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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 1004

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 02/19/2001

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to human services; changing provisions for 
  1.3             supportive housing and managed care pilot project; 
  1.4             appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2000, 
  1.5             section 256K.25, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, and 5. 
  1.7      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 256K.25, 
  1.8   subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  1.9      Subdivision 1.  [ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE.] (a) The 
  1.10  commissioner shall establish a supportive housing and managed 
  1.11  care pilot project in two counties, one within the seven-county 
  1.12  metropolitan area and one outside of that area, to determine 
  1.13  whether the integrated delivery of employment services, 
  1.14  supportive services, housing, and health care into a single, 
  1.15  flexible program will: 
  1.16     (1) reduce public expenditures on homeless families with 
  1.17  minor children, homeless noncustodial parents, and other 
  1.18  homeless individuals; 
  1.19     (2) increase the employment rates of these persons; and 
  1.20     (3) provide a new alternative to providing services to this 
  1.21  hard-to-serve population. 
  1.22     (b) The commissioner shall create a program for counties 
  1.23  for the purpose of providing integrated intensive and 
  1.24  individualized case management services, employment services, 
  1.25  health care services, rent subsidies or other short- or 
  2.1   medium-term housing assistance, and other supportive services to 
  2.2   eligible families and individuals.  Minimum project and 
  2.3   application requirements shall be developed by the commissioner 
  2.4   in cooperation with counties and their nonprofit partners with 
  2.5   the goal to provide the maximum flexibility in program design. 
  2.6      (c) Services available under this project must be 
  2.7   coordinated with available health care services for an eligible 
  2.8   project participant. 
  2.9      Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 256K.25, 
  2.10  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
  2.11     Subd. 3.  [COUNTY ELIGIBILITY.] (a) A county may request 
  2.12  funding under this pilot project if the county: 
  2.13     (1) agrees to develop, in cooperation with nonprofit 
  2.14  partners, a supportive housing and managed care pilot project 
  2.15  that integrates the delivery of employment services, supportive 
  2.16  services, housing and health care for eligible families and 
  2.17  individuals, or agrees to contract with an existing integrated 
  2.18  program; 
  2.19     (2) for eligible participants who are also MFIP recipients, 
  2.20  agrees to develop, in cooperation with nonprofit partners, 
  2.21  procedures to ensure that the services provided under the pilot 
  2.22  project are closely coordinated with the services provided under 
  2.23  MFIP; and 
  2.24     (3) develops a method for evaluating the quality of the 
  2.25  integrated services provided and the amount of any resulting 
  2.26  cost savings to the county and state.; and 
  2.27     (4) addresses in the pilot design the prevalence in the 
  2.28  homeless population served those individuals with mental 
  2.29  illness, a history of substance abuse, or HIV. 
  2.30     (b) Preference may be given to counties that cooperate with 
  2.31  other counties participating in the pilot project for purposes 
  2.32  of evaluation and counties that provide additional funding. 
  2.33     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 256K.25, 
  2.34  subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
  2.35     Subd. 4.  [PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY.] (a) In order to be 
  2.36  eligible meet initial eligibility criteria for the pilot 
  3.1   project, the county must determine that a participant is 
  3.2   homeless or is at risk of homelessness; has a mental illness, a 
  3.3   history of substance abuse, or HIV; and is a family that meets 
  3.4   the criteria in paragraph (b) or is an individual who meets the 
  3.5   criteria in paragraph (c). 
  3.6      (b) An eligible family must include a minor child or a 
  3.7   pregnant woman, and: 
  3.8      (1) be receiving or be eligible for MFIP assistance under 
  3.9   chapter 256J; or 
  3.10     (2) include an adult caregiver who is employed or is 
  3.11  receiving employment and training services, and have household 
  3.12  income below the MFIP exit level in section 256J.24, subdivision 
  3.13  10.  
  3.14     (c) An eligible individual must: 
  3.15     (1) meet the eligibility requirements of the group 
  3.16  residential housing program under section 256I.04, subdivision 
  3.17  1; or 
  3.18     (2) be a noncustodial parent who is employed or is 
  3.19  receiving employment and training services, and have household 
  3.20  income below the MFIP exit level in section 256J.24, subdivision 
  3.21  10.  
  3.22     (d) Counties participating in the pilot project may develop 
  3.23  and initiate disenrollment criteria, subject to approval by the 
  3.24  commissioner of human services. 
  3.25     Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 256K.25, 
  3.26  subdivision 5, is amended to read: 
  3.27     Subd. 5.  [FUNDING.] A county may request funding from the 
  3.28  commissioner for a specified number of TANF-eligible project 
  3.29  participants.  The commissioner shall review the request for 
  3.30  compliance with subdivisions 1 to 4 and may approve or 
  3.31  disapprove the request.  If other funds are available, the 
  3.32  commissioner may allocate funding for project participants who 
  3.33  meet the eligibility requirements of subdivision 4, paragraph 
  3.34  (c).  The commissioner may also redirect funds to the pilot 
  3.35  project. 
  3.36     Sec. 5.  [APPROPRIATION.] 
  4.1      $....... is appropriated from the general fund to the 
  4.2   commissioner of human services for the supportive housing and 
  4.3   managed care pilot project.  The funds do not cancel and are 
  4.4   available until expended.