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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 1142

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 02/22/2001

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to agriculture; allowing the commissioner of 
  1.3             agriculture to approve up to three new ethanol plants 
  1.4             for the ethanol producer payment program; extending 
  1.5             the ethanol producer payment program by two years; 
  1.6             repealing the ethanol production goal; increasing the 
  1.7             cap on the open appropriation for ethanol producer 
  1.8             payments; appropriating money; amending Minnesota 
  1.9             Statutes 2000, section 41A.09, subdivisions 3a and 5a; 
  1.10            repealing Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 41A.09, 
  1.11            subdivision 1a. 
  1.13     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 41A.09, 
  1.14  subdivision 3a, is amended to read: 
  1.15     Subd. 3a.  [PAYMENTS.] (a) The commissioner of agriculture 
  1.16  shall make cash payments to producers of ethanol, anhydrous 
  1.17  alcohol, and wet alcohol located in the state.  These payments 
  1.18  shall apply only to ethanol, anhydrous alcohol, and wet alcohol 
  1.19  fermented in the state and produced at plants that have begun 
  1.20  production by June 30, 2000 2005.  For the purpose of this 
  1.21  subdivision, an entity that holds a controlling interest in more 
  1.22  than one ethanol plant is considered a single producer.  The 
  1.23  amount of the payment for each producer's annual production is: 
  1.24     (1) except as provided in paragraph (b), for each gallon of 
  1.25  ethanol or anhydrous alcohol produced on or before June 30, 
  1.26  2000, or ten years after the start of production, whichever is 
  1.27  later, 20 cents per gallon; and 
  1.28     (2) for each gallon produced of wet alcohol on or before 
  2.1   June 30, 2000, or ten years after the start of production, 
  2.2   whichever is later, a payment in cents per gallon calculated by 
  2.3   the formula "alcohol purity in percent divided by five," and 
  2.4   rounded to the nearest cent per gallon, but not less than 11 
  2.5   cents per gallon. 
  2.6      The producer payments for anhydrous alcohol and wet alcohol 
  2.7   under this section may be paid to either the original producer 
  2.8   of anhydrous alcohol or wet alcohol or the secondary processor, 
  2.9   at the option of the original producer, but not to both. 
  2.10     No payments shall be made for production that occurs after 
  2.11  June 30, 2010 2015. 
  2.12     (b) If the level of production at an ethanol plant 
  2.13  increases due to an increase in the production capacity of the 
  2.14  plant, the payment under paragraph (a), clause (1), applies to 
  2.15  the additional increment of production until ten years after the 
  2.16  increased production began.  Once a plant's production capacity 
  2.17  reaches 15,000,000 gallons per year, no additional increment 
  2.18  will qualify for the payment. 
  2.19     (c) The commissioner shall make payments to producers of 
  2.20  ethanol or wet alcohol in the amount of 1.5 cents for each 
  2.21  kilowatt hour of electricity generated using closed-loop biomass 
  2.22  in a cogeneration facility at an ethanol plant located in the 
  2.23  state.  Payments under this paragraph shall be made only for 
  2.24  electricity generated at cogeneration facilities that begin 
  2.25  operation by June 30, 2000.  The payments apply to electricity 
  2.26  generated on or before the date ten years after the producer 
  2.27  first qualifies for payment under this paragraph.  Total 
  2.28  payments under this paragraph in any fiscal year may not exceed 
  2.29  $750,000.  For the purposes of this paragraph: 
  2.30     (1) "closed-loop biomass" means any organic material from a 
  2.31  plant that is planted for the purpose of being used to generate 
  2.32  electricity or for multiple purposes that include being used to 
  2.33  generate electricity; and 
  2.34     (2) "cogeneration" means the combined generation of: 
  2.35     (i) electrical or mechanical power; and 
  2.36     (ii) steam or forms of useful energy, such as heat, that 
  3.1   are used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling 
  3.2   purposes. 
  3.3      (d) Payments under paragraphs (a) and (b) to all producers 
  3.4   may not exceed $37,000,000 $40,000,000 in a fiscal year.  Total 
  3.5   payments under paragraphs (a) and (b) to a producer in a fiscal 
  3.6   year may not exceed $3,000,000. 
  3.7      (e) (d) By the last day of October, January, April, and 
  3.8   July, each producer shall file a claim for payment for ethanol, 
  3.9   anhydrous alcohol, and wet alcohol production during the 
  3.10  preceding three calendar months.  A producer with more than one 
  3.11  plant shall file a separate claim for each plant.  A producer 
  3.12  that files a claim under this subdivision shall include a 
  3.13  statement of the producer's total ethanol, anhydrous alcohol, 
  3.14  and wet alcohol production in Minnesota during the quarter 
  3.15  covered by the claim, including anhydrous alcohol and wet 
  3.16  alcohol produced or received from an outside source.  A producer 
  3.17  shall file a separate claim for any amount claimed under 
  3.18  paragraph (c).  For each claim and statement of total ethanol, 
  3.19  anhydrous alcohol, and wet alcohol production filed under this 
  3.20  subdivision, the volume of ethanol, anhydrous alcohol, and wet 
  3.21  alcohol production or amounts of electricity generated using 
  3.22  closed-loop biomass must be examined by an independent certified 
  3.23  public accountant in accordance with standards established by 
  3.24  the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 
  3.25     (f) (e) Payments shall be made November 15, February 15, 
  3.26  May 15, and August 15.  A separate payment shall be made for 
  3.27  each claim filed.  Except as provided in paragraph (j) (i), the 
  3.28  total quarterly payment to a producer under this paragraph, 
  3.29  excluding amounts paid under paragraph (c), may not exceed 
  3.30  $750,000.  
  3.31     (g) (f) If the total amount for which all producers are 
  3.32  eligible in a quarter under paragraph (c) exceeds the amount 
  3.33  available for payments, the commissioner shall make payments in 
  3.34  the order in which the plants covered by the claims began 
  3.35  generating electricity using closed-loop biomass for production 
  3.36  capacity in the order in which the portion of production 
  4.1   capacity covered by each claim went into production. 
  4.2      (h) (g) After July 1, 1997, new production capacity is only 
  4.3   eligible for payment under this subdivision if the commissioner 
  4.4   receives: 
  4.5      (1) an application for approval of the new production 
  4.6   capacity; 
  4.7      (2) an appropriate letter of long-term financial commitment 
  4.8   for construction of the new production capacity; and 
  4.9      (3) copies of all necessary permits for construction of the 
  4.10  new production capacity. 
  4.11     The commissioner may approve new production capacity based 
  4.12  on the order in which the applications are received.  
  4.13     (i) (h) The commissioner may not approve any new production 
  4.14  capacity after July 1, 1998, except: 
  4.15     (1) that a producer with an approved production capacity of 
  4.16  at least 12,000,000 gallons per year but less than 15,000,000 
  4.17  gallons per year prior to July 1, 1998, is approved for 
  4.18  15,000,000 gallons of production capacity; and 
  4.19     (2) the commissioner may approve up to three new ethanol 
  4.20  plants by June 30, 2005. 
  4.21     (j) (i) Notwithstanding the quarterly payment limits of 
  4.22  paragraph (f) (e), the commissioner shall make an additional 
  4.23  payment in the eighth quarter of each fiscal biennium to ethanol 
  4.24  producers for the lesser of:  (1) 20 cents per gallon of 
  4.25  production in the eighth quarter of the biennium that is greater 
  4.26  than 3,750,000 gallons; or (2) the total amount of payments lost 
  4.27  during the first seven quarters of the biennium due to plant 
  4.28  outages, repair, or major maintenance.  Total payments to an 
  4.29  ethanol producer in a fiscal biennium, including any payment 
  4.30  under this paragraph, must not exceed the total amount the 
  4.31  producer is eligible to receive based on the producer's approved 
  4.32  production capacity.  The provisions of this paragraph apply 
  4.33  only to production losses that occur in quarters beginning after 
  4.34  December 31, 1999. 
  4.35     (k) (j) For the purposes of this subdivision "new 
  4.36  production capacity" means annual ethanol production capacity 
  5.1   that was not allowed under a permit issued by the pollution 
  5.2   control agency prior to July 1, 1997, or for which construction 
  5.3   did not begin prior to July 1, 1997. 
  5.4      Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 41A.09, 
  5.5   subdivision 5a, is amended to read: 
  5.6      Subd. 5a.  [EXPIRATION.] This section expires June 30, 2010 
  5.7   2015, and the unobligated balance of each appropriation under 
  5.8   this section on that date reverts to the general fund. 
  5.9      Sec. 3.  [REPEALER.] 
  5.10     Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 41A.09, subdivision 1a, is 
  5.11  repealed.