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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 899

as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 08/14/1998

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act
  1.2             relating to education; restricting the number of 
  1.3             credits for which a student may be counted for 
  1.4             appropriations; establishing a semester system and a 
  1.5             common calendar; providing for interaction between 
  1.6             administrators and students; providing for the 
  1.7             increased efficiency of the Akita program; providing 
  1.8             for the increased efficiency of campuses; amending 
  1.9             Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 135A.031, subdivision 
  1.10            2; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, 
  1.11            chapter 136E. 
  1.13     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 135A.031, 
  1.14  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  1.16  state share of the estimated expenditures for instruction shall 
  1.17  vary for some categories of students, as designated in this 
  1.18  subdivision. 
  1.19     (a) The state must provide at least 67 percent of the 
  1.20  estimated expenditures for: 
  1.21     (1) students who resided in the state for at least one 
  1.22  calendar year prior to applying for admission or dependent 
  1.23  students whose parent or legal guardian resides in Minnesota at 
  1.24  the time the student applies; 
  1.25     (2) Minnesota residents who can demonstrate that they were 
  1.26  temporarily absent from the state without establishing residency 
  1.27  elsewhere; 
  1.28     (3) residents of other states or provinces who are 
  2.1   attending a Minnesota institution under a tuition reciprocity 
  2.2   agreement; and 
  2.3      (4) students who have been in Minnesota as migrant 
  2.4   farmworkers, as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 
  2.5   title 20, section 633.104, over a period of at least two years 
  2.6   immediately before admission or readmission to a Minnesota 
  2.7   public post-secondary institution, or students who are 
  2.8   dependents of such migrant farmworkers. 
  2.9      (b) The state must provide 32 percent of the estimated 
  2.10  expenditures for: 
  2.11     (1) students who are concurrently enrolled in a public 
  2.12  secondary school and for whom the institution is receiving any 
  2.13  compensation under the post-secondary enrollment options act; 
  2.14  and 
  2.15     (2) students enrolled under the student exchange program of 
  2.16  the Midwest Compact. 
  2.17     (c) The state may not provide any of the estimated 
  2.18  expenditures for undergraduate students (1) who do not meet the 
  2.19  residency criteria under paragraph (a), or (2) who have 
  2.20  completed, without receiving a baccalaureate degree, 50 or more 
  2.21  quarter credits or the equivalent, applicable toward the degree, 
  2.22  beyond the number required for a baccalaureate in their major. 
  2.23     Sec. 2.  [136E.40] [ACADEMIC CALENDAR.] 
  2.24     Subdivision 1.  [SEMESTERS.] The higher education board, in 
  2.25  conjunction with its campuses, shall plan and implement a 
  2.26  semester based calendar.  This calendar shall be in place on 
  2.27  each campus no later than the beginning of the 1998-1999 
  2.28  academic year.  Nothing in this section shall be construed as 
  2.29  diminishing or impairing the rights of a person under any 
  2.30  collective bargaining agreement. 
  2.31     Subd. 2.  [COMMON CALENDAR.] The semester system required 
  2.32  in subdivision 1 shall be offered on a common calendar 
  2.33  throughout all campuses under the jurisdiction of the board.  
  2.34  This calendar shall include a common start and end date for each 
  2.35  semester as well as common summer school schedules.  The board 
  2.36  may exempt a campus from this calendar if it determines that 
  3.1   because of extenuating circumstances an alternative calendar 
  3.2   would better serve students' needs. 
  3.3      Sec. 3.  [136E.60] [ADMINISTRATIVE INTERACTION WITH 
  3.4   STUDENTS.] 
  3.5      Subdivision 1.  [SYSTEM AND CAMPUS ADMINISTRATORS.] As part 
  3.6   of their annual goal setting activity, all unrepresented system 
  3.7   and campus administrators employed in these positions before 
  3.8   July 1, 1995, shall have the expectation of substantially 
  3.9   increasing their interaction with students through activities 
  3.10  such as teaching a regularly scheduled course or serving as an 
  3.11  academic advisor.  Contracts for persons initially employed in 
  3.12  unclassified administrative positions on or after July 1, 1995, 
  3.13  shall include requirements for activities involving student 
  3.14  contact.  
  3.15     Subd. 2.  [EVALUATION.] The campuses shall provide an 
  3.16  evaluation of this activity to the board, and the board shall 
  3.17  include a summary of campus and system activities in its 
  3.18  1998-1999 biennial budget request.  
  3.19     Sec. 4.  [AKITA.] 
  3.20     Subdivision 1.  [INTENT.] The legislature intends to 
  3.21  provide opportunities for international programs that enhance 
  3.22  the global perspective and understanding of post-secondary 
  3.23  students.  However, with increasing fiscal constraints, the 
  3.24  legislature intends that these programs operate in an efficient 
  3.25  and effective manner.  
  3.26     Subd. 2.  [PLAN.] The state university board and the higher 
  3.27  education board shall begin immediately to prepare and implement 
  3.28  a plan to make the Akita program more efficient.  The plan shall 
  3.29  provide for the expansion of enrollment in the Akita program 
  3.30  and, by the 1997-1998 academic year, for the reduction of the 
  3.31  per fiscal year enrollment expenditure level associated with the 
  3.32  program to no more than the system average per fiscal year 
  3.33  enrollment expenditure that would have been used in support of 
  3.34  the students' enrollment in a state university in Minnesota.  
  3.35  The boards shall work in cooperation with the state university 
  3.36  campuses and other Minnesota colleges and universities, to 
  4.1   determine the reasons for the low enrollment levels in the Akita 
  4.2   program and to find efficient ways to address these 
  4.3   enrollments.  The boards shall also examine the uses of state 
  4.4   money in support of the program, determine more efficient ways 
  4.5   to use state resources, and seek more nonstate funding.  As part 
  4.6   of the plan, the boards shall specify the interim and final 
  4.7   measures that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the 
  4.8   plan, including specific targets for reduction of state 
  4.9   expenditures. 
  4.10     Subd. 3.  [RECOMMENDATIONS.] By September 15, 1995, the 
  4.11  higher education board shall forward its recommendations and 
  4.12  performance measures to the chairs of the higher education 
  4.13  divisions of the senate and house education committees.  As part 
  4.14  of its 1998-1999 biennial budget request, the board shall 
  4.15  include documentation on the effectiveness of its plan including 
  4.16  the Akita program's performance on each of the measures in the 
  4.17  plan.  
  4.18     Sec. 5.  [FACILITY USE.] 
  4.19     The higher education board and its campuses shall determine 
  4.20  ways in which campus facilities can be used more efficiently in 
  4.21  order to (1) reduce the need for state physical plant 
  4.22  investments, and (2) to improve students' opportunities for 
  4.23  timely completion.  The board shall consider schedule changes 
  4.24  such as expanded summer terms, other vacation uses, increased 
  4.25  weekend and evening courses, short courses, and other scheduling 
  4.26  alternatives.  As part of its 1998-1999 biennial budget request, 
  4.27  the board shall demonstrate the changes that its campuses have 
  4.28  made or plan to make, and the performance measures that will be 
  4.29  used to determine the effectiveness of these changes. 
  4.30     Sec. 6.  [EFFECTIVE DATES.] 
  4.31     Section 1 is effective August 1, 1995, for new entering 
  4.32  freshmen in a Minnesota public post-secondary institution.  
  4.33  Section 4 is effective the day following final enactment.