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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 30

as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Bill Text Versions

Introduction Posted on 08/13/1998

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to agriculture; changing license fees for 
  1.3             certain wholesale food handlers; amending Minnesota 
  1.4             Statutes 1994, section 28A.08. 
  1.6      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1994, section 28A.08, is 
  1.7   amended to read: 
  1.8      28A.08 [LICENSE FEES; PENALTIES.] 
  1.9      License fees, penalties for late renewal of licenses, and 
  1.10  penalties for not obtaining a license before conducting business 
  1.11  in food handling that are set in this section apply to the 
  1.12  sections named except as provided under section 28A.09.  Except 
  1.13  as specified herein, bonds and assessments based on number of 
  1.14  units operated or volume handled or processed which are provided 
  1.15  for in said laws shall not be affected, nor shall any penalties 
  1.16  for late payment of said assessments, nor shall inspection fees, 
  1.17  be affected by this chapter.  The penalties may be waived by the 
  1.18  commissioner. 
  1.19                                                    Penalties 
  1.20  Type of food handler                    License  Late     No
  1.21                                          Fee      Renewal  License
  1.22  1.   Retail food handler
  1.23       (a) Having gross sales of only
  1.24       prepackaged nonperishable food
  1.25       of less than $15,000 for 
  2.1        the immediately previous 
  2.2        license or fiscal year and 
  2.3        filing a statement with the 
  2.4        commissioner                       $ 40     $ 15     $ 25
  2.5        (b) Having under $15,000 gross
  2.6        sales including food preparation 
  2.7        or having $15,000 to $50,000 
  2.8        gross sales for the immediately 
  2.9        previous license or fiscal year    $ 55     $ 15     $ 25
  2.10       (c) Having $50,000 to $250,000 
  2.11       gross sales for the immediately                          
  2.12       previous license or fiscal year    $105     $ 35     $ 75
  2.13       (d) Having $250,000 to 
  2.14       $1,000,000 gross sales for the 
  2.15       immediately previous license or 
  2.16       fiscal year                        $180     $ 50     $100
  2.17       (e) Having $1,000,000 to 
  2.18       $5,000,000 gross sales for the 
  2.19       immediately previous license or 
  2.20       fiscal year                        $500     $100     $175
  2.21       (f) Having $5,000,000 to
  2.22       $10,000,000 gross sales for the
  2.23       immediately previous license or
  2.24       fiscal year                        $700     $150     $300
  2.25       (g) Having over $10,000,000
  2.26       gross sales for the immediately
  2.27       previous license or fiscal year    $800     $200     $350
  2.28  2.   Wholesale food handler
  2.29       (a) Having gross sales or
  2.30       service of less than $250,000 
  2.31       $25,000 for the immediately 
  2.32       previous license or fiscal year    $200     $ 50     $100 
  2.33                                          $ 50     $ 15     $ 25 
  2.34       (b) Having $25,000 to $250,000 
  2.35       gross sales or service for the 
  2.36       immediately previous license or 
  3.1        fiscal year                        $200     $ 50     $100 
  3.2        (c) Having $250,000 to
  3.3        $1,000,000 gross sales or
  3.4        service for the immediately 
  3.5        previous license or fiscal year    $400     $100     $200
  3.6        (c) (d) Having $1,000,000
  3.7        to $5,000,000 gross sales or
  3.8        service for the immediately 
  3.9        previous license or fiscal year    $500     $125     $250
  3.10       (d) (e) Having over $5,000,000
  3.11       gross sales for the immediately
  3.12       previous license or fiscal year    $575     $150     $300
  3.13  3.   Food broker                        $100     $ 30     $ 50
  3.14  4.   Wholesale food processor
  3.15       or manufacturer 
  3.16       (a) Having gross sales of less 
  3.17       than $250,000 for the immediately
  3.18       previous license or fiscal year    $275     $ 75     $150
  3.19       (b) Having $250,000 to $1,000,000 
  3.20       gross sales for the immediately 
  3.21       previous license or fiscal year    $400     $100     $200
  3.22       (c) Having $1,000,000 to
  3.23       $5,000,000 gross sales for the 
  3.24       immediately previous license or 
  3.25       fiscal year                        $500     $125     $250
  3.26       (d) Having over $5,000,000
  3.27       gross sales for the immediately
  3.28       previous license or fiscal year    $575     $150     $300
  3.29  5.   Wholesale food processor of
  3.30       meat or poultry products
  3.31       under supervision of the
  3.32       U. S. Department of Agriculture 
  3.33       (a) Having gross sales of less 
  3.34       than $250,000 for the immediately 
  3.35       previous license or fiscal year    $150     $ 50     $ 75
  3.36       (b) Having $250,000 to $1,000,000 
  4.1        gross sales for the immediately
  4.2        previous license or fiscal year    $225     $ 75     $125
  4.3        (c) Having $1,000,000 to
  4.4        $5,000,000 gross sales for the
  4.5        immediately previous license or 
  4.6        fiscal year                        $275     $ 75     $150
  4.7        (d) Having over $5,000,000
  4.8        gross sales for the immediately
  4.9        previous license or fiscal year    $325     $100     $175
  4.10  6.   Wholesale food manufacturer
  4.11       having the permission of the
  4.12       commissioner to use the name
  4.13       Minnesota farmstead cheese         $ 30     $ 10     $ 15
  4.14  7.   Nonresident frozen dairy 
  4.15       manufacturer                       $200     $ 50     $ 75
  4.16  8.   Wholesale food manufacturer
  4.17       processing less than 70,000
  4.18       pounds per year of cultured
  4.19       dairy food as defined in section
  4.20       32.486, subdivision 1,
  4.21       paragraph (b)                      $ 30     $ 10     $ 15
  4.22  9.   A milk marketing organization
  4.23       without facilities for processing
  4.24       or manufacturing that
  4.25       purchases milk from milk
  4.26       producers for delivery to a
  4.27       licensed wholesale food processor
  4.28       or manufacturer                    $ 50     $ 15     $ 25