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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 1290

1st Engrossment - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to telecommunications; regulating the 911 
  1.3             system; imposing requirements on private switch 
  1.4             telephone service; amending Minnesota Statutes 1994, 
  1.5             sections 403.02, by adding subdivisions; and 403.04. 
  1.7      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 403.02, is 
  1.8   amended by adding a subdivision to read: 
  1.9      Subd. 10.  [PRIVATE SWITCH TELEPHONE SERVICE.] (a) "Private 
  1.10  switch telephone service" means a telephone switching system 
  1.11  that is not a part of the public switched telephone network but 
  1.12  that provides intraswitch telephone services to devices 
  1.13  connected to it and provides an access mechanism to the public 
  1.14  switched telephone network. 
  1.15     (b) For a private switch telephone service to be considered 
  1.16  to provide access to the public switched telephone network in a 
  1.17  residential environment, persons must use the service for access 
  1.18  to the public switched telephone network from their place of 
  1.19  permanent or temporary residence. 
  1.20     (c) Private switch telephone service includes private 
  1.21  branch exchange (PBX), "Centrex," and other dispersed multiline 
  1.22  telephone systems or services. 
  1.23     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 403.02, is 
  1.24  amended by adding a subdivision to read: 
  1.25     Subd. 11.  [STATION NUMBER IDENTIFICATION.] "Station number 
  2.1   identification" means the ability to identify the telephone 
  2.2   station connected to a private switch telephone service with a 
  2.3   unique telephone number when that station places a call to the 
  2.4   enhanced 911 service system. 
  2.5      Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 403.04, is 
  2.6   amended to read: 
  2.9      Subdivision 1.  [911 SYSTEM.] The digits 911 shall be the 
  2.10  primary emergency telephone number within the system, but a 
  2.11  public safety agency whose services are available on the 911 
  2.12  system may maintain a separate secondary backup number for 
  2.13  emergency calls and shall maintain a separate number for 
  2.14  nonemergency telephone calls. 
  2.15     Subd. 2.  [PAY TELEPHONES.] By December 15, 1986, each 
  2.16  public utility providing telephone service within a 911 service 
  2.17  area shall convert every pay station telephone to permit dialing 
  2.18  of the 911 number without coin or other charge to the caller. 
  2.19     Subd. 3.  [PRIVATE SWITCH SERVICE; 911 SYSTEM.] By December 
  2.20  31, 1995, the operators of all private switch telephone service 
  2.21  systems shall ensure that calls dialed to the 911 system are not 
  2.22  blocked from direct dial passage to the public 911 system by 
  2.23  their equipment nor diverted to any destination other than a 
  2.24  recognized public safety answering point. 
  2.26  IDENTIFICATION.] (a) By July 1, 1996, all private switch 
  2.27  telephone service system providers operating in an area where 
  2.28  enhanced 911 service is available shall ensure that 911 calls 
  2.29  placed from a residential environment, as described in section 
  2.30  403.02, subdivision 10, paragraph (b), transmit an appropriate 
  2.31  station number identification to the enhanced 911 service system 
  2.32  serving that area. 
  2.33     (b) A private switch telephone service system operating in 
  2.34  an area where enhanced 911 service is not available by July 1, 
  2.35  1996, must be capable of transmitting the appropriate station 
  2.36  number identification for a 911 call by December 31, 1998, or by 
  3.1   the date the area is served by enhanced 911 service, whichever 
  3.2   is earlier. 
  3.4   IDENTIFICATION.] (a) By December 31, 1996, all private switch 
  3.5   telephone service system providers operating in an area where 
  3.6   enhanced 911 service is available shall ensure that 911 calls 
  3.7   transmit an appropriate station number identification to the 
  3.8   enhanced 911 service system serving that area.  
  3.9      (b) A private switch telephone service system operating in 
  3.10  an area where enhanced 911 service is not available by December 
  3.11  31, 1996, must be capable of transmitting the appropriate 
  3.12  station number identification for a 911 call by December 31, 
  3.13  1998, or by the date the area is served by enhanced 911 service, 
  3.14  whichever is earlier. 
  3.16  transmission of an appropriate station number identification to 
  3.17  an enhanced 911 network means that the station number 
  3.18  identification number must be capable of being indexed in and 
  3.19  retrieved from an enhanced 911 service, automatic location 
  3.20  identification, or local location identification database such 
  3.21  that the retrieved automatic location identification or local 
  3.22  location identification data reflects the specific location of 
  3.23  the device within 300 horizontal feet when no locked doors will 
  3.24  be encountered by public safety responders, or 12 vertical feet 
  3.25  in the case of a multistory building. 
  3.26     Subd. 7.  [DATABASE.] An operator of a private switch 
  3.27  telephone system is responsible for ensuring that automatic 
  3.28  location identification or local location identification data 
  3.29  appropriate for all station number identification numbers 
  3.30  capable of being transmitted to the enhanced 911 service network 
  3.31  are provided to the automatic location identification and local 
  3.32  location identification system database serving the geographical 
  3.33  area in which the station receiving service from the private 
  3.34  switch is located. 
  3.35     Subd. 8.  [CONSULTATION.] An operator of a private switch 
  3.36  telephone system subject to subdivisions 3 to 7 shall consult 
  4.1   with and obtain the approval of the management of each public 
  4.2   safety answering point having enhanced 911 service, to which 911 
  4.3   calls from the operator's system will be routed, for its plans 
  4.4   to comply with those subdivisions and the contents of the 
  4.5   automatic location identification and local location 
  4.6   identification data it will be providing to the appropriate 
  4.7   databases. 
  4.8      Subd. 9.  [WAIVER.] (a) An operator of a private switch 
  4.9   telephone system who believes it has a compelling electronic, 
  4.10  financial, or nature of service reason to request a waiver from 
  4.11  the requirements of subdivisions 3 to 8 may submit a waiver 
  4.12  request to the department of administration not later than 90 
  4.13  days before the effective date of the deadline for compliance 
  4.14  with a provision of subdivisions 3 to 8. 
  4.15     (b) The department shall develop by January 1, 1996, 
  4.16  guidelines for considering and granting waivers.  The guidelines 
  4.17  must include notice to and input from the public safety 
  4.18  answering point having enhanced 911 service that would be 
  4.19  affected by a waiver. 
  4.20     Subd. 10.  [TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.] The department of 
  4.21  administration may provide technical assistance to the private 
  4.22  switch telephone system providers, telecommunications carriers, 
  4.23  and public safety answering points affected by subdivisions 3 to 
  4.24  9.  The costs of assistance are 911 system costs under section 
  4.25  403.11, and must be paid for by the emergency telephone service 
  4.26  fee authorized by section 403.11. 
  4.27     Sec. 4.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  4.28     Section 3, subdivisions 3, 8, 9, and 10, are effective the 
  4.29  day following final enactment.