as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/27/2023 04:29pm
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; sales and use; expanding the exemption on precious metal
bullion to include coins and other forms of currency; amending Minnesota Statutes
2022, section 297A.67, subdivision 34.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 297A.67, subdivision 34, is amended to read:
(a) deleted text begin Precious metal bullion is
exempt. For purposes of this subdivision, "precious metal bullion" means bars or rounds
that consist of 99.9 percent or more by weight of either gold, silver, platinum, or palladium
and are marked with weight, purity, and contentdeleted text end new text begin Bullion, coins, and currency are exemptnew text end .
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(b) For the purposes of this subdivision, the following terms have the meanings given:
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(1) "bullion" means bars, ingots, or commemorative medallions of gold, silver, platinum,
palladium, rhodium, or a combination of these where the value of the metal depends on its
content and not form; and
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(2) "coins" and "currency" means a coin or currency made of gold, silver, or other metal
or paper which is or has been used as legal tender.
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deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end The exemption under this subdivision does not apply to sales and purchases of
jewelry, works of art, or scrap metal.
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end The intent of this subdivision is to eliminate the difference in tax treatment between
the sale of precious metal bullionnew text begin and other forms of coins or currencynew text end and the sale of stock,
bullion ETFs, bonds, and other investment instruments.
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This section is effective for sales and purchases made after June
30, 2023.
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