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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 512

as introduced - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 02/20/2003

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to ethics in government; modifying disclosure 
  1.3             of potential conflicts by public officials and certain 
  1.4             local officials; modifying economic interest 
  1.5             disclosures; amending Minnesota Statutes 2002, 
  1.6             sections 10A.07, subdivision 1; 10A.09, subdivision 5. 
  1.8      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 10A.07, 
  1.9   subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  1.10     Subdivision 1.  [DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS.] A 
  1.11  public official or a local official elected to or appointed by a 
  1.12  metropolitan governmental unit who in the discharge of official 
  1.13  duties would be required to take an action or make a decision 
  1.14  that would substantially affect the official's financial 
  1.15  interests or those of an associated business, unless the effect 
  1.16  on the official is no greater than on other members of the 
  1.17  official's business classification, profession, or occupation, 
  1.18  must take the following actions: 
  1.19     (1) prepare a written statement describing the matter 
  1.20  requiring action or decision and the nature of the potential 
  1.21  conflict of interest; 
  1.22     (2) deliver copies of the statement to the official's 
  1.23  immediate superior, if any; and 
  1.24     (3) if a member of the legislature or of the governing body 
  1.25  of a metropolitan governmental unit, deliver a copy of the 
  1.26  statement to the presiding officer of the body of service. 
  2.1      If a potential conflict of interest presents itself and 
  2.2   there is insufficient time to comply with clauses (1) to (3), 
  2.3   the public or local official must orally inform the superior or 
  2.4   the official body of service or committee of the body of the 
  2.5   potential conflict.  
  2.6      Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 10A.09, 
  2.7   subdivision 5, is amended to read: 
  2.8      Subd. 5.  [FORM.] A statement of economic interest required 
  2.9   by this section must be on a form prescribed by the board.  The 
  2.10  individual filing must provide the following information: 
  2.11     (1) name, address, occupation, and principal place of 
  2.12  business; 
  2.13     (2) the name of each associated business and the nature of 
  2.14  that association, and a listing of the total compensation of the 
  2.15  public official from salary, fees, dividends, profits, 
  2.16  commissions, rents, and other compensation from each associated 
  2.17  business or received as an independent contractor in one of the 
  2.18  following categories:  (i) less than $1,000; (ii) $1,000 to 
  2.19  $9,999; (iii) $10,000 to $49,999; (iv) $50,000 to $99,999; (v) 
  2.20  $100,000 to $149,999; (vi) $150,000 to $249,000; or (vii) 
  2.21  $250,000 or more; 
  2.22     (3) a listing of all real property within the state, 
  2.23  excluding homestead property, in which the individual holds:  
  2.24  (i) a fee simple interest, a mortgage, a contract for deed as 
  2.25  buyer or seller, or an option to buy, whether direct or 
  2.26  indirect, if the interest is valued in excess of $2,500; or (ii) 
  2.27  an option to buy, if the property has a fair market value of 
  2.28  $50,000 or more.  If the individual holds an interest in any 
  2.29  property for investment or revenue production, the fair market 
  2.30  value of each property must be listed in one of the following 
  2.31  categories:  (i) less than $50,000; (ii) $50,000 to $99,999; 
  2.32  (iii) $100,000 to $149,000; (iv) $150,000 to $249,999; or (v) 
  2.33  $250,000 or more; 
  2.34     (4) a listing of all real property within the state in 
  2.35  which a partnership of which the individual is a member holds: 
  2.36  (i) a fee simple interest, a mortgage, a contract for deed as 
  3.1   buyer or seller, or an option to buy, whether direct or 
  3.2   indirect, if the individual's share of the partnership interest 
  3.3   is valued in excess of $2,500; or (ii) an option to buy, if the 
  3.4   property has a fair market value of $50,000 or more.  The fair 
  3.5   market value of each property under this clause must be listed 
  3.6   in one of the following categories:  (i) less than $50,000; (ii) 
  3.7   $50,000 to $99,999; (iii) $100,000 to $149,000; (iv) $150,000 to 
  3.8   $249,999; or (v) $250,000 or more.  A listing under clause (3) 
  3.9   or (4) must indicate the street address and the municipality or 
  3.10  the section, township, range and approximate acreage, whichever 
  3.11  applies, and the county in which the property is located; and 
  3.12     (5) a listing of any investments, ownership, or interests 
  3.13  in property connected with pari-mutuel horse racing in the 
  3.14  United States and Canada, including a race horse, in which the 
  3.15  individual directly or indirectly holds a partial or full 
  3.16  interest or an immediate family member holds a partial or full 
  3.17  interest.