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91st Legislature, 2020 6th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 5th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 4th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 3rd Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 2nd Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session
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90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session
89th Legislature, 2015-2016
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session
88th Legislature, 2013-2014
88th Legislature, 2013 1st Special Session
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87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session
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86th Legislature, 2010 1st Special Session
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83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session
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82nd Legislature, 2002 1st Special Session
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session
81st Legislature, 1999-2000
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80th Legislature, 1998 1st Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 2nd Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 1st Special Session
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79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session
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: Search results should not be used as a definitive list for legal research
Search by Chief Authors
( ) contain number of bills
--- All ---
Anderson (26)
Bakk (70)
Benson (27)
Bonoff (51)
Brown (45)
Carlson (64)
Chamberlain (47)
Champion (58)
Clausen (49)
Cohen (36)
Dahle (55)
Dahms (30)
Dibble (81)
Dziedzic (77)
Eaton (80)
Eken (74)
Fischbach (38)
Franzen (112)
Gazelka (28)
Goodwin (60)
Hall (10)
Hann (20)
Hawj (61)
Hayden (117)
Hoffman (116)
Housley (27)
Ingebrigtsen (56)
Jensen (66)
Johnson (53)
Kent (46)
Kiffmeyer (15)
Koenen (75)
Latz (78)
Limmer (14)
Lourey (45)
Marty (75)
Metzen (54)
Miller (20)
Nelson (46)
Newman (23)
Nienow (40)
Ortman (22)
Osmek (20)
Pappas (94)
Pederson, J. (37)
Petersen, B. (37)
Pratt (15)
Reinert (63)
Rest (66)
Rosen (49)
Ruud (37)
Saxhaug (103)
Scalze (38)
Schmit (79)
Senjem (54)
Sheran (52)
Sieben (75)
Skoe (51)
Sparks (62)
Stumpf (44)
Thompson (17)
Tomassoni (85)
Torres Ray (41)
Weber (21)
Westrom (51)
Wiger (75)
Wiklund (58)
Search by Authors
( ) contain number of bills
--- All ---
Anderson (57)
Bakk (143)
Benson (82)
Bonoff (147)
Brown (78)
by request (1)
Carlson (137)
Chamberlain (134)
Champion (103)
Clausen (113)
Cohen (91)
Dahle (102)
Dahms (100)
Dibble (213)
Dziedzic (197)
Eaton (185)
Eken (168)
Fischbach (53)
Franzen (184)
Gazelka (98)
Goodwin (136)
Hall (50)
Hann (74)
Hawj (129)
Hayden (236)
Hoffman (242)
Housley (88)
Ingebrigtsen (132)
Jensen (125)
Johnson (124)
Kent (125)
Kiffmeyer (48)
Koenen (152)
Latz (146)
Limmer (68)
Lourey (111)
Marty (206)
Metzen (141)
Miller (67)
Nelson (162)
Newman (49)
Nienow (92)
Ortman (50)
Osmek (63)
Pappas (204)
Pederson, J. (97)
Petersen, B. (77)
Pratt (46)
Reinert (141)
Rest (162)
Rosen (190)
Ruud (85)
Saxhaug (224)
Scalze (102)
Schmit (129)
Senjem (161)
Sheran (154)
Sieben (145)
Skoe (101)
Sparks (142)
Stumpf (121)
Thompson (53)
Tomassoni (252)
Torres Ray (141)
Weber (76)
Westrom (86)
Wiger (194)
Wiklund (100)
Search by Topic
--- All ---
Abortion (7)
Administration Department (48)
Adoption (8)
Advertising (2)
Agriculture and Agriculture Department (87)
Airports and Aircraft (24)
Appropriations (857)
Appropriations-Omnibus Bills (32)
Arts (45)
Associations and Societies (18)
Athletics (30)
Banks and Financial Institutions (36)
Bicycles and Bikeways (11)
Boards (118)
Boats, Boating, and Watercraft (7)
Bonds (414)
Buildings and Building Codes (56)
Chemical Dependency (28)
Children and Families (228)
Cigarettes and Tobacco (17)
Cities and Towns-Specific (313)
Claims (5)
Commerce and Commerce Department (186)
Commissions (43)
Committees (24)
Constitutional Amendments (21)
Constitutional Offices (27)
Consumer Protection (58)
Cooperatives (4)
Corporations and Partnerships (22)
Corrections and Corrections Department (74)
Councils (100)
Counties-Specific (180)
Courts (112)
Courts-Specific (16)
Credit and Credit Services (9)
Crimes and Criminals (154)
Crimes and Criminals-Sexual Offenses (32)
Crimes and Criminals-Victims (28)
Data Practices and Privacy (124)
Death, Funerals, and Cemeteries (31)
Disabilities and Access (90)
Disasters (24)
Drainage and Ditches (5)
Drivers Licenses, Training, and ID Cards (11)
Drugs and Medicine (46)
Easements and Conveyances (5)
Economic Development (126)
Education and Education Department (306)
Education-Higher (143)
Education-Pre-Kindergarten-12 (253)
Education-School Districts, Specific (33)
Elections (79)
Emergency and 911 Services (34)
Eminent Domain (8)
Employment and Economic Development Department (172)
Energy (124)
Environment (80)
Ethics (16)
Fertilizers and Pesticides (7)
Fire and Firefighters (41)
Firearms and Weapons (33)
Fireworks (2)
Fish and Fishing (23)
Food and Nutrition (46)
Forests and Trees (24)
Gambling and Lottery (22)
Government-Employees (72)
Government-Federal (83)
Government-Local (244)
Government-State (265)
Health and Health Department (311)
Health-Mental Health (60)
Highways, Roads, and Bridges (129)
Historic Sites and Historical Societies (29)
Holidays (7)
Hospitals and Health Care Facilities (167)
Housing and Housing Finance Agency (76)
Human Rights and Human Rights Department (19)
Human Services and Human Services Department (321)
Hunting and Game (26)
Immigrants and Aliens (16)
Insurance (35)
Insurance-Health (85)
Insurance-Motor Vehicles (13)
Insurance-Property and Liability (7)
Interstate Compacts and Agreements (12)
Judges (18)
Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department (128)
Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, and Streams (62)
Land Use and Zoning (5)
Landlords and Tenants (16)
Lands (49)
Lands-State (16)
Lands-Tax-Forfeited (22)
Law Enforcement (96)
Legal Proceedings (164)
Legislature (76)
Liability (13)
Libraries (13)
Liens (3)
Liquor (68)
Lodging (2)
Marriage and Marriage Dissolution (19)
Metropolitan Area (73)
Military and Military Affairs Department (42)
Mines and Mining (27)
Minnesota Management and Budget Department (40)
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (71)
Minorities and Protected Groups (43)
Mortgages and Deeds (18)
Motor Vehicles (79)
Motor Vehicles-Carriers (25)
Motor Vehicles-Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and ATVs (21)
Motor Vehicles-Registration, Licensing, and Taxation (59)
Native Americans (27)
Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department (212)
News Media (3)
Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations (18)
Notaries Public (5)
Occupations and Professions (135)
Omnibus Bills (57)
Open Meetings (6)
Parks and Trails (84)
Pets (14)
Pipelines (6)
Plants, Seeds, and Nurseries (10)
Pollution and Pollution Control Agency (53)
Popular Names (110)
Port Authorities (3)
Public Facilities Authority (16)
Public Safety and Public Safety Department (198)
Public Utilities and Public Utilities Commission (66)
Railroads, Rail Lines, and LRT (48)
Real Estate (39)
Reapportionment and Redistricting (6)
Recreation, Tourism, and Amusement (86)
Regional and Rural Development (24)
Religion and Religious Beliefs (8)
Resolutions (18)
Retirement (35)
Retirement-Public and State Employees (48)
Revenue Department (30)
Revisor of Statutes (11)
Securities (2)
Senior Citizens (20)
Task Forces (30)
Taxation (178)
Taxation-Income (88)
Taxation-Omnibus (4)
Taxation-Property (96)
Taxation-Sales and Use (119)
Telecommunications, Computers, and Information Technology (128)
Trade Practices (15)
Traffic Regulations (44)
Transportation and Transportation Department (246)
Trusts (2)
Unemployment Insurance (12)
Uniform Commercial Code (2)
University of Minnesota (41)
Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department (81)
Volunteers (4)
Wages and Salaries (24)
Waste and Waste Management (60)
Water and Soil Conservation (36)
Water and Water Resources (109)
Watershed Districts (15)
Weights and Measures (10)
Wetlands (6)
Wildlife Management and Habitat (13)
Workers Compensation (12)
Zoos (8)
Search by Committees
--- All ---
Capital Investment (8)
Commerce (144)
Education (190)
Environment and Energy (225)
Finance (1142)
Health, Human Services and Housing (351)
Higher Education and Workforce Development (39)
Jobs, Agriculture and Rural Development (184)
Judiciary (422)
Rules and Administration (561)
State and Local Government (363)
Taxes (383)
Transportation and Public Safety (162)
Search by Action
--- All ---
(Non-revisor companion) (1)
Adopted (36)
Amended (7)
Author added (386)
Author stricken (49)
Authors added (43)
Authors stricken (1)
Bill laid on table in House (2)
Bill passed (2)
Bill returned to conference committee (1)
Chief author added (25)
Chief author stricken (3)
Chief author stricken, shown as co-author (22)
Comm report: Adopt previous comm report (9)
Comm report: Amend previous comm report (2)
Comm report: Amended (7)
Comm report: Amended, No recommendation (3)
Comm report: Amended, No recommendation, re-referred to (2)
Comm report: No recommendation (4)
Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to (8)
Comm report: Re-referred to (12)
Comm report: Rule 45-amend, subst. General Orders (119)
Comm report: Subst. for SF on General Orders (69)
Comm report: Subst. for SF on Special Orders (1)
Comm report: To pass (148)
Comm report: To pass and re-referred to (147)
Comm report: To pass as amended (345)
Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to (328)
Comm report: To pass as amended, Consent Calendar (1)
Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar (4)
Committee report be adopted (2)
Committee report, request to divide out (4)
Conference committee report (5)
Conference committee report, delete everything (51)
Consent Calendar (1)
Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed (3)
Effective date (311)
General Orders: Stricken and laid on table (2)
General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to (14)
General Orders: Stricken and returned to author (29)
Governor's action Approval (309)
Governor's action No signature (3)
Governor's action Veto (1)
HF passed, no substitution (2)
HF substituted (1)
HF substituted in committee (25)
HF substituted on General Orders (189)
House adopted HCC report and repassed bill (37)
House adopted SCC report and repassed bill (18)
House concurred and repassed bill (60)
House conferee change (1)
House conferees (60)
House not concur, conference committee of 3 requested (27)
House not concur, conference committee of 5 requested (14)
Introduction (280)
Introduction and first reading (3231)
Joint rule 2.03, referred to (32)
Joint rule 3.02, conference committee discharged (2)
Joint rule 3.02, returned to (7)
Laid on table (32)
Line item veto (3)
Line item veto message laid on table (1)
Motion (2)
Motion did not prevail (13)
Motion to reject CC report, did not prevail (7)
Presentment date (313)
Received from House (240)
Reconsidered (3)
Referred to (3458)
Returned from House (76)
Returned from House with amendment (44)
Rule 12.10: report of votes in committee (7)
Rule 21, referred to (8)
Rule 45: amendment stricken (1)
Rule 47, referred to (4)
Rule 47, returned to (64)
Rules suspended (1)
Second reading (691)
Secretary of State (312)
See (896)
See also (24)
Senate accedes, CC of 3 be appointed (27)
Senate accedes, CC of 5 be appointed (14)
Senate adopted CC report (4)
Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill (51)
Senate concurred (2)
Senate concurred and repassed bill (22)
Senate conferee change (2)
Senate conferees (60)
Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested (15)
Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested (4)
Special Order (165)
Special Order: Amended (122)
Special Order: Amendment offered (6)
Special Order: Rule 45 amendment stricken (50)
Taken from table (27)
Third reading (74)
Third reading Failed to pass (2)
Third reading Passed (334)
Third reading Passed as amended (12)
Urgency declared rules suspended (6)
Withdrawn (17)
Withdrawn and re-referred to (98)
Withdrawn and returned to author (34)
Action Dates (mm/dd/yy)
Some actions do not have dates and therefore will not be found using the date range above
Hold CTRL Key and click to select more than one entry in above selections.
() contains number of bills matching the search value.