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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 145

1st Engrossment - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 01/23/2003
1st Engrossment Posted on 01/27/2003

Current Version - 1st Engrossment

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to appropriations; reducing and transferring 
  1.3             appropriations for environmental and natural resources 
  1.4             purposes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2002, sections 
  1.5             115A.908, subdivision 2; 116P.05, subdivision 2; 
  1.6             297F.10, subdivision 1. 
  1.10     The dollar amounts in the columns under "APPROPRIATION 
  1.11  CHANGE" are added to or, if shown in parentheses, are subtracted 
  1.12  from the appropriations in Laws 2001, First Special Session 
  1.13  chapter 2, as amended, to the specified agencies.  The 
  1.14  appropriations or reductions are from the general fund or other 
  1.15  named fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.  
  1.16                                                         2003 
  1.17                          SUMMARY BY FUND 
  1.18  General                                           $  (7,151,000)
  1.19  Solid Waste                                             750,000
  1.20  TOTAL APPROPRIATION CHANGE                        $  (6,401,000)
  1.21                                              APPROPRIATION CHANGE
  1.23  Subdivision 1.  Total Reduction                        (357,000)
  1.24                Summary by Fund
  1.25  General              (1,107,000)
  1.26  Solid Waste             750,000
  2.1   The transfers and reductions from the 
  2.2   amounts appropriated in Laws 2001, 
  2.3   First Special Session chapter 2, 
  2.4   section 2, are specified in 
  2.5   subdivisions 2 to 4. 
  2.6   Subd. 2.  Water Programs 
  2.7                        (685,000)
  2.8   $200,000 of this amount is from the 
  2.9   appropriation in Laws 2001, First 
  2.10  Special Session chapter 2, section 2, 
  2.11  subdivision 2, for individual sewage 
  2.12  treatment system grants.  This is a 
  2.13  onetime only reduction. 
  2.14  $17,000 is from the amount appropriated 
  2.15  in Laws 2001, First Special Session 
  2.16  chapter 2, section 2, subdivision 2, 
  2.17  for individual sewage treatment system 
  2.18  administration that is transferred to 
  2.19  the board of water and soil resources. 
  2.20  $468,000 is from that portion of grants 
  2.21  appropriated in Laws 2001, First 
  2.22  Special Session chapter 2, section 2, 
  2.23  subdivision 2, for county 
  2.24  administration of the feedlot permit 
  2.25  program that is transferred to the 
  2.26  board of water and soil resources. 
  2.27  Subd. 3.  Administrative Support   
  2.28                        750,000 
  2.29  By June 30, 2003, the commissioner 
  2.30  shall transfer this amount from the 
  2.31  solid waste fund to the debt service 
  2.32  account in the general fund for the 
  2.33  payment of debt service on closed 
  2.34  landfill program bonds.  This amount is 
  2.35  a base change for fiscal year 2004 and 
  2.36  each year thereafter. 
  2.37  Subd. 4.  Agencywide Reductions
  2.38                       (422,000)
  2.39  This amount is a base change for fiscal 
  2.40  year 2004 and each year thereafter. 
  2.42  ASSISTANCE                                             (409,000)
  2.43  This reduction is from the amount 
  2.44  appropriated in Laws 2001, First 
  2.45  Special Session chapter 2, section 3. 
  2.46  Of this amount, $210,000 is from the 
  2.47  competitive grant program, and $199,000 
  2.48  is from administration. 
  2.49  Of this amount, $199,000 is a base 
  2.50  change for fiscal year 2004 and each 
  2.51  year thereafter. 
  2.52  Sec. 4.  ZOOLOGICAL BOARD                              (270,000)
  2.53  This reduction is from the amount 
  2.54  appropriated in Laws 2001, First 
  3.1   Special Session chapter 2, section 4. 
  3.2   This reduction is a permanent base 
  3.3   change. 
  3.4   Sec. 5.  NATURAL RESOURCES    
  3.5   Subdivision 1.  Total Reduction                      (3,997,000)
  3.6   This reduction is from the amounts 
  3.7   appropriated in Laws 2001, First 
  3.8   Special Session chapter 2, section 5.  
  3.9   Of this amount, $3,819,000 is a base 
  3.10  reduction for fiscal year 2004 and each 
  3.11  year thereafter. 
  3.12  Subd. 2.  Land and Mineral
  3.13  Resources Management    
  3.14                       (257,000)
  3.15  Subd. 3.  Water Resources Management
  3.16                       (431,000)
  3.17  Of this amount, $25,000 is from the 
  3.18  appropriation for activities associated 
  3.19  with the Red River mediation agreement. 
  3.20  Subd. 4.  Forest Management   
  3.21                     (1,337,000)
  3.22  Subd. 5.  Parks and Recreation
  3.23  Management                                        
  3.24                       (859,000)
  3.25  The parks working capital account must 
  3.26  be used to maintain camping facilities 
  3.27  at the level currently planned for the 
  3.28  fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 
  3.29  Subd. 6.  Trails and Waterways
  3.30  Management                                         
  3.31                        (70,000)
  3.32  Of this amount, $6,657 is from the 
  3.33  balance of the appropriation made in 
  3.34  Laws 1997, chapter 216, section 5, 
  3.35  subdivision 6, for the Taconite Harbor 
  3.36  safe harbor project. 
  3.37  Subd. 7.  Fish Management
  3.38                         (1,000)
  3.39  Subd. 8.  Wildlife Management   
  3.40                        (44,000) 
  3.41  Of this amount, $22,000 is a reduction 
  3.42  from the appropriation for prescribed 
  3.43  burning of grassland, wetland, and 
  3.44  forest habitats, and $22,000 is a 
  3.45  reduction from the appropriation for 
  3.46  the shearing and burning of brushland 
  3.47  habitat. 
  3.48  Subd. 9.  Ecological Services   
  4.1                        (137,000)  
  4.2   Subd. 10.  Enforcement      
  4.3                        (110,000)
  4.4   Subd. 11.  Operations Support  
  4.5                        (751,000)
  4.6   Of this amount, $171,000 is a reduction 
  4.7   in the appropriation for local 
  4.8   government units and organizations to 
  4.9   acquire and develop natural areas and 
  4.10  greenways. 
  4.11  Sec. 6.  BOARD OF WATER AND
  4.12  SOIL RESOURCES                                   (1,368,000)
  4.13  This reduction is from the amounts 
  4.14  appropriated in Laws 2001, First 
  4.15  Special Session chapter 2, section 6. 
  4.16  Of this amount, $250,000 is from grants 
  4.17  for the cost-share program, and 
  4.18  $300,000 is from the Red River 
  4.19  set-aside program.  These reductions 
  4.20  are onetime only. 
  4.21  Of this amount, $688,000 is from the 
  4.22  appropriation made in Laws 2001, First 
  4.23  Special Session chapter 2, section 6, 
  4.24  for natural resources block grants to 
  4.25  local governments. This reduction is 
  4.26  onetime only. 
  4.28     Subdivision 1.  [TRANSFER.] The commissioner of the 
  4.29  pollution control agency shall transfer $11,000,000 from the 
  4.30  unreserved balance of the solid waste fund to the commissioner 
  4.31  of finance for cancellation to the general fund. 
  4.32     Subd. 2.  [APPROPRIATION REDUCTION.] After consultation 
  4.33  with the chair of the legislative commission on Minnesota 
  4.34  resources, the commissioner of finance shall reduce $2,400,000 
  4.35  from appropriations in the future resources fund in accordance 
  4.36  with Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.152, subdivision 4, 
  4.37  paragraph (c). 
  4.39  legislative commission on Minnesota resources may authorize up 
  4.40  to $2,400,000 from environment and natural resources trust fund 
  4.41  appropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2003, to replace 
  4.42  future resources fund appropriation reductions for projects 
  4.43  under subdivision 2.  If authorized by the commission, the chair 
  4.44  must notify the commissioner of finance with sufficient project 
  5.1   detail so that the commissioner can transfer the money from the 
  5.2   environment and natural resources trust fund. 
  5.3      Sec. 8.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 115A.908, 
  5.4   subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  5.5      Subd. 2.  [DEPOSIT OF REVENUE.] (a) From March 1, 2003, 
  5.6   through June 30, 2007, revenue collected shall be credited to 
  5.7   the general fund. 
  5.8      (b) After June 30, 2007, revenue collected shall be 
  5.9   credited to the motor vehicle transfer account in the 
  5.10  environmental fund.  As cash flow permits, the commissioner of 
  5.11  finance must transfer (1) $3,200,000 each fiscal year from the 
  5.12  motor vehicle transfer account to the environmental response, 
  5.13  compensation, and compliance account established in section 
  5.14  115B.20; and (2) $1,200,000 each fiscal year from the motor 
  5.15  vehicle transfer account to the general fund. 
  5.16     Sec. 9.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116P.05, 
  5.17  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  5.18     Subd. 2.  [DUTIES.] (a) The commission shall recommend a 
  5.19  budget plan for expenditures from the environment and natural 
  5.20  resources trust fund and shall adopt a strategic plan as 
  5.21  provided in section 116P.08.  
  5.22     (b) After June 30, 2007, the commission shall recommend 
  5.23  expenditures to the legislature from the Minnesota future 
  5.24  resources fund under section 116P.13.  
  5.25     (c) It is a condition of acceptance of the appropriations 
  5.26  made from the Minnesota future resources fund, Minnesota 
  5.27  environment and natural resources trust fund, and oil overcharge 
  5.28  money under section 4.071, subdivision 2, that the agency or 
  5.29  entity receiving the appropriation must submit a work program 
  5.30  and semiannual progress reports in the form determined by the 
  5.31  legislative commission on Minnesota resources.  None of the 
  5.32  money provided may be spent unless the commission has approved 
  5.33  the pertinent work program. 
  5.34     (d) The peer review panel created under section 116P.08 
  5.35  must also review, comment, and report to the commission on 
  5.36  research proposals applying for an appropriation from the 
  6.1   Minnesota resources fund and from oil overcharge money under 
  6.2   section 4.071, subdivision 2. 
  6.3      (e) The commission may adopt operating procedures to 
  6.4   fulfill its duties under sections 116P.01 to 116P.13. 
  6.5      Sec. 10.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 297F.10, 
  6.6   subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  6.7      Subdivision 1.  [TAX AND USE TAX ON CIGARETTES.] Revenue 
  6.8   received from cigarette taxes, as well as related penalties, 
  6.9   interest, license fees, and miscellaneous sources of revenue 
  6.10  shall be deposited by the commissioner in the state treasury and 
  6.11  credited as follows: 
  6.12     (a) first to the general obligation special tax bond debt 
  6.13  service account in each fiscal year the amount required to 
  6.14  increase the balance on hand in the account on each December 1 
  6.15  to an amount equal to the full amount of principal and interest 
  6.16  to come due on all outstanding bonds whose debt service is 
  6.17  payable primarily from the proceeds of the tax to and including 
  6.18  the second following July 1; and 
  6.19     (b) after the requirements of paragraph (a) have been met: 
  6.20     (1) the revenue produced by one mill of the tax on 
  6.21  cigarettes weighing not more than three pounds a thousand and 
  6.22  two mills of the tax on cigarettes weighing more than three 
  6.23  pounds a thousand must be credited to the general fund from 
  6.24  March 1, 2003, through June 30, 2007, and credited to the 
  6.25  Minnesota future resources fund after June 30, 2007; and 
  6.26     (2) the balance of the revenues derived from taxes, 
  6.27  penalties, and interest (under this chapter) and from license 
  6.28  fees and miscellaneous sources of revenue shall be credited to 
  6.29  the general fund. 
  6.30     Sec. 11.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  6.31     Sections 1 to 6 are effective the day following final 
  6.32  enactment.  Sections 7 to 9 are effective March 1, 2003.  
  6.33  Section 10 is effective for all revenues received after February 
  6.34  28, 2003.