as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 02/15/2017 12:40pm
A bill for an act
relating to elections; providing for the designation and election of presidential
electors; amending Minnesota Statutes 2016, sections 208.03; 208.05.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 208.03, is amended to read:
Presidential electors and alternates for the major political parties of this state shall be
nominated by delegate conventions called and held under the supervision of the respective
state central committees of the parties of this state. new text begin Each major political party shall nominate
one presidential elector from each congressional district and two presidential electors from
the state at large. new text end At least 71 days before the general election day the chair of the major
political party shall certify to the secretary of state the names of the persons nominated as
presidential electors, the names of persons nominated as alternate presidential electors, and
the names of the party candidates for president and vice president. new text begin For each person nominated
as an elector or alternate elector, the chair shall indicate whether the person is nominated
as an at-large elector or is nominated to represent a congressional district. If the person is
nominated to represent a congressional district, the chair must indicate the congressional
district number for each nominee. new text end The chair shall also certify that the party candidates for
president and vice president have no affidavit on file as a candidate for any office in this
state at the ensuing general election.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 208.05, is amended to read:
The State Canvassing Board at its meeting on the date provided in section 204C.33 shall
open and canvass the returns made to the secretary of state for presidential electors and
alternates, prepare a statement of the number of votes cast for the persons receiving votes
for these officesnew text begin statewide and within each congressional districtnew text end , and declare the person or
persons receiving the highest number of votes for each office duly electednew text begin , as follows:
new text end
new text begin
(1) the statewide vote totals must be used to determine the persons elected to serve as
electors under the at-large designation; and
new text end
new text begin (2) the vote totals within each congressional district must be used to determine the person
elected to serve as an elector representing that districtnew text end .
When it appears that more than the number of persons to be elected as presidential
electors or alternates have the highest and an equal number of votes, the secretary of state,
in the presence of the board shall decide by lot which of the persons shall be declared elected.
The governor shall transmit to each person declared elected a certificate of election, signed
by the governor, sealed with the state seal, and countersigned by the secretary of state.