probation officers; 
 15.22     (10) four public members, one of whom has been a victim of 
 15.23  crime, and two who are representatives of the private business 
 15.24  community who have expertise in integrated information systems; 
 15.25     (11) two court administrators; 
 15.26     (12) one member of the house of representatives appointed 
 15.27  by the speaker of the house; 
 15.28     (13) one member of the senate appointed by the majority 
 15.29  leader; 
 15.30     (14) the attorney general or a designee; 
 15.31     (15) the commissioner of administration or a designee; 
 15.32     (16) an individual recommended by the Minnesota league of 
 15.33  cities; and 
 15.34     (17) an individual recommended by the Minnesota association 
 15.35  of counties. 
 15.36  In making these appointments, the appointing authority shall 
 16.1   select members with expertise in integrated data systems or best 
 16.2   practices.  
 16.3      (c) The commissioner of public safety may appoint 
 16.4   additional, nonvoting members to the task force as necessary 
 16.5   from time to time. 
 16.6      (d) The task force expires June 30, 2004. 
 16.7      Sec. 22.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 299E.03, 
 16.8   subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
 16.9      Subd. 3.  [EXPIRATION AND COMPENSATION.] Notwithstanding 
 16.10  section 15.059, The oversight committee does not expire expires 
 16.11  June 30, 2004.  Committee members may not receive compensation 
 16.12  for serving, but may receive expense reimbursements as provided 
 16.13  in section 15.059.